People really need to consider their own personal eating habits for DP


DIS Veteran
Jun 21, 2000
I've just been getting caught up on threads while I'm here at Saratoga (just posted about our DP experiences thus far). There are so many threads asking if the DP is worth it, and some of the responses are great and informative, whereas others are judgmental - "I could never eat that much food and walk away from the table", "How can people eat that much food?", etc. These comments are just plain silly and rude, IMHO. My family of 3 is used to eating 2 TS meals a day and here are our stats: my hubby is not overweight at all, my DD3 is very slim and I'm 5 ' 4" tall at 115 lbs. ;therefore, it all depends on: lifestyle (sedentary or not), portion control and eating habits. We are used to eating very well: meats, rice, pasta, veggies, salads and soups. We don't fill up on ice cream, chips or popcorn, as we would rather save room for our entrees. Snacks at home are fruits, crackers, cheese, etc. This sometimes harder to do here at WDW, but with lots of fruits and juices available, this is how we use our snack credits. This type of eating works well for us, but may not work well for you, and that's ok, but we don't need to be judged, nor do you, for your eating habits.

We eat small breakfasts in our room, CS for lunch (we don't order the dessert if we aren't going to eat it!), and TS for dinner. We eat appetizers sometimes - they aren't that big, an entree - again, it depends on the restaurant and portion size and dessert if we have room. Usually just drink water, maybe juice, no pop or coffee/tea. Also, don't eat junk food nor snack a lot during the day. We are not sedentary and totally understand about portion control. This is how MY family works, but it may not be pertinent to your family; therefore, when people are asking opinions on whether or not the DP is worth it, people should refrain from personal judgments, attacks, sarcasm, etc. Give information if you have personal DP experience, if not, then your personal criticisms aren't warranted. Hopefully those of us with personal DP experiences, can help people with deciding whether or not the DP fits the needs of their family.

The DP is working very well for us (not as well with CS for lunches, but we are learning which places we prefer).

Happy eating to all! Tiger
I completely agree! We had a very small breakfast in the room, an early CS lunch, and an early TS dinner. We don't snack at all during the day (except one Mickey bar every now and then...). We drink water and do tons of walking, swimming, etc. We only ordered what we wanted (shared some desserts), and we did not feel like we were stuffed or wasting food. The plan worked great for us.
I agree. People have different eating patterns and when at Disney you are on vacation. I think most people look at the money as the bottom line and I have to ask you, Are you on the DDP? If so, how is it working for your family? WE also eat breakfast in the room, CS for lunch and TS for dinner. (Whatever snacks are remaining are used for the drive home basically so that the credits are not wasted. ) My question, financially is the plan worth it for you, if you do not use the appetizers and desserts and snacks allotments on a daily basis? I think that is the question that people really want to know.
I don't think anyone is trying to be rude or call your family a bunch of gluttons, but I have to laugh at the idea of portion control when eating out! I will tell you right now I AM overweight, although no one else in my family really is. If we go out to eat at home, I'll use Red Lobster for example, and we order an appetizer we all share it. Let's say it is shrimp, usually they bring six then we each eat one. Then we each get a salad. Then they bring out bread and we each eat one piece. By the time the real food comes the kids and I can barely eat half of what is on our plates. Even sandwiches at CS are huge enough for us to each eat half and be full. No, we are not snacking all day long and then too full to eat our real meal, it is just that the meals at restaurants ALL OVER are big. If we each ate an appetizer by ourselves we would be pretty full. I think that is normal. If you can eat it all and NOT be stuffed and NOT be overweight I am not mad about it, just a little jealous! And dessert, generally we are too full after any restaurant meal to want ANY dessert! When we do get it, we order one with 6 forks :) . No one is trying to be mean to you, if it works for your family...GREAT! We are just trying to decide if it is right for us to pay for the meal plan, which would be 201$ a day for our group. That is more than we usually spend doing one meal in the room, one CS and one TS meal a day because we usually don't get the appetizers and desserts, and we don't snack all day. YMMV!!!!
Adding, if my family was like yours it would be a different story. We have 3 kids who are "adults" at Disney but no way can they eat what an adult can, not even close. So, you have to consider different families. My oldest daughter is 15 and about the same size as you are. She is a vegetarian and eats about enough to keep a bird alive. I am not exagerating! I think I have talked myself out of paying for the DP!
You are all getting my point, exactly! You have to consider how your family eats - how much for portion, dessert or not, shared apps or no apps, water vs. other beverages that may fill up. I find portion sizes do vary considerably: some place are small, whereas others are too big and that's valid as well, so vary your eating or ordering bearing that in mind.

Some people really are more interested in making judgments and criticizing others' eating habits, and that doesn't help those people who need specific info to make the decision as to whether or not they should consider the DP for their family's needs.

Happy eating, Tiger
I totally agree with not telling someone they are a glutton if they eat all the dining plan has to offer. Hello??

And I AM overweight and I DO think you get a lot when you eat out, but I usually am not walking and sweating for 8 hours a day at home either.

Last time we were at WDW, we ate very well (some meals I cooked in the condo, but they were full meals). I came home and actually LOST weight because of all the exercise I was doing. So telling someone that they are going to get fat (other threads) by eating the dining plan is rediculous. And in my case, totally untrue.

Oh, and my kids all eat VERY well and good portions and they are skinny. Wish that were me. :guilty: :)
Some people really are more interested in making judgments and criticizing others' eating habits, and that doesn't help those people who need specific info to make the decision as to whether or not they should consider the DP for their family's needs.
Precisely. I find that, frequently, folks here are more interested in convincing people to agree with them that their way is the right way, rather than giving people the information they need to make a decision. Many of these are the "should we or shouldn't we" variety: should we rent a stroller for our six year old? Should we stay onsite or offsite? Should we get the dining plan or not?

The DP doesn't work for us, because we don't really eat more than 2TSes every three days or so, and because our kids are younger, we tend to eat in the less expensive TSes (character meals, buffets, etc.) Plus, we have lots of great restaurants here at home, but no Mountains to ride. ;) But, it does work out for many people, and that's great. Experienced visitors can pretty easily figure out whether or not it works for them. I think first time visitors have it harder, because it's hard to imagine what you will or won't want to do until you actually get there.
Tiger926 said:
I've just been getting caught up on threads while I'm here at Saratoga (just posted about our DP experiences thus far). There are so many threads asking if the DP is worth it, and some of the responses are great and informative, whereas others are judgmental - "I could never eat that much food and walk away from the table", "How can people eat that much food?", etc. These comments are just plain silly and rude, IMHO.

Sorry but what is rude about someone saying they couldn't eat that much food? DH isn't a huge eater and although I am a big eater (and my pooh size will attest to this :teeth: ) I also don't normally have 3 courses at dinner and with the heat in Florida when we normally go its hard to work up an appetite.

I don't think people are trying to be rude when they say things like that, they are just making an observation. For us, we haven't ever been on a dining plan and we haven't eaten a lot on-site so we do have genuine questions about the plan and are trying to work out how best to take advantage of all the great restaurants, our eating patterns and the number of credits we have. I hope you don't take it the wrong way! :wave:
I have to agree with Booknut. I don't think most who have commented that its a lot of food and they could not eat that much have called anyone that does a glutton. I must have missed those discussions.

We have not done the DDP yet, but I have been to Disney World every year for a long time and I know I can not eat an appetizer, an entree and a dessert at every TS and then have CS and a snack. I don't have to do the DDP to know that. For our family it is too much food. We have eaten at Disney enough to know exactly how much food that will be.

As Booknut stated many do have concerns that it will be too much food. Some are concerned about whether it's too time consuming, some are concerned its too much food in the heat or too much to eat and then go ride rides.

I am glad it is working for your family, but everyone is allowed to share opinions. Some will be for it and some against.
Booknut said:
Sorry but what is rude about someone saying they couldn't eat that much food? DH isn't a huge eater and although I am a big eater (and my pooh size will attest to this :teeth: ) I also don't normally have 3 courses at dinner and with the heat in Florida when we normally go its hard to work up an appetite.

I don't think people are trying to be rude when they say things like that, they are just making an observation. For us, we haven't ever been on a dining plan and we haven't eaten a lot on-site so we do have genuine questions about the plan and are trying to work out how best to take advantage of all the great restaurants, our eating patterns and the number of credits we have. I hope you don't take it the wrong way! :wave:

I have tough skin and I'm not going to worry about what others say about me and my eating habits. I'm sure they have their problems and wouldn't like me to elaborate on those either, though.

But I think the OP was being nice in her descriptions of what is being said. She/He probably didn't want to point the finger at any one person. But if you read around THIS board, you will find them. Ofcourse, everyone, as I have noticed from being on this board for 6 years, has their own definition of rude.

Again, my panties aren't in a knot, I'm not upset by any remarks. But I can't help buy agree that some comments would be better to just stay in "the head" and not type them on a thread. :surfweb: :)
Tiger926 said:
The DP is working very well for us (not as well with CS for lunches, but we are learning which places we prefer).

Happy eating to all! Tiger

Off topic but, which CS lunches do you prefer? Looking for recommendations, esp ones with decent kids meals (w/o looking up all the menus, they don't tell me much about quality anyway) Thanks!
Mom of Sleepy said:
Last time we were at WDW, we ate very well (some meals I cooked in the condo, but they were full meals). I came home and actually LOST weight because of all the exercise I was doing. So telling someone that they are going to get fat (other threads) by eating the dining plan is rediculous. And in my case, totally untrue.

That's SO true! We went on the Premium plan so we actually got 3 full meals/day (including 3 TS if we wanted -- along with appetizers & desserts at all the meals! :teeth: ). Now we normally didn't order the appetizers (mostly because we are fairly picky and there wasn't much we liked). We also ate at CS in the hotel a lot too but we almost always had a sit-down lunch & dinner every day and we definitely got desserts at each one (that was a highlight for my kids as we never get desserts here at home eating out!).

I ended up losing weight...I *thought* I had lost a little but as I'm not really trying to do so wasn't paying much attention other than my jeans were looser. It was confirmed when I took DS over to one of his friend's house after we got home and the dad said "Did you lose weight?" -- I think I ate more on vacation than I ever have in any other week but we also were doing a lot more walking/dealing with heat (we went in July) than we do normally too.
"I could never eat that much food and walk away from the table"

I have said that, but not as a judgment, but a statement of fact. I would have a physical problem eating that much food. I could not care less what anybody else eats. I don't even care whether or not anyone else is overweight.

I'm going on the dining plan myself but they will let me flex it...I've got a two credit meal in there so I don't have to eat a full table service meal every single night.
I just considered the meals covered and the cost of the plan versus what a la carte would be for me. Since I am going in the heat of summer, I know I will not be as hungry and physically won't want to eat full TS meals every day. I am not really into characters, either, and would not go to any character meal (which I know if it is of interest to you can make the plan more worthwhile). I also know the operating hours are shorter when I am visiting, and I do not really like spending over an hour on a meal. I do not eat a lot of "junk" all day (popcorn, ice cream, candy) which would impede my appetite for a "wholesome" dinner, but I also do not eat appetizers, entrees and desserts every night at home. After considering DDP, I decided it is not a good deal for me, but I am not passing judgement on whether it is good for anyone else. I think it is so funny how everyone get so defensive about their choices. It is either "I am not a glutton" or "I can't believe these idiots would pass up the great deal that is DDP." Hillarious!
As the OP said just consider your family.... I don't really see the problem? For some of you (light eaters..) it's clearly not a good choice. For my family, well... we plan to have to buy extra (and that's no problem - that's us. I am almost 6 feet tall, 6'5" Dh and 2 growing boys.....we all excerise very regularily and are not overweight - but with alot of exercise you need more food.) I think I'm frustrated because those of us who do eat large amounts are going to lose this because so many feel they have to "milk" the system and order every course when they dont need, or want it. Ok, better... venting...
Yep, totally agree with you, OP. We are a very active family @ home, go to the gym, I run/cycle & do weight training, so does DH. We tried the meal plan & were happily pleased with it, even in the heat. I do think that more fruit offerings for CS desserts would be great and have said so in a letter to Disney.

Even with the food we ate, I came home almost 8 pounds lighter than the morning I left! WOOHOO, do If I could only drop the other 42 I've been trying to lose. :)
We also went on the premium plan mostly because DH hates pulling out his wallet for anything. We had the 3 full meals each day however breakfast was usually at the CS at the resort. But for us we need to take that break and sit for a little while at meals. We prefer table service or at least counter service where there is plenty of seating without having to jockey for a table. As far as the portions we did usually do an appetizer, entree and dessert but once we were satisfied we had no problem leaving food on our plate. I
disneymom06 said:
I agree. People have different eating patterns and when at Disney you are on vacation. I think most people look at the money as the bottom line and I have to ask you, Are you on the DDP? If so, how is it working for your family? WE also eat breakfast in the room, CS for lunch and TS for dinner. (Whatever snacks are remaining are used for the drive home basically so that the credits are not wasted. ) My question, financially is the plan worth it for you, if you do not use the appetizers and desserts and snacks allotments on a daily basis? I think that is the question that people really want to know.

I got called away in the middle of this reply so someone may have beat e to this, but yes even eating normally and not ordering everything you can save money on the DDP. I was just looking at a menu so I will use it as my example:

Break even point $38

Bottle of water in the park- $2.00 (or is it $2.50?)
CS Lunch @ Cantina de San Angel-
Combo plate $7.99
Bottle of Water $2.00
skip dessert

Dinner @ Spoodles
Greek Salad $6.49 (least expensive starter)
Lemon Chicken $19.49 (mid-range of entree prices)
Water to drink (free)
Skip dessert
Tax and tip $7.53

Total for day $45.50
I have to agree with HaleyB.

You don't HAVE to eat/order everything that's included with the plan in order to come out ahead.

My son and I used the plan April 2005. We only ordered what we knew we'd eat. Sometimes that was just an entree and drink at a TS meal. I used many snack credits in the food court before heading to the airport.

When we got home, I looked over the receipts, and found out I came out ahead by using the plan.

I don't think people are being judgmental when they say that you get A LOT of food with the dining plan. It's true.

I'm Pooh size and my 14-year-old son is Aladdin size. It's impossible for us to order everything that's included with a CS or TS meal and eat all of it.

I have pictures of our lunch from Columbia Harbor House and Tuskers House. I'll post them so you'll see just what I mean when I say the DDP includes way more food than we can consume.


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