Pete selling DVC points?


Feb 21, 2021
Just curious, but which resorts do we think Pete is selling and how many points?

He said on the show that Derek DeBoer is his agent at DVC Resale Market.

He said on the show that he is shuffling things around?

I am not sure which resorts he owns and how many points, but I did see his name on the 1,000 DVC point board.
He's covered it before -it's a lot of points at a mix of resorts. I wouldn't expect him to share the info so who really knows other than him(and Derek)....
Good for him - why not take some profits since most of his have gone up. I'm sure he'll get enticed again by the DH Tower or other buying opportunities in the future.
On this week's show, Pete said he is buying resale Riviera points, and Disney ROFR his BLT and BRV points...very interesting.
I remember when he got his BRV points as he was very pleased with the price he paid, around $88pp I think only about 2 years ago
"This incentive worked on me. Picked up some direct points last week!" (Webmaster Pete commented on the DVC Resorts Thread about Aulani incentives)

Looks like he answered my question: Sold restricted resale points to purchase unrestricted direct points at Aulani!


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