~Philadelphia Marathon 11/23/08~

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Chester, wow, sorry I totally misread your earlier post. Now I really feel like a slacker with you running 5 days a week and you have two workouts a day midweek!

I didn't get a run in this weekend so today I ran 8 miles with the kids (8, 10)riding their bikes behind me, in front of me, beside me and on top of me, repeat!:sad2:
I didn't get a run in this weekend so today I ran 8 miles with the kids (8, 10)riding their bikes behind me, in front of me, beside me and on top of me, repeat!:sad2:
Nice job on the run Colleen. I like following this thread to see how you all are doing for the MCM. Wow, 8 miles with the kids on the bikes. My hat's off to you. I know that is not the most relaxing way to have a LR. Good for you for getting your run in, and BTW, you are definitely no slacker.
Great job on the LR Colleen:cheer2: !! I wouldn't have survived a LR with the kids with my sanity intact:scared: . You are SO not a slacker.

- Great training program. Best of luck with a speedy recovery from the surgery.

I also got in an 8 miler on Saturday that felt really good. We have an inground pool so I now have an incentive to soaking my legs post run.

I have a 10 mile race scheduled for Sunday so that will count as my LR for the week. I am still trying to somewhat do a reverse taper so I recover fully from Grandma's before pushing into hard marathon training for MCM.
I wouldn't have survived a LR with the kids with my sanity intact:scared: .

Dave and Sara, oh, that is so true, I was uneasy the whole time, I did get 2 good miles in when arrived at the YMCA track and they were able to ride safely on the bike/walking track. The run took 1:24 for 8 miles which included a lot of stops (every cross street) to make sure we all got across safely. For the rest of the summer, I will be hiring a babysitter to come in for a few hours while I run.
I have a 10 mile race scheduled for Sunday so that will count as my LR for the week. I am still trying to somewhat do a reverse taper so I recover fully from Grandma's before pushing into hard marathon training for MCM.
Sara, what 10 mile race are you running on Sunday? I'm going to run the Boilermaker 15K in Utica on Sunday, July 8th.
Colleen, I just told DD7 this morning that sometime soon she could ride along with me as I ran. About 10 minutes later the reality of how that would work hit me.

Hopefully she forgets the conversation!
Hey all,

I'm running the MCM this year for the first time. Flying in the 26th & out after the marathon.

I've started training this week as well, picking up on the 3rd week of Marathoning for Mortals sched. I feel like a slacker, though, because I just used this sched. for the KeyBank marathon in VT on 5/27. Shouldn't I be moving on to something a bit more challenging? I don't know, I've been running injury free with the MFM schedule combined w/ the ChiRunning I've been working on, I just don't want to risk anything wacky.

That being said, I really, really, really want to run a 4 hr. marathon. I ran this last one in 4:27 or so. It felt pretty good, no serious after effects.
I'm running the NYC half on 8/5 (anyone else out there doing this?) but will just treat that like a training run.

Any advice?? MCM will only be my 2nd "real" marathon. I say real, 'cause in 10/06 I signed up for the Hartford Marathon the day b4 & walk/ran it, then VT, now MCM. Should I just stay w/ MFM & tweek it a little to include more speedwork??:confused3

Sorry for all the ?'s, but I know some of you out there can help me with this.
Thanks in advance.

Hi guys,

My husband is excited to run the MCM in 2008 so we're planning on going to the MCM this October to visit, check out and he's going to run the 10K and my kids will run the kid mile. My question to anyone who's been there before. The 10K is on Sunday, October 28 at 8:30 a.m. and the kid's mile is at 8:00 a.m......are they both within a short walking distance from each other??? Can we watch our kids do their race and then easily walk over to the 10K and my husband takes off

Thanks for your replies!
Hi guys,

My husband is excited to run the MCM in 2008 so we're planning on going to the MCM this October to visit, check out and he's going to run the 10K and my kids will run the kid mile. My question to anyone who's been there before. The 10K is on Sunday, October 28 at 8:30 a.m. and the kid's mile is at 8:00 a.m......are they both within a short walking distance from each other??? Can we watch our kids do their race and then easily walk over to the 10K and my husband takes off

Thanks for your replies!

Sorry, can't answer your questions, this is my first time there.

Sara, Chester, OptiMike and Jodi hope your training is going well. Let's hear about how your training is going.

My longest run has been 12 miles about 8 days ago, it was pretty good, I ran it in 2:03, so just over a 10 minute mile pace. My DH ran with me, he has a Garmin 305 and I have a Garmin 201. We rarely run together, but we sent the kids to the grandparents while visiting them in Canada and we were able to run our first long run together. Anyway, his Garmin measured 12 miles and mine was 12.45 miles???

Colleen - Great to hear from you!! I thought you might have snuck north of the border with the kids out of school.

I had a step-back week last week with a 7 mile LR that I did in 1:03:cheer2: on Saturday. I think I'm looking at 11 miles this Saturday. I recently upgraded my Garmin from a 201 to a 301 and I notice a big improvement in the newer model as far as accuracy goes.

I registered DD's (6 & 10) for the kids run at the Pentagon on Saturday at noon.

I hope everyone else is having lots of fun training. It'll be here before we know it:woohoo: .
My surgery was moved to July 13th, so I got in about 2-1/2 weeks of training before "taking a break".

I am about halfway through 3 weeks of recovery now. I am going to cut my scheduled distances in half and and ease into some walking starting tomorrow night.

On 8/4, I plan to jump back into my full schedule and try running at a gentle pace.

W.I.S.H. wishes to everyone training.

[ I recently upgraded my Garmin from a 201 to a 301 and I notice a big improvement in the newer model as far as accuracy goes.

I registered DD's (6 & 10) for the kids run at the Pentagon on Saturday at noon.

Hi Sara! Interesting, I guess I should run with the 305 for more accuracy. I find its shape a little weird.

Chester, I hope your recovery comes along nicely. Sounds like you have it under control. Take it easy, it is still early.

As for training, I got the gym and did a mile warm-up at 6.2 and then 6 x 800 at 7.2 mph (8:20), followed by a .5 mile cool down. Ended up around 5.5 miles total for my interval workout.
Hey Guys!

Sorry, too, I'm a first timer & can't answer any questions!

Chester, go slow, I admire your tenacity.

Collen That's so cool that you & your husband got to run together. My husband runs too fast for me, but his knee has been bugging him lately so I can kinda keep up w/ him, lol. He only goes for 3 miles, though.

Sara I have the 50 pound basic garmin, what's that, a 101? I like it pretty good, but I can get obsessive about times so sometimes I just wear a regular watch when I go out.

Training is going allright. Sat. I ran 9 miles @ around a 9:30 pace - I don't think I'll be breaking a 4 hour marathon for the MCM, but that's ok. This Sat. it's only 6 miles. On Sat the 4th it's supposed to be 10, but I'm running in the NYC 1/2 marathon on Sun. so I'll just switch it up a little.

My husband's a former marine & he's real excited to go down there with me. I can't wait!!

Have any of you guys heard of the ChiRunning? I've been trying to follow that for a bout a year now & have had pretty good luck! This is a cool little thread we've got goin here!
I guess I'll be bringing up the rear because I'm only half-fast. I'm hoping to finish in under 5 hours.

W.I.S.H. Half-fast Marathon Team
Colleen No, I've never run a 4 hour...We'll see what happens next Sun. I'm hoping to finish the 1/2 in just over 2 hours, 2:05??? Who knows. I'm basically lazy & when it starts to hurt I just kinda slow down:lmao:. Oh well.

Chester Don't count me out on that 5 hours, I'll probably be right with you. Someone who's run the MCM told me not to try for a PR here because it's very crowded.

I did some silly speed work today & hated it. Now my knees hurt. Told you I didn't like going fast!;)

What's everyone got for LRs this weekend??

Colleen No, I've never run a 4 hour...We'll see what happens next Sun. I'm hoping to finish the 1/2 in just over 2 hours, 2:05??? Who knows. I'm basically lazy & when it starts to hurt I just kinda slow down:lmao:. Oh well.Jodi
Jodi - You sound JUST like me:thumbsup2 !! Colleen can attest to the fact that I always moan the same thing about the pain kind of taking the fun out of it:rotfl2: . My fastest 1/2 is 2:07 and I ran a 4:29 marathon last month. Colleen and I will be shooting for a PAIN-FREE 4:30 at MCM (just a walk in the park, right Colleen:lmao: ).

I am scheduled for 11 miles this weekend and may have to due it on the TM if it rains.

Happy training to all:cheer2: !!
That's exactly what I mean!! Once my lungs start burning & I have to breathe extra heavy I roll my eyes & ask "ok, why am I doing this???" My husband keeps checking my feet to make sure that I truly don't have only 3 toes (like a certain tree-dweller).
Colleen and I will be shooting for a PAIN-FREE 4:30 at MCM (just a walk in the park, right Colleen:lmao: ).

Sara, painfree?? I hope so, but after this mornings tempo run, I dunno!:sad2: It was absolutely brutal. I ran 7 miles in 1:07 and had to STOP and walk twice.:rolleyes: I was suppose to run a 9:15 pace, but fell well short of that. I am attributing that to waking up at 5:30 a.m. EST while I am still "sort of" on mountain time from my trip to Canada. Oh well, today's run is finished and in the books, so onward and upward.... 13 miles scheduled for this weekend.
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