Pictures where the kids HATE the characters!

Let's see if this works now!

These are so great! It's a good thing I have my own office, because I'm cracking up at some of these! :lmao:

My dd was fine with the face characters, but scared of the ones in full costume. The only time she freaked out over a character was when she was 3 and she had just had her picture taken with Ariel. I had to carry her out of the tent since Minnie and Donald were there too, and she wanted nothing to do with them. As I was walking out of the tent with dd in my arms, Minnie came over and tapped me on the shoulder. I glanced behind me and was startled to see here there. DD was more than startled...she buried her face in my shoulder and didn't come up for air for about an hour. :confused3:rotfl: Wish I had a picture of it.
:lmao: My DD6 can be quite shy, she is actually better with the costume characters vs. the face characters, probably because she knows the one in costumes can't speak to her..:rotfl2:
A truer word has never been said! I once started a thread about a particularly bad day at MK with my kids (then ages 7 and 9) fighting and arguing all day long . I just really was looking for a little sympathy, "Been thre, done that" sort of thing. Needless to say, it went on for about 20 pages of what a terrible mother I am! Never again.........I will never vent on The Dis.....just keep it inside!;)

OMG- soooo true! Same thing happened to me over a car rental, for gosh sakes! I don't know why there's people out there who seem to look thru these boards just to find something mean to post about people! They probably don't even realize they aren't perfect either!!

This thread is hilarious!!
I don't understand what is so funny about your kids screaming and crying in fear. This is a thread of torture for your loved ones. If someone else made your kids this afraid, I am certain that you would be incredulous and move to protect them. You may think its funny, but clearly, it is NOT fun to them.

oh my- lighten up!!

Doesn't just have to be kids, moms can be scared too!!! Our first trip as a family, my mom has no idea this was real and that she moved! LOL :lmao:
My husband thought it would be a great idea to "surprise" Mia (3 1/2) with a meal with Little Einsteins. In hindsight, I think preparing her would have been best. We had to seriously talk her into taking these pictures.... But, she was a trooper and by the time it was over, she had a great time!

This was my DS's first trip in 2010, he was 15 months old. Sadly, he made that face with every character the whole trip. Even worse, we became passholders and go frequently and he still isn't impressed. :confused3 But, this pictures is so cute and the table behind us enjoyed his expressions as every character came around!

My oldest DS has always loved the characters but we quickly learned that the youngest DS wanted nothing to do with them until just this past year (he was just about to turn 6 yrs. old). On a trip when he was around 12 months old we had a character breakfast at Crystal Palace and after trying to hide his face he eventually covered his face with the napkin everytime a character came near. Luckily the characters were all great about not getting close to him while his older brother got up and got hugs.

The picture doesn't show the character but shows DS's reaction.


Dinner at LTT was intersting too. We could tell anytime a character was heading towards our table because the youngest would start to slide down into his seat trying to get under the table. We figured it was best for him, and us, for him to be able to see the characters coming as opposed to having them suddenly show up next to him.
When dear son was just about five we took him to WDW for the first time. For his very first character he met Snow White and she absolutely enchanted him. As we were walking away he loudly proclaimed "I think I am going to LIKE this place!"

Evan and Snow White Sept 2003 by Marlton Mom, on Flickr

A couple of days later we had dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table and who should be sitting on her throne but Cindy herself. He bounded over to her and the two of them were happily chatting away UNTIL Cinderella reached over and KISSED him on the cheek. He gave Cinderella one of the dirtiest looks I've ever seen and stormed off. Cinderella and I were laughing our bloomers off about the whole thing. (I didn't get a picture of "the Kiss")

Fast forward to last June and dinner at Akershus. DS is now 12 and SURROUNDED by PRINCESSES!!!! He never forgot that Cinderella smooch and when it came time to pose for pictures we got this:

Aurora and Evan June 2011 by Marlton Mom, on Flickr

and this:

Evan and Princess Ariel june 2011 by Marlton Mom, on Flickr

Needless to say he wasn't taking any chances with those kissy princesses!!!

~Marlton Mom


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