Pie That Brownie, Fruitcake! Updated Post #1832 - The End

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maybe i was standing behind the door but i have missed the nugget of information that tells us why you will not be back to wdw in 2010 ---
I think I will use Mr. Burns to rate items on the Overhyped Restaurant Tour...I have this graphic...


but what can he say if the food isn't excellent?

There is an episode where Smithers is cooking dinner for Mr. Burns and he mentions that a kind word now and then would make him feel a little more appreciated, to which Mr. Burns replies, "I'm choking it down!"



Food is okay (or okely-dokely)

will add words to the pic since I couldn't find one with words

Food stinks

Simpsons Rating System is born.

Oh, I so hope you'll use that system in October, too. We probably will rate the special events okely-dokely or higher. :laughing:

Anyone here watch Top Chef Masters? Ted Flanders IS Rick Bayless! ;)

Ok, I guess so.


But I think the guy I surreptitiously snapped a photo of (without flash; at the Adventurers Club) was the quintessential Ned Flanders:


Tell me that's not Ned. :rotfl2:
I remember that I keep looking at him, thinking, "How do I know that guy? He looks so familar." Then I blurted out that he looks just like Ned Flanders. ;)

I hear Artist Point has put the buffalo back on the menu. I may go back for that. But the buffalo is really expensive and I don't do no stinkin' dining plan.

Preaching to the choir here, too. I don't do no stinkin' DDP, and I like the buffalo. I like the mushroom soup, too. And that's what kept me returning to Artist Point. Now it's priced a bit high for me.

Today I made a breakfast reservation at the Wave ... the rationale being that since room service is so overpriced, and since they've pared the room service menus down so much anyway ... we'd be better off trying something new. I've got it booked for Tuesday, October 20th ... the day we're going to try to drink around the world.

Geez, woman! You're all about the breakfast! I have made no ADRs for breakfast. Zero. Zip. Nada. If I am up early enough and want it enough, I'd walk to Kouzzina or that Formerly Known as Gacky place at the Yacht Club.

The key to successful, long-lasting World Showcase Alcoholic Domination is a hearty, nutritious breakfast ... washed down with booze! :rotfl2:

Carbs and grease. An unbeatable combination. ;)

I also forgot to mention earlier that we are likely to visit Beaches & Cream twice on this visit. Jay and I always kick off a Beach Club Villas stay with lunch at B&C; Guest Y has declared in no uncertain terms that we must order the Kitchen Sink, so it looks like we will be paying B&C a second visit after X&Y join us at WDW. Jay and I are game ... we think it will be a hoot. Finally ... a little enthusiasm from the relatives! :thumbsup2

I never had a Kitchen Sink. Mainly because I would think it's nasty after two minutes of melting. And I don't usually have a posse with me to share it. I can handle the No Way José, with face or without. ;)
Ok, I guess so.


But I think the guy I surreptitiously snapped a photo of (without flash; at the Adventurers Club) was the quintessential Ned Flanders:


Tell me that's not Ned. :rotfl2:
I remember that I keep looking at him, thinking, "How do I know that guy? He looks so familar." Then I blurted out that he looks just like Ned Flanders. ;)

Your guy looks like Gut Smiley with a mustache!:rotfl2:

Brenda, I'm officially jealous..... I haven't been to Citricos for over a year..... it's our "very favoritest" place to eat...... have fun!!!!
Oh, I knew it had to be you based on that title! :worship: So glad to see you back with a new review...can't wait! I'll use it as my prep for my early Nov. F&W trip!
I am now convinced that I am trying to cram two vacations worth of food into this one trip in October. :rotfl2:

Today I made a breakfast reservation at the Wave ... the rationale being that since room service is so overpriced, and since they've pared the room service menus down so much anyway ... we'd be better off trying something new. I've got it booked for Tuesday, October 20th ... the day we're going to try to drink around the world.

The key to successful, long-lasting World Showcase Alcoholic Domination is a hearty, nutritious breakfast ... washed down with booze! :rotfl2:

I also forgot to mention earlier that we are likely to visit Beaches & Cream twice on this visit. Jay and I always kick off a Beach Club Villas stay with lunch at B&C; Guest Y has declared in no uncertain terms that we must order the Kitchen Sink, so it looks like we will be paying B&C a second visit after X&Y join us at WDW. Jay and I are game ... we think it will be a hoot. Finally ... a little enthusiasm from the relatives! :thumbsup2

Yay, Brenda :), so glad to see that we all have another one of your WONDERFUL trip reports to look forward to!! Your writing style is a great read. I leave for my WDW b-day trip in 32 days :dance3:. I hope you have as much fun on your birthday as I KNOW I will have on mine :). Love to see that you are planning on 2 trips to Beaches & Cream, a big favorite of my friend that is going with me and myself. We actually have 2 stops there in our plans as well :).
No F&W for you 2010?

Gosh Darn it! That will be the earliest DH and I can go.....WAH!

Oh well - I guess I will just have to live through you (and MickyNicki, and BriarRose...) this year. (Nope, I'm not jealous....not Saint Spratt [Ok, who am I kidding...certainly not me...])

I don't reallt dig PTR's, but for you, I'm in!


Mrs. Spratt

Hey there Mrs. Spratt! Thanks for stopping by ... and just think - some day this PTR will become a TR and you've already reserved your parking space. :lmao:

As for 2010 ... we have booked the westbound transtlantic cruise from Barcelona to Florida - last two weeks of September 2010. There will be no F&W for us next year, unless we create something in our living room. :lmao:

I will have to live vicariously through everyone else after this trip, so I have to make this one really good. Kinda like Jay and Bendy's feedbag or some such silliness. :laughing:

Geez... How in the Sam Hill did I miss THIS??? And 6 pages in ???

oh, I must've been at Disney... duh.

Can't wait to read the report B!

I think if I tried to hang with you and your dining plans I would be ill. Very ill. I might have to do a Yak. The verb... NOT the noun. ;)

Anyhoo.... keep the snarky comments coming! Love it all!

Ms. H

Hi Janis! You didn't miss nuthin ... I just started this last week and probably won't update regularly until we get closer to our departure date. The next big thing to agonize over is a birthday cake that will feed 50. :rotfl2:

I hope our dining plans don't make us ill ... I'm sure we're gonna end up canceling some of these once we get down to WDW - we almost always do. But I'm going to do my best to ensure that we try to get to as many as possible.

Thanks for stopping by!

Huzzah! They caught the Disney spirit! All you had to do is bribe them with a sink full of icecream, cake, brownies, and a can of whipped cream.

Well, Guest Y is more interested in it than Guest X, but I will take any hint of lightheartedness I can get at this point.

maybe i was standing behind the door but i have missed the nugget of information that tells us why you will not be back to wdw in 2010 ---:eek:

Two-week cruise scheduled for next September ... no way for us to take more time from work at that time of year and we won't have any money left anyway. :rotfl2:
Oh, I so hope you'll use that system in October, too. We probably will rate the special events okely-dokely or higher. :laughing:

They'd better be at least okely-dokely. :lmao:


But I think the guy I surreptitiously snapped a photo of (without flash; at the Adventurers Club) was the quintessential Ned Flanders:


Tell me that's not Ned. :rotfl2:
I remember that I keep looking at him, thinking, "How do I know that guy? He looks so familar." Then I blurted out that he looks just like Ned Flanders. ;)

I love that picture ... I remember you posted that once before and it's still as funny now as it was then. :rotfl2:

Preaching to the choir here, too. I don't do no stinkin' DDP, and I like the buffalo. I like the mushroom soup, too. And that's what kept me returning to Artist Point. Now it's priced a bit high for me.

Jay would probably like the mushroom soup, too; but not enough to pay AP a second visit. And we all know how I feel about 'shrooms. :lmao:

Geez, woman! You're all about the breakfast! I have made no ADRs for breakfast. Zero. Zip. Nada. If I am up early enough and want it enough, I'd walk to Kouzzina or that Formerly Known as Gacky place at the Yacht Club.

Carbs and grease. An unbeatable combination. ;)

We do have an obscene number of breakfast reservations, don't we? I think I'm going to have to whittle them down a bit. Maybe I'll dump the Grand Floridian Cafe on the 17th ... it might be nice to have mimosas in the room on my birthday while we wait for overpriced room service to show up. ;)

I never had a Kitchen Sink. Mainly because I would think it's nasty after two minutes of melting. And I don't usually have a posse with me to share it. I can handle the No Way José, with face or without. ;)

I know the kitchen sink is going to get nasty fast ... there are actually a lot of things included with it that I don't care for (surprise surprise) but I'm willing to do it once just because it will be fun.

Jay and I have already been talking about Jose ... we have 8 more weeks until we can inhale one! :cool1:

Your guy looks like Gut Smiley with a mustache!:rotfl2:


HAHA!! :lmao:

Brenda, I'm officially jealous..... I haven't been to Citricos for over a year..... it's our "very favoritest" place to eat...... have fun!!!!

Thanks! I'll try to take extra good pictures and order extra tasty food so that you can enjoy it vicariously once we're back. :goodvibes

Oh, I knew it had to be you based on that title! :worship: So glad to see you back with a new review...can't wait! I'll use it as my prep for my early Nov. F&W trip!

Thanks very much - you made me smile! :goodvibes And congrats to you on your upcoming trip ... you will have a blast!!

Yay, Brenda :), so glad to see that we all have another one of your WONDERFUL trip reports to look forward to!! Your writing style is a great read. I leave for my WDW b-day trip in 32 days :dance3:. I hope you have as much fun on your birthday as I KNOW I will have on mine :). Love to see that you are planning on 2 trips to Beaches & Cream, a big favorite of my friend that is going with me and myself. We actually have 2 stops there in our plans as well :).

Hello and happy early birthday! Thanks so much for the lovely compliment - you also made me smile. :goodvibes Two stops at B&C ... that's a first for us ... I hope we're up to the challenge! :rotfl2:

Have a great trip next month!
Brenda - I may be slow on the uptake tonight, but I just realized I have two very good friends who are also on the DIS who are on the same cruise with you next year. I will have to "introduce" you all to one another!
Brenda - I may be slow on the uptake tonight, but I just realized I have two very good friends who are also on the DIS who are on the same cruise with you next year. I will have to "introduce" you all to one another!

Excellent! We don't know too many people on this cruise, but we also haven't been hanging on the cruise boards either. My first DIS-love will always be the restaurant boards. :cloud9:
I had no idea you were taking a cruise! I've been playing around with the idea of taking one, but keeping going to Disney World instead. I'll be looking foward to know what you think of the food, even if it is a year away.
Just found ya Bendy! I am so in for this one. Your Food trippies are one-of-a-kind, girl! :banana:
I love your trip reports...I have stayed up late many nights reading through them.

I don't usually post a response, but noticed your dates. I am joining a group of Dissers Oct 14th-19th and plan on being either at Epcot gorging myself on the food and wine festival or sleeping off my gorging at the pool.

If you see a brunette in Epcot pointing out you and your husband going "oh my god!" it's probably me :)
I love your trip reports...I have stayed up late many nights reading through them.

I don't usually post a response, but noticed your dates. I am joining a group of Dissers Oct 14th-19th and plan on being either at Epcot gorging myself on the food and wine festival or sleeping off my gorging at the pool.

If you see a brunette in Epcot pointing out you and your husband going "oh my god!" it's probably me :)

:rotfl2: I would love to be a fly on the wall to see that!
Excellent! We don't know too many people on this cruise, but we also haven't been hanging on the cruise boards either. My first DIS-love will always be the restaurant boards. :cloud9:

One of them I think you "know" from your other TRs: BoosGram (Joanne). She lives here in the 'Burg and we get together every once in a while to talk and have a good time. I wish it were more often. Her DH will be along for the trip.

The other two are friends from the Creative DISign boards, DDA thread. We have all known one another for 4-5 years and have vacationed together at WDW, MagicMeets and even in between in Baltimore (they live in the Lancaster, PA area). Steffy (Stephanie) and tink1bell (Terry) are crazy, fun people who have gone so far as to crash my family reunion at WDW in 2007 (along with 17 other DDA DISers). :rotfl2: That was a riot, too! They are celebrating Stephanie's birthday on the cruise, sans hubbies.

If all the people on the cruise are like 6 of you it will be a cruise that goes down in the record books! :goodvibes
I love your trip reports...I have stayed up late many nights reading through them.

I don't usually post a response, but noticed your dates. I am joining a group of Dissers Oct 14th-19th and plan on being either at Epcot gorging myself on the food and wine festival or sleeping off my gorging at the pool.

If you see a brunette in Epcot pointing out you and your husband going "oh my god!" it's probably me :)

:rotfl2: I would love to be a fly on the wall to see that!

I could be that fly on the wall. I'm going to be there on those exact dates, too. :laughing:
I had no idea you were taking a cruise! I've been playing around with the idea of taking one, but keeping going to Disney World instead. I'll be looking foward to know what you think of the food, even if it is a year away.

We've taken two 7-night Disney cruises ... the last one was in 2005 ... I rememebr the food being good in most instances. The only thing that really knocked our socks off was Palo. We're both looking forward to trying a lot of new things on this cruise since it's a 14-nighter.

Not that this is even relevant to this thread, but Jay and I are probably going to start a second blog just for that cruise and we're going to try to post live updates while we're on the ship. :thumbsup2

Just found ya Bendy! I am so in for this one. Your Food trippies are one-of-a-kind, girl! :banana:

Hey stranger! Nice to to see you again and thanks for joining us on our last, best gorgefest!

I love your trip reports...I have stayed up late many nights reading through them.

I don't usually post a response, but noticed your dates. I am joining a group of Dissers Oct 14th-19th and plan on being either at Epcot gorging myself on the food and wine festival or sleeping off my gorging at the pool.

If you see a brunette in Epcot pointing out you and your husband going "oh my god!" it's probably me :)

Thanks for reading and for posting this time so I know you're here. :goodvibes And if you do see us just say hi ... I love having the chance to meet up with DISers, even if it's just a brief hiya.

Enjoy your trip!! :goodvibes

:rotfl2: I would love to be a fly on the wall to see that!

Oh stop. :lmao: Maybe she's gonna say that more in horror ... like, "oh my god ... did you see that woman pound back that beer and inhale that snausage???" :scared1: :rotfl2:

One of them I think you "know" from your other TRs: BoosGram (Joanne). She lives here in the 'Burg and we get together every once in a while to talk and have a good time. I wish it were more often. Her DH will be along for the trip.

Ah yes ... I do "know" BoosGram. :goodvibes

The other two are friends from the Creative DISign boards, DDA thread. We have all known one another for 4-5 years and have vacationed together at WDW, MagicMeets and even in between in Baltimore (they live in the Lancaster, PA area). Steffy (Stephanie) and tink1bell (Terry) are crazy, fun people who have gone so far as to crash my family reunion at WDW in 2007 (along with 17 other DDA DISers). :rotfl2: That was a riot, too! They are celebrating Stephanie's birthday on the cruise, sans hubbies.

If all the people on the cruise are like 6 of you it will be a cruise that goes down in the record books! :goodvibes

Sounds like good people to me! :thumbsup2

LOL...I may have to buy an autograph book for the occasion. ;)

Oh no ... the only family member what gives out autographs is Grimace. :lmao:

I could be that fly on the wall. I'm going to be there on those exact dates, too. :laughing:

I'm thinking that Ocotber is going to be one rip-roaring good time at WDW ... l:cool1:
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