Please Review my ADR's on DDP


Apr 21, 2006
Here is what I have come up with, we have never done DDP before. PLEASE feel feell to make suggestions or changes. :cheer2:

Adults: Me, DH and DS11
Children: DD8 DD7
for 6 nights = 30 Total TS credits

ATS - Adult Table Service
CTS - Child Table Service

Chef Mickeys 3 ATS credits 2 CTS credits
Cindys Castle (me & 2 girls) 2 ATS credits and 4 CTS credits
Alfredos - 2 ATS - 1 CTS
Primetime - 2 ATS - 1 CTS
Breakfastsaurus - 3 ATS - 2 CTS
Concourse - 3 ATS - 1 CTS
Kona for Breakfast - OOP
Teppanyaki - 3 ATS - 1 CTS

Am I making the most of our credits or should I do something different. Obviously we are sharing a lot, that's okay.

Thanks! :love: princess:
Disney doesn't distinguish between child and adult credits. At the buffets you'll be charged 5 credits, just like you've stated; however, you don't need to keep track of your remaining credits in terms of child/adult.

For the meals where you've listed 2ATS and 1 CTS, you can order 3 adult meals instead. You'll have more food to go around and since you have 3 adults dining this will work out just fine.

At Concourse and Teppanyaki, you should consider ordering just 3 adult meals. You'll still have plenty of food to go around and you'll conserve two extra credits. You can use those two credits to pay for two of the adult meals at Kona, then you'll only have to pay for 1 adult and 2 kids OOP at Kona.

Another thing you might want to do is analyze the cost of CRT. You'll probably be better off rearranging your credits so that you pay for all or part of CRT OOP and use the credits someplace where it's a better value. I haven't checked out all of the prices for you, but in general CRT is not worth two credits. Just a thought...
formernyer said:
Disney doesn't distinguish between child and adult credits. At the buffets you'll be charged 5 credits, just like you've stated; however, you don't need to keep track of your remaining credits in terms of child/adult.

For the meals where you've listed 2ATS and 1 CTS, you can order 3 adult meals instead. You'll have more food to go around and since you have 3 adults dining this will work out just fine.

Thank you! Great advice, just what I was looking for.

The only thing I am worried about is in the end we will end up with no adult credits left and lots of child credits. I thought the cards stated how many adults & children. :confused3
PreppyPolyMom said:
formernyer said:
The only thing I am worried about is in the end we will end up with no adult credits left and lots of child credits. I thought the cards stated how many adults & children. :confused3

The card states how many adults and children are on the plan; however, the credits on the card are all the same. The only way you HAVE to order a child's meal is if you order more than 3 meals at a time (because your card says you only have 3 adults).

Here's a very simplistic example of how you could use your 30 credits...

Option 1 - you want everybody to have his/her own meal at every TS. Under this option, you'll have 5 people ordering at each meal, so 2 of those meals will have to come off of the kid's menu. In the end, you'd end up with 6 TS meals and the credits would be split 18 adult meals and 12 kid's meals.

Option 2 - you share meals and order three sit-down adult meals each time. Under this option, you could have 10 different TS meals and all 30 credits could be used for adult meals (because you never ordered more than 3 meals at a time).

Obviously these examples are extreme and wouldn't apply to your situation because you have several buffets on your ADRs which can't be shared.


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