PMS in a Handbasket--Don't be afraid, just bring us food... Part 9

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bigmerle1966 said:
My boss came in late this morning, she had to go to Home Depot because she had a toilet problem. :bitelip:

:rotfl: :lmao:
bananiem said:
That sums up my attitude and personality today.
but I still lurve you " oh queen of snakyness " :love:
Morning everybody :wave:

I woke up this morning with a headache, which might make me a good candidate for Snarky Tuesday :thumbsup2 I woke from the strangest dream - in my dream there was a combination of a big hurricane and a nuclear holocaust on its way to my town, and for some reason we had decided not to evacuate, but to ride it out. In my dream, it had gotten to the point where it's too late to leave, and I was getting really sorry that we had made that decision. Then I woke up with my head pounding.

I took some ibuprofen, and it's a little better, but not all the way. However, (disclaimer: the following story is not Snarky Tuesday friendly) a few minutes ago, as I was walking down the hall with my drippy wet limp hair hanging down, wearing my pink fuzzy slippers and balancing a basket of laundry on my hip, hubby waylaid me for a hug and a kiss, because, "you're awful cute". I"m just saying. :love:
bigmerle1966 said:
My boss came in late this morning, she had to go to Home Depot because she had a toilet problem. :bitelip:
That reminds me...when I picked up Jake from religious school on Sunday, there was a book fair going on, so we looked at books. There must have also been a youth field trip that was going to take place that afternoon, because someone popped their head in the door and yelled, "IS ANYONE IN HERE GOING BOWLING?" I about :rotfl2: Of course I couldn't start laughing, but it was so hard not to. You all are so bad! How can I go bowling and pick out the perfect ball again? And then throw it down the lane to knock down pins? :banana:
ChuckB said:
but I still lurve you " oh queen of snakyness " :love:
:scared1: It's snaRkyness. Queen of snaRkyness. Geez, Louise. You're gonna give me a reputation. :sad2:
Tigger&Belle said:
That reminds me...when I picked up Jake from religious school on Sunday, there was a book fair going on, so we looked at books. There must have also been a youth field trip that was going to take place that afternoon, because someone popped their head in the door and yelled, "IS ANYONE IN HERE GOING BOWLING?" I about :rotfl2: Of course I couldn't start laughing, but it was so hard not to. You all are so bad! How can I go bowling and pick out the perfect ball again? And then throw it down the lane to knock down pins? :banana:
I have a bowling alley 3 blocks from my house. On the corner I turn at virtually every time I go anywhere. :crazy:
bananiem said:
:scared1: It's snaRkyness. Queen of snaRkyness. Geez, Louise. You're gonna give me a reputation. :sad2:
I thought you already had one my dear ;)
LiteBrite said:
However, (disclaimer: the following story is not Snarky Tuesday friendly) a few minutes ago, as I was walking down the hall with my drippy wet limp hair hanging down, wearing my pink fuzzy slippers and balancing a basket of laundry on my hip, hubby waylaid me for a hug and a kiss, because, "you're awful cute". I"m just saying. :love:
That is so darn sweet! :love: Damn, I'm a sap even when I'm in a snarky mood. :rotfl:
Ok LB?? Nice story but you can't hang out here today if you're gonna tell us crap like that.
4's?? What in the love of Pete are you talking about with your pirates? Is that another name for Aunt Flo? And if so, why the heck are you so happy about it?
bananiem said:
Ok LB?? Nice story but you can't hang out here today if you're gonna tell us crap like that.
4's?? What in the love of Pete are you talking about with your pirates? Is that another name for Aunt Flo? And if so, why the heck are you so happy about it?

Good gracious NO woman!

My pirates DVD! Hitting the sauce already my pretty???? :rotfl:

Oh...I have to go take a picture of my snail so I can post it for you guys.
Indoor recess. It's 37 degrees. It was 22 for a low last night, the lowest it's been in 105 years for this date.

Little Texas trivia today. ;)
phorsenuf said:
Oh...I have to go take a picture of my snail so I can post it for you guys.
:scared: It better be a real snail and not another euphanism. That's all I'm sayin'.
Bana, please tell me you were kidding when you asked what she meant by Pirates. pirate:
paigevz said:
Indoor recess. It's 37 degrees. It was 22 for a low last night, the lowest it's been in 105 years for this date.

Little Texas trivia today. ;)
Well, since I have nieces and a nephew that live near Dallas, and I've seen the pitiful jacket they call a "winter coat" :rolleyes: I can understnad the indoor recess at 37 degrees. However, here we call that a heat wave.
phorsenuf said:
Oh...I have to go take a picture of my snail so I can post it for you guys.
OK, what's THAT a code word for? :scared:

Hi Paige!

I have the giggles today. That could be bad news. Usually it's because I'm in a good mood or because I'm going to crash and burn (like Friday) and I honestly don't know which it is. I'm being serious right now. Maybe I'm in a good news because of the contest. I don't know. I think I'm going to go vacuum and see what that does (besides makes my carpet look a little better :teeth: ).
Miss Jasmine said:
Bana, please tell me you were kidding when you asked what she meant by Pirates. pirate:
Nope, she didn't capitalize it so I was clueless.

We need a blond smilie that flips her hair and looks like a ditz. :rotfl:
bananiem said:
Ok LB?? Nice story but you can't hang out here today if you're gonna tell us crap like that.

Ok, :banana: , it's out of my system now. Grrr. Spit. I hate people. People suck.

bananiem said:
Well, since I have nieces and a nephew that live near Dallas, and I've seen the pitiful jacket they call a "winter coat" :rolleyes: I can understnad the indoor recess at 37 degrees. However, here we call that a heat wave.
Yeah, I know. But ours are still coming to school in shorts. My own son had to be "convinced" to wear pants last week.

I love the stories LB and T! :thumbsup2

Why do you have a snail Phors?
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