Poll - Will your kids get the Covid vaccine?

Will you get your 12-15 year old kids vaccinated for Covid?

  • Yes - ASAP

    Votes: 196 68.3%
  • No - Never

    Votes: 40 13.9%
  • Possibly in the future (once it is fully approved)

    Votes: 51 17.8%

  • Total voters
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It’s so weird to hear of child cases... our boys are being homeschooled right now because virtual was a mess. However, they keep a chart on the school unit website that shows cases/quarantines. There has yet to be a single case that was traced back to the school and I don’t think there have been any cases of two positive kids in the same class.

Sorry, just realized both posts I am quoting come from you :) My younger son's school has just over 100 kids in grades K - 8. We have had a LARGE number test +. 2 grades just got back from quarantine last week after a couple in each grade tested +. For being as small as we are, I never expected the higher numbers like we have seen. My older son's school went back full time in March and I let him. And then found out in-person was a joke (50 minute classes in the AM, lunch/study hall from 1130 - 230.), and he wanted to come back home and do virtual so he could work, too. Anyway, we have only had like 4 emails about cases since they started back - and he has like 1800 in his school (obviously way less on-campus currently...some of his classes only had 3 students in it..)

Don’t know if I can attribute it to the vaccine yet, but I had my second dose a week ago and my first dose right after my period ended. My periods are usually very close together - as in, I should have already started. Can’t say I’m necessarily complaining as I tend to bleed rather heavily, but it’s certainly notable to me. I did also feel some odd twinges of pain in my lower back for the week after the first vaccine. I will probably end up with a full hysterectomy (bad history of fibroids (20 the removal of which ended in a blood transfusion), extremely lucky to have my twins after three rounds of IVF. Two more rounds to use up my eggs ended in one miscarriage) so I’m trying not to worry about it but I will absolutely be paying attention to any trends in the future for others and it’s one of the reasons why I’m not rushing to vaccinate my boys.

See, I have had multiple “rare” medical issues. When you become part of a statistic you are no longer quite so flippant about ignoring the possibilities.

You and I seem to be on the same schedule and have a lot of the same issues. My shot lined up with my period like that, too. I ended up having to cancel shot #2 last week based on dr recommendation due to pain in my bones and joints. I see my dr next week to see if she wants to do any more testing before #2. Anyway, I am like clockwork, as well, and was due on Saturday. My back has been screaming in pain, weird twinges, etc. Finally showed up yesterday and it is definitely heavier, but nowhere what I feared with reading that a large amount of women have had dramatic changes.

I have "rare" issues, too....which is why my anxiety about it all is so high. Sorry you understand, but nice to know I am not alone!

Everyone, hang in there - we are all doing our part in one way or another, and there is a great big, beautiful tomorrow hanging out, waiting for us very soon!!
My son is 16 and already vaccinated. Too bad there's no section on the poll for older teens already being vaccinated.
I created the poll for 12-15 because that's the age range being approved next (and also selfishly, because that's the age range my kids fall in). I believe there's already been at least one poll for 16+.
No not at any time soon, mine are young all 8 and younger. Maybe in a few years if its still such a threat but one approved nope.
Not news. That's why I qualified it. I'd get the Pfizer for him but the nearest site is 2 hours away. Since he turns 16 in 2 months anyways, and in time to get vaccinated with one of the available ones here, we'll probably just wait until then. He's been in in-person school, playing football, marching band, etc, since this past August, and the grandparents and the rest of the family are vaccinated, so waiting a bit longer won't affect much hopefully.
I guess I’m misunderstanding - what available ones when he turns 16? That’s still only Pfizer. So if it’s too far to get one now, wouldn’t that still be the case when he turns 16? Unless you’re not in the US and then ignore this, since I have no idea on the ages on the ones outside of here 😉

I know you have a plan, so I’m not really questioning it, just trying to understand it.
That's always a problem with any medical issue - it is very hard to establish a causative relationship in a complex system, and it has only gotten harder with the platform the internet has given to professional skeptics. In fact, I seriously doubt that if the link between smoking and lung cancer emerged today it would be accepted as causative. But at some point, the numbers start to reach a point where they become hard to deny, and I think we're heading in that direction with long-term covid symptoms.

I do also keep an eye on anecdotal reports of vaccine side effects, but so far, I'm just not seeing anything too worrisome. I've heard from
That's always a problem with any medical issue - it is very hard to establish a causative relationship in a complex system, and it has only gotten harder with the platform the internet has given to professional skeptics. In fact, I seriously doubt that if the link between smoking and lung cancer emerged today it would be accepted as causative. But at some point, the numbers start to reach a point where they become hard to deny, and I think we're heading in that direction with long-term covid symptoms.

I do also keep an eye on anecdotal reports of vaccine side effects, but so far, I'm just not seeing anything too worrisome. I've heard from quite a few sources that the vaccine can be a trigger for some autoimmune conditions, particularly those of the relapsing/recurring type, but that is a known side effect of all vaccines and of viral infections themselves so I crossed my fingers and rolled the dice on that one. The weird one, I think, is the report of menstrual disturbances, which I initially dismissed as internet nonsense but have now heard about from some level-headed women of my personal acquaintance. I can't even imagine the mechanism by which a vaccine could cause erratic or heavy periods. Then again, I'm not generally a science-minded person.

They were quite transparent about that. The pause was partially to review the data and determine the connection and prevalence but also to disseminate information about that specific type of clotting as a rare-but-known vaccine side effect, because treating it the way a doctor would treat any other clotting issue worsens the problem and was a factor in the one death linked to the condition. It takes time to spread the word about something like that across our decentralized medical establishment, so even though the issue is far rarer than complications from covid, it was important to tap the brakes to make sure ERs and physicians knew to ask about whether a patient presenting with blood clots has had the J&J vaccine before administering heparin.

I know there are studies in the making to try and address this. Some thoughts are the vaccine is causing inflammation in the uterus or a change in estrogen. Either way, I wouldn't vaccinate my teenage or preteen daughters not knowing what is causing it. It is a crucial time of hormonal changes at that age and I don't know what the long term effects will be. Anecdotally, there have been many women in a parenting group and a nutrition group I am in on facebook that have noticed a change in their cycles. Enough that it got my attention. Some that started bleeding again after not having a period for years. These people are not crazy conspiracy theory anti-vaxxer types. They have no gain in stirring up controversy. They are just normal women, level-headed women.
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I know there are studies in the making to try and address this. Some thoughts are the vaccine is causing inflammation in the uterus or a change in estrogen. Either way, I wouldn't vaccinate my teenage or preteen daughters not knowing what is causing it. It is a crucial time of hormonal changes at that age and I don't know what the long term effects will be. Anecdotally, there have been many women in a parenting group and a nutrition group I am in on facebook that have noticed a change in their cycles. Enough that it got my attention. Some that started bleeding again after not having a period for years. These people are not crazy conspiracy theory anti-vaxxer types. They have no gain in stirring up controversy. They are just normal women, level-headed women.
I absolutely believe there is a relation between the vaccine and cycles, but it’s important to remember that all sorts of things can change a woman’s cycle. Stress, illness, medicines, age. So while I don’t think it’s something we just ignore, I also don’t necessarily believe it’s as scary as some believe.

This is not me telling you what to do with your daughters, just adding to the conversation.
whoa. Just because I choose not to get vaccinated doesn't mean I should be banished to my home. My reasons are my reasons. I don't owe anyone an explanation as to why I don't want to get the vaccine, and I shouldn't be punished because of it.
Of course not. Obviously by not getting vaccinated you are willing to assume the risks that come with that, just like those who choose TO get vaccinated are doing the same. No one should be forced to stay home now that the vaccine is widely available to those who want it.
I cannot wait. I have been refreshing google news several times a day for the announcement. My kids are now back in school since my husband and I are vaccinated but I am still nervous and would be much more comfortable not having to rely on others to do the right thing but just protect them ourselves.
I absolutely believe there is a relation between the vaccine and cycles, but it’s important to remember that all sorts of things can change a woman’s cycle. Stress, illness, medicines, age. So while I don’t think it’s something we just ignore, I also don’t necessarily believe it’s as scary as some believe.

This is not me telling you what to do with your daughters, just adding to the conversation.
I appreciate that. I agree, but in my opinion it's too coincidental to ignore for my daughters at this time. One you get the vaccine there is no going back so I am using caution. Others see it differently and they have the right to do what they think is best.
I’m planning on my 5 year old asthmatic son getting it as soon as it’s available for his age group. I really hope it’ll be here before the end of 2021!
Both of our kids and their spouses have been vaccinated, they are all in their 20's.
And I don't even care about all the people who won't get vaccinated at this point. You made your bed. Enjoy your ventilator.

There is one problem with that. The people refusing to get vaccinated obviously are spreading it to others who also refused. Every jump allows it to mutate and eventually become a new variant. Which increases the risk of a completely new strain that is resistant to the vaccine. So in turn these people could trigger a second pandemic that shuts everything down again, and kills a massive amount of people.

It's not just GLHF, it's straight criminal. This entire situation needs shut down now before we have to start over. 😕
There is one problem with that. The people refusing to get vaccinated obviously are spreading it to others who also refused. Every jump allows it to mutate and eventually become a new variant. Which increases the risk of a completely new strain that is resistant to the vaccine. So in turn these people could trigger a second pandemic that shuts everything down again, and kills a massive amount of people.

It's not just GLHF, it's straight criminal. This entire situation needs shut down now before we have to start over. 😕
There is one problem with that. The people refusing to get vaccinated obviously are spreading it to others who also refused. Every jump allows it to mutate and eventually become a new variant. Which increases the risk of a completely new strain that is resistant to the vaccine. So in turn these people could trigger a second pandemic that shuts everything down again, and kills a massive amount of people.

It's not just GLHF, it's straight criminal. This entire situation needs shut down now before we have to start over. 😕
This is exactly the problem. When people make the choice to not get the vaccine, it does potentially affect others. If you truly cannot get it because of medical reasons, I get it and I understand but I really wish those who are choosing not to really think about the impact that their choice has.
here's the most important part of it- there's nothing you can do about it.
And that's where you're wrong. People like you are in the tiny little minority of people who aren't currently willing to get vaccinated. The far bigger majority of the vaccine hesitant are able to be convinced in one direction or another. So I will continue to speak out against lies and disinformation, lest even a single one of those people believe what you're spewing. We CAN get to 70% vaccination, one person at a time. So go be happy in your "freedom" while the rest of us work slowly and painfully toward that 70% number.
whoa. Just because I choose not to get vaccinated doesn't mean I should be banished to my home. My reasons are my reasons. I don't owe anyone an explanation as to why I don't want to get the vaccine, and I shouldn't be punished because of it.
Yet the anti-vax crowd is the same crowd that's been telling the rest of us for the past year, "If you're scared, stay home." Doesn't feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot, does it?

I don't personally think you need to stay home. I just think you need to stay off planes, trains, cruise ships, and other forms of public transportation, and out of office buildings, government facilities, schools, restaurants, bars, concert venues, and other places where members of the public gather. Your rights end where others' rights begin. Just like smokefree building laws.
And that's where you're wrong. People like you are in the tiny little minority of people who aren't currently willing to get vaccinated. The far bigger majority of the vaccine hesitant are able to be convinced in one direction or another. So I will continue to speak out against lies and disinformation, lest even a single one of those people believe what you're spewing. We CAN get to 70% vaccination, one person at a time. So go be happy in your "freedom" while the rest of us work slowly and painfully toward that 70% number.

With all due respect, we aren’t going to get to 70%. My large healthcare system cannot even get 70% of its employees vaccinated. How can we convince the general public when healthcare workers are declining?
We’ve cancelled multiple mass vaccination clinics recently. The last one, they were literally announcing over the PA system at the mall that we had extra vaccines (from no shows and empty appointment slots) and to come snd get them. We still wasted many doses! She is not in the minority. At all. Check out the vaccination rate for our country. It’s pitifully small and vaccines are widely available.
Yet the anti-vax crowd is the same crowd that's been telling the rest of us for the past year, "If you're scared, stay home." Doesn't feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot, does it?

I don't personally think you need to stay home. I just think you need to stay off planes, trains, cruise ships, and other forms of public transportation, and out of office buildings, government facilities, schools, restaurants, bars, concert venues, and other places where members of the public gather. Your rights end where others' rights begin. Just like smokefree building laws.

I'm happy for you that you are so enthused about sharing your vaccine knowledge and gung ho about getting everyone vaccinated. I've never told anyone that if they are scared to stay home and I never would. I'm not against the vaccine. I'm just not getting it for medical reasons.
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