Pop, Pop, Poppity-Pop! A November 2014 trip report

How did i not know about this report?!

I AM CAUGHT UP NOW!!! I love everything! HS is our favorite park and i love to see it in other people's eyes! Sorry about Maddy creeped out by lots of the things! Love the surprises for everyone too...

OK i will stay on top of this now...Carry on... :rotfl2:
"I don't like fire!" :rotfl2: What are the odds?!?

I'm sorry you had to miss out on Beauty & the Beast and the lights, but I'm impressed with how much you guys got done. Also, way to go on the snowman snacks. So Cute! For my kids first trip I made these & realized they'd never see them if I didn't I tell them to open their sandwiches first, oops.

Bummer that you ended up having to skip so many things that you wanted but glad to hear that you were able to have fun!

Yeah. If only there were more hours in the day! And a moving sidewalk to take you around the parks. :goodvibes We did still have a great time and once we got back to our hotel we were really glad that we just took the time to chill that night.

Abi's face during Indiana Jones is so priceless- adorable!

I'm sorry Maddy couldn't make it through Star Tours or Lights Motor Action :-/

Cute pics playing in the snow!

YAY for getting to meet Phineas and Ferb!

Sorry you didn't get to see the lights :( But seems like it was a great day for you all!

Right!? I was probably watching Abi more than the show because it was so fun to see it through her excitement.
Poor Maddy. She gets "creeped out" really easily. That would prove to be a little tricky as Abi is very adventurous when it comes to amusement parks and Maddy is not at all.
They loved playing in the snow area. And it was nice on such a hot and humid day to get some cool air on us.
Phineas and Ferb were a really fun meet. And Abi has gotten even more into their show since we got back because of meeting them.
Yeah. I would have loved to walk through the lights but it was definitely the right thing to do. And we had a great day.

We have the same problem with HS. There's too many things to do there that all happen at the same time. We can never get to it all either, even if we get there early and stay late.

I'm so excited you saw fantasmic! We haven't seen it for quite some time. I'm glad you didn't let the crabs behind you spoil the kids fun!

Even though you had to skip some things, it sounds like a great day!

It really is. LAst trip we had two days there so it was a bit easier but we still didn't do everything. This time we only had one day there so we were definitely trying to do the impossible.
I LOVE Fantasmic. I felt bad about those people because they were very obviously annoyed by all the kids around them. I always try to be aware of how the kids are acting and if they are getting in other people's space/ etc because I don't want to ruin any one else's experience but then there has to be a point when you figure out that all the kids are having a blast and these people have to know there are going to be loud kids and bubbles and glow sticks at Disney. :confused3

How did i not know about this report?!

I AM CAUGHT UP NOW!!! I love everything! HS is our favorite park and i love to see it in other people's eyes! Sorry about Maddy creeped out by lots of the things! Love the surprises for everyone too...

OK i will stay on top of this now...Carry on... :rotfl2:

I have a feeling that a few people haven't found it! I don't know why!! But So glad you are here now!!
Haha. I will try to. I am a much slower updater than I thought I would be.

"I don't like fire!" :rotfl2: What are the odds?!?

I'm sorry you had to miss out on Beauty & the Beast and the lights, but I'm impressed with how much you guys got done. Also, way to go on the snowman snacks. So Cute! For my kids first trip I made these & realized they'd never see them if I didn't I tell them to open their sandwiches first, oops.


I know! It made me laugh so hard that they both reacted the same way.
Cute sandwiches!!
I don't know how I missed them but I forgot to put on the pictures from swimming that night after HS.



This one with what I will call the modesty star. :)


Walking back to the room:




The next day was a very special day!
November 13th! Maddy's 5th birthday.
I woke up at 5 to get ready and then got Doug up, then the girls.
We had granola bars for a light breakfast knowing that we would be having a very special brunch in only a few hours.
We met up with my parents outside of our rooms and got over to the bus stop by 6:45.
I had Abi dressed in her princess tee shirt since we would be meeting some princesses this morning and Maddy in her birthday shirt.
I couldn't get our BBB appointments until later in the afternoon so I needed something cute for them to wear until then.
We hid the dresses in a big garbage bag to put into a locker until time to go to the boutique.



We arrived at Magic Kingdom by 7:15. It wasn't opening until 8 so Doug ran over to get a locker. He had to wait a few minutes for it to open up.
When they did our fingerprints, for some reason mine and my dad's didn't work so we had to watch tons of people pass us until a supervisor came over and re-set them. Finally we were in the waiting area.
The crowds were pretty crazy. At least they felt that way to me.


It was fun to be able to see the welcome show for the first time.

Then the fun started... well nope. Not yet. We got pushed and prodded and bumped into, pushed out of the way as people started running toward the castle. I even got the pleasure of having my leg bumped into by a guy pushing a stoller and then just in case it didn't hurt bad enough he then ran over my entire foot with it. My parents were super stressed so I said, you know, we aren't racing for the mines train or any of the other hot ticket things so let's just pull over to the side and let all the crazy people go past us. So, that's what we did.
And it was fine.

There was a big wall up.

It was SO lovely to finally see the castle in person again!

Our goal was to meet Merida but she wasn't out yet so we just walked to fantasyland to start hitting whatever we could.

Our first stop was Winnie the Pooh. No wait. Abi rode with my parents and Maddy rode with me and Doug.




I love this happy face! She loved the ride so much that it was the perfect choice for her first MK ride. It was her favorite for the whole trip.



Up next: More Fantasyland Picture overload
Absolutely Adorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :bday:

Cannot wait to hear all about the birthday fun! Great pictures! So sorry you were run over.. several times!!! What is wrong with people?!?!? :confused3

popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::
The modesty star :rotfl2: Cute pics in the pool!

Ugh, sorry you got pushed and run over :( What a great first ride for the bday girl! Can't wait to hear more about the day!
THis is the second TR this morning where I've read about someone getting hit by someone with a stroller. I really hope I don't regret taking Little Miss into such chaos, but it seems such a brief moment of stress.
Absolutely Adorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :bday:

Cannot wait to hear all about the birthday fun! Great pictures! So sorry you were run over.. several times!!! What is wrong with people?!?!? :confused3

popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::

It was such a fun birthday! I can't wait to write more about it!:goodvibes
I think people get into these I want to be first moments and then forget that they are being rude. Who knows?

The modesty star :rotfl2: Cute pics in the pool!

Ugh, sorry you got pushed and run over :( What a great first ride for the bday girl! Can't wait to hear more about the day!

Yeah. It was crazy. I am glad we made the decision to just let them go past and take our time. It made it much more fun for us and we let them battle it out.

THis is the second TR this morning where I've read about someone getting hit by someone with a stroller. I really hope I don't regret taking Little Miss into such chaos, but it seems such a brief moment of stress.

That's the hard thing about rope drop. I much prefer getting in early with an ADR. It was a massive amount of people all wanting to be first.
I think if you go into it knowing that there will be some people that are downright rude but so many more that are not then it will be fine.
Our last trip had such low crowds that I think a lot of this just came as a shock to us because it wasn't something we had experienced there before. But you know.. it was just a few times and we decided to just do our thing and not fight anyone else for a place on the sidewalk. :)
That's the hard thing about rope drop. I much prefer getting in early with an ADR. It was a massive amount of people all wanting to be first.
I think if you go into it knowing that there will be some people that are downright rude but so many more that are not then it will be fine.
Our last trip had such low crowds that I think a lot of this just came as a shock to us because it wasn't something we had experienced there before. But you know.. it was just a few times and we decided to just do our thing and not fight anyone else for a place on the sidewalk. :)

Yeah, I did rope drop once for my DD bday trip and once was enough. People get scary focused on their goal. I've said it before and I'll say it again "You're at the Happiest Place on Earth, act accordingly!"
I'm with you, we just pulled over and let the crazy people go by. Sorry for the rough start the day. I can't wait to hear how the rest of your day went. Happy Birthday, princess!
Yeah, I did rope drop once for my DD bday trip and once was enough. People get scary focused on their goal. I've said it before and I'll say it again "You're at the Happiest Place on Earth, act accordingly!"
I'm with you, we just pulled over and let the crazy people go by. Sorry for the rough start the day. I can't wait to hear how the rest of your day went. Happy Birthday, princess!

Okay, I am going to try something new. Photobucket is being wonky on me and I already am putting all the pictures on my blog so I am going to try to take them from there instead. Only thing- while on Photobucket I tend to get small pictures, from my blog they are coming over HUGE!
So bear with me and I will see if I can get it figured out next time.
For now:
I left off with us riding the Winnie the Pooh ride.
Next we let Maddy take the lead and that took us to the teacups!


Maddy rode with Doug and I and Abi rode with my parents. That worked well for me because Abi loves to spin fast and I am not a huge fan of that.


Maddy spun it at just the right speed for fun but not after sickness. She loved it.



After the teacups we went to the carousel. While we were waiting in line we saw some old friends riding.


We waved at the Tremaine's but didn't worry about meeting them afterward because we knew we would be dining with them later that day!
This was the first time in years that Maddy rode on a horse on a carousel. She gets really nervous and always rides on the benches.


My mom rode just ahead of us.


And because Maddy was nervous, I stood between the girls.


Next, we went to Mickey's Philharmagic!



We all really enjoyed it. So far the morning had been great. We were getting on and into everything with hardly any line because of the fact that everyone else was waiting in line for A&E and 7DMT.
Maddy picked It's a Small World next.
Abi rode in the bench with my parents.


Maddy rode with Doug and I in the bench behind them.


I know lots of people hate this ride but I have to say... I'm a fan!
I think it's because our girls love it and it is so much fun to see it through their eyes.



After we got off the boat it was about time for our Peter Pan fast pass. However when we got there the ride was down.
They told us to come back a little later and we would still be able to use our fast pass.
So, we decided to go down and try to catch Merida.
On our way we stopped to make some wishes in the wishing well.




And take some pictures with the castle.



Next up: Archery and a princess


The line for Merida was quite long but we got in it anyway knowing it would probably not get any better throughout the day.
Maddy made some friends while we waited and they had fun watching the ducks.



After about 20 minutes (I think) it was finally our time to meet Merida. The girls were so excited. We have never met her before.




The girls loved showing her the special page in the autograph books for her.


She was so great with the girls and they LOVED her.



After our meet they got to try archery. Abi went first.


She got two arrows. The first one hit the target but not the middle. The second went right in the hole. She was so excited!


Then it was Maddy's turn. She didn't make any bullseyes but she still had fun. They could have done this all day.



Next up: We have a birthday brunch with some princesses!
what a HUGE update!!! HA Ha!
I do love it all! your girls are adorable, you can just tell your whole family is enjoying every single minute of being there and watching the kids. :cloud9:

Your Merida is so pretty! The archery is a lot of fun isn't it! your a strong person on those tea cups! I just cannot do them anymore.

Keep up the great report!!!
What a fun and productive morning! The picture of you and Abi on the carousel is wonderful!

Thanks! I like it too. We did get to do a lot this morning. I was surprised with how crazy the crowds were at rope drop but they really all did tend to go to the same things which left everywhere else pretty line free. :goodvibes

what a HUGE update!!! HA Ha!
I do love it all! your girls are adorable, you can just tell your whole family is enjoying every single minute of being there and watching the kids. :cloud9:

Your Merida is so pretty! The archery is a lot of fun isn't it! your a strong person on those tea cups! I just cannot do them anymore.

Keep up the great report!!!

I know! And I showed it to my more tech savvy husband and he said he liked it with the big pictures and thinks I should leave it that way... so I guess I will. If anyone is annoyed by the huge pictures let me know. Otherwise I'll keep getting them from my blog. It's so much faster and easier!:)
Merida was SO pretty. And she was really sweet too.
Ugh. I hate the teacups. They make me so dizzy. With Maddy I could handle it but with Abi it is torture because she likes to go FAST!


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