Positive Thought Would Be So Appreciated


DIS Veteran
Apr 6, 2011
Hi everyone,

I never paid much attention to this board until now, and am realizing what a great thing it is. If anyone could spare a prayer or positive thought and send it my family's way, it would be much appreciated.

My father has been battling prostate cancer for a year or so now. He had some tests done this past week and did not receive great results. He has already gone through chemo and now we are playing a waiting game to find out the next steps.

I have twin brothers, 21 years old and one has Down Syndrome. A few weeks ago, a tumor was discovered and he went in to surgery this past Friday to have it removed. Fast forward to yesterday. I got the news that he has an aggressive form of testicular cancer and it has spread to his lymph nodes in his abdomen. We have to wait for more tests to be done then he will undergo major surgery and chemo. On a positive note, this type of cancer is very treatable, but that depends on how much it has spread.

While I knew about my dad, my brother's diagnosis came out of left field. He is probably the one person in this world who doesn't deserve this. What's worse is there is simply no way to make him understand what is happening. He's 21, he had open heart surgery at 4 months old, he's special needs, and now he has cancer. I just don't understand the world sometimes.

Anyway, thank you so much for letting me vent. And again, any positive thoughts would be wonderful.
I'm sorry to hear all you are going through. When it rains, it pours, so it seems. Please know that we are all thinking of you and hoping for the best. This board doesn't get a lot of "traffic"; however, it's a "safe" place and you won't have to worry about being criticized for your feelings, which I guess this is how the board got started.

Hang in there. Cancer diagnoses are very stressful but often times, once you get a plan, you will feel much better.
I am so sorry to hear all this.. Lots of prayers on the way. This board is a great place for comfort, please feel free if and when you need to share or just post, we are here for you. Giant hugs.
That is a lot. Prayers for both your dad and your brother, for a full recovery for them both.
I'm glad you posted here and thank you for sharing. Many of the people responding to this thread were kind and helpful to me as I coped with losses earlier this year, so I can vouch that this is indeed a wonderful place to come when things are tough. As difficult as this all must be, I am so glad you have the love of so many wonderful family members and that they, in turn, have you. That's the thing maybe to hold on to; no matter what they're going through, they still have their Belle. And I promise you they cherish you.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through.
We will add your family to our prayers and ask our church members to add your family in church also daily prayers.Belinda and I and our church really believe in power prayer. May God bess you and family.
I see this post is from August, but I have thought about your family and say a prayer for healing and strength for you all. Blessings to your family.


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