Positive thoughts please-ups and downs p.42

He would never be approved for a day out right now. He’s 100% dependant for feeding and toileting (cathater) and ever repositioning in bed. He’s have to have 2 nurses accompany him and he still can’t sit. I’d love to bring him home for a few hours but we’re not at that point yet.

I went and saw him for an hour today. I fed him lunch and he ate the most I’ve seen him eat in two weeks. It’s still a far cry from what he used to eat but, it’s an improvement. I’m going to spend the afternoon with him tomorrow after I meet with the social worker. At least that’s what the plan is..it will depend how he’s doing tomorrow.

Good news, I had my bloodwork done today and my white blood cells are at the highest they’ve almost ever been. Normal levels are 1.0-3.3 and I’m at 1.17. It’s barely above normal but given the fact I was at 0.0 six months ago, I’ll take it.

The short time out of hospital wasn't possible for Great Nana either, so we took over a table in the back corner of the cafeteria at VGH. She was out of her room and we could spend time together as a family. Christmas is still almost 3 weeks away, hopefully Richard will continue to improve with each day. Glad to hear your blood work came back really good too.
I know this is oh so easy to say and hard as heck to follow through, but try taking it one day at a time and not projecting out or borrowing trouble. I'm thrilled to hear you finally got to spend time together, he ate wonderfully for today's standards and you had some improved bloodwork results yourself for extra icing on the cake. Enjoy the heck out of days with wins and no extra obstacles.
Very good news your blood count has improved

I’m glad your mother will be with you for the meet up with Richard ‘s social worker tomorrow night
Great to hear your blood work came out so "high"! (I totally get that. - My "good" platelet numbers would be concerning for anyone else too.)

Best of luck with the social worker's meeting today, and enjoy your visit after. :goodvibes
Thinking of you today. I hope Richard is doing a little better and that you are feeling better with a plan in place after your meeting. :hug:
So, I met with the social worker this morning and as a bonus I spoke to his dr as well.

As far as the social worker, he just wanted to know how our life was before this all happened..who did the housework, who did the shopping, did he need help with eating or bathing, how many stairs in the house. He also gave me papers to fill out for things like a medical directive (do not resuscitate) and a power of attorney. That I will have to look into but I’m pretty sure I can find that form online. I know it’s not a possibility at the moment but I wasn’t ready to talk about wills today..

His doctor is very nice and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. I appreciate that. The infection is still there but is slowly, slightly improving. They are pretty sure the infection came from him not taking care of his feet well enough. I’m a little confused by that because he had been seeing a dr every few weeks to check on them but maybe he wasn’t following doctors orders. Once the infection is gone they will work on getting his blood sugar back on track. That will be a battle down the road because the man has a sweet tooth. Not good for an insulin dependant diabetic.

Richard will not be released until he is up walking around on his own. Any physical or occupational therapy needed will be supplied as an inpatient thing. If we need help when he comes home, it will be provided as well. I am 100% confident there will be a firm plan in place the day he’s able to come home.

His mood is in the dumpster right now. I didn’t know this, but they have stopped all his depression meds. They are going to work on reintroducing them one by one and that should help with his mood.

About a week ago, they had tried moving him from his bed to a chair to see if he could sit up. He was in so much pain that they didn’t try to push it. The dr today said they want to try again and Richard said no, I won’t let you. I got a little tough on him and said they had to try. He was in a lot worse shape last time, and the dr will approve good pain meds to dull the pain. Richard is really against it, but he knows I need him to try. I don’t blame him, pain sucks, but if he doesn’t he will start to lose muscle mass and then he’ll never get out of the bed. I also guilted him a little bit by reminding him that I had to walk after my hysterectomy last year even when I didn’t want to.

I asked the dr point blank if they suspected something worse and just didn’t want to tell us and he assured me that’s not the case. He also said if a tough conversation has to happen he will tell me and not sugarcoat it.

He had a good lunch today. It was a pulled pork bun and it actually looked and smelled really good. He ate a fair bit and then was exhausted. I don’t know if I’ll see him tomorrow, but I’m going to try.

Sorry this is so long but this was a big update.

One last thing, I decided to test my immune system today..as I was leaving I gave Richard a quick kiss on the lips. It was very quick and no tonsil hockey but it was so good to have that connection for a second.
I'm sure that was a very good thing for the both of you!

I like the sound of Richard's doctor, since sugarcoating doesn't help anyone. I'm sorry his recovery is taking longer than we had all hoped, but it sounds like his team has a good plan in place for him.

I will continue to pray for the both of you, thank you for updating.
So, I met with the social worker this morning and as a bonus I spoke to his dr as well.

As far as the social worker, he just wanted to know how our life was before this all happened..who did the housework, who did the shopping, did he need help with eating or bathing, how many stairs in the house. He also gave me papers to fill out for things like a medical directive (do not resuscitate) and a power of attorney. That I will have to look into but I’m pretty sure I can find that form online. I know it’s not a possibility at the moment but I wasn’t ready to talk about wills today..

His doctor is very nice and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. I appreciate that. The infection is still there but is slowly, slightly improving. They are pretty sure the infection came from him not taking care of his feet well enough. I’m a little confused by that because he had been seeing a dr every few weeks to check on them but maybe he wasn’t following doctors orders. Once the infection is gone they will work on getting his blood sugar back on track. That will be a battle down the road because the man has a sweet tooth. Not good for an insulin dependant diabetic.

Richard will not be released until he is up walking around on his own. Any physical or occupational therapy needed will be supplied as an inpatient thing. If we need help when he comes home, it will be provided as well. I am 100% confident there will be a firm plan in place the day he’s able to come home.

His mood is in the dumpster right now. I didn’t know this, but they have stopped all his depression meds. They are going to work on reintroducing them one by one and that should help with his mood.

About a week ago, they had tried moving him from his bed to a chair to see if he could sit up. He was in so much pain that they didn’t try to push it. The dr today said they want to try again and Richard said no, I won’t let you. I got a little tough on him and said they had to try. He was in a lot worse shape last time, and the dr will approve good pain meds to dull the pain. Richard is really against it, but he knows I need him to try. I don’t blame him, pain sucks, but if he doesn’t he will start to lose muscle mass and then he’ll never get out of the bed. I also guilted him a little bit by reminding him that I had to walk after my hysterectomy last year even when I didn’t want to.

I asked the dr point blank if they suspected something worse and just didn’t want to tell us and he assured me that’s not the case. He also said if a tough conversation has to happen he will tell me and not sugarcoat it.

He had a good lunch today. It was a pulled pork bun and it actually looked and smelled really good. He ate a fair bit and then was exhausted. I don’t know if I’ll see him tomorrow, but I’m going to try.

Sorry this is so long but this was a big update.

One last thing, I decided to test my immune system today..as I was leaving I gave Richard a quick kiss on the lips. It was very quick and no tonsil hockey but it was so good to have that connection for a second.
Kim, don't have but a minute right now, but can you talk a little about the thought process you all had for making him DNR?

Ongoing prayers daily.
Continued prayers and positive thoughts for both Richard and you and your family.:rose: Doctors who are no nonsense are wonderful in that the family needs to know the facts so that they can prepare for all the next steps of treatment. Sugarcoating the condition does no one justice.
I'm glad you were finally able to get some clear answers. Hopefully they help ease your mind somewhat. I have no experience in medicine, but I do know that some meds can interfere with blood sugar, or even some other meds or conditions, so that is likely why they halted his anti depressants during the crisis.

It sounds like maybe Richard needs a smidge of tough love at the moment so that he sets his mind to putting forth the effort necessary to regaining his health and mobility. Nobody likes pain, but everybody goes through some to achieve whatever we are looking to gain. Hopefully a bit of recovery, a bit of his mood stabilizers in his system and a bit of activity will get him more in the swing of things every day. They try to get open heart patients up as quickly as possible and are looking for most every patient to spend as much time sitting up, out of bed whenever possible to avoid things like pneumonia. Hopefully the medical staff will be pushing him hard to get over his reluctance so that he's actually more comfortable and healed quicker in the end.

Very happy to hear that the doctor thinks the prognosis is so positive. You keep hanging onto the positivity for both of you -- and maybe put on the drill sergeant hat where necessary here and there to give him the momentum he needs.
Kim, don't have but a minute right now, but can you talk a little about the thought process you all had for making him DNR?

Ongoing prayers daily.

I was just saying dnr in case someone didn’t know what a medical operative was. There’s no way I could ever decide that. Sorry for the confusion. Plus, if that’s what I decided I wouldn’t be so casual about it lol

One other question, for clarity, does he have myocarditis?

Yes, I believe that’s the medical term. From what I’ve read, it’s hard to treat. I swear, between the two of us we’ve got half a medical books worth of health issues.
I wonder if they will eventually transfer him to Riverview for rehab. It's a great facility. Sounds like some positive progress.
I wonder if they will eventually transfer him to Riverview for rehab. It's a great facility. Sounds like some positive progress.

I don’t think that’s the plan but it’s day by day right now. It would be a lot closer to home, that’s for sure.


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