Positive thoughts please-ups and downs p.42

More than I can say. Like I said a few pages ago, a lot of threads like this don’t have a happy ending, so I’m so lucky mine didn’t end up like them.

I'm very happy for you all that yours did get a happy ending I know that doesn't mean it's all going to be roses and lollipops, but if you keep in mind the grateful idea that whatever bumps come along are much more preferable than the complete heartbreak many face it should help you all power through the hills. Wishing you lots of positive momentum for 2019.
He’s one giant step closer to home :)

Today, he was transferred to the physio program at a hospital 10 minutes up the road from me. His room is a little bigger and nicer than his old one. He’s sharing a room but it’s a room for 4 and she’s across and down from him so there is some privacy for visits.

I was up to see him tonight with my parents and the staff that we met all seem very nice. He saw the doctor briefly tonight and he was told it might not even be four weeks before he’s home. They aren’t going to make him perfect before he comes home, just to the point where he can function on his own, but with aids in the house like a raised toilet seat. His main focus will be getting up and down stairs.

It will be nice to have him home. Not only because it will mean this nightmare is getting further behind us, but just because I miss being able to look at him and hug him and kiss him whenever I want. Not that we’ll be like teenagers again..he won’t have the strength for that LMAO but it’s isolating not to have physical contact with anyone.

My second great news of the day is that Grace has booked her plane ticket for her visit. She’ll be here from Feb 1- 11 and I’m already counting down the days. I can’t WAIT to see her. Not like it’s been years, but this two months has felt like it. I know she’ll be busy with her friends but I requested one full day and evening with her. I’m smiling just writing all of this.

As my fb post said today, Richard got transferred closer to home, Grace booked her plane ticket, and my coupon for free cookies arrived in the mail all on the same day? Hello to the best day in a long time LOL


Alright, Alright, Alright!
It’s nice to see some positive news, I have been reading and following your posts. I often think of you and I wish you and Richard more positive news in the weeks to come. It’s nice to have Grace’s visit to look forward to as well :)
Just checking in on you guys. Are you doing ok?

Hey, thanks for checking in :)

We’re doing ok. He’s been working on his physio every day and he’s sloooowly making progress. He’s been walking laps in a gym with a walker and can do four before he’s exhausted. Last night was the last day of his antibiotics so YAY for that milestone. With just supervision (no intervention) he’s able to get from his bed into a wheelchair and he’s started cruising the hallway lol

I’m awful for saying this but we talk on the phone like 10 times a day and it’s getting to be a little much. I know that we’re lucky we got to this point and I’m happy to talk to him, but after the third call there isn’t much to say. I can only hear about his breakfast so many times. He doesn’t have a lot of friends so he doesn’t really have anyone else to call and shoot the breeze with. I get that he’s getting bored but I wish he’d branch out a bit. I also wish my siblings would visit him more often but that’s another story.

It’s my birthday on Friday so my parents have offered to buy all four of us dinner and we’ll take it up to the hospital. We usually have a family dinner for all our birthdays but this year I asked to postpone mine until Grace is home for her visit. It’s going to be on Feb 8 and we’ll have a game night afterwards. I’m really looking forward to it and having her home for 10 whole days.
Does Richard have any interest in books or even audio books, where he doesn't have to do anything but listen? How about puzzle books? May not fill the day, but a small chunk of it????

That will be so nice for Grace to be home.

Does Richard have any interest in books or even audio books, where he doesn't have to do anything but listen? How about puzzle books? May not fill the day, but a small chunk of it????

That will be so nice for Grace to be home.


He does like to read. I think our library has audiobooks that can be borrowed on their website. I’ll suggest he check it out..thanks

I am counting the days until Grace comes home. I know I won’t see her a ton between me working and her visiting her friends but just knowing she’s close will make me feel complete for a while.
He does like to read. I think our library has audiobooks that can be borrowed on their website. I’ll suggest he check it out..thanks

I am counting the days until Grace comes home. I know I won’t see her a ton between me working and her visiting her friends but just knowing she’s close will make me feel complete for a while.

I know the Calgary Library uses the Libby app (I use it ALL the time) and it's super easy. You can just do a search of everything that's currently available to borrow or search for particular authors, genres, etc. I know when my brother in law was in the hospital I put my audible app on his phone so he could listen to all my Harry Potter books - it's a long time to be sitting around without much in the way of a change of scenery even.

ETA We also played a TON of card games, there are sooo many versions of solitaire you can play with a single deck of cards, plus it works on his dexterity and can be something visual to do while listening to audio books (I love them when I'm knitting, driving or working but just sitting and listening without doing anything else doesn't really work for me)
Hey, thanks for checking in :)

We’re doing ok. He’s been working on his physio every day and he’s sloooowly making progress. He’s been walking laps in a gym with a walker and can do four before he’s exhausted. Last night was the last day of his antibiotics so YAY for that milestone. With just supervision (no intervention) he’s able to get from his bed into a wheelchair and he’s started cruising the hallway lol

I’m awful for saying this but we talk on the phone like 10 times a day and it’s getting to be a little much. I know that we’re lucky we got to this point and I’m happy to talk to him, but after the third call there isn’t much to say. I can only hear about his breakfast so many times. He doesn’t have a lot of friends so he doesn’t really have anyone else to call and shoot the breeze with. I get that he’s getting bored but I wish he’d branch out a bit. I also wish my siblings would visit him more often but that’s another story.

It’s my birthday on Friday so my parents have offered to buy all four of us dinner and we’ll take it up to the hospital. We usually have a family dinner for all our birthdays but this year I asked to postpone mine until Grace is home for her visit. It’s going to be on Feb 8 and we’ll have a game night afterwards. I’m really looking forward to it and having her home for 10 whole days.
:bday: I hope you had a great day yesterday @kimblebee and that everything with Richard has continued to go steadily in the right direction. Maybe time for a little update? :wave2:
:bday: I hope you had a great day yesterday @kimblebee and that everything with Richard has continued to go steadily in the right direction. Maybe time for a little update? :wave2:

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.

I’m sorry I haven’t been updating very often. There isn’t a ton of news other than he keeps doing his physio and improving bit by bit. He did the hard work in just getting over the infection, now it’s just the long, slow process of fine tuning before he comes home. I’m guessing it’s at least another month before he comes home because he has to be able to walk for them to release him and he still can’t walk without a walker and gets exhausted easily. I’ll be here though whenever he’s ready lol

We had a good birthday dinner. We had pizza and my mom brought cupcakes for dessert. We had a lot of laughs and Richard was able to participate for about 2 1/2 hours before he got exhausted. It was the first time I had seen him in his wheelchair and it was jarring for a few seconds. He’s lost a fair bit of weight since he’s been there and he looks a lot older than he did when this all started. I do wonder if he’ll ever go back to his old self or if this new version is the one that will be coming home. He still laughs and has the same sense of humour, he just seems quieter more serious. It’s hard to explain i guess.

Since he is able to move himself around in a wheelchair we are going to bring Chewy to see him for a bit when Grace is home. We’ll bring chewy in his crate and Richard can come down to the parking lot for a while. It’s currently -36° with the windchill so hopefully it warms up a bit first lol

That’s all I have for now.
Richard has to walk independent of any walkers before he can come home?

For my DH, he would have been in another month. He still uses a cane most of the time.

In our house, we have a half bath downstairs, so as long as DH could walk 20 -30 ft with a walker and go up a single step that would be needed to get into the house, he was good to go.


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