Post your Guest Room-if you have 1- and come to mine


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Mar 4, 2005
Come to my guest room! The Chill Room :teeth: go to guest rooms type Chill Room, and press search then come in mine! My name on there is Emmios!!

Anyone else have a guest room on there
I have two. The first is My Happy Place, which I haven't done too much with so far. The second is Tropically Breeze--was supposed to be Tropical Breeze, but the game changed it. Anyway, I've done more with this room and made it a pleasant place to stop by and relax. :sunny:
My ds (9) has signed up here in the parks. He has been obsessed ever since. We did the quests at MK to get the codes, we got 500 free credits and bought our hat at chapeau. We have been driving poor cm Jeremy there crazy!!! If a couple of you would be so kind to drop in his is called "yo" don't know why....his name is beoboy...he has autism spectrum disorder and has become obsessive about this...the technical side is captivating to him...some of the social aspects are lost on him.

Anyways if any of you have time to drop in his room it would make his day...he checks several times a day and is so disappointed that nobody has entered yet. Thanks dis'ers!!!
I have 2 rooms connected by a teleporter. The names are pretty boring tho, as I am hopeless when put on the spot to think of a good name for anything.

Rooms are Down Under & Dog House.
Only one room "Crazy Corner". My screen name is Dream Weaver.

I have THREE rooms on the VMK:

1. "Dis people want Mickey ears!" LOL, yes, I just had to title my room this. After all, don't all us Disers want those infamous mouse ears? :rotfl:

2. "Dis Beach Party"

3. "The Dis Evil Fortress Party" -- I'll probably rename this one eventually. Not sure to what though.

(Tinkgirl on VMK)
im the winner so far (i think)
i have FOUR rooms
go me ;)

1. dis boards party room (linked from bezoar's teleportation room)
2. floating in space (linked to relaxing room)
3. help center in the tower (currently helped 0 people)
4. relaxing room (linked to floating in space)
I have two rooms titled "A Wild West Show and Game". There are many pieces of furniture. They appear to be alike but there are some differences. Transport from one to the other using the teacup.
mine is called Tea Time, I dont know what it should be about. im not done with it though, all you can do there is sit and drink! :rolleyes:
1. how do you make rides?
2. how do you control stuff,like move the gates open, close
3. how do you make games?(sorta like question #1)
Please answers these questions :guilty:
My room is "Nemo's Ocean." I'm connected on the Dis telports, my coffen is in Shrunken Ned's room.
I have four or should I say for rooms :) The one I'm in most is tropics
ok forget about those questions i now how now!
my new room's new name: Tea Time Lobby!
My new account's new room name: Tea Time Lobby corner(somthing like that)
I really want to join the Ne :guilty: twork
I've added another one!

Dis shooting gallery

Stop by and visit! :) My teleporter is in the Yeti lobby on the far right.

I have Happy Haunt which is linked to the DIS Yeti room. That's under my chimera character.

For my melkat character, there's 'garden party'. Pretty empty right now!


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