Post Your Wishes - May Get Granted!

one item I would really like right now will probably come back out in december but i want to have this room out by november if i can

The items is
-1 christmas tree

Plz anybody that can help me here
I would really appreciate it if anybody can help me out
Thanks for offering!

I am new, so I don't have the diving pin, space suit magic pin and autopia quest pin. I can do the quests, but can't do the side games well enough to win and go on to the next quest. Thanks again!
My wish?

Right now it is to catch up on all the items that were sold on VMK or given away by hosts from late August to the beginning of this week. During that time period, I was so extremely busy with my undergraduate Biochemistry research/course work. I never had the time to use my computer for anything other than academic purposes. BLAH! Well, that must change. :)

Items I have been eyeing are...

- Witch Hat
- Yellow Princess Outfit/Parts
- Black HM Outfit/Parts (minus the top hat, which was generously gifted to me by my good friend Sparky! Also, I don't need shoes.)
- Any Halloween Pins (host and quest)
- Ice Cream Mickey Pin
- Turkey Leg Pin
- Haunted Mansion Pins (totally unrelated to past few months)
- Space Pants (a gift for a new friend)

I do have some rare. Thanks for reading! :)
Groovydolly said:
my wish are halloween pins i would give food pins for them :thumbsup2

I didn't buy any extra of the weekly ones but I have a ghost pin you can have. PM me next time you are on and it's yours.
Briar__Rose said:
- Any Halloween Pins (host and quest)
- Haunted Mansion Pins (totally unrelated to past few months)

I have an extra Madame Leota and Ghost pin that you can have. Sorry I don't have the rest but pm me next time you are on and the pins are yours.
Briar__Rose said:
My wish?

Items I have been eyeing are...

- Turkey Leg Pin

I have a Turkey Leg pin that matches none of my pin collections (It is just sitting in my collection slowly turning green and icky!)and you are welcome to it. Just let me know when you are going to be online and i will arrange to meet you
Well I had asked for Tiki Fountains. Some one PM'd and offerend but no response back yet (i think they're ignoring me). I'll even trade for them.
Still wishing for a purple baseball hat. i have some things I could trade for it.
it seems nobody is trading firewalls and pirate couches these days :rolleyes:
My only wish: That people would have better trading etiquette. I'm sticking to the DIS boards for now.

My offer for a stitch hat on VMKMagic was accepted, but the kid used me so that people would panick and offer loads of stuff. He doesn't realize that it was an extremely hard decision to give up all of my pirate quest for one hat; I knew that I wanted the hat more though.

I don't understand how you could use somebody like he did me, if he wanted a better offer all he had to do was say so, but I was so excited. I felt like the hat was already mine, and it practically was. I thought that after almost four months of work, I would finally have the only thing on VMK that I really wanted.

What makes it worse is that he offered me a pink slipper because he was sorry, does he think a pink slipper is supposed to make it all better?

But the abosolute worst thing, is that I told all my friends on VMK about it. My little brother and sister were jumping up and down because they were excited for me, and now I'm too embarrassed and hurt to even tell them that my offer was turned down.

I can't imagine why anyone would do this, it makes it hurt even more that he would use me. If he had said no thank you, it wouldn't be so bad.

~Sparky Boots


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