Potential Paris DVC problems (exchange rate)


DIS Veteran
Nov 16, 2001
I think a Paris DVC sounds great, whether at the park, in Paris or near Paris. I might buy enough for a once every three-year visit.

BUT, I think there are some real problems when you think about the constant changes in the exchange rate between the Euro and the dollar. If a point chart is established while the Euro is trading at $1.40 each, and it later goes to $2, then it will make the Paris DVC rooms too much of a bargain in relation to Paris hotel rooms (for American DVC'ers).

Likewise, if the Euro were to drop back to 90 cents, in would make the DVC rooms too expensive in relation to hotel rooms.

It just seems that the exchange rate could cause some real problems. Have other timeshares come up with a way to deal with this?
1. Exchange rates are a constant issue for those outside of the US who are DVC members, yet DVC claims members living 100 international countries.

2. Don't make the mistake of assuming that Disney would use Americans as basis for a yea or nay decision on a DLP timeshare.
I thought the potential DL Paris DVC site was eventually developed by Marriott?
I think a Paris DVC sounds great, whether at the park, in Paris or near Paris. I might buy enough for a once every three-year visit.

BUT, I think there are some real problems when you think about the constant changes in the exchange rate between the Euro and the dollar. If a point chart is established while the Euro is trading at $1.40 each, and it later goes to $2, then it will make the Paris DVC rooms too much of a bargain in relation to Paris hotel rooms (for American DVC'ers).

Likewise, if the Euro were to drop back to 90 cents, in would make the DVC rooms too expensive in relation to hotel rooms.

It just seems that the exchange rate could cause some real problems. Have other timeshares come up with a way to deal with this?

$2!!!!!!!!! Bite your tongue!!!!!! It's been horrible the last few years as it is.
I love Europe, but I just can't live with the exchange rate as it is. The last time I went it was $1.25 and that just about killed me.
$2!!!!!!!!! Bite your tongue!!!!!! It's been horrible the last few years as it is.
I love Europe, but I just can't live with the exchange rate as it is.

We're loving the exchange rate here in Canada -- a Canadian dollar worth more than the US greenback is something few Canadians can remember. The Canadian dollar closed today worth nearly $1.02 American.:cool1:
We're loving the exchange rate here in Canada -- a Canadian dollar worth more than the US greenback is something few Canadians can remember. The Canadian dollar closed today worth nearly $1.02 American.:cool1:

Bummer, I WAS going to Canada next summer and now I have to cancel!! Just kidding...about canceling my trip. It is tough to vacation on the other side of the big pond, when the euro is so disproportionate.
$2!!!!!!!!! Bite your tongue!!!!!! It's been horrible the last few years as it is.
I love Europe, but I just can't live with the exchange rate as it is. The last time I went it was $1.25 and that just about killed me.

Everyone points out that the weak dollar has caused the trade gap to shrink, and it has. BUT, eventually the trade gap has got to be eliminated entirely. America can't import more than it exports indefinately.

Also, with this housing mess, I think the Fed is going to have to reduce interest rates to keep all the short-sighted folks who took out ARMs from losing their houses. Perhaps they shouldn't, but they will. That will further weaken the dollar.

I managed to get a $265 all-in fare to Cologne, Germany from JFK this past spring and took the family. It was a blue jean trip. The Euro was at $1.33 and we really had to travel cheap. But we had a great time. I've booked us a trip to Italy using frequent flier miles for this upcoming spring. With the Euro where it is, I have no idea how we're going to pay for it once we get on the ground.

When the Euro first came out my wife and I took several trips to Paris. Oh, for those 85-cent days! We booked special deals at the Intercontinental and Hotel Scribe through Priceline. We lunched at Tour d' Argent. We lived high. No more, I'm afraid.
I see it as swings and roundabouts. The exchange rate can work for you sometimes and then not. We are DVC members in the UK and whether we buy DVC in the US or France or Spain we still have to contend with exchange rates.

We are in the process of purchasing a vacation home in Spain (as many are doing in the UK) and have to put up with flactuating exchange rates. The £ to $ is currently good but when we purchased DVC a few years ago not so good.

I would love a DVC in France and would stay there every year when we drive over the Spain.

A DVC in Barcelona when DCL comes would be great.

Oh well I can dream.....

I would guess that a DVC in Paris would be 95% owned by Europeans(or higher), thus the fluctuation in the dollar vs. the euro wouldn't affect them at all. Once the point chart is set, is would stay the same just as with all the current DVC resorts, thus causing no concerns at all for any owner using DVC Paris on points. Other expenses associated with the trip would be affected, but that is true with any trip anyway. JMO
I don't see this a problem at all. The cost will be euro per point, not dollar. I'm sure the cost will be close to the US resorts, but the nore important question is the maintenance fees.
I would guess that a DVC in Paris would be 95% owned by Europeans(or higher), thus the fluctuation in the dollar vs. the euro wouldn't affect them at all. Once the point chart is set, is would stay the same just as with all the current DVC resorts, thus causing no concerns at all for any owner using DVC Paris on points. Other expenses associated with the trip would be affected, but that is true with any trip anyway. JMO

I see the exchange rate problem being with exchanges. But if it is mostly a European thing with few American trade-ins, then it won't matter.


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