Potty-training toddlers - what to do?

We went on a 2 week trip to Ft Lauderdale just as our 3 yo DS started to potty train. It took so long for him to get interested in the concept that we were not about to lose ground on vacation. I armed myself with a trial size can of Lysol, a pack of antibacterial wipes and antibacterial hand gel--I was ready for germ warfare! We made a big deal out of DS being a "big boy" and getting to go "potty" on the airplane (which he did very proudly). For the whole trip, if we were near a restroom, we went. Even if he said he didn't need to, he was at least going to try. Did we still use the Pull-Ups? You bet! But half way through our trip he was so happy about not having any accidents that he announced he wasn't wearing diapers anymore & only wanted his "big boy" underwear. I guess getting thrown out of his routine actually helped him. As far as the adult size toilets, use an anitbacterial wipe to clean it and let your kids sit on the seat--just be sure to hold them up under their arms so they won't feel like they are falling in. Also, take an extra set of clothes, just to be prepared, and don't worry too much. Have fun! :Pinkbounc


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