Practice For The "Ultimate Disney Trivia Tournament"


DIS Veteran
Oct 10, 2005
Let’s practice for the D23 “Ultimate Disney Trivia Tournament”. Here are the rules for the practice;

1.) Post a question.
2.) Within an hour of posting the question post the answer.

Hopefully during that time someone has answered your question. If not still post the answer so we can keep questions and answers coming in. :tink:
I was just going to answer.

What was the name of the evil puppeteer in Pinochhio?
Fun fun - I'm in!

Name the three animated Disney films that have an all animal cast.
Stromboli is correct.

Hmm, three animated features with all animals...


-Robin Hood
-Lion King

Can't think of the third but I was going to say "The Great Mouse Detective" but there is a shot where you see Sherlock Holmes' shadow playing the violin.

ooh, Bug's Life?
Does Aristocrats have people? Bambi has the off screen hunter, but I guess that could work?
The Aristocats also has that ornery butler who wanted to get rid of the kittens.
My DH came up with this question. (I'd never heard of it.)

After Fantasia was originally released, one of the characters was omitted from the movie. Who was it and why?
Question From jdb in AZ, After Fantasia was originally released, one of the characters was omitted from the movie. Who was it and why?

"The roadshow version of the film features a humorous moment omitted from the general release version. When Deems Taylor announces the title of the work, there is a sudden loud crash in the percussion section, and we see that the chimes player has accidentally fallen against his instrument. He sheepishly gets up, to the amused chuckling of Taylor and the other musicians."
I found this, but I am not sure if this is what you are looking for?

This is great practice! Let's keep the questions coming!
Nope, that's not the one. Clue: it was controversial.

I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but I know they removed some of the African American horse-creatures that were acting as servants to the white horse-creatures (how's that for a technical term!) because it wasn't really PC.


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