Prayers for our Church family


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Aug 8, 2000
I definitely come today with a heavy heart, to ask for you all's prayers.
Our pastor didn't show up at church today, and some of our members went looking for him.

He had gone Thursday with the elder ladies of our church and no one had seen him since they had returned from that trip.
Some of our members checked his house either last night or early this morning for his car, then today they checked down in the country with his cousin who lives across the road from his family farm. His cousin didn't see his car there.

Then just now my mom called me and said that some members went back by his house here, and there is now crime scene tape around his house here.
His wife has been in North Carolina visiting her mom and has had to field the calls long distance while everyone was looking for him.
With crime scene tape around his house it definitely looks like there has been foul play and that he is probably dead.

This has probably been the best pastor our church has ever had. It just sickens each and every one of us to think that someone has done such a thing to him. He has been such a true man of God, and definitely defines the word 'pastor'.

Oh Kim.. how sad, of course we will keep your church family in our thoughts.. Do let us know what happened....
At this time, not much is being acknowledged by the police. They are definitely giving it their best efforts though. They even took the crime scene mobile lab out there.

At first, we supposed it was probably a robbery, since they couldn't find his wife's car at first. (She had taken his to North Carolina). However, they found it parked down the alley behind their town homes.

The only thing the coroner has released so far, is that he died of asphyxiation, but wasn't beaten like we first supposed. (The after effects of that, especially when the body is face down and left for some time can be just as horrific looking on first glance).

Of course the worst thing right now is the innuendo going around town. Some nut has posted some strange things to the paper, and makes me wonder if it isn't the killer taunting the police.

Unfortunately, some of the church family can think of different unstable situations in some members, or former members that may be part of it.
But, my husband and I are getting really dark hints that someone really had it out for him. At this point until we know more from the police investigation, we can't know anything, but to us personally it not only looks like someone really not only wanted to kill him, but even try to kill his witness for the Lord and his good name among the community.
Of course knowing someone like him for 16 years, we know he wasn't the type to do anything to get into any kind of trouble that would make someone take to a 'revenge' type of killing. Too many people knew him too well.
Like I told a few people, knowing this man was seeing love in action.

If you've ever come in out of the freezing cold and taken a warm bath, well that's the kind of person he was. He loved everyone, and showed it repeatedly in many ways, the warmth that really enveloped you in love.

Right now, our greatest efforts are to keep his wife from any of the ugly stuff that may keep her from going forward and spending too much time worrying about useless stuff. Our basic statement to the public was we are here for each other and not speculating on what has happened, that is the job of the police. Our job is to continue in what we are supposed to do, keeping the ministry out there.

Our poor youth minister has really gotten a 'baptism by fire' sort of thing lately (We're also between music ministers). The young man has only been out of seminary for about a year, and suddenly he finds himself as the only male staff we have here!;) What a load!
He rallied around Sunday though and did the sermon when everyone realized our pastor wasn't showing up. Our lead deacon has been there for him, he also has his divinity degree and preaches some when the pastor is away.
Between the two of them, they have really done a great job this week, with
all of the contacts to be made, and the reporters to placate, etc..
And, to top it all off, we had a group of about forty or so, that had left Saturday for Kentucky for a mission thing the Baptists have going on up there. I know it was tough on them wanting to be back here, but wanting to finish up their mission there. They did come back early, and got here this morning about five. Not much sleep for a lot of people, my sister being one, who had two kids coming back from the trip.;)

We had the memorial service today and it was a sweet time. It was definitely a praise of life, not death. That was just the type of man our pastor was.

We would like everyone's continued prayers for the next few weeks. For his wife and the investigation and our church. This is definitely one of those things that leave you so numb. You just can't imagine something like this happening.

What an unbelievable thing to have happened :confused3 . Thinking of, and praying for your Church Family :hug:
Wow, that is harsh. I'm glad the YM is surviving, and that people are watching out for his wife. Will continue in prayer.
Prayers are indeed needed.
Im a young member of the church and Kim is my aunt.
This is such a horrible thing.....Lucky for our youth, our youth minister has survived.
How sad and shocking for your church family! I hope that the police can shed some light on the situation and help bring closure to everyone.


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