Princess 1/2 walkers?

OK, this might sound Goofy but I just want to give Dreamer2012 a BIG :thumbsup2 for starting this thread way back on 9-29-2011 because I think it has been very informative and an inspiration for many Princess and other Event Walkers.

I would bet that D2012 would never have thought she would have a living thread with her being the #500 reply poster. In my judgement it just shows how significant this thread is to so many women athletes.

Rock on D. and keep on having fun.

Once again, good luck to You, DD and all others. Maybe some day I will have the pleasure of meeting you.

John VN
Thanks John VN! You have always been my biggest supporter! How did I get so lucky? You practically got me through my first PHM in matter the question you have always been there! I can not tell you how much it has meant to me (& countless others who have followed along...) and how very grateful I am to have benefitted from your expertise. You made me feel that I could still participate AND complete the PHM even though I was never going to be a runner - a gift beyond measure. What I hope for this thread is that it will inspire others who are not runners to still experience this amazing Disney race, and that YOU will stop by and encourage them the same way you did for me...I really do hope we get to meet someday - that is my new "dream". Thank you for encouraging me and believing in me when I needed it so very much...
Thats what these boards are for!
I am glad to see there are so many other walkers. This is my first 1/2. I am coming with others but they are runners. I've been training but I am still about 16 min/mile. I am just hoping to keep up with others and prayfully finish.


And I am in the same boat -- training as much as I can but still in the 16-17 mm range. Oh, dear....trying not to let the sweepers rule my thinking, or the 26,000 other participants!

I must remember:

*I know I am much more fit and trim than I was when I started training for this over a year ago.

*I've truly enjoyed my training and know this will be a part of my life for the rest of my life.

*I've met lovely people who have enriched my experience so far [through the DIS, FB, and the races in which I have participated].

*Whatever happens on the race will not change any of the above. Or any of the other wonderful components of my richly blessed life.

With all of that good stuff, why am I getting so stressed about this??!?!?!!?

Oh, and welcome to the other walkers.
Please try not to worry so much about the sweepers. You have worked really hard and you have done the training, you will be fine.

I recently walked in the January marathon--due to injury and a variety of other challenges, I was not able to go as far in my training as I'd hoped. I had done 15 -16 miles, but was unable to go longer distances due to Achilles tendon issues. I was averaging about 17-19 min/miles in my training too, so I was really stressing about time. I knew I most likely wouldn't be able to finish, but I really wanted to go at least halfway. Ultimately I got swept at mile 14....BUT I averaged just under 15 min/mile my first 10 miles...and I was able to stay ahead of the sweepers for the first 12. They were really great about communication and letting you know if you were falling off pace so you had lots of warning if you needed to pick up the pace, and when I was passed by the "balloon ladies" they told us that we needed to be in front of them at the next mile marker so I would still have had some time to keep up if my injury hadn't been giving me so much trouble.

I stopped twice to use the facilities and stopped once in MK to refill my water at a fountain, and once in MK to take a castle picture....even with those stops I was well ahead of pace the first 8 miles (14 min/mile) which is really fast for me...they are telling the truth when they say you get an adrenaline rush that really helps!

My boyfriend finished the marathon and he said the balloon ladies caught up with him around mile 16 so he stayed within sight of them the rest of the way. He said there were times when he would fall behind and they would encourage him and warn him (and the people around him) so he was always aware of what he needed to do to stay in it.

I KNOW you can do it!!! Your regular pace is already in line with where you need to be, so you should be fine. Just trust your training and HAVE FUN!!!

I loved my marathon experience even though I didn't get to finish. Considering where I started, I am very proud of how far I've come and how far I went in the race. Can't wait for next year when I WILL finish it....and for some half marathons I'm planning for May and July.

Keep training and keep walking!!!!!

I'm walking. I've done 11 miles at about 14 minute miles in training, so hopefully should be ok on pace, but I've trained in the gym so bit worried about keeping the right pace on the day.
Please try not to worry so much about the sweepers. You have worked really hard and you have done the training, you will be fine.

I recently walked in the January marathon--due to injury and a variety of other challenges, I was not able to go as far in my training as I'd hoped. I had done 15 -16 miles, but was unable to go longer distances due to Achilles tendon issues. I was averaging about 17-19 min/miles in my training too, so I was really stressing about time. I knew I most likely wouldn't be able to finish, but I really wanted to go at least halfway. Ultimately I got swept at mile 14....BUT I averaged just under 15 min/mile my first 10 miles...and I was able to stay ahead of the sweepers for the first 12. They were really great about communication and letting you know if you were falling off pace so you had lots of warning if you needed to pick up the pace, and when I was passed by the "balloon ladies" they told us that we needed to be in front of them at the next mile marker so I would still have had some time to keep up if my injury hadn't been giving me so much trouble.

I stopped twice to use the facilities and stopped once in MK to refill my water at a fountain, and once in MK to take a castle picture....even with those stops I was well ahead of pace the first 8 miles (14 min/mile) which is really fast for me...they are telling the truth when they say you get an adrenaline rush that really helps!

My boyfriend finished the marathon and he said the balloon ladies caught up with him around mile 16 so he stayed within sight of them the rest of the way. He said there were times when he would fall behind and they would encourage him and warn him (and the people around him) so he was always aware of what he needed to do to stay in it.

I KNOW you can do it!!! Your regular pace is already in line with where you need to be, so you should be fine. Just trust your training and HAVE FUN!!!

I loved my marathon experience even though I didn't get to finish. Considering where I started, I am very proud of how far I've come and how far I went in the race. Can't wait for next year when I WILL finish it....and for some half marathons I'm planning for May and July.

Keep training and keep walking!!!!!



Okay, Brooke, your words could not have been more helpful - THANK YOU!!!!

So glad to get your report from the marathon - I prayed for all of you that weekend, especially when the weather reports came in. You did so well in such hot conditions. I hope you are taking care of that tendon, too.

My emotions have been swinging from a determined 'let's get-er done' to 'oh-my-goodness, I can't do this!' Brooke, your post has really helped swing me back in the right direction.

And I love your determination to try again next year. :worship::worship: You go, girl!!!
So happy to see new walking princesses joining!! Welcome ALL :)
My husband woke up very sick...and Im so ashamed to say my first thought was "I better not get it" less than 2 weeks until we leave and I really cant afford to be sick....
Did my last 10 mile walk. Kept a pretty good pace but definitely counting on adrenaline on race day. Two weeks to taper. No shin splints or sore feet. Will continue short walks and work outs. I need to stop worrying about the sweepers!
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all take all the worry we share about the "sweepers" and channel it into positive energy to help us believe in ourselves, our journey and our own abilities! I know last year (my 1st 1/2) I too spent countless time and energy worrying about being swept and the "bus of shame" (which I DONOT personally believe in - EVERYONE who trains and shows up to race is automatically a winner to me!) - only to have finished without ever having even seen a balloon relax! If you have trained and you have worked towards this goal you WILL DO IT!! Your medal is only 13 days away!!
Keep your eye on the prize and your heart in the game!
I am a walker as well. I met some of my favorite people at the Princess last year while walking! We have done several races together since :) I had to sell my bib this year due to a broken foot and am seriously bummed...... Have a great time!
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all take all the worry we share about the "sweepers" and channel it into positive energy to help us believe in ourselves, our journey and our own abilities! I know last year (my 1st 1/2) I too spent countless time and energy worrying about being swept and the "bus of shame" (which I DONOT personally believe in - EVERYONE who trains and shows up to race is automatically a winner to me!) - only to have finished without ever having even seen a balloon relax! If you have trained and you have worked towards this goal you WILL DO IT!! Your medal is only 13 days away!!
Keep your eye on the prize and your heart in the game!

Dreamer, you are such a treasure - thank you for that sweet message!

For the past two days, I've been using that extra batch of nerves to get in a couple of good, fast walks. Last night, I was pulling my dog around the neighborhood - he was out of breath! And this morning, even my watch seemed excited to tell me that I had logged my fastest time - a 14:26 mm pace! Okay, it was for only a mile and the walk was only two miles but I was encouraged to see that I can walk faster than I thought I could.

I am a walker as well. I met some of my favorite people at the Princess last year while walking! We have done several races together since :) I had to sell my bib this year due to a broken foot and am seriously bummed...... Have a great time!

I've walked in a bunch of races over the past year and am usually by myself near the end. One thing I'm looking forward to in the PHM is meeting other walkers in the back of the pack, maybe even making good friends, too.

Congratulations, Dagny, on all of your races - that's quite a list! I'm so sorry that you've broken your foot....hope you feel better soon. :hug:
Hi ladies! So good to see so many walkers!!

I herniated two discs in my back, back on Jan 11th. My training stopped. The furthest I have gone is 6.82 miles on an extremely hilly course. So hoping that pays off on the flat course of Disney.

This weekend my husband and I are going to try for 10 miles. I don't usually take any food or water with me, but I think I will this weekend because I get really tired after awhile. This will also be my first time walking with anyone. I usually go by myself. I am just hoping the weather holds up and it is at least above 20 degrees. Hoping for the 30's or higher!!

Keep on walking ladies! See you in 10 days!!! :)
Good for you PattiPoo! It is impressive that you did not just give up. I admire that kind of persistence. I hope all goes well for you.
Also wondering - what corral are all you walkers in? My DD15 and I are Corral C - hope some of you will be with us?
Good for you PattiPoo! It is impressive that you did not just give up. I admire that kind of persistence. I hope all goes well for you.
Also wondering - what corral are all you walkers in? My DD15 and I are Corral C - hope some of you will be with us?

We will be starting in D... a few in my group had C, but the last had D so we will drop back.

What are everyone's training plans for the week? I'm thinking a few short 2 milers during the week.

Anyone doing the 5K too? I'll be out there!
Hi Ladies....We are back home and I am so so very tired, proud and happy to have experienced my second PHM! Although the weather was unbearable this year the humidity just did me in....I still enjoyed the journey. We actually stopped for some photos in front of the Castle and again for our personal "chear squad" after exiting the Castle...(lastn year I would NEVER of dreamt of stopping for Any reason!) - and with all that heat and the stops we only added 15mins to my last years time. Since the time was NOT the goal -I was so happy to have the beautiful Medal placed upon my neck and the pixie dust placed on my head!
The only problem now is nothing to look forward to or to train for - so I guess it is time to "THINK AHEAD" - I would love to hear from all of you and hear your experiences....feel like sharing?
Dreamer2012 said:
Hi Ladies....We are back home and I am so so very tired, proud and happy to have experienced my second PHM! Although the weather was unbearable this year the humidity just did me in....I still enjoyed the journey. We actually stopped for some photos in front of the Castle and again for our personal "chear squad" after exiting the Castle...(lastn year I would NEVER of dreamt of stopping for Any reason!) - and with all that heat and the stops we only added 15mins to my last years time. Since the time was NOT the goal -I was so happy to have the beautiful Medal placed upon my neck and the pixie dust placed on my head!
The only problem now is nothing to look forward to or to train for - so I guess it is time to "THINK AHEAD" - I would love to hear from all of you and hear your experiences....feel like sharing?

Congratulations! I am doing my first 5K in a couple of weeks. I am already leaning towards trying a half one day! If you don't mind sharing, what was your time? I am just curious as to how much time it might take to walk and take pictures.
I never mind sharing! Good luck in your upcoming first 5k! Let us know how it goes! Our time was 3:45:59 - we had trained for 15 min miles and had walked many 14 min miles, but the heat and high humidity killed us northern girls! We were happy to finish and get ours medals!


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