Princess 1/2 walkers?

Cutting the blocks is like eating the beans, a little at a time but more frequently compared to the gel.

When I intend to go out from the start really fast and plan to continue that pace, I will down a gel around 15 minutes before I start. Then every 45 minutes or so there after. Again, this is only when I am really cooking, meaning that I am trying to maintain a pace in the upper 9:00s.

Please remember, this works for me.

When I walked the DL 1/2M with DW last month, I had a few sips of water and shared a Gu with DW. Ate my breakfast, drank plenty of water before hand and the weather was so nice I had no need to replenish.

There can alsobe a problem if you drink too much water.
My question is how do you know when to take it and when not to? Someone said if you wait until you "Need" it - its too late....Should you just take it at regular intervals the entire long walk?

I fuel the entire time I run, at regular intervals. The usual recommendation is 100-150 calories per hour. You are using more than that but that's about all your body is going to be able to metabolize.

I have been doing them on an empty stomache. I do drink plenty of water during the walks (long & short) - have not had a problem yet - is this a bad thing to do?

It's not bad in the sense that it will stall your progress or injure you but you won't be at your very best. Usually a small, complex carb heavy but easy to digest meal at least an hour (two is better but if you get up early that can be a problem) before you start puts your blood sugar levels at a good place to do some work. John has his eggbeaterwich, I typically rock some instant oatmeal and a banana. My wife likes a Clif bar because she just wants to be out the door.

There is always much to be learned. There is always more research being done and there is so much already out there. That's what makes it all so interesting. I mean what could be easier than walking or running? Lace up your shoes and go...then someone hands you a copy of Lore of Running and you get the feeling you just took the red pill. ;)
I know it probably wont seem like it to some of you veterans but we just did outm 6.5 mile walk last weekend and I felt like I could have kept going! My right knee was "tired" but not hurting....when I checked my phone (I was using the runkeeper gps guided app) it said we averaged 17 min per mile. I wa a bit dissapointed that we were a full min off pace, but I tried to concentrate that we actually did 6.5 miles!! That in itself was an accomplishment for two women who until last month would NEVER have even dreamt w could do this! We have 131 more days to train - hopefully we will be able to pick up the pace when we do the 3 miles this weekend...any advice out there? Hey John - think we are too far behind the pace to actually finish the race and not be swept up?

You are doing awesome!! :thumbsup2

To give you some encouragement, my very first 6 miler was at a 17mpm... and I had a very compressed training schedule, so it was only 6 weeks before the race... (I would never recommend anyone intentionally train in this manner, but I was coming back from an injury and trying to get as far as I could in the W&D 1/2 since everything was already booked). I ended up having no problem finishing the W&D... avg'd about a 15:30 pace and took a few bathroom breaks... which put me with a finish of 3:32... I was not TOO far ahead of the sweepers... I could see them... but they never passed me and I finished. So for you ladies to be keeping that pace, with a good 4 months still left to train, I don't think you have anything to worry about! See you at the princess!
I just finished my tempo 13.12 miles this morning in 2:18:18 walking and feel great right now. Please don't feel that you have to run to prove something, just get out and enjoy your training and things will jell. Trust me.

BTW, I am 61yo and just started walking 1 1/2 years ago so age does not have to limit your accomplishments. Come on over to Events/Competition and join in there.

Um...I did my first half marathon last week, and with a run-walk combo, came nowhere near 2:18. :worship:

That is awesome. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
I know that sounds like a silly question but I was at the gym this morning doing my 2 mile walk :cool1:( 4.1 for 30min - may be time to increase since I did not even break a sweat today?) and I noticed others and thier walking styles - I asked each one and got two different answers - #1 Do NOT move arms because that takes energy away from you legs where you want it to go. #2 Move you arms with elbows bent in a comfortable fashion - not overly exaggerated to help propel yourself forward a little more. - so now I am confused :confused3 since they both make sense...thought I should ask the "EXPERTS" Thanks!!
First thing's first, congrats on the progress! :thumbsup2

I don't know if walking training correlates directly to running but were I coaching you, I'll send you longer before I asked for more speed. Once you have the aerobic fitness to stay in motion for the two - four hours that most walkers will be on the course, speed is comparatively easy to build. In an 18 week beginner running program, The first 12 weeks is devoted exclusively to building fitness with the overall weekly mileage going up 5% per week. Once I have them to the point where they can cover the distance, then the mileage stabilizes and specific speed workouts start making their way on to the schedule.

Both are true BUT moving your arms does more than burn also keeps you balanced. The arms move to counterbalance the motion of the legs. So, let them swing as part of the natural motion.
I'm curious to hear what other people have to say -- I've read two "welcome to walking" type books. Ones wants you to use an arm motion that I find extremely unnatural. The other one says to move your arms naturally. I like the second opinion better -- but that doesn't mean it's right!
As far as arm swing, you have to find what is right for you. If you are not comfortable, you will most likely not be able to relax the rest of your body which is very important whether one walks or runs.

When I walk with DW my arms are usually down straight at my side swinging because we are going much slower than my own pace. As soon as we start to pick up the pace my arms come up to a 90* bend and swing opposite leg stride like CSGeorge mentions. The faster I walk the faster they swing being careful not to over-extend the motion forward or backward. I cannot see how anyone could walk without arm swing. As for straight or bent, if your arms are hanging down straight it will require more effort(energy) to keep them in motion and this is why I bend my arms.
Hi everyone! I am a real "newbie", but have talked my BFF into walking this marathon in 2012. We are registered, made our flights and hotel reservations and have begun "training". I would love to hear from anyone who has walked this before or who like us will be attempting this for the first time. We are terriffied :scared1:of being "swept" - I wanted to start this because I have read a lot about the runners and thier super times (wish we could do that...) but have not found a place for the walkers to talk about thier training strategies or get advice from other walkers....I hope some of you will help us newbies!

I too have registered and plan to walk and I've got to up my game just to meet the minimum speed requirement. I have convinced myself that "someone" has to be last across the finish line and there is a certain amount of prestige to be last ;) The way I see it, if I don't get carried across on a stretcher I'm good :rotfl2:
Ok - so now as far as the arm swing is considered it really comes down to "do what comes naturally!"

Thanks George for the distance/speed advice - I walked today @ 4.2 for 30 mins with no problem and not overly tired at the end either. As far as distance goes should I up that now?

Also I have been doing the 2 miles every weekday and a longer walk (last one was 6.5 - next week is 8.5) every other weekend alternating with a 3 mile walk on the opposite weekend. Should we up the 3 miles on those weekends?

Welcome Erinna & Tink! I agree about someone having to be last - I dont care if its me either - I JUST WANT TO FINISH AND GET THAT MEDAL!! That is the goal!! I hope that by some coincidence we all get a chance to meet while we are there...that would be fun!!
Rock on Tink! A lot of the races, the last person across the line gets the best cheering. Every runner has started small, every runner knows how tough it is and to have the courage to keep going even when you are bringing up the rear? HECK YEA!

The way I normally progress a plan is with alternating harder and easier days. So if you are doing two daily on week days, I might have those weekdays start looking like: Mon-2/Tues-3/Wed-2/Thur-3/Fri-2
Overall base fitness is a function of your long walks and your total mileage.

NOTE: When you start bringing up mileage you have to be VERY aware of your body and more to the point, listen to what it's telling you. If something is sore or you find yourself fatigued, drop the mileage back or take a day off. Staying healthy is your #1 priority. If you are sick or injured, you can't train at all so a pound of prevention and all that...
Wow!!! I just wanted to say hello and thank everyone for participating in this thread. It is totally what I needed!!!

I am a newbie, with the goal of finishing the Princess. I have been training since April, but have gotten very discouraged along the way. I am a walker, and in a panic over being too slow, in June I decided to throw in some running intervals. Big mistake! I stirred up an old back injury and needed a steroid epidural injection to get back on track. Resolved that I can only walk, I got back in the groove a month later. By september I had increased my mileage to 10 miles for my long walk, and then hit another big bump in the road with my walking partner "moving on" and a horrible case of bronchitis.

I have been mostly lurking on the Princess board, but hearing all the runners bemoan their running times, this walker just got plain old discouraged. I have registered, gotten hotel and ADR's scheduled, and was totally bummed that I probably wouldn't actually be doing the race. You all have given me a huge boost, so back to training in earnest today!

Thanks again...looking forward to getting to know everyone here!
Wow!!! I just wanted to say hello and thank everyone for participating in this thread. It is totally what I needed!!!

I am a newbie, with the goal of finishing the Princess. I have been training since April, but have gotten very discouraged along the way. I am a walker, and in a panic over being too slow, in June I decided to throw in some running intervals. Big mistake! I stirred up an old back injury and needed a steroid epidural injection to get back on track. Resolved that I can only walk, I got back in the groove a month later. By september I had increased my mileage to 10 miles for my long walk, and then hit another big bump in the road with my walking partner "moving on" and a horrible case of bronchitis.

I have been mostly lurking on the Princess board, but hearing all the runners bemoan their running times, this walker just got plain old discouraged. I have registered, gotten hotel and ADR's scheduled, and was totally bummed that I probably wouldn't actually be doing the race. You all have given me a huge boost, so back to training in earnest today!

Thanks again...looking forward to getting to know everyone here!

Good to hear from you and you should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments.

Many of us are just not meant to run and should feel no shame because we can't. We must focus on the abilities we have and strive to reach reasonable goals while enjoying our walking and avoiding injuries.

Being last across the finish line does not equate to being a failure because there are so many more who have not even attempted the start. If you have questions we are here to help. Hope to read more from you. :thumbsup2
Looks like you've already learned some very important lessons. Not only is moving at YOUR pace a way to stay injury free but in a race it's crucial to being able to finish. As a matter of fact, you see it all the time in big races. People who are trained but since it's their first big race, excitement gets the better of them, they go too fast and have no energy to keep going. If memory serves, when I ran last year's Wine & Dine nearly 3,000 people didn't finish. Even if a third of those were medical, that's still a lot of people who ran out of gas.

The second lesson is to be very selective who you let inside your head. A lot of runners, especially new ones quickly lose context of their accomplishments. I'm sure there are a lot of people here who would sacrifice a digit to be able to run the "bad" run I ran yesterday...that's why I keep that sort of thing out of venues like this. People get excited about how far they are going or how fast they are going and want to share but context is key to keep that kind of sharing inspirational.

You are kicking butt and you are well on your way to crossing that finish line. Do it on your terms and do it strong!
Just wanted to post and say Hi! Have been lurking for a few days. Can't decide if I want to start with the 5K for the Princess and then do the 1/2 for the Wine and Dine - or just jump into the 1/2 Princess and walk it - I have always loved walking. Guess I have another month or so before I fully commit to which one I will do, will see how my training goes :thumbsup2
I went for a walk this morning in my first "real" running (well, okay fastwalking) shoes. Wow! Did it make a difference in how light my feet felt -- and how supported my foot felt.

If you haven't gotten good (for you) shoes, this newbie recommends it!
Welcome Erinna & Tink! I agree about someone having to be last - I dont care if its me either - I JUST WANT TO FINISH AND GET THAT MEDAL!! That is the goal!! I hope that by some coincidence we all get a chance to meet while we are there...that would be fun!!

Meeting would be fun. Maybe closer to the event we can arrange to meet up at the pre-race events or after the event and compare how we did. :D

I realized yesterday that when in WDW I walk a marathon daily, so endurance isn't an issue, I just need to work on speed. Although somedays our pace is quick while hurrying to a dinner reservation! :lmao:
Being last across the finish line does not equate to being a failure because there are so many more who have not even attempted the start.

That is SO true! I will keep that in mind when my training gets hard! Thank you so much!
That sounds great Tink (and anyone else interested!) - When we are nearer to the event we will work out the details!

Thanks again George I will up my mileage on Mon - Wed & Fri - since the other days I go with a friend and she only has 1/2 hour to devote. We usually pick Sat or Sun to do our longer walk and the opposite day I try to do a min. of 3 miles. I am just worried that we are not doing enough to be prepared to finish the race....

Hi and Welcome Manhattan - it is easy to be discouraged if your read too many posts about what long/fast/great distances others are doing and then try to measure our newbie selves against the veterans. But as you have read from the veterans - we need to concentrate on our own progress and find the joy in our accomplishments along the way. And I think it was George who even said he didn't start out a veteran!! We hopefully will all celebrate crossing the finish line at our own time and pace - and be proud of all of us - those who have accomplished it before and have done it one more time - andthose of us who had the courage to try for the first time! Positive thoughts will keep us all going!!

I also want to say how thankful I am that both JohnVN and KingGeorge stay connected to us on this thread! Thier constant advice and encouragement has been a great source of inspiration! "THANKS GUYS!!"
Thanks to the warm welcome. Hope everyone is enjoying a bit of lovely fall weather to train in. :woohoo:

I am looking forward to sharing training updates with everyone and would love to participate in a meet up!

Do any of you have any thoughts about runner's retreat? I am anticipating finishing at the end, so I guess I am not sure how much I would get to benefit from the post race perks...Would be interested in anyone's comments!


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