Princess Weekend 2023 (Feb 23-26, 2023)

Am I crazy thinking we can run the 5k with my 6 and 12 year olds? I've heard they don't really enforce the time cutoff for the 5k, is this correct? Most of the photos I see are only of adults - are there kids that young that do it?

Not crazy! My kids did a RunDisney 5k when they were around those ages. We had done several local 5k races as a family before and I think that helped.

There aren't a ton of kids doing the Disney races, but there are some. So I say, go for it!
Hi, We have done the marathon races combined with a family vacation for the past 6 years (minus 2 Covid years) but now my oldest is starting middle school and I no longer feel comfortable taking him out of school for a week to go to Disney! They happen to have off the week before the Princess races so I booked a DVC stay for that time. Am I crazy thinking we can run the 5k with my 6 and 12 year olds? I've heard they don't really enforce the time cutoff for the 5k, is this correct? Most of the photos I see are only of adults - are there kids that young that do it? Also, how soon does the 5k sell out? Registering for the marathon/ half last year was very nerve-wracking. I don't want to get 2 of us registered then not be able to get the other 2 or something! Thanks for any info (before I go crazy planning our costumes!)
Here’s my Princess 5k recap with my 8 year old daughter.

There were not a lot of other kids, but there definitely were other ones. My daughter really enjoyed dressing up and got lots and lots of comments/requests for pictures. They don’t really enforce a time sweep but as you can read from our experience they do close the lines to characters. We finished the race at a 35 min/mile because we waited 48 min for the first character stop. When registering just do all of you at the same time. Either you all get in or you all don’t using that method.

She had so much fun that we’re going back for 2023 and she wants to do the costumes even bigger/more elaborate.
If MW is any indication, 5 days before CrD registration, so... June 9th :P
I’m so sorry! It sounds like you had quite an ordeal but you should be proud for getting out there and trying to do it. Sounds like a lot of those obstacles were out of your hands. I too worry about injuries because I am a bit older than I was when I did the 3 day/60 mile. At least I’m starting to feel older in my body lol. So maybe that’s what’s driving me to do it. And ofcourse it’s Disney!

Thanks! It was hard to feel proud in the moment, but doing a 10K and then 9 miles when I never even got beyond 4 in that training cycle is something to be happy about. I also realized I had developed a massive blister when I was on the bus. The other day the skin where the blister had been finally came off; it's right on the end of my second toe, so doing another 4 miles on that would have been awful.

And I made a friend on the bus; she and I live nowhere near each other but we are spurring each other on. Bellanotte here on the Dis was also on the bus I was on, though we were in back and she was in the front, and we're doing the same with each other. It has really opened my eyes that I can't skate by on too-little training.

I have been anxiously awaiting this specific year to do the Princess Weekend as the HM lands on my birthday! See y’all there!

Yay! My cousin's birthday always lands Princess week and she has THE best time wearing her birthday button. She has gotten so many free desserts since 2016 when we started doing Princess.

Am I crazy thinking we can run the 5k with my 6 and 12 year olds? I've heard they don't really enforce the time cutoff for the 5k, is this correct? Most of the photos I see are only of adults - are there kids that young that do it?

Not crazy. My son was 8 then 9 for rundisney 5Ks, and he had a good time. He had also done other local events so he could learn race etiquette. The biggest thing that he had to learn during our training then was not to sprint forward, stop on a dime, turn around and sprint back to me. We did a LOT of training on that LOL. I somehow managed to convince him that I had eyes everywhere, and would know if he misbehaved while out of my sight. It helped that during one local race I did get info about how he polite he was on the course when out of sight from a random friend, and once at the YMCA he was caught, by the Y's director, horsing around in the locker room after swim and I was told before he even got out of the locker room.
Now that they've released the themes for MW, how long do we wait for Princess? I'm not patient by nature. At all.
Just checked the 2020 thread (the last one that held registration on a normal schedule) and it seems like folks with early registration were finding out the themes as they were registering. On the positive side, since then they’ve been publishing theme info prior to registration, just… not too early. I’d guess the week before (sorry).
Hi, We have done the marathon races combined with a family vacation for the past 6 years (minus 2 Covid years) but now my oldest is starting middle school and I no longer feel comfortable taking him out of school for a week to go to Disney! They happen to have off the week before the Princess races so I booked a DVC stay for that time. Am I crazy thinking we can run the 5k with my 6 and 12 year olds? I've heard they don't really enforce the time cutoff for the 5k, is this correct? Most of the photos I see are only of adults - are there kids that young that do it? Also, how soon does the 5k sell out? Registering for the marathon/ half last year was very nerve-wracking. I don't want to get 2 of us registered then not be able to get the other 2 or something! Thanks for any info (before I go crazy planning our costumes!)
My daughter did the 2019 5k with me (and her grandmother who was almost 69 at the time). She had turned 5 just 2 months prior. We walked the whole thing and never felt that we were at risk of not finishing. She had a blast. My profile pic is all of us at that race.
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Just checked the 2020 thread (the last one that held registration on a normal schedule) and it seems like folks with early registration were finding out the themes as they were registering. On the positive side, since then they’ve been publishing theme info prior to registration, just… not too early. I’d guess the week before (sorry).
Oh I figured. I was hoping beyond hope the themes were released since SS is over, and it's on to the next season. *Sigh*. I have my favorite princesses and my least favorite, and the themes will help me decide what to register for.
Just checked the 2020 thread (the last one that held registration on a normal schedule) and it seems like folks with early registration were finding out the themes as they were registering.

And at some point between registering for the 2016 Princess (my first) and 2020's, we didn't know until well after we had registered.
And at some point between registering for the 2016 Princess (my first) and 2020's, we didn't know until well after we had registered.
Now that I think of it, I had no idea what the theming was for the SW races I did until well after registration, and the medals for those sometimes didn’t match the shirt designs.
Joining this thread for our first Princess Weekend! Thank you for the informative intro post, Billy! We’ve booked our DVC reservation at BLT because we need to use those points, but I’ll probably cry if Festival of the Arts gets pushed later in 2023. I guess I’ll see what’s left/waitlist for a split stay at BCV if that happens. Definitely will do the challenge (pending registration), but I’m not sure about the 5K. Springtime Surprise it was so nice to have the 5k at night and only two crazy early mornings. 🥱😴
I’m very sad to say that I may not be able to join in for Princess 2023. My mother has her heart set on a trip to DC, because she’s never been. I want to stick with Springtime Surprise for the potential “perfect status”, and Wine & Dine seems like a good time to visit, so Princess is the only rD weekend I can drop 😭😭😭😭

But I’m still up for a new position in my company, and if there’s a salary bump involved, things could change. I know I’ve got enough PTO for more trips, it’s just the wallet that needs to cooperate.
Planning on running our 1st RunDisney race Princess weekend. We haven't decided between the 5 or 10K. I wanted to do both, but once my husband saw how pricey they are he thinks just one since I also want to do Sunrise Yoga. We'll see how it all works out. I'm definitely worried about registration since we'll be in DL when it opens. Luckily, it'll only be our 3rd day there, so I'll probably still be on Eastern time.
I wonder if there will be any overflow effect with people who couldn’t get registrations for MW.
Hard to say. It’s different crowds, different weekends. Everyone was going gaga over the 90s theme and I think that played a huge part. Someone also said Christmas break goes longer for a lot of schools next year so between that and the theme, I’m not surprised MW went that fast.
I need someone to tell me to not jump the gun and register with a charity again. I did it last year when registration went fine. I did not like having to fork over an extra 1k to do the Challenge.

It's gonna be fine in June right?


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