Princessdisneybelle's planning journal-SOG July 2, 2007 finally ready to leave

Laura you have such beautiful things picked out!!! Your wedding is going to be so gorgeous
Laura you are awesome. I love everything,you are so craetive. Those bookmarks are beautiful!!!
I can not wait for your wedding! It's going to be here before you know it!
I am amazed by this entire report. My wedding is less than 6 months away and I have my dress bought, my bride's maid dresses picked, and a few small things bought for the gift baskets....I feel so behind now! SO COOL...Keep it coming!
I am amazed by this entire report. My wedding is less than 6 months away and I have my dress bought, my bride's maid dresses picked, and a few small things bought for the gift baskets....I feel so behind now! SO COOL...Keep it coming!

Don't worry you will get it all done. One thing I did learn is don't plan too early. So much changed.
How awesome! I made bookmark favors too! I wish I had a picture to show. They match my invitations (which I also made). The invitations are cardstock with a gold deckle edge (from Target) and I designed Cinderella's castle on the computer and printed them on the invitation. Then I added a vellum overlay with the wording and attached it with a shimmery gold lace ribbon. They were beautiful - just what I imagined! The bookmarks have the castle printed on them and below it says "Thank you for sharing in a our happily ever after" with our names and the date.

It only stands to reason we should have bookmarks, since it seems like we are both "Belles." ;)
How awesome! I made bookmark favors too! I wish I had a picture to show. They match my invitations (which I also made). The invitations are cardstock with a gold deckle edge (from Target) and I designed Cinderella's castle on the computer and printed them on the invitation. Then I added a vellum overlay with the wording and attached it with a shimmery gold lace ribbon. They were beautiful - just what I imagined! The bookmarks have the castle printed on them and below it says "Thank you for sharing in a our happily ever after" with our names and the date.

It only stands to reason we should have bookmarks, since it seems like we are both "Belles." ;)

Your's sound beautiful. Yes everyone calls me "Belle". I have a huge amount of books. I love to read.

Shirts for out DD's these are going to be part of their gifts.
Laura- All I can say is hats off to you!!! You are just amazing! I feel as though I am part of your day eventhough I will not be there! You are just spectacular! AMAZING
Those are great! It's amazing how you whip things together. I may "borrow" your idea for my AHR but I know they won't come out as good :upsidedow


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