Princesses, Pirates and Pumpkins

Just hopping' on board.
It is nice to read about the differences between the two Disney areas and Parks.
How many days do you reckon you need to cover all of the park attractions, without rushing?
A lot of people don't like Naples, but we really do. In fact, we are having our rehearsal dinner there!

I really can't understand this. I agree that the restaurant does not look particularly inviting from the outside and the way the menu is presented makes it look like it is nothing special, but the food was utterly delicious.

Just hopping' on board.
It is nice to read about the differences between the two Disney areas and Parks.
How many days do you reckon you need to cover all of the park attractions, without rushing?

Much depends on how busy the parks are. When we went, I think it could have done in 3 full days with one day spend at California Adventure and 2 days at Disneyland. However, if you want to have plenty of time to take in all the clever detail, then I think 5 days is probably about right.

Day 5

I was wide awake at 4:00 AM. I quietly took my iPad and settled down in the little area by the sink to check my emails and to check in on Facebook and the two forums that I am active on. This is one of those situations where a separate living area would be handy as I could be comfortable, but not disturb Graham. As it was, I soon had pins and needles in my legs and decided to head back to bed.

I must have fallen asleep again as we both woke up shortly before 7:00. We got up and dressed and decided to get some breakfast at Whitewater Snacks, the self-service restaurant at Grand Californian. This was nothing to write home about, but I suppose I am spoiled in that respect by Mara at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and to a lesser extend by the Contempo Cafe at the Contemporary Resort. Still, we managed to get coffee and juice and Graham had a huge Danish and some fruit salad. I was not really hungry and just had a Brownie. However, it was so big that I still did not manage to finish it.

I had forgotten to bring my sunscreen so I had to head back to the room to get it. It was still relatively early, so that was no problem. Graham came with me half way and then found himself a bench to enjoy the nice warm weather. Once I was back, we headed towards the entrance to California Adventure. On the way, I had a look at the Menu for Napa Rose. When I was looking for somewhere to have dinner on the evening after the vow renewal, I was considering Napa Rose and Steakhouse 55. Well, I was glad that I had decided against Napa Rose as I can honestly say that I would not have eaten anything on that menu.

The line for California Adventure was much shorter than the day before and it was moving very quickly. It was just gone 9:15 when we were inside the park. I was welcomed by name again. Most people headed for the Fastpass Machines for World of Colour, but we bypassed them and headed straight for The Little Mermaid - Ariels Undersea Adventure. Graham took some photos of the empty park on the way.





I was a little surprised when there were no people at all around at the ride. It was a walk on the previous day, but there were still some people around. We got an answer to what was going on all too soon. The ride was down with technical difficulties. We were informed that Soarin had opened early to make up for this. So we headed for Soarin. On the way we decided to get a Fastpass for World of Colour as the lines had dispersed. I thought that it was at best doubtful that we would make it as it did not start until 20:15, but we figured we had nothing to lose.

Fastpasses in hand, we headed to the opposite end of the park to do Soarin. The posted wait time was 15 minutes and this was pretty accurate. However, not only did they have only one side of the ride open, but they were also only using one of the three boarding gates on that side. We ended up in row two. When we finished the ride, we went straight back to the entrance to do it again. The posted wait time had not changed, but they now had all three boarding gates on one side open and the line moved much quicker. This time we ended up in row one. This was the first time for Graham. As he had achieved what he had set out to do, we moved on to the next ride.


By now it was just gone 10:00 and I knew that if we wanted any chance to do Toy Story Midway Mania with a decent waiting time, we needed to head there next. With 25 minutes, it was not too bad. Normally Graham's limit is 20 minutes, but I convinced him that this ride is worth waiting a bit longer for. In the end the line moved quite quickly and our actual wait time was just shy of 20 minutes. He thoroughly enjoyed the ride and of course, he managed to beat me.


We decided to have a go at Mickey's Fun Wheel next. This was probably not the brightest idea. Neither of us is particularly good with heights. We opted for one of the stationary capsules. I suffer from motion sickness and I did not think that one of the swinging capsules would work for me. I have been on the London Eye and the Manchester Wheel a few times and not only was I OK with them, but I thoroughly enjoyed them. So it came as a bit of a surprise that Mickey's Fun Wheel totally freaked me out. Still, Graham found Crystal Cathedral in the distance for me and once I focused on this, I was fine. This even worked when we were stopped at the highest point while they unloaded a wheelchair.

I was glad when I had both feet firmly back on the ground. Still, this did not last long. One of Graham's favourite rides is the wave swing. It used to be a giant orange peel and was called Orange Stinger. It has now been re-themed as Silly Symphony Swings. I always used to get out of this as there was an upper weight limit that I was pretty close to. They no longer have a weight limit and in any case, I have lost weight since our last visit. So I decided to be brave and join Graham. Well, this scared me as much as Tower of Terror and Expedition Everest. It is a good job that they do not do ride photos there, as my eyes were firmly squeezed shut for most of the ride.

After all of this excitement, it was time for pitstop. We used the bathroom and then ended up chatting with the person manning the DVC booth in the area. When I mentioned that I had not been able to find the DVC Preview Centre, she gave us proper directions and even equipped us with a map. We thanked her and said goodbye.

We had a look at Goofy's Sky School, but that had a wait time of 25 minutes and we decided to pass and maybe come back later. I was quietly relieved as I remembered that I did not really enjoy the previous incarnation Mulholland Madness. Instead we headed for the Golden Zephyr, which was essentially just a walk on. The Golden Zephyr is a variation on the wave swing theme in so far that you sit in rockets that are suspended on chains and that swing outwards when it spins making it feel like you are flying. We have done this on previous visits and I always enjoyed it. This time was no different. I suppose it makes a lot of difference that you sit in a multi person rocket with sides instead of a fairly flimsy chair and I also think that it makes a difference that this just spins, but does not tilt.

When we walked towards the Pacific Wharf area, we noticed that The Little Mermaid - Ariels Undersea Adventure had reopened. With a wait time of 10 minutes, we decided to do this next. Graham did not like this at all. I suppose he is not alone. It was kind of telling that the wait time was only 10 minutes in the middle of the day, especially after it was closed first thing in the morning.

After we finished the ride, we continued on to Pacific Wharf. We had planned to just get something to drink and got an ice tea each. However, once we sat down and everybody around us was having lunch,we realised that we were hungry, too. We both had a Santa Rosa Corn Chowder in a Sourdough Bread Bowl. I managed to eat all the soup, but only about half of the bread. It was very tasty though.

After lunch, we did the bakery tour. I passed on the free sample of bread they were giving out. It was interesting to learn how sourdough bread is made and then actually follow the process through the huge windows in the bakery. Unfortunately the tortilla factory is now gone and I am hoping that its replacement, a Ghirardelli chocolate factory will be open by May.

Next up was a visit to the Disney Imagineering Blue Sky Cellar. This is the area where they are showcasing the future changes to California Adventure. They had concept art for both Carsland and Buena Vista Street on display. They also had a film about the making of Buena Vista Street. It was very interesting. It is amazing how much thought and work goes into something that is essentially just a themed entrance area.

We cut through A Bug's Land again to get to Hollywood Backlot. Graham wanted to try Tower of Terror as he had never done this ride before. I had the questionable pleasure at Walt Disney World in 2005 and had no wish to repeat the experience. The posted waiting time was 13 minutes, but that was just for effect. The ride was actually a walk on. They were even telling people holding Fastpasses to save them for later. I could not believe this as this ride pulls huge crowds at Walt Disney World and Disneyland Paris even when the parks are relatively quiet. Anyway, I sat down on a wall in the shade near the entrance of the ride and let Graham do the ride by himself. I chatted with the cast members near the entrance instead. Graham was glad that he had tried it, but I suspect there won't be a repeat performance from him either.


We wandered around the Hollywood Backlot area for a bit and then decided that we would go and watch Muppetvision 3D. The next show was just about to begin and this was too good to pass up. We have not seen this in years. It is a bit on the cheesy side and I feel the time has come to replace this with something new. After all, the Muppet Show already felt a bit dated when I was a child and I can't remember when this was last shown on TV. Still, we were out of the sun for while, could sit down and one of two of the gags are still pretty funny. Maybe they should look into bringing Mickey's PhilharMagic to California. This would fit in well. Another good option would be the Cinemagique show from Walt Disney Studios in Paris.

I had planned to head to Monsters Inc Mike and Sully To The Rescue next as Graham had not done this before, but it was down due to technical issues. At that stage we had essentially done what we had come for, with just one ride left on our to do list, Grizzly River Run. This is a scenic whitewater raft ride like Kali River Rapids and can get very wet. That is why we left it until last. As it happened, we both got a little wet, but we had had much worse and as it was hot, we dried in no time at all.
We decided to head over to Disneyland. To give us the chance to dry some more, we did not go through the main exit and straight across the entrance plaza to Disneyland, but decided to head back to hotel exit and then went across to Downtown Disney and took the monorail into the park.




As the monorail station is right next to Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage and Graham had not done this ride, I suggested that we do this ride next. The wait time was 20 minutes. I really love this ride and was wowed by the execution. Graham did not like it at all.

I suggested that we could do Matterhorn next as this is Graham's favourite ride. He was worried about the wait time. This ride is the most difficult to gage as far as wait times are concerned. There is no board indicating the wait time and there is also no proper line. There is just a chain along the perimeter of the ride creating a line of sorts and it is almost impossible to tell how far away you are from the loading dock when you get into that line. So we passed on this.

This was one of those situations were the park looked terribly crowded, but I am sure that it was half as bad as it looked. Still, Graham had enough crowds for the day so we decided to head back to the hotel. When we got to Town Square, they were just getting ready for the Flag Retreat. We had never seen this on either coast and decided hang around for this. I am glad that we did as I found this very moving.

Once the ceremony was over, we headed back to the hotel. Graham decided to enjoy the nice weather in the grounds of the hotel, but I had enough sun and heat for the day and headed back to the room. I decided to stretch out on the bed and read my book. I must have fallen asleep as I only vaguely remember that Graham came back. When he headed out again, I did wake up properly. I was calling out where he was going and he told me that we was going to see World of Colour. With that he was gone. I got up as well, grabbed my Fastpass, annual pass and my camera and followed him. I figured that I would bump into him at some point, but that did not happen. So I headed to our allocated viewing area in the hope that I would meet up with him there.



A while later, I saw him on the walkway on the next level. The viewing area for World of Colour is tiered. I waved and managed to attract his attention. He had gone and got something to eat before coming to the viewing area. He did not really the like the view where I was standing and headed off to somewhere else. I actually thought that the view was pretty good. However, if I go to the park again to see this, I will book one of the special lunch or dinner packages that include access to the premium viewing area.

I loved the show with its combination of music, dancing fountains, coloured lights, fire, images projected on mist screens and lasers. It was a little bit on the long side though. About halfway through, it kind of came to a natural conclusion and then it got a second wind. Unfortunately multiple attempts to record this did not work out and I was so spellbound that I forgot to take photos. So I have to borrow some photos from the Disneyland Gallery CD and share a link to a video that I found on YouTube so that you can get an idea on what this is all about.













Once the show was over, I headed towards the exit. At one point, I saw Graham ahead of me, but he was too far away to hear me and there were too many people in between to give me the chance to catch up. I soon lost him out of my sight. In the end, I arrived at the hotel before he did. Once he had arrived as well, we headed to bed.
Day 6

We were awake bright and early this morning, which was just as well, as I had a busy day ahead of me. We decided to check out the breakfast options at Downtown Disney. This was one of those situations where it was very useful to have the iPad and free wireless internet. We could check out the restaurants that offered breakfast and the menus without even leaving the room. We decided to get some breakfast at the Rainforest Café.

We got ready and headed out. One of the things that we had not been able to find online where the opening times. Unfortunately the restaurant did not open until 8:00 and it was only 07:30. Still, it was a gorgeous morning and we walked around for a bit. We even saw some Hummingbirds. Soon it was 8:00 and the restaurant opened. We were the first people in. I have to say, an empty Rainforest Café was a new experience. We both had some coffee and orange juice. Graham had Cisco & Pancho, which was a Flat Iron steak broiled to order and served with scrambled eggs, breakfast potatoes and toast. I had Tribal Chicken Fried Steak & Eggs, which was breaded sirloin steak, fried golden brown and topped with country gravy served with scrambled eggs and breakfast potatoes. We both enjoyed our breakfast. On the way out, I took a photo of Graham with one of his long lost relatives.



The next thing on our to do list was to go and see Alamo to book a car for the next day. Fortunately this was no problem and we were advised to come back the next day with the driving license and a credit card to collect the car. This was all very smooth and did not take as long as we had thought. So we decided to see if we could find the Disney Vacation Club Preview Centre with the directions that we had been given the previous day. Fortunately they were spot on. I had been really close when I tried to find this two days earlier, but did not go quite far enough. We explained that we are DVC members and had been invited to have a look around the Aulani model rooms. We were given a special pin for our troubles and were then taken to see the rooms. We were both impressed. I have to admit that Hawaii has been on my bucket list for a while, but Graham was not too convinced because of the distance involved. When the Hawaii cruise on the Wonder was announced, I was very excited, but it is still just a taster. Graham was still not convinced, but that soon changed when he saw the scale model of the whole resort. I think it was particular the water park that did it for him. The resort really does look stunning. We were given a print of some artwork that is displayed in the lobby of Aulani and were sent on our way.

At this point it was time to say goodbye to Graham. I had quite a busy and excited day ahead of me. He did not actually know until after the event what I was up to that day, but I had told him that the make up artist and the photographer for the vow renewal would be coming to see me to discuss the arrangements for the big day and that I would appreciate it if he was not around between 13:00 and 16:00. This fit in pretty well with his plans as he wanted to do something that would take most of the day. I was worried that if I told him what really was going to happen that afternoon, he would think it was silly. It was true that both the make up artist and the photographer did come to see me and there was also an element of talking shop, but the main reason was that I was doing a Trash the Dress shot in Disneyland that afternoon and the make up artist would do my hair and make up for this. As it was still not quite clear if I would manage to get a ticket for Mickey's Halloween Party that night, I said that I would leave him a note if I was able to go to the party.

First I returned to the hotel to check if there was a message about the party situation. When the person from the DVC team had contacted me, she had promised that they would contact the main gate on my behalf on the day to see if there were any tickets left. So I wanted to make sure that I did not miss the message. There was no message. I decided to head to Disneyland to see if tickets are still available. My heart sunk when I saw the signs saying that the party was sold out before I even got to the entrance plaza. Still, I had other business to take care off as well.

As Graham was now coming to the Halloween party with me, I wanted to get him a Halloween themed t shirt. I had also talked him into getting Bride and Groom Mickey ears. So I wanted to get those before we went on the cruise and this was my only day that I was completely unsupervised. Before I went shopping, I decided to swing by City Hall to just voice my concerns about all the misadvise that I had been given from the initial conversation where I was told to wait until I arrive in California before buying my party tickets to the assurance that they hold back tickets to sell on the day. The cast member listened to me and then checked and confirmed that all tickets had been sold ahead of time and no tickets had been held back for sale on the day. She then recommended that I go to one of the ticket booths and ask for a supervisor there to explain what had happened. I found this a bit strange as I was not given the wrong advice by the staff there, but on the phone and at the hotel. Nevertheless, I agreed to do this.

I then decided to do my shopping. The shop on Main Street that does personalized Mickey Ears did not have the bride version, but I had seen both the Bride and Groom ears at Star Traders in Tomorrowland earlier in the week. I decided to head there. I did manage to get a Halloween t shirt for Graham and a Halloween pin for my Secret Mickey on the cruise at the Emporium. I also managed to get my personalized Mickey ears at Star Traders. I had intended to do a few rides, but the park looked absolutely packed. As I knew I would be back later anyway, I decided to head back to the hotel. I took some photos of the Halloween decorations near the entrance on the way.











On the way, I did as I was told and went to a ticket booth and asked for a supervisor. I got to speak to a very nice lady and explained that I was well aware that nothing could be done about my problem and that this is not the reason why I had asked to speak to her. However, I wanted to avoid that other people were given the same kind of misinformation that I had. I also explained that I had gone to City Hall and they sent me to her. She listened and asked me a few questions. She then asked if somebody else in my party had a ticket already and I confirmed that this was the case as my photographer already had her ticket. She then told me that she could help me. She gave me her name and said to come to any ticket booth with my friend and her ticket once my friend has arrived and they would allow me to purchase another ticket. I was so happy. This was really not what I had expected. It just goes to show that it pays to stay calm and polite if you have a complaint.

I went off in the search of some comfortable shoes. I managed to get some blisters with my beloved Birkenstocks. I did not want to have to resort to closed shoes. Fortunately there is a shop in Downtown Disney that sells all kinds of sandals. I ended up with some flip flops made from yoga mats. They were so comfortable that I felt like I was walking on air.

With my new purchase I headed back to the hotel. I needed to get the money for the make up artist and the balance payment for the photographer from my pre-paid card. As the cash machine only dispensed $20 notes, I also had to get some change somehow. So I headed to Whitewater Snacks to buy a cherry slushy. With that in hand, I headed back to the room for a bit of down time before the make up artist arrived at 13:00. I spend some time catching up with various things online. I did have a message from the DVC team, telling me that if I go to ticket booth 5 with the ticket that we already had and asked to speak to a supervisor, I would be able to purchase a second ticket.
I was a little bit nervous about this whole undertaking. I had emailed back and forth with our photographer for the best part of 6 months. Even though I had never met her, I think we both had a good idea what makes the other one tick. I had emailed her our room number as soon as I knew it and she emailed me back saying that the make up artist would arrive at 13:00 and she would come a bit later. I knew the name of the make up artist, but really nothing else as all the communication was routed via Jennifer. I was no longer quite sure what I had let myself in for. Jennifer had suggested that we discuss the make up and hair for the vow renewal. So we did this first and then got going on the project for that day. It became very clear that we both had a very different idea of what a Ghost Bride should look like. The make up artist was thinking more in terms of a zombie with scars, wounds and essentially a lot of blood and gore. I had thought more along the romantic lines of the jilted bride that dies and haunts the earth forever. I did point out that this was Disney and a family occasion and that a lot of blood and gore would not be entirely appropriate. I got changed into my dress and then she set to work. While she was working her magic, we put the world to rights. We hit it off straightaway. Once she finished the make up, she asked me to have a look. I have to say that when I first looked at it, I absolutely hated it. I very rarely wear make up and if I do, I favour subtle. This was just too in your face for my liking. Still, I did not want to hurt her feelings so I kept quiet. I am so glad that I did. She then sorted out and styled the wig. I had brought a Corpse Bride bouquet and we used some flowers from this in the hair. Once she had finished with the hair, she sent me to check again. I absolutely loved it. The wig just pulled everything together.

In the meantime, the make up artist had received a text message from Jennifer advising that she would arrive at around 15:00, by this time, we were long done. Apparently it is normal convention for the photographer to sign of the work of the make up artist before he or she leaves. I do not normally move in those circles. I had no problem with her keeping me company though. She showed me some of her previous work while we waited and there was some really stunning stuff.

In the end Jennifer arrived at around 15:15 as she had got lost in the maze-like corridors of the hotel. She signed of the work of the make up artist and then we finally had the chance to say "hi" to each other in person. She suggested that we start to take some photos around the hotel to get warmed up first. I am not so sure about warming up. Some people were very openly staring at me and I felt very uncomfortable. One little girl was absolutely fascinated by my costume and kept following us around. Even though I was not too sure about the whole thing, we got some great photos.

Thrash the Dress photographs by Jennifer McNeil Photography (





















Still, I was very relieved when Jennifer suggested that we should head towards the park and sort out my ticket. When we went through the bag check, I got a first taste of things to come. The cast members manning the check point were absolutely wowed by my costume. Once we had cleared the bag check, we headed to ticket booth 5 to sort out my ticket. As soon as I explained about what I had told in the morning and the message that had been left on my phone. She called over a supervisor and I got a ticket issued. It ended up costing me an extra $15, but I was just glad to have a ticket.

Ticket safely in hand, we joined the line for the turnstiles for the Halloween party. This was very well organized. They had closed the turnstiles at the far end of the entrance off for the general public and those were exclusively for people entering the park with park tickets. They even put up a barrier inside the park up to the tunnels underneath the train station so that party goers and the general public did not mix. Jennifer had an eticket and that was exchanged for a normal ticket. Both tickets were then stamped with the date and we were sent to tables that had been set up just inside the park where we were then given our wristbands. They were giving out trick or treat bags just before the tunnel leading to Town Square. The whole process was a lot better organized then when I went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Walt Disney World in 2009.
Once we were inside the park, we headed straight to New Orleans Square. On the way down Main Street, we were stopped an number of times by people asking if they could take a photo with me. I felt like a celebrity. A little girl approached me when we were just entering New Orleans Square and wanted to know what character I was. I pointed to the Haunted Mansion and told her that I had escaped from there and wanted to join in the fun for a bit.

We started out taking photos in the area where most of the shops are on New Orleans Square. Unfortunately there is quite a bit of building work going on in this area and a lot of the facades are covered up. We still managed to get some great shots using various props. It was a shame that the façade for Club 33 was also covered up, but we got some interesting shots with me peeking out from the boarding. My favourite shot in that area involved a flower cart that was parked nearby. We were just about to move on when a cast member came out of one of the shops and asked to have his photo taken with me.

























We moved on towards the railway station and the French Market restaurant. The train was in the station so we ended up taking some photos with the train in the background. There were also some lovely flowers beds in this area, which provided a nice background. I also really loved the decorations around the entrance to the restaurant so we stopped there for a few photos.










I really wanted some photos around the Haunted Mansion, but that area was heaving. We noticed the area where the Fastpass machines are and that was deserted. So we took some photos along the entrance to the Fastpass machines first and then we noticed that a path led from there that run past the queuing area, but at a lower level to where the tomb stones are. This made for some interesting photos as well. We did manage to get a couple of photos of the entrance to Haunted Mansion and also in front of the fountain just in front of this.

















We headed onwards and saw that the Sailing Ship Columbia was moored nearby and figured that this would make a nice background. There were some chairs in this area and we grabbed one of those and used it as a prop. There was also an interesting weathered door in this area, which acted as a nice background.









Next up was Critter Country. I was kind of surprised when Jennifer headed towards this area as I could not imagine that there was anything that might be worth taking photos with. However, as Jennifer knows Disneyland much better than I, I decided to just go with it. Critter Country is the area of Disneyland where Splash Mountain and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh are located. Neither of which really says Halloween to me. However, there were all kinds of different textures in this area from weathered wood and tree trunks and rugged rocks and the photos came out great. When we were leaving Critter Country, they were setting up a treat trail and I just could not resist having a photo taken with one of the Mickey ghosts and one of the treat carts.








We moved on to Frontierland. The Rancho del Zocalo restaurant made a nice backdrop for the photos with a lot of wrought iron. Next to it is Zocalo Park, where they had a Dia de Los Muertos display. This was a fantastic background for some more photos. While we were in this area, it suddenly started to rain. It was very strange. The sky was blue and there was not a cloud in the sky and yet it was raining. It did not rain particularly heavy, but there were some large heavy drops that had me worried for the make up and Jennifer for the camera.
















We headed towards the castle and took some photos underneath the castle first to stay out of the rain. Again, there were some interesting textures there. When we came outside again, it had fortunately stopped raining. There are some white statues of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs just outside the castle that looked quite ghostly. So I asked if we could take some photos with me in front of them. Jennifer was happy to oblige. We were just heading across to the other side of the path towards the moat when a group of cast members came past and offered to take a photo of Jennifer and me. We took them up on this offer. Once they had moved on, we got some gorgeous photos with the castle and the moat.

















Jennifer asked if there were some other photos that I really wanted, but I was pretty happy with what we had achieved. I had totally forgotten that I had seen a gorgeous photo on her blog inside Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters that I had planned to recreate. We took a photo in front of the Partner statue and in front of the huge pumpkin at Town Square and then we said goodbye.




When we came down Main Street, people were lining up on both sides. This was kind of strange as the first Costume Cavalcade was not due to happen until 20:30. What I had not realized is that the parade at Disneyland is not mid afternoon like at the Magic Kingdom, but later in the day. People were actually lining up for Mickey's Soundsational Parade. I only realized this when they made an announcement that the parade is about to start. So I decided to hang around for this.

Mickey's Soundsational Parade was first shown at the end of May this year. I am not normally overly keen on parades other than the night time parades, but as it is new and there was a nice viewing spot available, I decided to give this a go. I did really enjoy this. It was a great mixture of floats, roaming characters, dancers and other performers.




































Once the parade was over, the parks started to empty out quite considerably. I decided that the time had come to get something to eat as I had not eaten anything since breakfast. The counter service restaurant that were open all had long lines in front of them. I did notice that Café Orleans seemed to take walk ups. This was kind of surprising as it was getting on for closing time for people not holding a party ticket and Café Orleans was not listed on the map that was showing places that would be open during the party. However, Café Orleans was very much on my to do list, so I decided to check if they could fit me in. I was told that there would be a 30 to 45 minute wait and I was happy with this. It meant that I had to hang around near the restaurant, but there was some great people watching to be had especially with all the costumes around.

Eventually I was called. I decided to have a cup of Gumbo, which was very tasty, followed by the famous Monte Cristo sandwich. This is kind of a Disneyland institution and I thought I should at least try it once. I went for the vegetarian version, which was Swiss Cheese, Mozzarella and Double Creme Brie fried in a light batter and served with Berry Puree dusted with Powdered Sugar. Essentially it is a heart attack on a plate. I was slightly amused that it also came with a small dish of grapes and strawberries as they really did not make this any healthier. It was utterly delicious, but I managed only less than half of the sandwich. They offered to wrap up the rest to go and it was with a heavy heart that I declined. I would have loved to have the left overs for breakfast the next morning, but it was just not practical to carry this around for the rest of the evening, especially as it was still quite hot.

I slowly walked along the Rivers of America. This looked stunning. They used coloured lights and dry ice to give this a spooky atmosphere. This looked absolutely stunning. I decided to do some of the Trick or Treat trails. As I was going on a cruise two days later and the crew loves chocolate, I figured that I would fill a bag for them. There was a trail right by the Rivers of America. This moved relatively slowly, but with the view that was no hardship. When I had finished that trail, I headed across to Pirates of the Caribbean. This ride was closed for refurbishment, but they used the queuing area as a Trick or Treat Trail for the Halloween parties. This moved a lot quicker.







I decided that I really wanted to a photo with Jack Skellington. The line was pretty long by the standards of this holiday and I ended up waiting for nearly 30 minutes, but I had a fantastic interaction with him when it was my turn and got some great photos. He is definitely one of the more fun characters and as befitting for a Halloween character, he had a very black sense of humour, which really appealed to me.





I figured that as this was a Halloween party, I should make at least an effort to do Haunted Mansion Holiday. When I did Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Magic Kingdom in 2009, the line for Haunted Mansion was seriously scary even though they do not even have a special overlay. I waited for well over an hour when the rest of the rides were a walk on. So I expected the same or even worse for Haunted Mansion Holiday, but the actual waiting time was just shy of 15 minutes. I did not even have enough time to take many photos. Unfortunately once I was on the ride, it did not stop at any point either. I had my camera with me, where you actually have to open the flash and therefore was hoping that I would manage to get some photos. The camera I normally take to the park has the flash up all the time and even disabling it is hit and miss. I did get a couple of decent photos though.








Once I finished my turn on Haunted Mansion, my plan had been to head over to Fantasyland to check out the Villains photo opportunities. However, with the layout being so different, which I found disorientating even in daylight, and the fact that I do not see too well after dark, I got turned around. By this time, I also started to feel very tired and decided to call it a day. On the way, I took in one last Trick or Treat trail, which was located inside the Golden Horseshoe Saloon. The bags that they give you are not particularly big, but after doing just three of the trails, my bag was full.
When I came out at the hub, people were lining up for the fireworks. There was a nice spot just in front of the hub to the right of the castle and as it was only about 20 minutes until the fireworks, I decided that this was too good to pass up. I managed to take some photos of the lights on the castle and some of the decorations near the castle. This was the first ever time that I would see fireworks in the parks. I do not like things that go bang and fireworks in particular bother me as a rule. However, last year we managed to watch Happy HalloWishes at Walt Disney World from the Top of the World Lounge at Bay Lake Tower an I was absolutely blown away by this. So I decided to give this a go. I am so glad that I did. The Halloween fireworks at Disneyland are called Halloween Screams and they were absolutely amazing. I did cope with the noise OK and even managed to take some photos.



















Once the fireworks were finished, I headed back to the hotel. I was really surprised that the make up still looked like it had just been applied. That gave me an interesting challenge. I had forgotten to bring make up remover. I found out that sun screen will make a passable make up remover at a pinch. I also had fun and games getting the wig off as this had been attached very well. Eventually the wig was off and the make up had been removed and I could head to bed after a very long and exciting day.
This is so funny to see these pictures now. These were the first pictures I had ever seen of you, so I had a completely different impression of you from when you posted the link to these shots on the Jamborini page. :rotfl2: Imagine my astonishment reading your TR when you posted the first picture and you were blonde! :lmao:

Great shots and the costume is awesome!
This is so funny to see these pictures now. These were the first pictures I had ever seen of you, so I had a completely different impression of you from when you posted the link to these shots on the Jamborini page. :rotfl2: Imagine my astonishment reading your TR when you posted the first picture and you were blonde! :lmao:

Great shots and the costume is awesome!

Actually during my childhood, my hair was a very dark brown to the point of being almost black. However, I started to go white when I was 14. The bottom layer of my hair is still dark brown so when I put my hair up, people always do a double-take. I was kind of surprised when the make up artist could not believe that nature has given me this hair colour. Apparently women in California pay a fortune to get their hair this colour and it is referred to as Platinum blond. I have always resisted dying my hair. I figured that this is part of me, so why hide it.



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