Provincial plans for loosening restrictions

So should restaurants charge a large extra amount because they have extra cleaning and can have less customers? How about retail stores. The cost of gloves, masks and claening supplies for a store like ikea must be huge, what if there was a covid fee for everything you bought? Every business is paying the same rent, salaries and have lover revenue, why shoudl a dentist get to charge $50-$75

A lot of businesses will likely be increasing prices. When their costs go up they need to cover them. They aren’t a charity. This is just how things work. And it’s not just PPE, it’s also fewer customers and more staff needed for cleaning etc. Dentists are a business too. So charging something to cover extra costs is reasonable.
Hair appointments! I am so jealous. I so need a good cut and highlights. No end in sight for the messy mops here in Ontario.
I know I may have to break down and do something I have never done in my 60 years and that is cut my own bangs. :scared1: I am going to call a friend and ask her how she does it since my sister has curly hair so she can't advise me. The rest of my hair I can handle but with wearing glasses the bangs are driving me nuts.
I know I may have to break down and do something I have never done in my 60 years and that is cut my own bangs. :scared1: I am going to call a friend and ask her how she does it since my sister has curly hair so she can't advise me. The rest of my hair I can handle but with wearing glasses the bangs are driving me nuts.
Bangs are the one thing I'm willing to cut.

Hold your hair in your fingers below your brows, then cut in small upward strokes, not straight across. That's the tip my hairdresser gave me. Oh, leave it longer on the sides, if you like it blended more.

EDIT: To be clear, cut the hair BELOW your fingers, not above. Remember it'll bounce back up once you're done. You can always cut more off, but you can't glue it back on if you take off too much.
I know I may have to break down and do something I have never done in my 60 years and that is cut my own bangs. :scared1: I am going to call a friend and ask her how she does it since my sister has curly hair so she can't advise me. The rest of my hair I can handle but with wearing glasses the bangs are driving me nuts.

Ahhhh Hon hold off a bit,,,I cut mine and regret it.:sad2: I am 60 young also.
But you may have hidden talents who knows.
Hugs to you
My work said it will be starting to look at making a schedule for people to come back to the office. However, if you are someone who has a family member who is immune-system compromised or care for a dependent, then we don't have to come back in, we can continue to work from home. Like, if summer camps don't open, or I can't get DD into a camp, I'm okay to stay home! Whoop!

I mean, why would I want to go sit in an empty office with 3-4 others there with not much work when I can do the same thing in the sun, on my deck, or in the pool? I could go in once per week just to be a good sport LOL
I know I may have to break down and do something I have never done in my 60 years and that is cut my own bangs. :scared1: I am going to call a friend and ask her how she does it since my sister has curly hair so she can't advise me. The rest of my hair I can handle but with wearing glasses the bangs are driving me nuts.

I'm considering this my one chance to finally grow out my bangs without caring too much how I look in this awful "in-between" stage lol.
Some of the costs may relate to fewer patients / customers per hour.

Many of the services have extended the booking slot times to ensure their is no overlap and to allow for cleaning between them.

Depending on the booking blocks, assuming a 15 minute 'cleaning gap', they could be reducing revenue by a third for half hour slots or 25% for 45 minute slots etc. With a limited foot print, even if they hire someone to do the cleaning they would not be able to get the same turn over so suffer a total revenue loss unless there was some way to extend their hours with some kind of shifting. Same rent, same salaries, lower revenue.

This is on top of any additional cost.

Actually is it not so simple.

My dentist sent all patients an email which explained some of the changes they have to implement and referred to the guidelines they are required to follow. I went and found those guidelines.

This is just one...

For aerosol-producing proceedures (think cleanings, cavity fillings etc) the room the proceedure is done in has to be able to be SEALED afterward. I don't know about your dentist's office, but mine has rooms but no doors for most of the rooms [consider in contrast to the orthodontist office which is largely an open space]. They now have to install doors [they are allowed temporary ones as long as they meet certain requirements], and it has to be floor to ceiling coverage that is blocked/sealed -- I think of my dentist's office with its high ceilings, it isn't as simple as "just" installing a door.

Then, that sealed room has to sit unoccupied for a specified period of time BEFORE anyone is allowed to go in and clean it. The default time is THREE HOURS. That time can be reduced if they install a properly set up medical grade HEPA filter system for the room. At best, they can get the time down to 15 minutes with the use of HEPA. This is what my dentist's office is doing. Their HEPA system(s) won't arrive for another 4 weeks, so they can't open yet.

This is just one part of the requirements. I'm not trying to justify the amount of the extra cost to the patients, just explaining that it is not as simple as wait fifteen minutes then go in and clean and things are not much different than before. Things are quite a bit different than before in many large and small ways.

I know I may have to break down and do something I have never done in my 60 years and that is cut my own bangs. :scared1: I am going to call a friend and ask her how she does it since my sister has curly hair so she can't advise me. The rest of my hair I can handle but with wearing glasses the bangs are driving me nuts.

Hold off.

I cut my bangs myself exactly once, in high school, and learned that lesson to never ever do it myself again.

My bangs are now down to about the bottom of my glasses. Wearing them down has not been an option for while now.

My solution is to clip them back. One clip solves the problem. I have a high forehead so I don't think I look particularly good this way [I need bangs!], and I will be getting them cut once I feel safe going to a hardresser [they aren't allowed to open here yet anyway, and being high risk it will be some time before I will feel comfortable].

The clip I use which I find works very well is a Contour Clip by Goody. I had been using a bobby pin but it just did not work well enough and would fall out etc. The Goody clip stays in place (even if I fall asleep) and works quite well.

I bought these ones not sure what size I would need. The large size is what I needed:


Actually is it not so simple.

My dentist sent all patients an email which explained some of the changes they have to implement and referred to the guidelines they are required to follow. I went and found those guidelines.

This is just one...

For aerosol-producing proceedures (think cleanings, cavity fillings etc) the room the proceedure is done in has to be able to be SEALED afterward. I don't know about your dentist's office, but mine has rooms but no doors for most of the rooms [consider in contrast to the orthodontist office which is largely an open space]. They now have to install doors [they are allowed temporary ones as long as they meet certain requirements], and it has to be floor to ceiling coverage that is blocked/sealed -- I think of my dentist's office with its high ceilings, it isn't as simple as "just" installing a door.

Then, that sealed room has to sit unoccupied for a specified period of time BEFORE anyone is allowed to go in and clean it. The default time is THREE HOURS. That time can be reduced if they install a properly set up medical grade HEPA filter system for the room. At best, they can get the time down to 15 minutes with the use of HEPA. This is what my dentist's office is doing. Their HEPA system(s) won't arrive for another 4 weeks, so they can't open yet.

This is just one part of the requirements. I'm not trying to justify the amount of the extra cost to the patients, just explaining that it is not as simple as wait fifteen minutes then go in and clean and things are not much different than before. Things are quite a bit different than before in many large and small ways.


Which province are you in? My husband is a dentist so we have been watching all of this very closely obviously. In Ontario, we thought we were going to have a lot of restrictions but in the end, they were quite reasonable. We did end up installing temporary zip doors and have the HEPA units.

To the poster above who said medical grade PPE isn't expensive, you may want to take a look at the prices now. Just as an example, if you have a dentist and an assistant both wearing N95s and disposable gowns, those are now $10 a pop. So $40 in PPE. Now in Ontario, as long as the patient screens negative for Covid-19 then they can use level 3 surgical masks with a face mask over top so it won't be as expensive.

In any business increased costs are passed along to the consumer. We haven't increased our prices at all yet but we will have to see.
Which province are you in? My husband is a dentist so we have been watching all of this very closely obviously. In Ontario, we thought we were going to have a lot of restrictions but in the end, they were quite reasonable. We did end up installing temporary zip doors and have the HEPA units.

To the poster above who said medical grade PPE isn't expensive, you may want to take a look at the prices now. Just as an example, if you have a dentist and an assistant both wearing N95s and disposable gowns, those are now $10 a pop. So $40 in PPE. Now in Ontario, as long as the patient screens negative for Covid-19 then they can use level 3 surgical masks with a face mask over top so it won't be as expensive.

In any business increased costs are passed along to the consumer. We haven't increased our prices at all yet but we will have to see.

Absolutely --- Dental professionals should be compensated for extra costs (really for all businesses this will filter down to the consumer eventually.) It's probably good to know though since as far as I can see my private dental plan is totally silent on this and instead relies on pay rates based on previous years provincial models which are already lower than what most practices charge --- even before COVID... ) The dental professionals aren't the bad guys here at all... but the silence from dental plans is not helpful.
Which province are you in? My husband is a dentist so we have been watching all of this very closely obviously. In Ontario, we thought we were going to have a lot of restrictions but in the end, they were quite reasonable. We did end up installing temporary zip doors and have the HEPA units.

A lot of businesses will likely be increasing prices. When their costs go up they need to cover them. They aren’t a charity. This is just how things work. And it’s not just PPE, it’s also fewer customers and more staff needed for cleaning etc. Dentists are a business too. So charging something to cover extra costs is reasonable.

I think charging something for extra is reasonable but the 50-75 for the dentist is too much in my opinion, I have been running an open business (essential service) so I am fully aware of the extra costs. I will gladly pay reasonable ones.
I think charging something for extra is reasonable but the 50-75 for the dentist is too much in my opinion, I have been running an open business (essential service) so I am fully aware of the extra costs. I will gladly pay reasonable ones.

Have you not read the posts from people about what a dentist office must do? It’s a lot more then other businesses. Think about it they are working in your mouth spraying your saliva everywhere. It’s not just PPE. If you think what the dentist is charging is too much then don’t go right now.
@ottawamom hairdressers in Ontario (outside of certain Toronto regions) are able to open as of Friday... make your appointment now :)
Curse you, all the rest of Ontario!!!! I'm on the outskirts of the GTA and I want my 2 inch roots done! 😢

Seriously, glad you are all able to get on with Stage 2 life. I can't wait until our area opens up.

DS17 is gutted that the Universities have cancelled all sports until Dec. He picked his university based on sports. Also, he was really hoping for life in a dorm and some independence. That probably won't be happening now, since the universities are doing online classes until Dec anyway.

Also, we just got back from our dentist... no extra fee. Maybe the insurance companies were just warning that it was possible.
@ottawamom hairdressers in Ontario (outside of certain Toronto regions) are able to open as of Friday... make your appointment now :)
OMG I don't know what to do first. Pedicure or Highlights and haircut? Probably won't be able to get an appointment at either of them (and that's ok). I know I'll get in eventually.

Mel, come for a visit and get your hair done! :P
I'm not that far from the GTA and I'm not going to need to get a cut for a few weeks - even longer if I need to, just gets bigger, not longer - but i know my hairdresser is awesome and they are super cheap!

ETA ... hubby has already made his appointment online for his cut, almost ready for a ponytail


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