Put On Your Sunday Clothes, There's Disney World Out There! - Wilderness Lodge

Joining in!

What a great trip so far! You and your boyfriends humor reminds me a lot of my DH and I! No fun in life if you take it too seriously!

That meat in the bag, wow lol what poor planning on Disneys part! Glad you enjoyed it though!

I would love to make it to the Festival of the Arts at some point, it looks super fun!
I don't recall if I've ever eaten at Liberty Tree Tavern before but that "ooey gooey toffee cake" makes me want to make a reservation for sure.
KATIE!!! I'm a bad, bad DISer! I totally thought I had commented on your TR before now but apparently I haven't?!


But I'm officially joining in now! :rotfl: :cool1:

(p.s I miss our Fuller House Club! @Leshaface @HomeSweetDisney :sad::sad::sad::sad:)
Oh, I'm looking forward to checking out the Festival of the Arts when we go in January! The food looks pretty good, maybe better than Food and Wine?

Looks like you had a nice, relaxing pace to your day! I've never eaten at Liberty Tree... maybe should add that to the list... hmm.

Enjoyed your update!

Yay you will love it!! In terms of food there wasn't as much variety as F&W, but it was also much quieter than our last F&W (2016) :thumbsup2 Yeah it was a nice relaxing day, when I remember days like this it makes me think I wouldn't be able to cope with being at Disney during the busy season! I'll stick to the 'quiet' times, if there is still such a thing :goodvibes I'm excited for you to get out there in January, that's SO soon now! :cool1:

Oooh, awesome idea! I may have to copy that if they have the cookie and chocolate flight in February!

You definitely should! Ooh February... maybe I'll see you there :ssst: :thumbsup2

Only in Disney is this a good thing.

Right?! There is nothing better than waking up naturally at 7am at Disney and actually feeling fresh and alive :cool1:

Still have never seen her.

You are seriously missing out on the legend that is Stacey.


That is one thing we have. Winnipeg gets on average 316 sunny days a year.
Google it if you don't believe me.

It looks beautiful I want to live there! :laughing:

I don't know why, but Epcot seems to always have the longest bag check lines of all the parks.


What is that wall? It looks like a wall that's just recently had a bunch of flyers and bills removed from it.

We didn't do it, but I think it starts off blank but gridded with a number in each square, and people are given a paint pot and are told a number to fill in.. So they might be given a red paint pot and told to fill in four squares labeled as number 9, and by the end of the day (or within a few hours?) it makes a picture! There are loads of different ones but for example:


Those shots are so fun. I've seen a few on other TRs.
My fave was one where the Dad had the baby in a front carrier and was holding his ears for "The scream".

Haha I love that

Blech! That looks horrible!

I think I'm gonna be sick.

But it was SO TASTY

Now that is really clever. I really like that. I presume the brush was also chocolate?

It's not actually, but it's a souvenir if you're as insane as I am :laughing:

Ah yes. The dreaded blue food allergy.

It's just so unnatural looking, it makes my face feel funny to think about eating the blue icing :crazy2: Do you remember those Anna and Elsa cupcakes they did? They look like my idea of hell :scared:


...why have I just posed these on my trip report :sick:

For some reason, the video won't play. It says it's not allowed in my country.
We're part of the commonwealth! What the heck?

Well that's just rude. Ryan Gosling is Canadian! You can't even watch your own kin, how sad :sad2:

But I did find another source. :laughing:

I'm glad I'm glad :laughing:

But of course. One does not undo a towel animal. It is simply not done.

We ended up with a bunch that we refused to undo :laughing:

"Lady? Your kid's a dog."


Really! Outside the park. Huh!

I think Peter Pan was at the Contemporary taking pictures with people who had been on the Pirates cruise or whatever it is :confused3

What were they thinking with that meat in the bag?!? I mean they could have done a lot to make it better looking. Especially if it actually tasted good.

I know!! Especially with it being Festival of the ARTS :laughing: I'm not sure if I would consider that art :confused3:rotfl: At least it tasted better than it looked!

That is funny! Good on you for trying it, and you even loved it! You win on that one. :)

Haha I know, bringing myself to take the first bite was difficult but at least it was really tasty! :rotfl:

I never think about until we are there, and I always wonder how they would address someone from England. Of course I knew it would be pleasant but still wondered - thanks!

Haha it was great! I just found it so funny that the one guy booed us :rotfl: It's fine though, us Brits are used to being the villains in all of your movies :laughing: seriously, why do they always have an English accent?! :scratchin

As always, your report continues to rock - loving it!

Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it, more to come soon :goodvibes
Joining in!

What a great trip so far! You and your boyfriends humor reminds me a lot of my DH and I! No fun in life if you take it too seriously!

That meat in the bag, wow lol what poor planning on Disneys part! Glad you enjoyed it though!

I would love to make it to the Festival of the Arts at some point, it looks super fun!

Yay :welcome: !! Totally agree, we definitely don't take life too seriously! Glad you're enjoying the report :goodvibes Hahaha I have no idea what that meat in the bag thing was about, at a festival celebrating art?! :confused3 maybe I'm just too shallow to appreciate its beauty :laughing: The festival is a lot of fun! Have you been to any of the others? I liked it because it was much quieter than Food and Wine, the only negative is they didn't have my favourite Hawaiian pork sliders :sad2: :laughing: Thanks for reading!

I don't recall if I've ever eaten at Liberty Tree Tavern before but that "ooey gooey toffee cake" makes me want to make a reservation for sure.

It was honestly so delicious, it was definitely my favourite part of the meal, and one of my favourite desserts I've had! :goodvibes

KATIE!!! I'm a bad, bad DISer! I totally thought I had commented on your TR before now but apparently I haven't?!


But I'm officially joining in now! :rotfl: :cool1:

(p.s I miss our Fuller House Club! @Leshaface @HomeSweetDisney :sad::sad::sad::sad:)

Luuuu! How are you?? Ugh I know I've turned into a very 'part-time' Diser :sad2: and likewise to you, I've just seen that you have a 2018 TR AND a 2019 pre-TR! When are you going in 2019 please??! Also are you still in Newcastle? How are things?! :flower3:

Wonderful updates! Your interaction/guest comment story at LTT cracked me up! LOL!!

"Yay for dog poop."


Aww thank you!! Hahah the guy booing us was really funny, but even if he didn't, I thought the mere fact that everyone claps and cheers when you walk through is hilarious :laughing: where else would you ever find that, other than at Disney?! I think nowhere ::yes::
Maybe they only clap and cheer for people from England! I've been there when they announced people from various US states, and I didn't observe any clapping or cheering. They could be over-compensating to show that our countries are good friends now....

Yeah, let's re-start the Fuller House fan club!

Maybe I missed something... you're going back in February? Where are you staying next time?
Day 6
Thursday 25th January 2018
Part 1 – Universal Studios! (1)

Good morning!

We set our alarm for 7am, but snoozed until about 7:30 before getting up and ready for a day at UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!


Side note – has anyone else had this problem at the Wilderness Lodge?


Sometimes all of our drawers would slide open all by themselves :confused3
Maybe our room was slightly slanted.
Or maybe we had too much stuff in the drawers.
Or maybe we had a demon.
Or maybe all of the above.

While Jamie was getting ready I went to the Mercantile and bought a hand sanitiser that clipped onto my belt loop (we avoid taking a bag to Universal due to their strict locker system).


When Jamie was ready we went out to the front of the hotel to get an Uber.



The Uber driver arrived, and he called Jamie HYMIE!


We arrived at Universal and went to buy tickets at the counter.
You can only buy a two-week ticket from the UK, and since we only wanted to spend one day here this year, we would save money by getting tickets at the gate.
Plus while we were in line, we realised that we’d be paying over $100 more to go to Islands of Adventure just to ride Harry Potter and maybe Spider-Man.
We weren’t too bothered so we just got the one park, one-day ticket and express pass!
(Unfortunately I’d forgotten our Hufflepuff/Slytherin lanyards to put them in! :sad1: )

We headed into the park at around 9:30am!




It was really cold today!
And it was the first day we’d both worn t-shirts and shorts, with no easy access back to the hotel :laughing:


At least I had a light cardigan with me.
We went in the shop at the front of the park and I told Hymie to buy himself a sweater, but he refused because he thinks they’re overpriced ::yes::


After looking around the shop we went to the Despicable Me ride!


When we were loading into the ride I slipped on someone’s exploded strawberry yoghurt carton that was all over the floor and almost did the splits.
It was harrowing.
But the yoghurt smelled good so I suppose that’s something.
I let the staff know about the yoghurt and they came to mop it up right away, meaning everyone had to do Minion trivia while we waited for the ride to start :laughing:

After the ride we exited into the Minion dance party area, and there was a tiny little minion at the photo opportunity area!
It must’ve been someone with some kind of dwarfism I’m sure, it was a very sweet little minion costume :lovestruc

Next we rode The Mummy!


Jamie forgot about the super-harsh braking and didn’t brace himself and hurt his tailbone :crutches:

And I almost lost my sunglasses.
But we loooove The Mummy!
And Jamie appreciated the fire part because he was so cold outside :laughing:

It was now 11:15, so we went to get brunch, at the very brunchy location of Krusty Burger :laughing:


We shared a clogger burger and some fried chicken from Cletus’ Chicken Shack :cool1:


And tasty.

Next we rode Men In Black, and Jamie scored a PITIFUL 40,000 :sad2:
I don’t have a picture of our scores (maybe Jamie deleted it out of shame :rolleyes2 ) but I know that I won :thumbsup2


Then we stopped at Starbucks to warm up with a hot drink!
I got a white chocolate mocha and Jamie got a caramel macchiato!



After our coffees we wondered around Diagon Alley.




We checked the line at Gringotts but it was 40 minutes so we decided to leave it for a while.
(Although we later realised that you can use the express pass there now! Is that new?! I didn’t think you could!)

On the way out of Diagon Alley we took this picture of Jamie in front of 11 Grimmauld Place to annoy our friend Rob, who is a Harry Potter super-fan! :laughing:
(Number 12 is the notable house as it belongs to Serius Black; number 11 next door is just a regular house :rotfl: )


He looks so proud of himself.

Then we rode Men In Black again!


I got a pretty good score!


Then we rode The Simpsons, another favourite of mine!



The Simpsons throw some shade at Disney :rotfl:

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Day 6
Thursday 25th January 2018
Part 2 – Universal Studios! (2)

After riding The Simpsons we went to see the 1:30pm showing of Animal Actors!
We both love this show!
It’s so much fun if you love dogs, or just animals in general.




The best part of the show is getting to pet the puppers at the end!


We recently had American friends stay with us for the week, who were very concerned when we used the phrase “stroke the dog”.
That’s what we say here in the UK, but apparently it means something very different in the USA…??!
So in this trip report…
We pet the dog.

I’m sure one time when I met Rafiki at Animal Kingdom I commented on his fur, asking him if I could stroke him.


UGH language barriers.

Next we went to ET!
I wanted Jamie to tell the staff member taking names that his name was Hymie, but sadly he didn’t :sad2:


While we were in the dark “outdoor” woods area we heard one team member ask another team member “are you having a good DAY-NIGHT?”

YAY for ET, even though I don’t think he said goodbye to us at the end.

Then we rode the new Jimmy Fallon ride…
UGH I’m sorry but I am not a fan.

There was a big pre-show thing that was kinda fun, I remember there was a giant panda running around.


But then the ride is just so MEH to me.
It’s annoying me how much time and money Universal are investing in new rides that are ALL just 3D motion simulator rides.
Like this Jimmy Fallon one is no different to the Despicable Me ride, the Simpsons, Shrek 4D etc.
Even Kong, Spider-Man, Transformers, and both Harry Potter rides are so much about the screens.
Some are enjoyable but I’m finding everything so samey.
And the new Fast and the Furious ride just looks awful too.
Maybe it’s just me I don’t know :confused3

At least I can say I’ve tried it!


So after complaining about everything being so samey…
We went to ride Men In Black again!


I won again :cool1:

Then we went back to Diagon Alley and walked up to Gringotts.
The line was now at 75 minutes, but this was when I realised that you can use the express pass here!
So we zoomed right through!
Sorry to the guy we walked past on the left here :laughing:


After our trip to the vaults we rode Men In Black again, and I got what I think is my best score ever!


Sorry Hymie!


Then we headed back to The Mummy, but stopped to watch some “streetmosphere” along the way.




We also spotted someone sat on someone’s shoulders whilst wearing a robe, and they looked like a ginormous human :rotfl:


I saw this statue, which I’ve only ever seen covered in Halloween decorations.
It was nice to see him neat and tidy!



Random sofa set up in the streets of Universal..


We then rode The Mummy one more time.
Jamie was more prepared for the braking this time so he enjoyed it a lot more :goodvibes

Then we headed out at about 4:30pm to try and beat the evening traffic.


We ordered an Uber, and our driver was already sat right next to us!
We had a fun day at Universal, and got everything done that we wanted to do, YAY!

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Day 6
Thursday 25th January 2018
Part 3 – Whispering Canyon Café

We arrived back at the Wilderness Lodge at around 5pm, and were greeted by ANOTHER TOWEL ANIMAL in our room! :lovestruc


We moved him over to join the gator on top of the drawers.


I made a coffee, put on some jeans and a sweater and sat outside for a while.


Unfortunately it was just too cold!
So I went back inside, and Jamie and I both had a nap.

We woke up at about 8pm, in time for our 8:30pm ADR at the Whispering Canyon Café!
I was feeling sleepy, so it was really nice to just be able to roll downstairs, eat, and roll back up to our room :goodvibes
What a perfectly planned lazy evening.

While I was freshening up, the Happily Ever After fireworks were on, which we could see from our room!





Time to go down to dinner!



We checked in at Whispering Canyon and were seated fairly quickly.



Our server was called Mike and he was very nice and fun.

I ordered a Diet Coke and Jamie got a vanilla milkshake :laughing:
I don’t know how he does that.
To me that’s like having a dessert before your meal :confused3


Mike brought us some cornbread (another dessert – literally just sponge cake) and a salad.


I used to love the salad dressing but I think they changed it and I wasn’t so keen on it this time.

Oh well, the main skillet was still excellent!


It had glazed chicken, beef, pulled pork, sausage, green beans, corn, mash and cowboy beans!


I love everything about this skillet!

During the meal Jamie ordered another milkshake, this time chocolate!
What a guy :confused3


Dessert today was the ooey gooey chocolate lava cake with ice cream!
We were supposed to have two with the dining plan, but as we were so full we asked Mike to just bring one out for us to share, and we would take the other back to our room!

It was tasty!



We finished up with dinner, took our dessert back to our room, then took our refillable mugs back downstairs to get water.
Of course it wouldn’t be a Disney trip if Jamie didn’t have some kind of water-based incident.
As we took our mugs downstairs to refill there was some water left in his, and as he swung his arm it made a ‘gulp’ noise.
So he tried to recreate the noise a couple of times, and obviously (accidentally) just threw water everywhere.


We got our water and had a quick look at the snack offerings.


Campfire cupcake :love:


We then headed back to the room and rested up for another day of Disney fun!




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Maybe they only clap and cheer for people from England! I've been there when they announced people from various US states, and I didn't observe any clapping or cheering. They could be over-compensating to show that our countries are good friends now....

Yeah, let's re-start the Fuller House fan club!

Maybe I missed something... you're going back in February? Where are you staying next time?

I think they were doing it to everyone, on this day anyway! We just missed it until our turn because we were waiting outside, but it was a funny way to be greeted when we had no idea it was going to happen :lmao:

YES we are going in Feb, and I'm super super excited because this time we're going with some friends! We're going with Jamie's best friend of many years, and his girlfriend! The girl and I have been to Disneyland Paris together and recently got DLP annual passes :goodvibes but she's never been to WDW before and I think she's going to lose her mind, and possibly just cry the whole time! :laughing: Last time we were at Disneyland Paris she cried at a Moana jewelry box :rotfl: she cracks me up, I'm so so excited to go with them! :hyper:
Sometimes all of our drawers would slide open all by themselves :confused3
Maybe our room was slightly slanted.
Or maybe we had too much stuff in the drawers.
Or maybe we had a demon.
Or maybe all of the above.
I don't think we had the drawers open on us but I do remember having to close them in a certain order to get them to close all the way one time.
We shared a clogger burger and some fried chicken from Cletus’ Chicken Shack :cool1:
Best name for a burger!

We also spotted someone sat on someone’s shoulders whilst wearing a robe, and they looked like a ginormous human :rotfl:

Ha! Too funny!


These were my daughters favorite the last time we stayed at Wilderness Lodge. She had one everyone morning.
Right?! There is nothing better than waking up naturally at 7am at Disney and actually feeling fresh and alive :cool1:


You are seriously missing out on the legend that is Stacey.


Well that right there is reason enough.

It looks beautiful I want to live there! :laughing:

Tad on the dull side, but...

It usually only takes about 30 minutes to get anywhere. Unless you want to go somewhere other than in town. Then it takes forever.

We didn't do it, but I think it starts off blank but gridded with a number in each square, and people are given a paint pot and are told a number to fill in.. So they might be given a red paint pot and told to fill in four squares labeled as number 9, and by the end of the day (or within a few hours?) it makes a picture! There are loads of different ones but for example:


Huh! Cool. Who knew?
(Besides you, I mean.)

It's not actually, but it's a souvenir if you're as insane as I am :laughing:


It's just so unnatural looking, it makes my face feel funny to think about eating the blue icing :crazy2: Do you remember those Anna and Elsa cupcakes they did? They look like my idea of hell :scared:

:laughing: Sorry!

...why have I just posed these on my trip report :sick:


We ended up with a bunch that we refused to undo :laughing:


So... What's with the cash? Did you put it there to tip mousekeeping? Or?

Sometimes all of our drawers would slide open all by themselves :confused3
Maybe our room was slightly slanted.


You spelled "haunted" wrong.

Or maybe we had a demon.

There ya go.

Besides... Obvious poltergeist. Look at those shoes. No one does that on holidays.

Very good choice for an accessory. Even if it's empty.

The Uber driver arrived, and he called Jamie HYMIE!


You can only buy a two-week ticket from the UK, and since we only wanted to spend one day here this year, we would save money by getting tickets at the gate.

I just got mine and DD's tix. Bought two days and got two days free.


Sooooo decadent.

And it was the first day we’d both worn t-shirts and shorts, with no easy access back to the hotel :laughing:

And yet... no photos of you guys freezing, so it couldn't be toooo bad.

Best Ramsay line ever?

When we were loading into the ride I slipped on someone’s exploded strawberry yoghurt carton that was all over the floor and almost did the splits.
It was harrowing.

Oh dear. But if you threw your arms up, you could've gotten a round of applause.

But the yoghurt smelled good so I suppose that’s something.


After the ride we exited into the Minion dance party area, and there was a tiny little minion at the photo opportunity area!
It must’ve been someone with some kind of dwarfism I’m sure, it was a very sweet little minion costume :lovestruc

But you didn't take the opportunity to take a photo.

Jamie forgot about the super-harsh braking and didn’t brace himself and hurt his tailbone :crutches:

thanks for the warning.

We shared a clogger burger and some fried chicken from Cletus’ Chicken Shack :cool1:

How was the fried chicken? Recommend?

Next we rode Men In Black, and Jamie scored a PITIFUL 40,000 :sad2:
I don’t have a picture of our scores (maybe Jamie deleted it out of shame :rolleyes2 ) but I know that I won :thumbsup2

Until seeing your later scores, I had no idea if that was good or bad.

It's bad.

After our coffees we wondered around Diagon Alley.

That place looks amazing. Can't wait to see it next year.

Wow!! Amazing shot!

On the way out of Diagon Alley we took this picture of Jamie in front of 11 Grimmauld Place to annoy our friend Rob, who is a Harry Potter super-fan! :laughing:
(Number 12 is the notable house as it belongs to Serius Black; number 11 next door is just a regular house :rotfl: )


The Simpson’s throw some shade at Disney :rotfl:


It’s so much fun if you love dogs, or just animals in general.

::yes:: Kay loved it (in California)

The best part of the show is getting to pet the puppers at the end!

::yes:: That's why she loved it.

We recently had American friends stay with us for the week, who were very concerned when we used the phrase “stroke the dog”.
That’s what we say here in the UK, but apparently it means something very different in the USA…??!
So in this trip report…
We pet the dog.



I’m sure one time when I met Rafiki at Animal Kingdom I commented on his fur, asking him if I could stroke him.

:blush: Oh dear.

YAY for ET, even though I don’t think he said goodbye to us at the end.

What?? You were robbed!

It’s annoying me how much time and money Universal are investing in new rides that are ALL just 3D motion simulator rides.

Agreed. One is fine. Maybe two... Maybe.
But that's it!!

This sounds way too complicated.

So after complaining about everything being so samey…
We went to ride Men In Black again!


Sorry to the guy we walked past on the left here :laughing:


Annnnndddd... a little part of him died when you did.

After our trip to the vaults we rode Men In Black again


Uhh... not the best Marilyn impersonator I've seen.

We also spotted someone sat on someone’s shoulders whilst wearing a robe, and they looked like a ginormous human :rotfl:


:laughing: Looks like a character that is part of Uni.

We ordered an Uber, and our driver was already sat right next to us!



I ordered a Diet Coke and Jamie got a vanilla milkshake :laughing:

mmmm... I just hade one yesterday. :)

I don’t know how he does that.
To me that’s like having a dessert before your meal :confused3

::yes:: And... is there a problem with that????

During the meal Jamie ordered another milkshake, this time chocolate!
What a guy :confused3

Now that I couldn't do. Too much!

As we took our mugs downstairs to refill there was some water left in his, and as he swung his arm it made a ‘gulp’ noise.
So he tried to recreate the noise a couple of times, and obviously (accidentally) just threw water everywhere.

Smooth, Hymie... smooth.
They did clap as well for us from "the territory of Alabama". I am from Texas but it's cool :rotfl2:


Wait...wait...what?? Am I understanding that @pkondz has never seen Stacey!?? OMG really?? Our cat's full name is Stacey J. Aswad, named after the Must-Do Disney Legend, herself!

Hahaha that is an amazing name for your cat :laughing: I know, what does @pkondz do the moment he gets to his hotel room, if not turn on Stacey?! :confused3

I don't think we had the drawers open on us but I do remember having to close them in a certain order to get them to close all the way one time.

Maybe it's time for a room refurb! :scratchin

Best name for a burger!

It'll clog your arteries :laughing:

These were my daughters favorite the last time we stayed at Wilderness Lodge. She had one everyone morning.

Nice! I never actually had one, but they looked really good.

So... What's with the cash? Did you put it there to tip mousekeeping? Or?

Yes it was for mousekeeping! We left a note so they knew it was for them :thumbsup2

Besides... Obvious poltergeist. Look at those shoes. No one does that on holidays.

The demon arranged our shoes, truly haunting :scared1:

Very good choice for an accessory. Even if it's empty.

The good thing about those hand sanitisers is they're refillable, so once it ran out I bought some cheap sanitiser and topped it up :goodvibes

I just got mine and DD's tix. Bought two days and got two days free.

We've been looking at tickets for our trip in Feb, Universal is so expensive! I don't really get it, I like it there, but I bet a lot of people opt not to go because of the price of two parks that can be done in two days :confused3

Oh dear. But if you threw your arms up, you could've gotten a round of applause.

HAHA like a pro :cool2:

How was the fried chicken? Recommend?

I think it was fine but nothing special! A good protein fix when you're on the go :goodvibes

That place looks amazing. Can't wait to see it next year.

Have you never been?!

Agreed. One is fine. Maybe two... Maybe.
But that's it!!

I KNOW. I'd rather a slow, dark ride over even more motion simulator rides at Universal. But ideally more track rides like The Mummy!

This sounds way too complicated.

It was bad, do not recommend :sad2:

Uhh... not the best Marilyn impersonator I've seen.

I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to be mean :laughing:
Yes it was for mousekeeping! We left a note so they knew it was for them :thumbsup2

Ah! Okay.

The demon arranged our shoes, truly haunting :scared1:

So did you carefully slip on a pair and run?

Universal is so expensive!

Ridiculously so.

but I bet a lot of people opt not to go because of the price of two parks that can be done in two days :confused3

This I doubt. Did you find the parks to be fairly full or empty or?
I think they charge exactly what they need to, to maximize profits.

I think it was fine but nothing special! A good protein fix when you're on the go :goodvibes


Have you never been?!

Never. I took youngest DD to Uni on the West Coast, but I've never been to Florida's.

I KNOW. I'd rather a slow, dark ride over even more motion simulator rides at Universal. But ideally more track rides like The Mummy!

That's what I felt in California. "What? Another motion simulator? I want a ride."

It was bad, do not recommend :sad2:

And yet... knowing my DD... we'll wind up doing it anyway.

I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to be mean :laughing:

Oh, go ahead. I've never seen you be mean. I'm not even sure it's possible for you!


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