Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@dazedx3 I am sorry for what you and your DH are going through. Sending thoughts and prayers for healing.

@Pea-n-Me It is hard to lose a parent so young. And neither he nor you thought the outcome would be so tragic. It is good that you can use the experience to help your patients. You are such a kind and caring nurse and your patients are fortunate to have you caring for them.

Good morning. Thank you all for the kind words. Before I lost DH I never knew such pain and hurt could exist. I was devastated when my mother died but losing DH is on a whole different level. Of course I forgive him for not seeking medical care. No one thinks about the worst happening. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I do know he was having heart issues looking logically at the problems he was having. Older DS mentioned possibly congestive heart failure beginning. I just feel so bad the grandkids miss out on having their grandpa, the kids their Dad, and me my beloved DH. It is 3 months today since he passed and it will be a tough one. The therapist asked me to think every day about how this day is better than the day before. Unfortunately this day will not be better than yesterday. But I will think about it each day and see.
@snowsymom :grouphug: . I agree that yelling at Chris in the car, was probably theraputic for you. Sometimes we just have to 'let it out', I hope today isn't terribly bad for you,,will be sending you extra prayers to help

@Pea-n-Me Your posts are always so well thought out and helpful. I too am sad that your Mother passed away when you were young. Thank you for all of your insightful posts!

It rained again overnite, but today will be another unwinterlike weather day. Going to be in the 60's. This is just plain nutty!

Took the trash down to the street, fed the cats, got my grocery list ready, will be going a little bit later.

Have a nice morning all

Just checking in to say I'm OK. DS seemed to have a little more energy yesterday (stayed up playing video games online). He's still asleep now, but hopefully will continue to feel better each day. - Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts.

QOTD - No special traditions for New Year's here. I rarely stay up for midnight, though I occasionally nap and then wake up and watch some of the festivities on TV.

DD is still not doing a lot better. Got some test results back overnight that explain some things.

So sorry she's ill as well. :hug: I hope they can do something for whatever it is, and that she feels better soon.

It is 3 months today since he passed and it will be a tough one.

I read most of yesterday's comments around 1am last night, and then couldn't find my spot until I looked at who I 'liked'. I also reread as I didn't remember anything I read.

So, hope all are making it through this part of the holidays. @Snowysmom - working through your grief is the best way to move on. I lost my youngest DD's father when he was 45 and I was 42. It takes time to get through it all. It was heart related and he could have been saved. Also lost my father to a heart attack.

And it runs in the family. I'm at risk and I take meds for it and for high blood pressure.
Well, yesterday I checked my pressure after posting here and I was 169/88. I hadn't refilled my script and had skipped too many days after running out. To put that in perspective, I need approximately 2 pills a week to keep me in the 120/80 spot.

Anyway, headed for my dr's office and was given an afternoon appointment to come back. The office manager wasn't there and usually they will get me a script signed and electronically sent to CVS in a few minutes. The 'new' person at the desk was good, but not about to interrupt doc for a signature. I was about to go to Patient First if I had to but she squeezed me in.

Went home and laid down and after some rest I came down to 152/something. It's in the memory but my monitor is in the other room. Back to the office at my appt time where I and others waited and waited and eventually got seen. First check I was 180/84. A little later it was down to 169/something.

The reason you wait with my doc is he's going to make sure he knows what's going on before he lets me go. And, after being my primary care since 1993, he knows me - too well. So, long visit after I was seen. Finally let me go and CVS then had my script ready in 30 minutes. So, when I woke up at 1am, my pressure was down to 104/93. Right now, it's back up to 148/90. I'll keep checking it every hour or so, and take more pill closer to evening. It'll take a day or so to get more stable.

Anyway, I did it to myself. The scary part is I didn't really feel very bad. Just a teeny headache that came and went. Slight numbness in one arm for just a bit. Tingly fingertips. Enough that I knew what could happen.
@Judique Take care of yourself. I am glad you followed up with the doctor and the meds. I am sorry for your losses. My DS's are aware of the heart issues running on their Dad's side. Older DS has talked with his PCP and they have made a plan to do some testing when he gets a bit older and he is thinking of statins in a few years. He is a physician so he is very proactive with health issues. Younger DS needs to tell his PCP next time he goes in.
:grouphug:❤ Snowysmom and extra to you Pea and Easyas, too, thank you all for your brave and kind words! Truly, a huge hug too my entire Quacker family for the continued love and real care you each bring to the rest of us every day. We are so blessed God made and is keeping us a Quacker family.

HUGS to each of you and prayers for some joy today for each of you, too.
All errands accomplished. Did Sheetz first, just to fill up the tank since it's supposed to get cold again next week (55 out now, calling for 61 tomorrow, but with rain). Got scrips at CVS, I was the only customer in the store. Stopped at the bank drive through to cash some survey checks (only car in line was ours), went to Aldi's, very quiet for a Wednesday morning..and Walmart was at least half empty. All U Scans were open, only 3 of them in use, 2 cashier registers open,,no lines in either of those. Seemed very odd. Prices up again, cat food row even emptier than last week. No good coupon specials in the meat depts,,where I saw a pkg of steaks marked down fro $45 to $35??? At Walmart??? Who pays those prices for a steak there? Not me..lol!

Came home, put everything away, and undecorated both bathrooms , the kitchen and the spare bedroom. Everything is neatly packed in their totes and stacked in the basement. Will do the dining room tomorrow, the living room Friday, and take the tree down Saturday. I picked up a garlic rotisserie chicken for dinner with some store made potato salad..so it will be an easy dinner for us

Have a nice afternoon
Been reading since yesterday but didn't feel like responding. I was being lazy and it felt like work. LOL

Currently watching Maryland vs Virginia Tech in their bowl game. And I just made a Shutterfly calendar because I had a code for a free one.

DH and I went for COVID test yesterday. Had to wait outside in a line for 1 hour and 15 minutes even though everyone had appointments. It was dark by the time we got to the front of the line but at least the rain didn't start until we left.

Today we went to Newark to get a key at church. Ended up changing the paraments in the sanctuary and cleaning up candles from Christmas Eve. Then went to the bike store to exchange biking gloves I got for DH for Christmas. I wanted soup for lunch so we got carryout at CFA then stopped at the grocery store for a few things.

I'll try to catch up but can't remember everything.

I hate how this disease comes between families.
I so agree. DH's sister's one daughter and family are not vaccinated and we don't want to be around them.

And WalMart.com never fulfilled my XMas card order, even though I paid for it. I wrote out labels for cards and all. Not sure whether I should send them still or what, if I can even get them. Aggravating.
Cancel the order, reorder New Years cards, and use the labels you have.

DH said it might be a pinched nerve or something but my lower back,
Pea got to the answer before I did.

That sounds a lot like a herniated disc.
Good advice. I would also add ice to the area of sharp pain.

I love flip flops
DD swears by Rainbows. I like my Croc flip flops.

I’m glad you have your therapist to talk this out with,
Agreed. It sounds like you are doing a lot to help yourself.

@flyingdumbo127, when you talk about being cold, what is the temperature? Just curious. I like the change in seasons here. It gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

Turkey burgers, sweet potatoes, and zucchini for dinner.
Been reading since yesterday but didn't feel like responding. I was being lazy and it felt like work. LOL

Currently watching Maryland vs Virginia Tech in their bowl game. And I just made a Shutterfly calendar because I had a code for a free one.

Mr L is supposedly watching it too, but he's sound asleep. I hit the record button when it started, just in case, lol!

DH and I went for COVID test yesterday. Had to wait outside in a line for 1 hour and 15 minutes even though everyone had appointments. It was dark by the time we got to the front of the line but at least the rain didn't start until we left.

Today we went to Newark to get a key at church. Ended up changing the paraments in the sanctuary and cleaning up candles from Christmas Eve. Then went to the bike store to exchange biking gloves I got for DH for Christmas. I wanted soup for lunch so we got carryout at CFA then stopped at the grocery store for a few things.

I'll try to catch up but can't remember everything.

I so agree. DH's sister's one daughter and family are not vaccinated and we don't want to be around them.

Cancel the order, reorder New Years cards, and use the labels you have.

Pea got to the answer before I did.

Good advice. I would also add ice to the area of sharp pain.

DD swears by Rainbows. I like my Croc flip flops.

Agreed. It sounds like you are doing a lot to help yourself.

@flyingdumbo127, when you talk about being cold, what is the temperature? Just curious. I like the change in seasons here. It gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

I looked her up on weather.com when she said that the other day,,and it was 44 degrees in Los Angeles. I guess by CA standards, that would be cold, lol!

Turkey burgers, sweet potatoes, and zucchini for dinner.
Thank you as always and a hug to you Carol for all you do for your church! From afar, I appreciate that :) It gets in the 40's even later 30's at night which for us is freezing! You have to also remember this apartment does not have safe to use heating :( I'm wearing my new nightshirt right now and so thankful for that. I just need some fleecy gloves. They are so expensive though! I just want soft and very loose fitting so not constricting. Also not paying $17 for gloves will keep looking!

Hug to you as well, Lynn, I hope as always YOU get some rest! Please remember to take care, my friend.

It's 4:33 and feels a ton later and has all day. We did get package delivery through the mail super early around 10:30 this morning which never happens! Regular mail has not come though or from yesterday. We're counting on the mailman from this morning to come back as he promised he would this afternoon to get my old huge chair. He said he could use it and would come back today (I asked him specifically) after delivering packages.

Keep cozy friends and have a good night.
QOTD - Do you have any New Years plans or traditions?
We usually go to a friend's house for a potluck dinner and a bonfire. We've missed the last couple of years due to keeping GK's or Covid. They canceled again this year due to Covid.

DS texted me Monday to let me know that his fiance's mom had Covid. They were with her all day and into the evening on Christmas Eve. He and fiance are fine so far but he told me today that some of the family that were over there Christmas Eve evening have Covid. DS and fiance were at our house on Sunday. I'm not sure that they would have been contagious that quickly. It's a wait and see game.

Lou Lou had her first supervised visitation with her dad Monday afternoon. I was the observer. I took her and Lil Joe to meet him and his wife at a park. We were there for two hours. I just watched them interact. I'm hoping that their next supervised visitation will be somewhere I can sit down.

After I got home, DD took down all the Christmas decorations while I cooked dinner. Our house feels naked but it also feels fresh and ready for a new beginning.

Yesterday morning my sister and I went to the cemetary to visit our parents graves. I haven't been out since she passed away last January. Mama loved little tinkly windchimes so we put one out by her head stone.

Hugs to all those who are hurting.
:grouphug:Kirby, prayers for all of your family regarding Covid and of course, in general! I also pray the visit went smoothly and that from here on out any visit would be supervised by you or your DD! Take care and have a good night, my friend.

Dad and I feel so thankful that the mailman from this morning did come back around 5:30. feel so badly for him because like I said earlier he was here at 10:30 which must have meant an even earlier start to his workday. It is a blessing to know our chair that we could no longer use, now has a good home with someone who needed it. Thankful to God for working that out just perfectly :)

Sweet dreams, friends!
Good rainy Thursday morning. Rained overnite, still sprinkling now. Temp is 47 and will go up a whopping 3 degrees, but at least it's not snow or freezing temps

I overdid it a bit yesterday, and was so tired last nite that I was in bed by 9, and slept till 5 . No big plans for the day except to swiffer the kitchen floor and clean the bathrooms.

Mona--glad that the mailman came back and got the chair. One more thing out of your way, and something he can use.

@Kirby--sending best thoughts to those in your family who have Covid. Hope they recover soon!

Have a great next to last day of 2021!

Checking in from chilly Massachusetts. I've been up since waaay too early (no reason - just woke up to use the bathroom and couldn't fall back to sleep) and am now out with the cat. DS is still asleep, but could actually taste a bit yesterday, so I hope that's a good sign.

I heard from SIL this morning and they are fine (5 days out) so I'm thankful it probably didn't spread to them. I feel OK too, but am wondering exactly when (if?) I should do a home test - I was around him on more than one day, so is it 5 days from the first or the last?
It's morning again. Fed the cats, dog and birds. Dog made me put a leash on him to get him to go potty outside. He doesn't like to get his feet wet. The rain had stopped and was light to begin with.

Today DD turns 43 and tomorrow oldest granddaughter turns 6, with younger GD 3 weeks from now, turning 5, plus me and Grandpa turning 69 and 96 respectively in about 3 weeks.

DD and DGD got their gifts yesterday. They came by for the afternoon after their dentist appointments.

It's a gray day so far but already almost 50 and may go to 55.

I feel good this morning, but I'm still watching my pressure for a few days at least.

Hope all are doing well!

We will not leave the house to celebrate over this weekend, just watch it on TV and the phone will ring quite a bit plus my friends will text. That's good enough for me right now.

Everyone take care!
Good morning everyone. Grey & gloomy here. Dogs have an extended lie in this morning.

I'm looking around the house. It's just a mess. Honestly there is crap all over the kitchen counters, dog toys in random states of decapitation on the floor, a pair of my husbands socks by his chair :mad: and I know there is a basket of ironing to be done in the bedroom. And it's time tp purge the fridge of leftovers that were never eaten. Plus I need to make a trip to the grocery store....so I think I'm going to get up, get dressed and start my going to the store. Then home to clean up. I have a hair appt at 3, so that is something to look forward to!

Youngest has tested positive, but is already over it besides a bit of a cough so he may come home to spend his quarantine week here vs. the extended stay hotel the Army has him in.

We have to butcher this weekend, so I stocked up on freezer paper yesterday. Picked up several lbs. of pork at Costco yesterday, husband will grind it and use it in his sausage. Not sure if we will tackle that Saturday or Sunday, but I'm thinking Saturday morning hopefully.

No luck finding a coat yesterday, so I'm going to order one online and hope for the best!

Have a good morning everyone -
Happy Thursday morning! :)

It's been a slow week around here, which is fine for me. Last night I went to Ds1's soccer game, they lost in the last couple of minutes 4-3. We had salmon last night for dinner. Today I'm meeting a friend for lunch at Chicken Salad Chic so I doubt I'll make dinner tonight. Ds3 can have a frozen pizza for dinner.

I have not been able to fall asleep all this week. I'm sure working 3rd shift all weekend screwed up my sleep. I thought I could bounce back after a day but I haven't. Last night I was up until 3 am :surfweb:. I have quite a few more weekends where I work Friday and Saturday night so I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to go back to the office next week. Hopefully working from home on Monday will help me.

That's it for me, hope everyone has a great day! :flower1:
Good morning.

Gray and yucky out today. Doing laundry, collected the trash, remade the guest bed, and cleaned the bird feeders. Yesterday I emptied them and brought them in to soak in warm water. I also took buckets of water out to rinse out the bird bath and refill with clean water. I hope the birds appreciate this.

@Judique, we are the same age. I turn 69 in February. My busy birthday time used to be mid-May to mid-June. Mother's Day, my mom's b-day, DD and FIL's b-days the same day, my father, DH, then Father's Day. Now it's September/October with DSIL, DDIL, and DS in 20 days.

there is a basket of ironing to be done
This led me to a........

QOTD - Do you iron regularly?

Not me. I will occasionally iron a tablecloth or dresser scarf. There are a very few items of clothing I iron. I would guess less than 6 times a year.


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