Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Auntieme3.... I agree, I don't care to take my decorations down either. I enjoy them so much more after the holidays than before. I also dread the mess and work of taking everything down. I have a lot of decorations.

It's cold today, 18 degrees, but sunny. Glad we don't have to go anywhere. We got just a dusting of snow last night.

QOTD.... When you take a road trip, how long do you drive in a day?

No longer than 4-5 hours. Otherwise we are both so tired we can't enjoy any place we stop at. The only exception we have made in 22 years, is when we drove to SC to get married~
:hug: AuntieMe3 and safe travels to your DH as well. Taking down decorations, especially any that have been up for a while, is hard indeed. Do you have any Happy Valentine stuff you can look forward to putting out? I need to get a new wall decoration myself for Valentine's Day. I hope you are enjoying a break from all of our rain today and have a good rest of the afternoon as well.

So cool you came across a bunny 🐰 on your cat- walk, PollyannaMom! Hope that made you smile, my friend. Dad and I did finish watching November Christmas last night and really enjoyed it, so very sweet indeed. I'm glad you liked it, too, and I'd definitely recommend it to fellow Quackers!

Carol, I heard from a friend that our local church was fairly empty today, too. Thank you for going to yours, well ours (mine virtually :)) I will watch today's service a little later. Dad is resting now and I don't want to disturb him with the sound. Headphones don't work for me so I listen directly from the computer speakers. :grouphug: rooting for you, my friend with WW and of course, in all ways.

Good to see you, Dazed, and decorations really do brighten up a space with much cheer. So glad you have, it sounds like, a variety to enjoy :)

Lynn, your post popped in just as I replied. Waving hi, of course, always to you, my friend, too! :hug:

QOTD.... When you take a road trip, how long do you drive in a day? For me the trip to DL,45-1 hour would be pretty much my limit. One day post plague, I would love to look into taking a train ride from here to San Diego. Of course, it'll just be such fun to ride the DL RR again, too 🚂 When I was able to travel more, I'd say the longest driving trips were 4-5 hours.

Stay warm, friends! Take care and be well, too! Please do PM me within the week ahead if you'd be able to help me with my surprise for Dad. I would really appreciate your PMing me before mailing so I can indeed look out for the ponies to deliver :)
Thank you for the good wishes. I've felt a little better today, enough to tackle my mom's bedroom some. It looks a lot better. I hope over the next month or so I can get it looking like a guest bedroom.

QOTD.... When you take a road trip, how long do you drive in a day?
It all depends on where we are going. On trips to WDW, Chicago or DC, we've driven 10 to 12 hours in day, probably longer the younger we were. The older we've gotten we need to get out and stretch our legs every two or three hours which takes up some time. And if we travel in the winter months, our drive time is shortened because we prefer not to drive in the dark in areas we don't know.
Good evening.

Waiting for the snow. We are upgraded to 2-6 inches. Where DS lives, 5-8 predicted. Schools are starting to close. DSIL's school is closed tomorrow so they are keeping the kids home. DD just drove up to her office to get her computer so she can telework.

QOTD.... When you take a road trip, how long do you drive in a day?
When we drive to the Outer Banks, we drive about 8 hours. This year coming home from Florida, about 10 hours a day. Once, in 2011, we drove straight through from MD to Brunswick, GA which took probably 12 hours. Now that retired, I expect we will take our time.
QOTD: For trips our norm these days would be about three to four hours. But in years past it’s been up to 12 - once it was around 32 when we drove to WDW. 😳 (Never again!) I don’t mind driving long distances, but I hate sitting in traffic! A lot of our roads in NE have construction going at night, so there aren’t many “off” times to travel anymore. There was a time we used to leave around 5pm to go on a long drive, but that’s not reliable anymore. I do remember many fun road trips, though, when son was playing ball, where we would stop in Times Square for a picture, or in Philiadelphia for a 4am cheesesteak sandwich in the pouring rain, or a little side trip to Niagara Falls from Buffalo! We took Toto on the FL drive, so we have pictures of him at rest areas all the way down 95! This actually just came up on my feed today, Toto in Lake Buena Vista! 🐶 (His color has darkened over the years) In the morning when we took him out, the valet staff greeted us daily with, “Good morning, Toto!”, lol. Somewhere I have a picture of him with three of them when we were leaving.


ETA Found it!

Last edited:
New Year’s was quiet for us, and we needed that. Things were so awful at work last week, I continued to be exhausted this past weekend. Tested today because not only was I not feeling great, I had been working next to staff who were dropping like flies (turning positive) and I also had a covid positive patient who was coughing in my face (poor thing) so I wouldn’t have been surprised. But fortunately I was negative. Had a nice, tight N95 and shield on (which made me sweltering hot and feel like I was going to pass out but that‘s beside the point).

We decided, though, we’re not going out needlessly, including to restaurants, because this O variant is so easily transmissible. DD can’t afford to get Covid on top of her other issues so we’re laying low for a while. I do have to go grocery shopping but I clean the cart off, wear a mask, don’t touch my face, cleanse my hands when I’m done, etc. I suppose I could do an online order, but I prefer to shop. We’ll see. I think this uptick is going to take a little while to run its course, unfortunately. I was reading that it’s not just the O variant but Delta is still around.

We have also left our decorations up for a while longer. They do look so pretty and I find them calming and peaceful. I also have to find the energy to put things away. Hopefully in the next couple of days. This morning DD and I were up early and craving breakfast, so we ordered from one of our local breakfast haunts and ran and picked it up. Strange while still dark out! Fell back asleep later and it felt good. DH made a chicken soup with some leftover chicken we had. Kept it light after the breakfast, but darn, it was good!

Believe it or not we have a virtual home visit this week with a rescue so maybe we’re finally getting somewhere. They won’t tell me if the dog I applied for is still available, though. They emphasize that applications are general and they then match you up with a dog if you “pass”, which is not my preference, but I’m going with the flow. 🤞🐥
:grouphug:Kirby, know we all care. I know it is so hard to go through a loved one's things. please, please, don't be driving to unknown dark places, EVER!!!

Carol, yikes, and please do stay safe, preferably at home, and warm, too! Just watched worship and loved the opening Hymn. Was it Angels from the Realms of Glory? I looked at the bulletin and then up the lyrics but wasn't sure. Anyway, music of praise especially traditional, which is my overall preference sure lights up and brings my spirit closer to Christ. I also loved, and am sharing with all of you Quackers now, one of the pastor's messages that no matter how you may organize your day, no matter the calendar you may use, He is with you always and in all moments. You are never alone! Praise be to and thank God indeed!

:hug:❤to you dear Pea with a reminder to PLEASE take care of and be good to yourself! You do so much, all the time, for so many. Please don't forget you matter so much too and that also, especially even to God, it is vital that you take time to take care of yourself! I had to learn that finally the hard way but have gotten better about doing so. You know I care so much and just want you to be well. Aw, to the "Good Morning, Toto!" Such a cute giraffe blanket, too. Thank God, you are negative! So scary and sad how this plague keeps on growing. Be safe all of you dear Quackers, please!

I forgot to say earlier that a crossword for dad can be from a magazine, too. He just enjoys daily the newspaper puzzle. He does get AARP and also does the NY times. Any others, would be so welcome. Thanks again. Good night for real now :D
Well, in taking my cues from Lynn :p I’ve already been up for a few hours, and DD (who is finally feeling quite a bit better thank you all 🙏) and I whipped through the house pretty good! We unloaded the dishwasher and washed more dishes by hand, put dishes away, cleaned the counters, stove, microwave and kitchen sink, as well as a few things around the kitchen like the blender, the cookie jar and the tea kettle which were dusty and gucky, vacuumed most of the house (still have to do bedrooms) and got some cobwebs, made beds, cleaned three bathrooms, started a load of towels with a load of mine and DD’s clothes to go in after that, and took a shower. Sitting down now to have coffee. Believe it or not after a lot of back and forth, I finally got my cards, so I’m going to get those sent out now. How embarrassing! 😬 Looking forward to seeing DS who I haven’t seen since last week - Thursday, I think. He spent the New Year at his girlfriend’s house but is coming home this morning to rest up for a night shift tonight. Toto will be very happy to see him! Trying to think what to make for dinner tonight, just tired of shopping, cooking and cleaning! Maybe it’s a take out kind of night, we’ll see. Have a good day, everyone! 🐣 😝
Good morning all. 30 degrees outside, almost 30 degrees cooler than yesterday morning. They said some snow would start around 8, but not amount to anything, and they better be right. Those of you to the east of us,,stay safe!

@Pea-n-Me--LOL! It sounds like you were a whirlwind this morning,,and you even made me tired! :rolleyes: Take it easy until you are all feeling back to normal! Loved the pics of Toto,,he is too cute!126664-Happy-Monday.jpg

I have no major plans for the day, probably stay inside since its supposed to be freezing today. Normally I go out and at least walk around the house and yard a few times for exercise, but might just skip it today. I could wash the kitchen and bathroom floors, I suppose? lol!

Have a nice morning everyone
Good morning and Happy New Years to you all!

I'm not going to lie - I was in bed by 8:15 last night! Still taking nightime cough syrup and it really makes me tired.

Three of the four pairs of flip flops I ordered have arrived. One I'm for sure sending back, the other two I like both....my intention was to pick one pair and return the other three BUT now I might change my mind haha!

No great or exciting plans today. I'm going to clean up a bit and then see what the day brings. Husband & youngest hunting this AM, and presumably they will be this evening if the weather isn't to bad. Dinner tonight will be a mish mash of apps we didn't make last night - brie cups, plus the turkey, poppers and other odds & ends floating around the freezer & fridge & pantry. Maybe I'll pop out to get some wings for them - I think tomorrow I'm making lamb chops. Or burgers, we will see...

Today is super mild - I think it's supposed to be in the 60's today and tomorrow but raining all day today and most of tomorrow. My dishwasher is on the blink, we think it may be terminal but we are watching it, so it's always possible I might have to go get a new one this weekend. Fingers crossed that is not the case...I have three appliances hanging on by a thread that were new when we built the house in 2014 - a washing machine, the dishwasher and one of the ovens. Already replaced the built in microwave, and ice maker in fridge has long ago given up. Things just don't hold up like they used to.

I suppose I ought to get moving, I think maybe I'll get some bacon out of the freezer and make the guys some breakfast - have a good day everyone.

I'm again behind in reading and one of the reasons is my dishwasher died. It's probably the thermal fuse but since its 11-13 years old (I haven't looked up the last time I bought one). I've ordered another from Costco. Lots of bad reviews on the delivery and installation process but the machine itself seems to be loved. It's a Whirlpool. I'm not spending $1400 for a dishwasher, just $800.

But I've been washing dishes for 3 days now and I'm tired of it so I got a pack of disposables. Didn't even have any in the house and I usually do for the plates the older kids take home after their visits.

I've been in this house since 1989 so I've gone through lots of appliances, some 2-3 times.

My washer lasted 34 years. Replaced it with Speed Queen and love it. Had a side by side fridge and it gave me 15 years. New one is Samsung and I'm crossing my fingers but I love the fridge. Got rid of the wall oven. Had a stand alone stove also and that was enough except for holiday cooking. Wall oven was just taking up space. I'll probably upgrade my stove later this year to match the color and 'maybe' I'll transition to a dual fuel. I already have natural gas furnace so not a big jump.
Auntieme3.... I agree, I don't care to take my decorations down either. I enjoy them so much more after the holidays than before. I also dread the mess and work of taking everything down. I have a lot of decorations.

It's cold today, 18 degrees, but sunny. Glad we don't have to go anywhere. We got just a dusting of snow last night.

QOTD.... When you take a road trip, how long do you drive in a day?

I've been known to leave lights up a long time. I'm going to leave some led lights in the crape myrtle outside and take down the giant xmas balls and put them away. The rest of the lawn stuff will go away as soon as this snow melts.

QOTD: Road trips vary. Sometimes I'll drive to North Carolina - Roanoke Rapids - maybe 4 hours, on my southbound trips. Or Lumberton, NC, Florence, SC, or as far as Savannah. A couple of times I've driven all the way to Jacksonville, Florida. That's me driving myself. The Savannah and Jax stops mean I'm tingly getting out of the car, and it takes a bit to unwind.

Trips to Hilton Head can be 1 shot, or, stop along the way. I prefer to leave late and stop after maybe 4 hours, then finish up a trip in daylight.

While working, my trips were almost always leave at 4am, and drive until about 2, stopping for sit down Cracker Barrell breakfast and arriving to my stop or destination early.

I haven't flown since the 90ties. So I've got a lot of miles on me. I won't drive in snow anymore, and hate driving in rain or fog.

The longest I've driven in a day is 11 to 12 hours. Shortest is usually about 4 hours. Preferred length for a 'full' day is about 7 hours. During daylight, not in the dark.

Adding in: stops are always planned and usually at Holiday Inn Express, most Marriott brands, Hampton Inns, sometimes Country Inns and Suites. I'm going to try Drury sooner or later. I'll do a 'new' hotel for some other chains. I will not ever stay at a Best Western again.

Snowing here. A proper snowstorm, evidently. Supposed to get either 3-5 or 5-8 depending on who you listen to and where you live. As usual we are right on the line....that line usually being the line of getting or not getting snow. But not today, today we are firmly in the getting snow area for once! Roads are rubbish, so had to close down the office. That I am not pleased about, as I'm sick and tired of being home after quarantining w/ Covid then shutting down over the holidays. I think it's been 3 weeks since I spent a day in the office- I'd sneak in there on weekends for a bit of work, but honestly both my husband and I are climbing the walls around here, can't wait to get back to work! But we don't mind a proper snow day once in a while, so I'll take it when I can get it! It's pouring down snow, and blustery. It's a heavy, wet snow, expected to last a fair bit of the day.

So here we sit for the day. Son still in basement, dogs in front of the fire. Husband upstairs doing something and I'm watching Return of the King. My very favorite scene is on, where the beacon(s) of Minas Tirith is lit and the remaining beacons all follow suit.

QOTD.... When you take a road trip, how long do you drive in a day?

Welp, I supposed it depends. We will drive all day to get to a destination, but we don't drive thru the night. We'll stop by 9 PM or so, although as early birds it's not uncommon that we might get up early at 3:30 or 4 and get back on the road. The only place that is super far aware from us we drive to is FL when needed. For instance, we have to both take a car down to my folks place in Ft. Myers, and bring one back up here....so I canceled our flights (going to WDW while down there) and booked the auto train home as my car I'm brining back up here is small, and almost a classic that I'd like to not add another 1000+ miles to. But mostly I didn't want to drive it all the way home. So we will leave Maryland around noon on a Friday, drive to roughly the Florence, SC area, grab a hotel and overnight, continuing on to Ft. Myers the next day. When we head to Orlando from Ft. Myers it's only about 3 hours or a bit less so no plans there for any unneeded stops.
We have been known to need to go up to Lynn's neck of MD - about a 3 1/2 or 4 hour drive one way for us, up & back all in one day. That makes for a very long day.

Happy snow day!! It's falling and accumulating here. Wish I was a lot further south right now!

It's snow ball snow!

It is! I shoveled off the steps and it's a heavy snow for sure!

My washer lasted 34 years. Replaced it with Speed Queen and love it.

I've heard so much about the Speed Queen's - and all of it good. Everyone I've spoken to who has made the investment has no regrets. I may need to look into that as a possibility.

Lumberton, NC

We have another project starting there in a few months, and I'm going to need to be there 2-4 times per month for meetings. Thinking of splitting between flying and driving, but we'll see.

Maybe I'll finally get around to buying my tickets and booking parks (I hate that). We arrive at Wilderness Lodge 3 weeks from today.
Time to suit up and boot up, the dogs are starting to get restless, I think they have to go out but aren't sure, so I'll go out with them. They aren't snow adverse, but they don't much care for the biting, cold wind!
Dinner this evening is a bear pot roast. Not at all my cup of tea, but husband and youngest will enjoy it and it's one less piece of bear in my freezer. I'll scrounge up something else for dinner.

Have a good morning everyone-
Good morning.

Watching the light snow outside and thankfully have nowhere I have to go.

As far as decorations, yesterday we brought in the outside spot light projector that makes moving lights on the house. Otherwise, everything else still up. I may pack up my Santa collection because the kids want to play with them and most are breakable. Candles may stay in the windows a while.

We decided, though, we’re not going out needlessly, including to restaurants, because this O variant is so easily transmissible.
Us too. We were going to get together with DD and family yesterday, and eat on the screened porch but decided not to get together.

@flyingdumbo127, I am so glad you enjoy the church services.

I finally got my cards, so I’m going to get those sent out now
Don't be embarrassed. My brother also had delivery issues with his cards and I see it in the Informed delivery today.

It's snow ball snow!
It is. DD sent a snapchat of DGD outside, at 8:30, begging for someone to come out and have a snowball fight with her.

Adding in: stops are always planned and usually at Holiday Inn Express, most Marriott brands, Hampton Inns, sometimes Country Inns and Suites. I'm going to try Drury sooner or later. I'll do a 'new' hotel for some other chains. I will not ever stay at a Best Western again.
Per DS's recommendation, he stayed in a lot of hotels when in recruiting, we often stay in Marriott Brands. We like their Springhill Suites. I was leery of Best Westerns but we stayed in a Best Western Plus in Santee, SC that was older but inexpensive, clean, and safe.

We'll stop by 9 PM or so, although as early birds it's not uncommon that we might get up early at 3:30 or 4 and get back on the road.
Our shortest overnight was when we were driving to Orlando for the Champs Bowl in 2006 when both kids were in marching band going to the game. We left around 2pm on 12/26, drove to Rocky Mount, NC, got a motel and crashed into bed about 11pm and were then up and on the road by 7am. This last Florida trip, we fell asleep so early in Tampa that we were up and had breakfast and on the road before the sun was up.

Stay warm everyone, it is windy out.
Snow makes it difficult for the birds to find food. So DD came down from her office upstairs, got dressed and moved the bird feeders to my deck for me, or should I say for the birds. She didn't wear a hat and her hair was caked with snow when she finished. By Wednesday it will have melted.


Took this pic through the window as I'm staying dry!
Good Morning 🐥

Toto is so precious, Pea! So thankful you have him. I'm also so happy to hear you'll get to see your son. Wow you and Lynn could team up as a dynamic whirlwind duo! Take care, both of you, please

Lynn, lol, if washing the floors isn't exercise than I don't know what is! You definitely amaze me with your energy and for cleaning. You just have a good day, too.

I'm sorry about your dishwasher trouble, Judique. A friend and I were talking on the phone yesterday and agreed our "dishwashers" are our respective 10 fingers. I've only had a dishwasher in one apartment that I remember possibly two. When my family and I briefly lived in our house for a few years I remember my beloved grandma hand washing dishes before sending them through the dishwasher. Something I later did myself, I admit and could see some of you doing as well :) ETA: Your last post snuck in just as I replied. Yikes, that looks COLD! Stay warm, please!

Enjoy a cozy at home day with your canine crew, Easyas!

I have indeed been so blessed to as I said yesterday from across the country get to be a part of your church, Carol. I really wish we are closer (of course in general so we could meet, you know that and so I could attend in person post pandemic).

Happy Monday to all!
Good morning.

Watching the light snow outside and thankfully have nowhere I have to go.

As far as decorations, yesterday we brought in the outside spot light projector that makes moving lights on the house. Otherwise, everything else still up. I may pack up my Santa collection because the kids want to play with them and most are breakable. Candles may stay in the windows a while.

Us too. We were going to get together with DD and family yesterday, and eat on the screened porch but decided not to get together.

@flyingdumbo127, I am so glad you enjoy the church services.

Don't be embarrassed. My brother also had delivery issues with his cards and I see it in the Informed delivery today.

It is. DD sent a snapchat of DGD outside, at 8:30, begging for someone to come out and have a snowball fight with her.

Per DS's recommendation, he stayed in a lot of hotels when in recruiting, we often stay in Marriott Brands. We like their Springhill Suites. I was leery of Best Westerns but we stayed in a Best Western Plus in Santee, SC that was older but inexpensive, clean, and safe.

Our shortest overnight was when we were driving to Orlando for the Champs Bowl in 2006 when both kids were in marching band going to the game. We left around 2pm on 12/26, drove to Rocky Mount, NC, got a motel and crashed into bed about 11pm and were then up and on the road by 7am. This last Florida trip, we fell asleep so early in Tampa that we were up and had breakfast and on the road before the sun was up.

Stay warm everyone, it is windy out.

The Best Western hotel itself would have been fine. It was the absolutely awful customer service we received. Arrived during a thunder and lightning storm, power had gone out and they couldn't give us our already paid for room. I understood that was a bit of a problem, so we started looking for somewhere else to stay.

Power came back on and we thought it was going to be okay. No, the desk clerk was completely clueless and still couldn't get us checked in. I always printed out our details while traveling and these days I also have an email on my cell. None of that was proof we had a room! This was at exit 93 on 95 in Smithfield, North Carolina, near the outlets there, and there are several chains in the area. We eventually got to pay more at a Quality Inn 20 miles south of there. An old, run down Quality Inn in Dunn, NC.

The company was less than responsive. No apologies. Finally 2-3 weeks later they returned my room fee - I had booked a prepaid rate. There were 5 of us traveling, including my at the time baby grand daughter. It was late when we got there maybe after 8 to 9 and it was closer to midnite when we finally got to sleep that night.


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