Race medal question....do all races give finisher medals to those who are swept?

I visited ebay for the first time in ages today. Had to search to see if any marathon medals were posted. This one made me chuckle....sounds like false advertising!
I visited ebay for the first time in ages today. Had to search to see if any marathon medals were posted. This one made me chuckle....sounds like false advertising!

Wow, that is false advertising. Too bad Ebay seems to have a lot of that. The odd thing is that race medals really don't seem to bring in any money. Not surprised it doesn't have any bids. People just need to run in the 2013 race to get an exact replica. ;)
I think there is a difference between Disney giving out the medal to anyone who participates...and Disney actually seeing them as a finisher. They are not one and the same. If they saw those who did not finish as finishers, there wouldn't be a final count of finishers. And everyone's name would be listed as a finisher. But that isn't the case. Disney's policy is to give out the medal to everyone. But it is not their policy to view or count everyone as a finisher.

I don't doubt that people train and train hard. Everyone trains for more miles than what is actually run on race day. Maybe not in one given run, but the total overall is WELL more than race day. That doesn't necessarily make you a finisher. My first half was this year's Wine & Dine. I finished it in 3:32. CLEARLY I am slow. Honestly, I really don't care. I am sure that as I add more races under my belt, I will start knocking that time down. But for my first half, I am just thankful to have finished. In spite of all my training, I was in terrible pain the next day to where I broke down in sobs just laying in bed. It was awful. BUT...I did it. I could go on and on about all the obstacles I had to overcome to get there (such as excruciating pain with my endometriosis, the summer heat always at 110+ before heat index, more money than I can count between travel, race, race gear, etc, and SO much more). And for me, the journey was part of it. But the finish was THE biggest part. It was the goal, and one that was met.

Now, I have NO problems with those who accept the medal even if they don't finish. I really don't. It is their decision for whatever reason they choose. It's not my place to judge. And since it is runDisney's policy, I won't fault anyone for accepting it (my view is that if people are REALLY bothered by the policy, they don't have to participate in a race where the organization has such a policy). But I do hope people recognize the difference between accepting a finisher's medal...and actually being viewed as a finisher. If I had been swept, I am not sure whether I would accept the medal. Personal satisfaction would be a HUGE thing for me...and there would be none with a finisher's medal for a race that I did not finish. But I think that is why I was debating it with myself...because there would have been no satisfaction in that medal. I would have it and always know I didn't cross the finish line. And I think that would have made me push myself even harder so the next medal would not have that same feeling attached to it. Not all people look at it the same way, but that is how it was for me. But I did cross that finish line so I don't know what my decision would have been had I been in that situation.
I think there is a difference between Disney giving out the medal to anyone who participates...and Disney actually seeing them as a finisher. They are not one and the same. If they saw those who did not finish as finishers, there wouldn't be a final count of finishers. And everyone's name would be listed as a finisher. But that isn't the case. Disney's policy is to give out the medal to everyone. But it is not their policy to view or count everyone as a finisher.

I don't doubt that people train and train hard. Everyone trains for more miles than what is actually run on race day. Maybe not in one given run, but the total overall is WELL more than race day. That doesn't necessarily make you a finisher. My first half was this year's Wine & Dine. I finished it in 3:32. CLEARLY I am slow. Honestly, I really don't care. I am sure that as I add more races under my belt, I will start knocking that time down. But for my first half, I am just thankful to have finished. In spite of all my training, I was in terrible pain the next day to where I broke down in sobs just laying in bed. It was awful. BUT...I did it. I could go on and on about all the obstacles I had to overcome to get there (such as excruciating pain with my endometriosis, the summer heat always at 110+ before heat index, more money than I can count between travel, race, race gear, etc, and SO much more). And for me, the journey was part of it. But the finish was THE biggest part. It was the goal, and one that was met.

Now, I have NO problems with those who accept the medal even if they don't finish. I really don't. It is their decision for whatever reason they choose. It's not my place to judge. And since it is runDisney's policy, I won't fault anyone for accepting it (my view is that if people are REALLY bothered by the policy, they don't have to participate in a race where the organization has such a policy). But I do hope people recognize the difference between accepting a finisher's medal...and actually being viewed as a finisher. If I had been swept, I am not sure whether I would accept the medal. Personal satisfaction would be a HUGE thing for me...and there would be none with a finisher's medal for a race that I did not finish. But I think that is why I was debating it with myself...because there would have been no satisfaction in that medal. I would have it and always know I didn't cross the finish line. And I think that would have made me push myself even harder so the next medal would not have that same feeling attached to it. Not all people look at it the same way, but that is how it was for me. But I did cross that finish line so I don't know what my decision would have been had I been in that situation.

:rotfl2: I just had a discussion like your reply with DW before dinner. As is evident from my earlier reply, I am in agreement with you but I could see someone hanging the medal on the wall facing the wall to indicate a DNF. That sure would encourage one to have the next medal facing outwards.
Thanks to everyone sharing their opinions in a very interesting discussion.

Me, I wouldn't wear / keep a medal for a race I didn't run, but if it keeps someone else trying for another day, I can get behind that. Whatever it takes people to keep trying is what I'm for.

If more people voiced opinions like those shared here, though, I think Disney would change the name to "participant's medal." And that's what it really is!

Here's an ethical question: do you "own" the medal even if you don't finish the race? If so, can you sell it on eBay? Can you sell it on eBay if you do finish the race.

Love these comments!
Thanks to everyone sharing their opinions in a very interesting discussion.

Me, I wouldn't wear / keep a medal for a race I didn't run, but if it keeps someone else trying for another day, I can get behind that. Whatever it takes people to keep trying is what I'm for.

If more people voiced opinions like those shared here, though, I think Disney would change the name to "participant's medal." And that's what it really is!

Here's an ethical question: do you "own" the medal even if you don't finish the race? If so, can you sell it on eBay? Can you sell it on eBay if you do finish the race.

Love these comments!

my bolding...

IMO, the entry fee includes everything one receives from Expo to leaving. I payed for it, I own it. Keep it, sell it, whatever floats the boat.

I enter and race to test myself under controlled conditions compared to others. Not for shirt or bling.
the summer heat always at 110+ before heat index

You must have been training somewhere in the Sahara... or Death Valley maybe? :rotfl2:

My guess is that those who received medals for not finishing would actually be the ones MOST likely to sell the medal on eBay. Helps recoup some of next year's entry fee for what will hopefully be the successful attempt?
My thoughts are this:

There was just too many people trying to do 13.1 as a first race, which I find to be very strange. I started out with the 5k as a bucket list item, then a 10k because hey, it's only twice as long, and only then even thought about a half marathon. It see many people signing up for halves without so much as running a mile.

Giving everyone a medal causes people to try to do something they aren't prepared for. Half marathons and full marathons are not something to joke with. People have died attempting them. Even at the 10 miler, undertrained people were passed out, vomiting, and you could hear people calling medic constantly! It's just not worth that risk.

To this point, running or running/walking a half can be a risk if you're not ready. Why not run a few 5Ks and 10Ks before you commit to a half? And then the medal will truly mean you finished. Pushing yourself to complete a race you aren't ready for can be dangerous. One of my DH's best friends experienced a heart attack in this year's Chicago marathon. He's a runner, ran marathons before, but didn't train for this one. He thought he could do it with little training. He was wrong. He was DEAD for a couple of minutes, but fortunately he collapsed in front of a medical tent and happened to be running next to a doctor who performed CPR until the AED could be brought over.

I am not trying to discourage new runners at all. I'm a relatively new runner myself. But I'm not going to risk my health by signing up for a marathon just so I can get a medal. Plus, that's one expensive medal if you're not going to train and run or run/walk to finish! (But I will be running the Princess Half in Feb; my first half after months of training!)
You must have been training somewhere in the Sahara... or Death Valley maybe? :rotfl2:
Oklahoma City, actually. :faint: There were very few days below 100 over the summer (and by below, I mean it went down to the "low" 99). Temps were constantly about 105-110, usually at 110. With heat index, it was usually 115 to 120. Summer 2011 was the same way. My toddlers had major cabin fever because they wanted to go outside to play and it was just way too hot. Even at 2am, it was still around 100. The summers here are awful. I remember seeing some Florida friends talk about how hot it was over the summer...and I just kept thinking how I would LOVE that "hot." We had heat advisories/warnings literally every single day over the summer.
As a WISHer who has DNF'd two Disney races, including the Wine & Dine last week-end, I've found many of the comments on this thread thoughtless and not at all in the spirit of WISH that I know and love and that changed my life.

(Dead Last Finish is better than Did Not Finish which greatly trumps Did Not Start),
WISH gave me the courage to start.
As a WISHer who has DNF'd two Disney races, including the Wine & Dine last week-end, I've found many of the comments on this thread thoughtless and not at all in the spirit of WISH that I know and love and that changed my life.

(Dead Last Finish is better than Did Not Finish which greatly trumps Did Not Start),
WISH gave me the courage to start.

I don't think anyone is trying to discourage people from running. As you said in your quote, a DLF is greater than DNF. So why does a DNF deserve the same medal? And why it is "thoughtless" to reserve medals for those who finish, or express an opinion that differs from your's? In fact, I think most of the replies were well thought out in an effort to avoid offending people.
I don't think anyone is trying to discourage people from running. As you said in your quote, a DLF is greater than DNF. So why does a DNF deserve the same medal? And why it is "thoughtless" to reserve medals for those who finish, or express an opinion that differs from your's? In fact, I think most of the replies were well thought out in an effort to avoid offending people.

I was going to type something similar but you beat me to it. My question to, if you feel like sharing is why you were swept. Was it training, injury, illness? I know my close encounter was with training, and so I knew that under no circumstances could I ever put myself in that situation again. There is no way I want to get that close to being swept again, I felt horrible even crossing the finish line barely that one time. I look at that opportunity as being both a reality check and a huge learning experience. I hope that the Wine & Dine is your last sweeping experience and that the Walt Disney World Half Marathon is the start to many more finishes! :goodvibes No one is attacking you, but voicing their opinions, which we are all welcome to have. But, I know that you will definitely be in our thoughts in January and any of us would be the first ones to stick with you if you needed that.
As a WISHer who has DNF'd two Disney races, including the Wine & Dine last week-end, I've found many of the comments on this thread thoughtless and not at all in the spirit of WISH that I know and love and that changed my life.

(Dead Last Finish is better than Did Not Finish which greatly trumps Did Not Start),
WISH gave me the courage to start.

What thread are you reading? There is no possible way it is this one since not a single person said people who may not finish shouldn't bother starting. I myself have said I admire anyone who even makes it to the start line. That doesn't mean that if you fail to finish in the allotted amount of time you should get a medal and anyone who has any self respect won't take anything they didn't earn. You can only earn a finisher's medal one way. You finish. You don't try to finish and fail. You finish.

Not sure why that is so hard to understand and saying that doesn't discount the effort anyone makes whether they finish or not.
John VN said:
:rotfl2: I just had a discussion like your reply with DW before dinner. As is evident from my earlier reply, I am in agreement with you but I could see someone hanging the medal on the wall facing the wall to indicate a DNF. That sure would encourage one to have the next medal facing outwards.

I would have actually put DNF on the medal. I am a very visual person in this area and seeing that would definitely push me towards a finish. I don't think I would ever accept every medal if I were to be swept more than once, but I could see taking just one and marking it DNF for the sole purpose of being a personal motivator.
Some that I've done:

Marine Corps - No

In short, with the sad exception of Disney, races give finisher medals to those who finish. If Disney wants to give out thanks-for-trying medals, it'd be a lot easier to just hand them out at packet pickup.

Sadly, the 2012 Marine Corps seemed to be a "yes." I know someone who was swept somewhere before the 15K mark, rode the bus until mile 24, and was allowed off the bus with another runner. They were told by the driver, "The finish line is in that direction." She received a finisher's medal. In looking at the Unofficial Results, she has a 5K split, 10K split, and marathon finish time, with no additional 5K splits in between. She came in ahead of more than 100 other finishers. So much for the stringent MCM requirements that all runners "beat the bridge" in order to receive a medal.
Sadly, the 2012 Marine Corps seemed to be a "yes." I know someone who was swept somewhere before the 15K mark, rode the bus until mile 24, and was allowed off the bus with another runner. They were told by the driver, "The finish line is in that direction." She received a finisher's medal. In looking at the Unofficial Results, she has a 5K split, 10K split, and marathon finish time, with no additional 5K splits in between. She came in ahead of more than 100 other finishers. So much for the stringent MCM requirements that all runners "beat the bridge" in order to receive a medal.

I think they leave it up to the integrity of each individual to decide whether to take the finisher's medal or not. I read their FAQ and saw where they ask the people who are swept to not take a medal at the finish because they will not have completed a marathon. It's not as strong a policy as it used to be, but at least it makes it clear they think you don't deserve one if you don't finish.
I have been giving this subject some thought lately as a recent injury has caused me to wonder if I will be able to finish Goofy. Like many others in this thread, I have put in months in hard training and will spend lots of money to travel to and stay at WDW…let alone the high cost to enter the race. I don’t want to judge anyone else for what they would do in the same circumstance, but here is my plan:

If Disney has the policy that bibs are non-transferable AND that everyone gets a medal finish or not, and if I get swept or am forced to drop out at any point, I am most certainly going to collect the medals. But I definitely will not be wearing them around the parks or anything like that. When I get home, I will probably take them to the children’s ward of my local hospital and ask the nurses to award the medal to a young child who is courageously fighting a health issue.
I have been giving this subject some thought lately as a recent injury has caused me to wonder if I will be able to finish Goofy. Like many others in this thread, I have put in months in hard training and will spend lots of money to travel to and stay at WDW…let alone the high cost to enter the race. I don’t want to judge anyone else for what they would do in the same circumstance, but here is my plan:

If Disney has the policy that bibs are non-transferable AND that everyone gets a medal finish or not, and if I get swept or am forced to drop out at any point, I am most certainly going to collect the medals. But I definitely will not be wearing them around the parks or anything like that. When I get home, I will probably take them to the children’s ward of my local hospital and ask the nurses to award the medal to a young child who is courageously fighting a health issue.

Great idea... If anyone is looking for a place to donate their old medals, this is a great charity

Great idea... If anyone is looking for a place to donate their old medals, this is a great charity


Just remember that they only accept earned medals. If you are swept and are given a medal, those are not accepted. It is an amazing charity.

I am shocked that the MCM gave a medal to someone that didn't finish. I was at the back of the pack with a first-timer that had some IT band issues and never even saw a sweeper, or had any warnings.


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