Rachel and Corey's Wishes Wedding 12/7/15 Update 4/20 HONEYMOON DAY 1

Looks like everyone had a blast! How nice it must be to have so many people you care about enjoying themselves in the most magical place on earth! Great report, can't wait to hear more!
Those Pop Warner kids are from my area...I saw the Pats shirt and realized who those kids were. :) Sorry they were annoying. Love the report so far, thanks for taking the time to write it.
Congratulations Rachel! Your dress is stunning and all your photos are beautiful :lovestruc Thanks for sharing your TR with us, loving it so far!

thank you so much. I miss being in that dress.

Looks like everyone had a blast! How nice it must be to have so many people you care about enjoying themselves in the most magical place on earth! Great report, can't wait to hear more!
It was my favorite aspect of the trip and wedding. It was amazing and I loved every minute of it.

Those Pop Warner kids are from my area...I saw the Pats shirt and realized who those kids were. :) Sorry they were annoying. Love the report so far, thanks for taking the time to write it.
Thats funny! They were just very loud.
This morning was Saturday Dec 5th. Our plan for today was to spend the morning at Animal Kingdom and then head to Magic Kingdom where my mom, sister, brother, cousin, and aunt were going to be.

We got ready to go and I brought Austin's gift with me to give to him at Animal Kingdom. Austin is Corey's nephew and he is the ring bearer. We got the two ring bearers and the two flower girls each a $25 disney gift card to use in disney.

We headed to the bus stop with Corey's parents and we got right on a bus to Animal Kingdom. Actually it involved me running to get to the bus to make sure they didn't leave, but that is beside the point.

At AK we got some photopass pictures first. Diane and I were in our finest Animal Kingdom outfits.

We didn't have fastpasses for Animal Kingdom so we started out at Dinosaur. I really wanted to sit by Austin but the CM put us in the front row which I was annoyed about. Everyone else was in the back row.

This ride absolutely terrifies me and I have no idea why. I always think they are going to jump out at me.

Emily, Karyn, and Chris were heading in to the park and I told them to meet me at Dinosaur because the wait was only 10 minutes.

Apparently Emily didn't want to ride Dinosaur at all so we changed that idea. Instead we went to Expedition Everest. The wait was only 20 minutes or so. That ride is so fun! Karyn and Corey rode together that time. And they got front row. I sat next to a single ride and she was actually really nice.

Then we headed to the safari -- we ran in to Corey's parents and sister first eating a jalapeno cheese pretzel. The wait was the safari was about 40 minutes, which is a long time to wait, but it was Emily's must do, so we did it.

I just noticed this lady covering herself in a park map so she wasn't in the picture. The safari was kind of a bust, we didn't see a lot of animals. And the safari stopped for about 15 minutes because there was an animal in the ride so they had to call animal control to move the animal.

Our next stop was to eat but first we wanted to meet Baloo and Louie. I am always a sucker for characters I haven't met yet.

Karyn's family calls her Loo after Baloo so she wanted to meet him. It was a fun character meet. King Louie was pretty sad that Karyn just wanted a picture with Baloo only.

Then we headed to our lunch -- Flame Tree Barbecue. I was so overwhelmed in the beginning that I didn't really take any food pictures.

it was so good though! The pulled pork sandwiches there are one of our favorite counter services. Especially with the spicy sauce. For dessert I got the lime mousse, which is now in a bar type. It was really good!

The last thing we wanted to do before we left was see the Bugs Life show. I knew Karyn would be freaked so I wanted to see her reaction. And her reaction was funny! She didn't like that stinger.

On the way out we took some pictures by the tree.

I like how Chris is making the scary face even though he was supposed to look surprised. Haha.

Next we head to Magic Kingdom.

The rest of my family had a great time today as well. Although my cousin Katie was late to MK, she is always late. Here and her daughter, Maddy, don't have a lot of money, so I bought them MK tickets. I booked their fastpass but they thought they had to be at the attraction right when their fastpass window started, so they missed their first fastpass. It was frustrating planning fastpasses for her. I wish she would have got to the park early both days considering I paid for one of them and the other one was free.

Corey's family were at Animal Kingdom all day.

Kari(Corey's sister), Chris(Corey's BIL), and Austin(nephew) met some characters and Austin was being a goofball. I love him!

He loves sharks.

Corey's parents

My dad and stepmom bought a full day of tickets at Hollywood Studios. My aunt and uncle and cousins were there too. Also so frustrating to try to help my family plan and coordinate days. My dad booked his fastpasses that day!

Stepmom (shirley) and my dad (joe) met Darth Vadar! These pics are funny. Shirley didn't quite get the whole smile at the camera thing.

My aunt and uncle meth Darth Vadar and Chewbacca. Gracie (flower girl) was scared of Chewbacca.

But not of Darth Vadar!

Our next park was Magic Kingdom. When we got to Magic Kingdom we took some photopass pictures as a group :)

My cousin, her daughter, my aunt, my mom, sister, and brother were all going to be at MK today! It would be a fun afternoon. I had to set up my cousin's fastpass and of course they got to MK late so they missed their first one. They got lost going to MK. How do you get lost going to Magic Kingdom?

The first thing we did was get some photopass pics with a magic shot. Karyn was excited to get a magic shot. She was so surprised to hear Tink would be in her hand.

We told my mom to meet us by the statue so we waited over there while the castle show was going on.

We took some more pics! It was so sunny, all of our eyes were so squinty.

My mom showed up, yay!

I made my mom put sunscreen on me after this. I was so worried about getting tan lines for the wedding. For our engagement pictures I ended up with bad farmers tan so I really didn't want them for the wedding. Even so, I had tan lines left over from the summer!

After saying hi since I hadn't seen them we had fastpasses for Buzz Lightyear around 2:30. I really dislike this ride but I know Corey likes it so we went on. I literally just sat there and looked at everything on the ride. I don't like playing the game.

I gave Karyn bunny ears :)

Everyone gets so into it and I'm just like "meh"

Afterwards I took this cute picture of my brother. I haven't mentioned it yet but my brother has austim. He is pretty high functioning though.

My cousin made her princess fastpasses with Rapunzel and Cinderella. Her goal of this trip was to meet princesses and that she did!

I was texting my cousin back and forth and we finally met up with them. I was so excited to see my aunt and cousins! Her friend and daughter were there too but were both kind of bored because they were doing all princess things. MK was pretty crazy so they didn't really do a lot yet and it was already 3pm so I felt bad. I knew MK would be busy but it was the only day. I told them to wait in fantasyland while we rode the Mine Train for our fastpass. Emily and Karyn had a fastpass for Space Mountain so they went on that while we did the mine train.

I like how we are all in the same picture. This is such a fun ride but I wish it was longer.

When we got off we went to meet my cousin and they didn't even go in Philharmagic, they were just waiting around. So we went to get them another fastpass. That was a disaster because her friend and daughter were on a separate account and Katie couldn't get one for her. I don't even remember if we did end up finding them another fastpass. Have I told you how irritating it is to plan all these people's trips?

While we were waiting Karyn and Emily and Chris were taking some magic and non magic shots. Lol.

My cousin's daughter wanted to meet Tiana soo bad so we headed to where she used to meet to find out she moved. And we had about 30 minutes so we decided to go back in in a little bit. I went with maddy, Katie, and my aunt to get food but the castle show was happening so we went to watch it for a bit. I held Maddy and boy, is she heavy! I made it for a while though.

After the show we went to go actually wait for Tiana. We had about a 20 minute wait. And we found out prince naveen was going to be there too!! I was so excited. When it was our turn it was hilarious. We took forever to get a picture because we had three separate groups. Emily and Karyn joined up with us again.

One of the best character meets ever! Tiana is just so beautiful. I even told her I was getting married and she was excited.

After this we went to the Haunted Mansion. We didn't want someone to ride alone on Haunted Mansion and Corey and Chris didn't want to ride together because that would be weird so I went with Karyn and Corey. I know they say 3 adults fit but they don't fit. That was uncomfortable. I told Karyn that there was a hidden mickey somewhere and she wanted to find it so she told me not to tell her. But I did have to. After this, it became a hidden mickey game to try to find hidden mickeys.
Our reservation for 'Ohana was at 8:30 tonight so we had a couple hours to spare. Originally, I was just going to have Emily and friends sit with us but we wanted our alone time for a little bit so we kept our two separate reservations. Theirs was at 8:50pm.

When we were finished with Haunted Mansions, we kind of just wondered around trying to find something to do. Pirates was closed and there wasn't anything much left to do. Then I realized that the castle lighting show was happening soon! So we went to watch that. We found spots pretty close by but kept having to move due to parents putting there kids on the shoulders. Grrrr...i Know it is disney but doing that ruins the view for everyone else.

The show was incredible! I know a lot of people don't like the Frozen pre show for the castle lighting but I really like it. It is so pretty. Both Karyn and emily thought the show was incredible and the castle looked amazing lit up. So pretttty! Especially with the new castle additions.

After the show we took a few photos with the castle lit.

We then ended up walking down Main Street to go shopping! Corey and I needed to buy my brother's groomsmen gift. We already bought their Michael Kors ties but we wanted to get my brother something else. Corey ended up buying him a Star Wars shirt. Emily really wanted to buy a sweatshirt but she didn't find anything she loved. Karyn bought some stuff for her not yet born niece and nephew.

After shopping we just stalled around. I really love that area right by the exit that shows how many days left till Christmas so we took a few photos there.

BFFs <3

Then we headed to Ohana via monorail. Once there we checked in and sat down at some chairs. Karyn and I got a beverage while we were waiting. I got the pina colava, which was really bad. It was basically liquid, not frozen at all. Karyn got the sidecar and she said it was really cinnaminny.

After that Kari, Chris, and Austin showed up. Austin got a Bruce stuffed toy with the gift card we gave him, so he showed us that. He was really tired and almost fell asleep while waiting.

Then Corey's parents showed up our name got called on time. We had a nice round table pretty much in the middle of everything. Kari got the lapu lapu but I stuck with diet coke.

I was so nervous that no one would like 'Ohana because we have been raving about it for years but everyone loved it! They definitely want to go back. Kari liked everything she not the meat so much. Corey's dad, Bert really liked the meat. Corey's mom liked the salad. Chris, Corey's BIL liked everything, ahah! And Austin liked his kids food.

When it came time to pay we put it on Tables In wonderland and had kari pay us back the next day. Emily and friends didn't get sat until about 9pm and they checked in 20 minutes earlier. I can't believe it took so long just for three. We were going to go to MK to watch the parade with Corey's parents but we really wanted to rest. My dad told me that all of the brothers and wives were hanging out at the pool bar so I wanted to see them.

We took a few pictures around the resort before we got a taxi. Once you go taxi you never go back. I hate trying to get back from resort to resort.

Of course the taxi driver was POed again because we didn't have cash. I hate taxi drivers in Orlando. The get so mean if you don't have cash. We headed back to the pool bar and my dad and uncles were all drunk! It was quite funny actually. They shut down the pool bar. The next day my dad said he threw up thats how drunk he was! haha, I didn't think he was that bad.

It was really nice talking to my uncle bob, chris, aunt lisa, and my dad and stepmom. My aunt Lisa said they liked their welcome bag, so it was nice to hear that.

My mom, brother, and sister got a lot done after we left Magic Kingdom. I know they saw Enchanted Tales and my cousin cried because she couldn't get an autograph from belle because she doesn't sign. I felt so bad!

But they saw the Frozen characters.

and more princesses! My brother was just loving this.

They had dinner at BOG and I was really glad I booked it for them. They had a really nice time. And I wanted my mom to experience this restaurant.

My two aunts had a really nice time exploring the MK area. They had dinner at Kona coupled with a Lapu Lapu. They toured the resorts along the monorail and I am pretty sure they saw a bit of the fireworks. I was so happy they were enjoying themselves. I was so worried people would hate disney and I would have just felt gutted!

All in all a great day! Tomorrow was wedding festivities and I was so excited I could hardly contain myself!

This morning we woke up for our group breakfast at Cape May! It just started with Corey and I, my aunt and uncle with kids, and Corey's parents. My aunt and uncle had a reservation for about 9:20 and we had a reservation for 9:50. But then this turned into my mom/brother/sister, dad/stepmom, emily/karyn/chris, and my uncle bob/aunt lisa. Everyone had reservations but about 10 minutes off of each other.

Our plans were breakfast in the morning then we were going to go hang out at the pool as a family. I was so excited!!

After I woke up ( in the amazingly comfy beds!) I was texting my aunt. She was going to check us in first. So, we hurried up and got ready. I ended up dressing casual and wearing yoga pants and a hoodie with no makeup! I would regret this later.

When we went downstairs, I checked us all in. I asked my aunt if my uncle bob/aunt lisa were coming and she said no. So I check us in for 17 people. But then about 10 minutes later they ended up showing up, so I had to change it.

A couple of things happened during our wait:

1.) My mom showed up with ALL of her swimming gear. I then freaked out because you can't go swimming at the Beach Club's pool if you aren't staying there. Then they got upset so of my course my dad got upset and said I will make sure they can go swimming. So then he went up the front desk and I thought he was going to start yelling at them. But, he came back and got them wristbands! Yay! He said they gave him no problem.

2.) I met Lori from the DisBoards! It was SO nice to meet her. We are now facebook friends!

3.) Emily, Karyn, and Chris showed up. Emily brought my picture frames for the parents gifts. Karyn brought us caramels from Good Karmal. OMG they were good. Each pack had a lot of different flavors. My favorites were Sea Salt and Butter Rum.

4.) It took forever to be sat. We probably were waiting about 30-35 minutes. Which was understandable, but we were hungry. Then, my dad got really mad because he wanted to be sat now so he pulled out the wedding card and said we are spending this much money here. Ughhh.. I handled all of the interaction between the CM thankfully so he didn't yell at them. I went up to check to see how much longer and they said they were just waiting on one more table. They could have sat us sooner but the tables were further apart and we didn't want them. So we did have to wait a little longer.

But then they finally called us! Yay! We were all the way in the back, in a really nice corner. We had a longer table with a round table. Perfect location!

Goofy came first before we got our food.

My little cousin Gracie told Goofy she was going to marry him. It was hilarious. She thought it was the funniest thing ever. So we invited Goofy to the wedding.

My dad and stepmom

This is what I mean -- I looked like a slob! I should have dressed nicer.

When Goofy came I just couldn't believe that this was real life. My family and friends, who are the most important people to me, were all here at my favorite place in the world. I just could NOT stop smiling. I was just so happy that we are all there together enjoying Disney. It was finally here and tomorrow was our wedding day. I am crying just thinking about it and how happy I was in that moment.

We went up and got some food next. I don't really have many pictures of food besides the crepes! OMG the crepe station was soo good. You could get nutella in it, strawberries, and a few other things. Everyone loved the crepe station. The rest of the food was really good too!

We are going back to Disney in 38 days, I couldn't get away. And plus, I have major post wedding depression. I am hoping this will help relieve that. We booked breakfast here because it was so incredible last time.

Next, Minnie came around. She is so freaking cute. She is my favorite. I was mostly excited to see her.

It was just so fun to see the little kids interact with the characters. As adults, we don't get to see that side. It was fun to finally see my family interact with the characters.

Flower girl and ring bearer!

My favorite girls <3

Corey's parents

My mom with my two aunts. Which is funny because she really isn't related to them anymore after the divorce. Lol.

Joshie poo with Minnie

My dad with his wife and ex wife! Hahahaha....cheering with a mimosa! Lol, my mom is too funny. She doesn't know when enough is enough.

Somewhere around this time is when presents started coming from the server! She brought us a balloon! You can see it in background.

Then she brought us congratulations chocolates. Omg, so yummy!

Lastly, she brought us Happily Ever After buttons in a beautiful arrangement with flowers.

Lastly, she brought everyone in our group I'm Celebrating Buttons!! That was soooo sweet!!! And she brought us anniversary buttons for the next time we came. I was contemplating getting everyone buttons but decided to pass. So this was so nice! And people actually wore them. Yay! That was just so sweet. She made my experience that much better.

Lastly, Donald came around. Cute little Donald. It was just so fun to get character pictures.

Donald liked my sister.

And me with my swollen makeupless face.

My mom and stepmom -- oh boy!

My wonderful friends and husband.

Gracie kept telling everyone she was going to marry Goofy.

Goofy came back one other time and that is when my mom and dad told him we were getting married so he made us pose and kiss! Everyone went wild with this.

Of course I was laughing. Which seemed to be a theme for me during the wedding. Smiling so much I can't kiss.

Apparently my mom wanted a picture with the parents of the bride also.

After Goofy we all finished eating our breakfast and suddenly I had a brilliant idea I wanted a group picture so I wanted Goofy to came back.

And we got the most brilliant group picture ever. I was on cloud nine!

I don't know why I was laughing.

And one normal. Wish I would have looked presentable, but oh well!

And then we all paid! Which took a while.

But anyways, I left breakfast and posted on Facebook that breakfast was just a dream. I had an amazing time with amazing people. It was just so fun to be in disney with my family. I am so glad I planned this for everyone. The character meal made it that much more amazing!

Yaya, my wedding photos are here so I can officially go full steam ahead with the wedding report!

Last I left off we were just finishing up breakfast at Cape May, which was an incredible experience.

I am not sure if I mentioned this earlier but since my mom, sister, brother were allowed to get wristbands for the pool, I went up to the desk to try to get wristbands for my friends. They were staying at POP Century with Pop Warner madness and didn't like the hotel much, so we wanted to see if they could hang out with us. They could, yay!

My dress was getting steamed at 1:30pm...and we finished breakfast at about 12pm. My friends had to go back to POP to get their swimsuits and Corey didn't want them driving his car for the short distance and he didn't want to drive them (grrr!) I wasn't about to make them get a taxi so I drove them.

Corey had to go all the way to the room to get his keys so we waited in the lobby. Then I saw @Amanda132 in the lobby! I went over and said hi! I was excited to run into her.

We took a quick friend picture in the lobby and then Corey arrived so we piled in the car.

All I really wanted to be doing was hanging out at the pool with my family but instead I had to drive them so I was annoyed. It was actually a really short drive but when we got to the hotel they didn't know where they were so I dropped them off on the side and they came back after 5 minutes and said it was the wrong spot! What?? So they got back in the car and I just went down a little bit further. They totally could have made it to their room quicker than that.

On top of that, I had to pay for the dress steaming from Carolyn Allen's before they arrived and I didn't call them yet. Oops. So Corey had to text me my American Express numbers because I forgot to bring the card. I was on the phone with Carolyn Allen's and he said he didn't take American Express! What!? that was all I had. At this point of the wedding I was out of money and had to use my AmEx. So I freaked out on him and said this was all I had..which he then said he will try to enter in the numbers. You just said you don't take AmEx and now you do? Anyways, it ended up working. I think he just didn't want to use AmEx because they get a larger percentage taken out. Thankfully he let me pay with it.

I was still grouchy from not being able to be at the pool and I didn't want to be so we all listened to Disney Music on the way back to the Beach club..that made me happy!

When we got back of course I still had to change so i went and changed and finally made it to the pool! This was my second time at Stormalong Bay..my first time was a couple years ago so I was excited to spend time here. It did not disappoint!

I got lost trying to find my family -- they were all the way by the sidewalk where there was sand. I had to cross the water with all my bags because I couldn't figure out how to get around.

While I was gone they buried my uncle alive in sand.

My cousin dropped off my flower girl, Maddy, and she hung out with my aunt and uncle (her grandparents)

My sister put sunscreen on me because I was trying to avoid any sun before tomorrow. Excuse my food baby-- I just had a big breakfast!

My brother got a beverage.

Jessica and I took a sister selfie <3

My mom went around and took pictures..it was gorgeous.

Seabreeze Point!

My mom had a beverage too.

By this time we all decided to head up the water slide. There was about 10 of us that went on the slide. That was fun because I went first so I got to watch everyone come down. That slide is sooo much fun!! My brother went down it and got a lot of water in his mouth and didn't know what to do with it so ended up spitting in a bush..haha..he is autistic so doesn't always know what to do. I thought he was going to throw up. It was getting close to my steaming time so we went down one more time.

When I got out I saw my good fried Jessica and her family! We were in a disney Nov 2013 group and are still in a disney facebook group. I was excited to see her and talk to her.

By this time it was time to go up for dress steaming..I was late!!

When I got to the room they were already there, whoops. I let them in and they went right to work steaming.

While they were steaming I put together the presents for tonight. I had to write cards out for our parents and I got the bridesmaids gift together. It was a good time to sit in quiet and get this done.

Both of them were so nice while they were steaming. They thought my dress was gorgeous and they were so friendly. It took about 35-40 minutes to steam. I know you are supposed to tip them but I didn't have a lot of cash so I gave them a little cash and some of our cookies. I went back and forth on getting it steamed but I am glad I got it steamed. The sash majorly needed steam. When they were done they put it on the blinds with the iron underneath to spread out the skirt.

It looked soo pretty!!! It was almost wedding day!

I had a little bit of time before I had to get ready for the rehearsal at 5 so I went back down to the pool.

Karyn was busy trying to call Disney to get two nights at the Beach Club. They wanted to move here to be close to the wedding festivities. The people on the phone weren't helpful and wouldn't give her our room rate. So they were stuck at POP tonight.

The only thing I really wanted to do was go on the lazy room so I made Emily go in an inner tube with me. It was so much fun!

Even though my time in Stormalong Bay was limited, it was a blast. My family loved it. This is why people stay at the Beach Club, because the pool is incredible! My aunt kept asking if this was real life all being at disney together.

So fun!! Next, time for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner :)

Now time for the rehearsal!

Our rehearsal was at 5pm with our rehearsal dinner from 6-8 at the Attic in the Boardwalk. We ended up going with a catered event from Disney. Definitely expensive, but in my opinion totally worth it!

I was wearing my white Lilly Pulitzer dress tonight, thought about going for the pink LP dress but decided I should wear white. Originally I put on high heels but then changed them in to flats. Corey and I gathered up all of our bags then walked to the lobby to meet everyone.

We headed to Seabreeze Point and Brrr was it chilly! Maxine wasn't there yet but neither were a lot of people. Maxine showed up about 10 minutes after 5pm and brought us aside and told us something was wrong. I got scared! I thought something was going to be wrong with the reception venue. But she said there was scaffolding outside of the room(where the cocktail hour would be) and they didn't know if it was going to be down by tomorrow. She was not happy; then Maxine laid down the law! She told them they have to have it gone by tomorrow. But she said there were a couple of options, 1.) We could have it right outside of Seabreeze point 2.) We could take the change anyways and have it in our room. We instantly decided to have it outside of Seabreeze Point right after the ceremony. THEN She said we were going to get a $500 refund for that! SCORE! Christmas money! We were stoked.

At this point my mom still wasn't there. It was getting close to 5:30. We wanted to wait for her so we waited. Then they come running in and she looked sooo upset. I thought she was going to start crying, I felt terrible. At first I almost got upset she was so late but then i realized that it didn't matter. She said that a taxi at Saratoga never came for them. I felt bad.

With everyone here we started.

She explained my dad would walk me in and give me a kiss on the cheek then shake Corey's hand.

Then the ceremony would start.

She explained when the first kiss would be. A funny story she told us is she had a couple who wasn't in to PDA so instead of first kisses they bumped magic bands. Now that is funny! We aren't huge PDA people but we actually kiss.

One of the discussions that we had was who would stand next to me. Since I didn't name my MOH I didn't know who would stand next to me. Corey's dad would definitely stand next to him but I wanted Kari to walk with him but I didn't want Kari right next to me. I wanted Emily, Jessica, then Kari. But in order for Kari to walk with her dad, we ended up having Kari next to me, then Jessica, then Emily. That way Emily and Jessica could walk with Josh.

Behold the picture example :)


After the quick rehearsal we headed up to the Attic. Most everyone besides my aunts joined us at Seabreeze Point so we were all together. Karyn and Chris went to get a beverage while we had the rehearsal. Maxine explained to us how to get to the Attic and she said it was a long walk. We all ended up getting separated because of how long a walk it was. My mom stayed behind to talk with Maxine -- she loves to talk!

There was like three signs for the Attic with our name on it! So exciting.

When we got to the Attic we walked in and I saw my aunts there already! Yay! I was so excited that this was finally happening!

First -- I had to pee. Okay, this is a funny/embarrassing story. I pretty much have no filter so I will tell it like it is. I had on Spanx that were really hard to get on and off. I didn't want to deal with pulling them up in the bathroom so I decided to use the huge hole that they have on Spanx to pee. WELL, I ended up peeing on my Spanx. It was horrible! Hahah. I could NOT wear these anymore so the Spanx had to go. Luckily, they fit perfectly in my purse. So that is where they ended up for the night.

Now that we got that out of the way :)

We walked around to check everything out at the Attic. Our bartender told us she was going to be our bartender for the wedding too! Yay! She was so sweet. She even made us a special beer punch. So I tried that right away. So nice you get a liquor beverage with a non liquor bar. The beer punch was good although a bit sweet.

Then we walked around to look at the food. It was so beautiful outside. Although it was very cold. They were having a hard time cooking the burgers because of how windy it was.

Our original plans for the rehearsal dinner was to have a dinner set up at Seabreeze Point. Thank goodness we didn't do that because we would have been way too cold. The Attic was perfect because you could sit inside or outside.

We went with the Chip N Dale buffet, which was a BBQ. With it being football Sunday we wanted a BBQ.

Food pics! Well more so the set up.

The BEST part was that instead of the ice cream bars we subbed the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake from Liberty Tree Tavern. Holy WOW best decision ever. It was incredible.

After checking everything out we went inside to greet everyone. We got everyone's attention and I thanked everyone for coming and told them the reason they are is because we could not imagine getting married without everyone here. I got a little choked up at that moment. Then got a little nervous taking in front of everyone. We then passed out presents.

We got each of our parents a picture frame with one side that had a custom quote from etsy and the other was a picture they could replace with after the wedding. My dad's said, "Dad, of all the walks we have taken this one is my favorite". Love, Rachel. That, along with the picture made him cry. We got them a Texas Roadhouse gift card, my mom a disney GC, and Corey's parents a Disney GC along with an invitation to accompany us at Narcoossee's on Friday.

The bridesmaids got their amazing gifts! My brother got a disney GC and a Star Wars shirt.

I tried to watch everyone open up their gifts but it wasn't possible. Everyone loved their gifts.

then it was time to eat! corey and I sat outside with his brother in law.

I didn't end up eating much. To be honest, I didn't love the food. I wish we would have done a Mexican fiesta. The BBQ chicken was good but wasn't that BBQey. I wish it was boneless. I did have one hot dog without the bun which was good. The baked beans were very good too. The best food was the coleslaw! Even my family said it was the best coleslaw they ever had. We had our dessert pretty much right after. The Ooey gooey toffee cake was incredible. Omg was it good.

Right after we took some photos outside and I got more to drink..I was drinking a lot of wine, since it was all you can drink. I made sure to tell my friends and family to drink as much as you want.

It was a gorgeous night although chilly.

The rest of the time everyone came inside because it was so cold outside. It was really nice to have the inside. Such a perfect area.
My sister took a lot of photos of my dad.

At this time Maxine probably left. She told me about the wheelchair rental for Shirley since her leg was hurting.

Around this time is when I was feeling the wine and started frantically taking photos of everyone to remember.

My mom and sisters.

Jessica and me

My mom took another one of corey and me

My mom and me

I was just loving life!

Corey found out around this time that there was a TV there where he could turn on football! They were in heaven.

The kids playing their games.

We got a free bottle of champagne. How nice!

Mom and sisters with a BIL photo bomb

Corey's parents

Austin and me

We then started to be kicked out. It was past our 8pm time and I was so sad. I was just starting to have fun!

Overall, I was incredible pleased with having Disney cater our rehearsal dinner. It was such an enjoyable time and a great way to extend the fairy tale events. Another way to have great disney service.

While I didn't love the food, overall it was really nice. I did love the ooey gooey toffee cake. I have no idea if we got our money worth from the drinks. I know I probably did, I think I had 5 or 6 drinks. I guess it was nice not to worry about the final bill for the package bar.

The only regret I have is that we didn't have our photographer there. I SOO wish that I could have paid for Ashley Jane to come to the rehearsal. Or even a different photographer. It would have been nice to have professional pictures of this event also.

Even though the rehearsal was over, there was still a lot of fun to be had tonight. Especially with drunk/tipsy me!

We were stalling leaving our rehearsal -- I didn't want it to end!

I made Chris pose so I could take a picture of him. I love the decorations at the Attic!

Everyone else already left at this point. It was just me, Emily, Karyn, and Chris. Corey left with my aunt and uncle, I don't even think we said a real good bye! I wouldn't see him until our first look. He ended up hanging out at the Beach Club arcade with my aunt and uncle.

We were all pretty tipsy so my memory is not very good for the rest of the night.

When we went down to the Boardwalk lobby I saw my sign and got soooo excited!! I was telling everyone that's me! I made Chris take a picture of me. Except you couldn't see me at all in the picture so I made him take about 15 of me trying to get it come out. When really it never would come out, unless with editing. That seemed to be the theme of the night...taking multiple pictures of one thing.

There is about 20 of these.

Finally I just decided to edit it and I posted it on instagram!

Then we went to the entry of the Boardwalk which was right by the sign but we wanted to sit in the big couch. We made Chris take a picture and for some reason Emily would not stop laughing. I was getting so mad that she was ruining the picture, but not really mad! Now, I am glad we have those photos.

then my eyes were closed!

Finally a decent one!

While we were sitting on the chair this lady walked in with these two HUGE dogs. I don't even remember what kind of dogs but they were big. Of course I had liquid courage so I yelled I love your dogs! She just looked at me, shrugged, and said thanks. She needed a happy pill. They must be service dogs staying at the Boardwalk. I wish my dog could stay at a disney hotel :)

After we met the unhappy dog lady we went back into the boardwalk and took pictures in front of the gingerbread castle. They had face cutouts.

I love these pictures.

I was excluded from this.

Somehow in the boardwalk we started talking to the DVC guy and told him we were getting married there. I think we asked him to take our picture on the balcony so he went outside with us to take our picture.

I love this picture. My eyes are close but the other picture I hated because it wasn't flattering.

We ended up talking to him for a while. He did impressions of Mickey Mouse, and another character. He was spot on! He actually had a sad story. He moved down to Florida to start an art company. But the company didn't make it so he had to start working for disney. He doesn't draw or paint anymore, which is sad that he gave up his hobby!

After we were done talking to him we went to take pictures in front of the beautiful boardwalk tree.

Once again I love these.

Somewhere along the way Emily took out her stuffed animal that Chris won for her. During the rehearsal Chris and Karyn walked around the boardwalk and played games. Chris won this stuffed animal and gave it to Emily.

Emily said he needed a name so I suggested Leon. So he was Leon! We then decided to take Leon all over the boardwalk to take pictures of him posing. We were going to start an instagram account called Adventures with Leon and take pictures of him posing everywhere.

First we went to one of the musicians along the boardwalk. But he was packing up. We still asked if he could pose on his musical case.

Then he posed overlooking the beach club.

Next we went into the Sweets shop and he had a blast there ;)

We then stumbled upon the ESPN Club and decided to get a drink. Instead I bought us a round of lemon drop shots. Yum! There was a lot of people there and of course I made sure to tell them I was getting married tomorrow.

Emily bought the next round for us and I got a blue moon.


We took our beers outside but after 5 minutes it was way too cold so we went back inside and got a bar table. I took a couple sips of my beer and realized I should NOT have any more or else I would be really hungover tomorrow. So Chris drank the rest of my beer.

We sat and talked for a little bit longer and then decided to leave. Somewhere on the Boardwalk Emily realized she lost Leon. So we went back in to the ESPN Club to look for him, we walked all the way back towards the Boardwalk calling out for Leon, looking for him everywhere. Maybe he fell in the water, maybe a kid picked up, maybe he was in the bathroom, maybe the hostess had him.. But alas no one had him.

And Emily was traumatized that poor little Leon was all alone on the boardwalk.

After the realization he was lost we went back to the Beach Club to get ready for bed since we had to be up really early. Poor Chris stayed by himself at Pop Century all alone! I felt bad. Emily and Karyn spent the night with me. We stayed up for a long time.

Karyn called again to try to get a room at the Beach Club for the wedding night. She called the front desk and they had a room available with the group discount! Yay! We were so excited.

Karyn and Emily also gave me a present. They made a photo book for me with each of my friends messages in there. My other good friend, Cortney, couldn't come to the wedding. She found out in October(i think) she was pregnant with twins. So, she couldn't come. The reason was BS because she is still able to travel but that is besides the point... I loved lookin at the book!

We stayed up a long time talking. I had such a good time. It was like we were back in college having a fun night out. One of my favorite wedding memories! Unfortunately, i didn't sleep much at all. I slept maybe two solid hours and woke up on and off from 3-6am. Once 6am hit I was up for good.

Aww your rehearsal dinner looked great, and it sounds like you had such a blast afterwards! Can't wait for more :yay:
It's wedding day!!!! OMG I am so excited to share this story and show my pictures.

Like I previously mentioned I woke up at 5am for good but continued lying down until around 7am or so. Hair and makeup was coming at 8am, Ashley Jane was coming at 12pm.

When I woke up at 5am I felt like POOOP! Omg am I really going to be hungover for my wedding!!?? So I got up, chugged a cold bottle of water, and took two advil. Then I layed back down trying to sleep it off. Poor Karyn and Emily were probably awake all night from me tossing and turning.

You know that feeling Christmas eve/christmas morning where you are so excited you can't stand it until you open christmas presents? That was me, I couldn't believe it was here. I was just trying to savor every moment! Just wish I wasn't hungover.

Like I mentioned I got up around 7am, checked Facebook and so many people were already congratulating me on my wedding day! I am loved <3 Then I got up, showered but I tried not to get my hair wet. I didn't need to shave my legs so it was a quick shower. After I got out of the shower I took all my eye makeup off and then I put an eye mask on. If I am tired my eyes are puffy so I bought a sheet eye mask from Sephora to wear. It actually made me feel really refreshed.

While Karyn and Emily were just getting up, I straightened up and tried to feel better. I also chugged another bottle of water. I had the nervous, sweaty, anxious jitters and I just wanted to start getting ready.

Well, right at 8am my first hair person came, Jessica! She decided to get set up at the little desk in the corner of the room. About 20 minutes later the second person came. She said there was a lot of traffic.

They wanted to get started right away and NONE of my bridesmaids were there yet. Emily was in the shower. So I had to get my hair set. I really wanted to wait as close as possible to see if Ashley could get a picture of me getting my hair done but they needed to start. So it was my turn!

The first people that came were my mom and sister, then my aunt, and then corey's sister. She was really late! I told them all 8am but they didn't arrive until 8:30/8:45.

Of course my mom started taking pictures right away. I am sure thankful for that now. They needed to get started right away on the second person so Jessica went up with me.

This is the picture I gave her.

Checking my phone.

Right after they finished setting my hair Patricia came. It was still early. I wish they would have came later to do my makeup. I really didn't want to finish my makeup and hair until 12:20. But oh well. At least we have phone pictures.

She asked what I liked and I said a light smokey eye.

Next up was Kari

Jessica has LONG hair so it took forever.

I just love this picture

Karyn was texting our friend Cortney and made her believe that this was my final hair style. She literally believed it and called it an upside down mullet.

While I was getting my hair or makeup done/I can't remember which, my friends went to go get breakfast for me at Beach Club. All I wanted was the Beach Club cheesy potatoes so they got me a meal with eggs and bacon. Unfortunately, I couldn't eat it at all because of the hair and makeup. So after my makeup I got to eat a bit. I had cold cheesy potatoes and bacon. The cold eggs were too much. They were delicious! Would have been better warm though. We also had mimosas. Kari went down to get us OJ and she brought the champagne. They were yummy.

There was a little bit of confusion with my makeup. I thought she asked if I normally color in my eyebrows and I don't so I said no. But she really asked if I wanted them shaded in which I did a little bit. But in the end she said since my hair was so blonde it would look weird. So she didn't do that.

Jessica's hair was still getting done!

When Patricia started working on me I was wearing a robe but I was sooo hot so I wanted to change in to something else. With the shades open and the sun pouring in it made it really hot. My friend suggested my swim cover up so I wore that! I had to change into that and my strapless bra because no one wanted to see that! That was so much better and wasn't ruining my hair. I didn't end up buying a bridal robe because I didn't feel it was that big of a deal. I do kind of wish I got something for the bridesmaids but it isn't a huge deal.

While I was sitting there my back was hurting so bad. I could just feel a tense spot. I asked my friend Karyn to massage my back where it was tense. She massaged it for about 5-8 minutes and said she could feel the knot. When she was done I felt so relieved. It was amazing. I was so thankful for that!

One thing I asked Patricia was if she could put makeup where my tan lines were. I could not believe I still had major tanlines from September. She didn't think we could do much because if it coming off but she did a little bit of airbrush makeup. It looked a little better, not sure if it did much.

She finished up with my fake eyelashes. Wow, she was quick with that. They felt a little weird/gooey at first so I had to get used to them. She had to separate a few because they were stuck but once they got unstuck it felt much better.

Then Patricia was done! She was really sweet, albeit a little bit cocky about her work. She seemed a little high and mighty. But she does an amazing job so I guess she should be. She was really pleased from her work and she said the eyes would really make my green eyes pop, which it did! When she showed me my makeup it seemed like a lot but I loved it! The lips I was a little hesitant on and told her I thought it was a bit too dark. She said that in the pictures it would really look best with lip color. So I left it on.

Right after that is when Jessica finished up my hair. My dress was still hanging up on the side and they both loved my dress! They said that the have been seeing a lot of colored dresses lately.


She showed me my hair and the first thing I thought of was the drastic difference in my highlights vs natural hair. I don't get a full highlight because it costs too much and my hair stylist told me I didn't need a full. Well, she was wrong. I wish I did have a full highlight. At least a few highlights underneath. I really liked the updo though. I asked Jessica if she could somehow bring the highlights down to cover the natural hair but she said no.

I really liked the updo. She told me that it wasn't really that noticeable and with my veil on you couldn't tell. Which was true. I am still made at my hair stylist though.

Side note; OMG I thought I almost lost everything. I cancelled out of the tab and thought I lost all my text. Luckily it restored it!

Final hair and makeup! I was in love. With the front at least.

Around this time my flowers arrived. They were soo pretty!! I couldn't believe they didn't take the vases.

We asked for maid service to make the room clean for pictures (good tip!) and she made us towel animals!

My sister does makeup so she did my moms makeup

Earlier, my cousin Gracie got her hair done. She just took her ADD medicine so her voice was really quiet but would not stop talking. The person that was doing her hair kept laughing. She just had a story for everything.

When my aunt walked in, her mom, she started crying! She said that I was in her wedding and now I am getting married. She almost made me cry!! I didn't cry though. I was still trying to decide if I was going to cry at any point during the wedding.

Gracie's finished product

Jessica's finished hair. This was my favorite. This updo was amazing. She did an amazing job on her hair. I guess this is what happens when you have such long hair.

My hair was finished around 10:30 so I hung out while everyone else was getting their hair finished up.

Patricia left around 10 to go work on Amanda, I think it was then? She had to come back to do the rest of the fake eyelashes but I decided to pay now. I was paying for about half of the bridesmaids and I was going to pay with a check. I didn't realize they took cards. It was really nice that she took cards!! I liked that much better than a check.

I forgot to mention my hangover, It started not being noticeable while I was almost done getting my hair set. Then it really went away after my meal of cheesy potatoes and bacon. I was so thankful I felt better!! Maybe it was the adrenaline.

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Your writing cracks me up! I actually really like the two tones of your updo, it kind of looks like an ombre/gradient. Totally looks like it was on purpose. Yay! Can't wait for the next installment!
I really love how your updo looked as well. Everyone looked so pretty and your flowers were :love:, I can't wait to follow along for more!
Your hair and makeup look so good! Love it!

Thank you!

Your writing cracks me up! I actually really like the two tones of your updo, it kind of looks like an ombre/gradient. Totally looks like it was on purpose. Yay! Can't wait for the next installment!

Good, I am glad you liked it! The more I see it the more I like it.

I really love how your updo looked as well. Everyone looked so pretty and your flowers were :love:, I can't wait to follow along for more!

Thanks so much! I was so happy when the flowers arrived. They were pretty.
Ashley arrived about 11:50am. Until then I was hanging out watching everyone else getting ready. I spent some time before she arrived gathering all the detail items and putting them in a corner for her to photograph.

I forgot to mention Corey's morning. He hung out at the pool with my Uncle Chris and cousin Brandon. They spent their morning hanging out at the hot tub because it was so cold. They went down the slide two times though. His wedding morning was definitely fun! He got back to the room around 11am then showered and got ready. Oh the life of a man.

When Ashley got here she got busy immediately! It was so nice to see her again. She introduced me to her second shooter, Rachel. There was definitely way too many times I responded when she was calling her second shooter. We gave each other hugs and then she got to work! She started with her detail shots while her second shooter took some of us getting ready. My mom and Karyn were the only ones still getting ready.

Most photos here on will be courtesy of Ashley Jane Photography. Thank you for doing such an amazing job!

Then she took some detail shots. I had TONS of things I wanted her to photograph. I brought my disney gifts but I only wanted a couple of things from that. I mostly wanted the pretty things. I also set out our welcome bag to get photographed because it was so nice. I wanted to remember them.

Shortly after Tyler and his second shooter arrived. They all got to work doing their thing. I must admit it was quite crowded in that area with the 4 of them.

My amazing shoes! Well they weren't so amazing after I started walking in them.

LOVE this with my Chloe perfume. It is my signature scent so of course I had to wear it.

And all of my pretty things. I love how she arranged things in this picture.


My hanger that my mom bought for me as a shower gift. Thankfully I had this to make my dress look pretty.

I love the sparkles in this! My bracelet was a cheap $20 bracelet from Macys, but you would never know it.

These were my ring boxes I wanted the ring bearers to walk with. I wasn't going to put the rings in because the lids were not tight like promised in the etsy page and I didn't want the rings to fall through the slates. They were just going to carry them up. They ended up just being used for pictures because my mom forgot to give them to the kids! Which is fine, It would have been pretty pointless to carry them.

So pretty.

Disney Goodies

This one I really wanted. I loved how each lid was different.

Invitations. I wasn't in love with how the invitation pictures came out but oh well. I wish she wouldn't have put that tag in the picture.

Maids gifts and my wristlet. It was such a tough decision figuring out what color to get them.

Now time for the welcome bags.

My favorite cookies. I want more of these in my life.

It was closing in to leave. Our schedule was 1pm first look and 1:30 bridal party. It was hectic trying to get everything done.

We hurried up and finished getting ready.

Corey's mom was getting fake eyelashes. She went through chemo this year so her eyelashes were really short.

Jessica filled in Diane's eyebrows.

Patricia finished up my mom's hair apparently? All of this stuff this morning was a blur. I was really only paying attention to myself.

I opened up my present from Karyn and Emily to show my mom and photo and video told me to continue reading it since it was a good photo opp. That was kind of weird to pose reading.

Ashley then said we had to move everything out of the main room for pictures. I am so glad she did that. I hate having all that stuff in the pictures. We had tons of stuff so it took a little while. Thankfully Karyn was helping me.

Then it was time to get my veil in! The girls were done with everyone's hair so time to finish my last piece.

I had to sit down for a better angle.

Veil was in!

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