Raiding American supermarkets!


Off to Florida again come May?
Jul 16, 2006
What do you normally go all out and buy that you cannot buy in the UK and why?

What must be tried....
Mountain Dew - the drink! Although I think they changed its name last time I was there, but I can't remember what it was!

Also brought ziplock sandwich bags and saran wrap (clingfilm!) home with me. As we'd forgotten our hairbrushes (DOH!) we also bought some very good ones in walmart and they were about half the price you'd pay over here.

Like to stock up on meds too....! :thumbsup2
Spider killer

Illegal to be sold in the EU (and probably use....)

Cheap generic ibuprufen and parcetemol
Another vote for Mountain Dew, its banned in the uk because of the caffine content!
Oh and wallgreens version of Zantac indgestion tablets, about $10 for 50, here they are about £4 for a pack of 6! ( am I sad or does anyone else get really excited in wallgreens)
Walgreens own-brand sun cream and Melatonin tablets (to help with the jet lag).
gavvy said:
Another vote for Mountain Dew, its banned in the uk because of the caffine content!

Maybe that's why I like it so!! I hate coffee and don't drink much tea or fizzy pop so maybe its the buzz i was missing!! LOL!

gavvy said:
Another vote for Mountain Dew, its banned in the uk because of the caffine content
must remember not to give this to ds8 he has hyperactivity :rotfl:
or maybe i should maybe he ll walk faster :rotfl2:
If you guys like Mountain Dew, you should try Code Red. My DH & I like it even better. :)

I am an American who is married to a Brit and living in the UK. I buy:

Q-tips (really good cotton buds sold in bulk)
various non presciption drugs in bulk
sugar free pudding (This is a little like mousse but creamier, and is sold in boxes in powder form.)
dry gape gingerale
reeses peanutbutter cups
peanutbutter (you guys make better chocolate than us, but your pb stinks. :teeth: )

I'm sure there is more, but that's off the top of my head.
Australian Gold suncream - just find it cheaper.

Plus all the groceries we buy from Publix, not many items that we cannot get in the UK, but I too like Lay's crisps/Cinnamon bread/sliced Butterbread is great for toasting and Campbell's do tins of stew that Josh loves, we also like the frozen sausage patties....probably a few other things too I would imagine.
DOH! No they didn't change the name, as I now recall when asking for it in the parks they offered me something else, I guess its coca cola's equivalent brand? Can't for the life of me remember the name, but I do remember it was more orange than yellow and I didn't order it more than twice!!

Sorry for the failing memory, its hot and I've been at work all day and now the kids are hassling........! (Notice I didn't mention age related dementia in that excuse!) :rolleyes1
arieliwish said:
DOH! No they didn't change the name, as I now recall when asking for it in the parks they offered me something else, I guess its coca cola's equivalent brand? Can't for the life of me remember the name, but I do remember it was more orange than yellow and I didn't order it more than twice!!

Sorry for the failing memory, its hot and I've been at work all day and now the kids are hassling........! (Notice I didn't mention age related dementia in that excuse!) :rolleyes1

Was it Fanta? That is cokes orange soda. It has no caffiene though. They ripped you off. :rolleyes1 pirate:
arieliwish said:
DOH! No they didn't change the name, as I now recall when asking for it in the parks they offered me something else, I guess its coca cola's equivalent brand? Can't for the life of me remember the name, but I do remember it was more orange than yellow and I didn't order it more than twice!!
It probably was one of the 'variations' on Mountain Dew they bring out from time to time. At the moment, you can get regular MD, diet MD (plus both those two in caffiene free versions), MD Code Red (bright red, cherry flavour and also available in diet), MD Livewire (not sure what flavour this is, probably another different colour too) and MD Baja Blast (lime flavoured but only available at Taco Bell). I know they did a limited edition last year called something like MD Midnight, which was dark purple and tasted of grape.
I have the same list every time we go to Publix:

- CloseUp toothpaste (cinnamon flavour, can't get it over here)
- Cinnamon chewing gum (ok, so I have a bit of a cinnamon thing :goodvibes )
- Crystal Light sachets
- Crest whitening strips

I also discovered a new favourite chewing gum in Chicago recently: Orbit Bubblemint. Buying a box of that next time!!

Oh, the weird thing is, I'm not really that obsessed with my teeth!! :blush:

Peanut butter cups,
Kool aid
Various non prescription drugs and hydrocortisone cream.
Cinamon toothpaste
Lucky charms breakfast cereal.
Butter milk pancake mix
Amyrlin said:
Butter milk pancake mix

we bought loads of pancake mix back last time, only to find one of dh clients was american and she gave us the receipe to make american style pancakes :rolleyes:

2 cups flour s r
1 3/4 cups milk
2 eggs
4 tbsp veg oil
pinch of salt
2 tbsp baking powder

mix flour, b powder, salt.
seperate eggs
beat whites till very stiff
add yolks to flour with veg oil and milk
stir whites into flour mix and cook slowly.

takes 5 mins with an electric mixer, you can remove the oil for a low fat option and cook in fry light.

enjoy :teeth:



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