Rajah's exercise journal (comments very welcome :) )

Ohh yeah, definitely been getting my exercise in this weekend.

Yesterday, I went by my mom's house and helped my mom, aunt, and uncle go through some stuff to put out on today's garage sale. Which involved a pretty good amount of heavy lifting. I actually strained my back a bit trying to lift a briefcase that was heavier than expected. :( But, that's where Tai Chi training came in because I almost immediately did a few back stretches from Tai Chi and took care of it before it got stiff and worse. :)

Then I came home and did 20-25 minutes of Tai Chi last night.

Today, I was back over at my mom's again helping a bit with the garage sale then putting items away (though I didn't do much there). The big exercise was helping my uncle put some of the shelves back together, which involved helping to hold up some of the shelves.

Then after coming home, my friends invited us to go ride bikes (YAY!!) and we went riding for a little bit. No idea how long we were actually out, but I'd say probably about 15, maybe 20 minutes. I do know by the time we got back, my legs were killing me and I could barely stand up. LOL! First time I've actually ridden a real bike (not the exercise bike) in several years, but that was fun!
Sorry to hear about your back but glad that all that Tai Chi you've been doing helped you out before it got any worse! Bike riding is so much fun! I just wish I had a place around here I could go to do it. Glad you had a good time doing that! And good luck with the Garage Sale. It's that time of year again for sure. They're sprouting up all over the place around here too.

Have a great Sunday! :sunny:
Tammi, I've just caught up on your journal and it sounds like Tai Chi is becoming an important part of your life! That's so wonderful!! It seems to provide stress relief for you and that's an excellent benefit! A sword sounds cool! My kids were in marial arts and I can remember them needing a staff. We bought shower curtain rods, cut them to the right length and put plastic caps on the ends. I can't imagine what you could use for a sword - you might have to make a shopping trip or check the internet for that one!

I checked at the library and there are no decent Tai Chi instructional videos there so I'll have to buy one. I'm ready to add something new to my exercise repertoire so I'll start looking.

Hope your Monday is sunny and relatively stress-free! :sunny:
Thanks Doe, Desiree. :)

Ugh. Got some "bad news" this morning. ;) When I got in to work, my cube-mate reminded me that the time change is next weekend. Ugh!! LOL! I love having the extra sunlight during the day, but I am sooo not a morning bird. LOL!

I wimped out yesterday, though. Only did about 10 minutes of warmup, if that. I was so tired. I actually think I'm coming down with something (again. :rolleyes: ) between being so tired and my sore throat and cough. :/ But I did enough to loosen up the tight muscles before going to bed.
Another night of not doing much. I did about 5-10 minutes of Tai Chi Cat Style (that's Tai Chi with a kitten doing figure-8's around your feet and legs, and reaching up to bat at a hand every time one comes within reach. LOL!), followed by about 5-10 minutes of walking, cat style (that's walking around and around the ground floor draging a kitty toy behind you with 4 kitties chasing after the toy. ;) )
hey tammi, i just wanted to stop by and say hello :wave:

i must say, cat tai chi and cat walking sounds like lots of fun :p . hehe, at least you're getting in your exercise :)

hope you have a great day :sunny:
Cat Tai Chi is my favorite style. ;)

I've been *SO TIRED* lately it's insane. :( It's driving me crazy, too. :(

All I had energy to do last night was one run through the warm-up and my beginner's sequence, and I even rushed through those so only did 5-10 minutes. :(

I'm so tired of being tired!
Tammi, could there be something medically wrong?? When my body and mind are that tired it is usually a sign of my depression rearing its ugly head. My body will just shut down and all I can do is stay in bed for a day or two (hiding from the world until I'm ready to face it again!). I'm not saying that you have depression, but I wanted to let you know that what you're feeling might have a medical reason. It's the Mom in me - I can't help but worry about my friends! :hug:

I think a little Tai Chi is better than no Tai Chi and Kitty Tai Chi sounds like fun!! My mini-dachshund will sometimes "help" me with my Pilates routine! I'm vulnerable because Pilates means laying on the floor! :teeth:

I hope your week is going well! We're halfway to the weekend! :sunny:
Doe -- I'm already on meds for depression, but we found out I do have an infection and got started on some antibiotics last night. Already I'm feeling a lot better. Still not 100%, but better. When the meds are helping that much that fast, that says yes it was an infection. So in a few days, I should be up and running again. :)

Again, all I did was about 10-15 minutes of Tai Chi and rushed through it. I tried to do it slower, but just didn't have the energy. It is a nice stretch, though, and now that I know why I've been so lacking in strength I feel better about it. :)
hey tammi, glad to hear that you've got some meds that should fight off that infection. hope you're back to your normal self and not feeling so tired anymore as soon as possible! but don't rush it, give your body a rest so you can get better :hug:
Tammi, I've gotta echo Marcia's words. Even though the infection meds are helping, you are still recovering. I posted on your CB thread that you should take a break from some of your busyness this weekend and now that I've read this, I'm even more sure. I'll try to turn off my Mom-mode, but it's hard!

I'm sending you an extra :hug: and some energy-enhanced :wizard: just in case you can't get out of some of those weekend activities. I know that there are times when we just have to keep going, despite how we feel.

I'm hoping you get your energy back soon! :sunny:
Thanks Marcia, and thanks again Doe. Energy-wise I'm feeling better. Still not 100%, but better anyway (of course, when *am* I ever 100%?).

And Doe -- you don't have to turn off mom-mode. :) I don't mind. The more people I have telling me to take care of myself, the more likely I am to do it.

Skipped anything last night. I really should have done 5 minutes of Tai Chi at least, but honestly I was just too depressed. :( Of course, woke up stiff and sore today because I *didn't* stretch out last night and because I was so tense.

I did do about 5-10 minutes of Tai Chi at work again, though, after the cubemate went home. Helped a lot for my energy and attitude for the day, and I plan to do some more tonight, too. Maybe just another 5-10 minutes, but the stretching really does help my attitude, sleep, and energy.
Okay, did another 20-ish minutes of Tai Chi and watched the instruction for a little over half of the 24 Forms set. Turns out the first 8 moves are the same moves taught in the Beginner's set so I already knew that part and it's an easy transition into the next. :)
No Tai Chi this weekend, but I did get a lot of exercise in in other forms. Both Sat and Sun I helped my mom go through some things and buy/set up curtains and stuff like that. I was exhausted both nights, so I think I did enough exercise. ;)
if you were so tired both days, i'm sure you got enough exercise ::yes:: . sometimes, the best exercise is when it's not in traditional "exercise" form. seems like it's not such a chore when we dont' call it exercise. just my 2 cents anyway :)

hope you're not suffering too much from all the work you did with your mom. if you're stiff, just do cubicle tai chi again :hyper:

have a great day today :sunny:
Actually I'm not stiff or suffering at all from that.

Just from this infection I still have. :/
Well, I've got another one to add to my "strange ways to do Tai Chi". ;) I've got cubicle Tai Chi, and Tai Chi Cat Style. Now I have "It's 1:30 am, my back hurts, and I can't sleep, so I'll do Tai Chi". :p Even though it was only 5 minutes and only the warmups that focused on the back, it worked. :)

And Tai Chi warmup, Cat Style, part 2: doing Tai Chi with only one hand because the other hand is holding the cuddly kitten to your shoulder. ;)
I love your creative ways to get your Tai Chi done in spite of everything else going on! :p A cuddly kitty - now THAT would reduce my stress - gotta love to hear the purring!!

I continue to keep your Mom in my prayers. Hope the financial situation is looking better!

Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday, Tammi!
Ohkay, let's see, backing up here since I got behind on posting. :)

Wed I didn't do any Tai Chi, but I did do some cleaning and organizing. Took out all of *my* stuff from the hall closet (cross stitch stuff, took up 2.5 boxes worth of space in the bottom), put together some small shelves, and reorganized the materials so I can actually get to them now. That involved lots of running (okay, *walking* LOL!) up and down the stairs and carrying things and stuff. By the time I went to bed, I was exhausted. :)

Last night I did a brief run through the Tai Chi workout, but it still didn't help my back. :(

Today, woke up with a stiff back so did some stretching trying to take care of that. Still hasn't helped, though. :( Then tonight I went over to my mom's to help her collect a bunch of stuff she has a charity group coming out to pick up tomorrow. That involved a *lot* of lifting and moving of things. (And *still* have that stiff back :( ) I did a few of the back-focused Tai Chi stretches, but that's about all I think I should do tonight.
Tammi, I'm hoping your back is getting better. I'm sending hugs your way - I'm guessing it was not an easy weekend.

I'm thinking of you and hoping you have a good Tuesday.



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