Random acts of Magic/Kindness at WDW - what have you done?

I always offer to take photos for another family.

We gave away our fastpasses for SM since we were tired and heading back to the hotel. Oddly enough, you'd have thought we were trying to givce away the PLAGUE, since the first few people we approached eyed us suspiciously and refused. The nice couple who finally agreed were so thrilled.

While waiting in a very long line for Alien Encounter, my older sister began spraying the people around us with her misty fan. She was quite the hit!

We always offer up seats on the bus to those who need it...and that includes tired cranky young ones.

I think I'd like to make more of an effort to spread some magic to the CM's though. They do so much for us!


Jun 10, 2000
I'm also posting about Random Acts of Kindness directed towards us. My sister and I took her two year old daughter to WDW in '96. We stayed at the CR because we knew that the monorail would be a big help since we had a little one with us. However, we did have to ride the buses to DD and MGM. I'm sure a lot of you know it isn't easy getting on and off the buses with strollers, diaper bags, movie camera, and a little one. My sister always tried to manage the stroller and all of our gear for the day and I always tried to help the little one off the bus. Well, I can't tell you how many times people would help her with the stroller off the bus. It was soo nice. I guess they could see she was struggling at times with everything and gave her a hand. This probably happened 5 or 6 times on our trip. One time it was an elderly gent. He was soo nice. Even though what they did wasn't this huge thing, it is always one of the things that my sister and I talk about when we remember that trip. They are some of our fav memories from that trip.

So, now when we go with our older kids we always try to help out moms and/or dads who look like they are struggling to get everyone on & off the buses.

I just love the Magic that you find at Walt Disney World! :p
Well - I give out a lot of directions, advice, etc. whenever I see a confused person staring at a map.

My favorite though is something my husband did that actually made me and my two sisters cry.

We were at Epcot and had just finished viewing ToN. We had a great spot right along the water for Illuminations. It was myself, my husband, my 2 sisters and my daughter who was 2 at the time. We had bought my daughter one of those light up Pooh bear things that has the spinning bees on it. She was playing with it while we waited for the show. Well, in walks an elderly couple and their adult son who had Downs Syndrome. They asked if anyone was occupying the space next to us, which no one was so they stood next to us and we struck up basic conversation. Are you enjoying your trip, etc. The adult son was facinated with my daughter's Pooh Bear toy. He was really eyeing it and his parents asked us where we found it and we told them where. They asked us how much it cost and we told them $6. They were telling their son that if he really liked it he could use some of his souvenir money to get one.

So, the show begins and of course to many of us the music, atmosphere, etc. is truly inspiring. Our daughter fell asleep in her stroller. We stood there watching the show and couldn't help but watch this family. The Mom and Dad stood on either side of their son and they all had their arms around each other. My husband, sisters and I thought they were just such a beautiful family. I can only imagine their lives where they are caring for their son at an age when most people are well into retirement. And, the fact that they made this family trip to WDW. So, the show ends and we are chatting with them "What a great show, did you enjoy it, etc." And, my husband says something like - it was so nice talking to you and what a nice family you have and he gives the son the light up toy. The parents of course said we can't accept that and my husband said - please take it we enjoyed watching your enjoyment of the show so much. They thanked us, we said goodbye, and my sisters and I have tears in our eyes as we walk away. Of course we immediatly bought our daughter another one - she never missed it.
Haven't had the chance to read all of these yet (storming here-have to get off the pc!) but...

1. August, 2000-I found a camera right near the ice cream stand in Tomorrowland. The people were sitting there eating and just got up and threw stuff away and never picked up the camera. I took it in to the gift shop right next to the seating area and turned it in at the check-out. The CM was very appreciative and said they would send it up to the l&f at the front of the park. Hopefully someone was happy.

2. Gave an extra FP for ToT to a young man.

And thank you to the kind lady who gave me band-aids in Epcot near the Underwater attraction! My blisters will be forever grateful! (Can't believe I was stupid enough not to put them in my fanny pack!)

And thank you to the CM who walked back with my dd when she got swept along in a crowd and helped her find me (I was in panic city!) at MGM. Had just come out of the backlot ride and were heading to the snack bar by the 'Honey, I..." and she ended up in the middle of a huge family and was gone soo quickly.
We buy the Orlando Entertainment book for our WDW trips of 8 days or more. We probably use only about 8-10 coupons or offers. We leave the book in the rental car when we return it.
You guys have given me so many great ideas for spreading the Magic. Here's my contribution:

We were on our last day of our trip to the world and received two water park passes. The passes were part of some promotion with DVC several years ago. They did not expire and we knew we could use them on a future trip.

Later that day, while eating lunch, I overheard a family of 3 discussing their plans for the upcoming week; specifically that they would only be able to go to one of the water parks. They were having a difficult time choosing which one, until I offered them the two passes. They were very grateful and said that now they could go to both TL and BB.

The smile on their daughter's face is the most memorable part of that trip.
:) Just a gentle reminder...
You don't have to be at Disney to look for oportunities to spread a little Disney magic.
I try to look for ways to help out at the mall, parking lot, grocery store etc.
especially older folks or mom's with young kids.
On our last trip my DD after spending a long day at Epcot and while waiting to watch Illuminations just didn't feel too good. So we decided to call it a day. While walking out to our car in the parking lot I realized that I still had 4 Fast passes for TT. There was a couple with two young girls (probably 8 or 10 years old) walking from the parking lot into the Park. As I walked by the girls as they were happily skipping ahead of the parents I asked if they would like the fast passes for TT. The girls were so excited they could hardly contain themselves so I gave the passes to the parents.

What a nice way to end a Disney Day listening to big Thank you's as you head off to your car. I think even DD felt a little better after seeing how such a small gesture could make 4 other peoples day.....:D
Being our first trip to WDW and reading the boards for 6 months prior, I was ready for the magic to be literally hurled at us when we arrived. I found myself giving back some of the magic every chance that I could. The more I gave, the more I recieved through the entire trip.

Upon check-in at the WL, I signed us up for the Flag raising ceremony. I went to the front desk later that day and explained since it was the two of us, we would be more than happy to share this honor with another couple without children. (no flames please. We've raised our own and this was an adults (50ish)only anniversary trip. We love children.) When we met in the morning, the family ended up having two small children. They were so grateful and the children so well behaved. We all had a fabulous time with Ranger Stan. If we ever get the chance to do it again, I'd share the honor in a heartbeat. Actually, I'd like to suggest that anyone who is lucky enough to participate in the ceremony, share the magic with another small family. So few actually get the honor.
Doing Random acts of kindness, are what makes Disney..so Disney to us.
It really is what we look forward too the most about spending time in the world.

Our first 'go' at this seemed to comes so naturally. It was night, in the MK...we were in line at that Ice Cream place, near the Pooh ride in Fantasyland. There were 2 young girls in line behind us. Proably 15-17 years old. I couldn't help but to overheard what they were saying. I could tell they were staying off property. One of them said to the other, that she thought perhaps they'd stay out of the parks the next day, 'cause they were 'burning' thur their money so fast...as we approached the window, they continued to speak to each other about how expensive everything was in the parks...then I hear them talking bout what they'd like to order, vs. what they would order from the window due to cost. When my turn at the window came up, I finished our transaction, then I stuck my head thur the window..I told the CM that the kids behind us, seemed to be having a rough day, passed her a $10 and told her to use it for these kids...and to tell 'em it was "on the mouse"...we quickly moved off and sat next to the old 20K lagoon to enjoy our treats...The the magic got reflected back....these 2 kids...had tracked us down thanked us profussely, and (can you believe it)....gave us our change back! I feel a bit embarrased, but it did seem to touch them...I told 'em to enjoy the rest of their stay in the MK.

Our second experience.
We were in AK...we were sitting in the shade in a smoking area in Asia...After a bit, a CM came along to clean the area, we struck up a conversation and she was so pleasant...such a delightful switch from the "standard" level of guest hospitality found anywhere else...In the course of the conversation, she mentioned she had to come back to the parks, after work, to try to win a green stuffed Turtle that was available in the dino-rama, ball toss game - which was to be a gift for her granddaughter for Christmas - but that she was really pressed for time - and this was the only thing she knew her granddaugther really wanted.....after chatting for such an extended time Mrs.G and I thought we had been treated like Royalty. After she left, we ran over to the Dino-Rama. I give the guy about $20 for balls....DW (naturally) preceeded to win the turtle doll with her first throw! We told the guy to give the remaining balls to the kids behind..and set out to find the CM...no luck!...I'm not too smart, but I can be persistent...we started to canvas the other CM's working in that area..we knew her fist name...as luck would have it..we bumped into her supervisior...he told us exactly where to find her...she was very touched!

Our Third experience.
Epcot. This was DW and my first visit during christmas. As we entered thur the turnstiles, a photographer approached and asked if we'd like some pictures...we said sure!...This woman was amazeing...She must have spent 20 minutes with us, and crafted this beautiful shot of DW with me, in front of a pointsetta tree...with the monorail crossing overhead of us in the background...that picture will be a lifetime cherished gem. We thanked her for her help...I believe the SOP's call for these folks to take like maybe 3 pictures per guest...we must have had 20. Once we saw what a wonderful job she had done for us...I knew we had to return the magic...we didnt know what to do for her...but we found in the Christmas shop on the edge of the World showcase lagoon a small ornament hanging mickey picture frame...I purchased it and we carefully folded up some Disney Dollars so that the face was shown in the frame...after we found her again, I gave a "good speech" about how we'd felt she'd gone out of her way, how nice the photos were. Then I handed her this little bag and said thanks & happy holidays- Walt would have wanted you to have this...well, I'm not a big crying in public type of guy...but she hugged us, and almost shaking, while shedding happy tears, said she had to 'get off stage' for a bit. That touched our souls as much as her's I think.

Our Fourth experience.
We were about to watch our first ever forecastle show at MVMCP...a youngish couple from Missisippii with 3 small kids were next to us. We got talking...it was sooo obvious that this was their first time and proably only trip to WDW. I believe they were some of the most sincere, yet simple folks...a real joy of humanity. They knew nothing about the MK, or MVMCP...didn't know to watch for tink (or her seasonal replacement)..they were so honestly thrilled with just my sharing of information with them. In the course of the conversation, I learned where they were staying off property and they're names. It was very obvious that they were of limited means...but still some of the most decent people I've ever meet. The next day I took a taxi to their hotel and left off an envelop with a couple $100 disney dollars in it with a note...which basically said how happy Mickey was that they were there, and how a friend of Walt's thought they might have some fun with the cash. I never saw them again, but I feel sure..there's someone in the 'deep south' that has a really nice memory of the Disney Magic.

There have been so many little things, even I can't seem to recall them all. What I would say, is that doing acts of kindness, is like bubble bath soap...with just a teaspoon of giving, the returns can fill a room.

Please let's all help each other in contiuning to share what you've done, or would like to do, or have recieved with each other....we can learn to spread the Magic of Walt's Dreams, not only in the parks...but in our everyday lives.
Goofyposter...if there is such a thing as karma (and I truly believe there is...) then there is a dumptruck of pixiedust reserved just for you...although I am a little ticked...my sniffling gave me away to my boss... :) Thank God she understands the need for pixie dust replenishment on a coffee break. :) Plus I printed out this thread and made her sniffle too.
My husband and I have a case of bubbles (the little one for weddings) that we got super cheap at Walmart - I'm going to decorate them; with Mickey stickers I think; and pass them out to kids we come across who need a little pick me up. (Adults too ;) ).
Anyway THANK YOU for inspiring me.
Me and DH always offered seats to others in the bus at the end of the trip. We're always very tired, but seeing parents having to hold babies and kids while standing up is just not very magical. The parents are always very very thankful, and the kids always say thank you before the parents ask them to. It's just a fantastic way to end a wonderful evening.

The 2nd one is in MK, the food court (forgot the name) has glass windows all over the place. A bird got trapped inside, and has been flying into and banging the windows to get out. My DH tried to resuce the little birdie to take him out. No luck. We finally told a CM, and they find a net and take the little guy out. They say it happens all the time. I just really don't want to see the bird starving and dying in MK!
Sometimes, the magic get returned in unexpected ways.

About a month ago...a friend of ours...a CM...at our TDS....told us she and her DH was going to DLP!! their first trip...she's been a real beacon to us...a wonderful example of the Disney spirit out side the parks.....

We decided to do something nice for them. I bot a cookie jar on Ebay...in the shape of the Effiel Tower....got a cut out banner reading "Disneyland Paris" strung it accross the tower with some ribbon, bot a "sun face" Mickey antenna topper, mounted it atop a doubled over extra long pipe cleaner and hot glued it to the "tower"....and bot some euro dollars along with a nice note, and enclosed it within the cookie jar.

Well, today, we visited our TDS...she was working...she slipped out to the "back room" and reappeared with a DLP bag, which contained 4-5 pins (only available in DLP), a VERY nice book giving an overview to the DLP park...and an exculsive lanyard to DLP!!!

After looking in the bag..and seeing all that "loot"...I said to her...that I'd hope she'd realized that we did, what we did, not expected anything in return...and that just the DLP bag would have been enough........she said that she knew that...but that we had been so wonderful, and given her such pleasure in our suprize to her...that she felt she had to do what she did.....we left the store with hugging each other.....It was truely a shareing the dream come true moment! :)
This has to be one of the best threads I have ever read in my time on the DIS!! What wonderful examples of giving and service you all are to me.

I don't remember any specific examples of RAK's that we did on our trip last August other than the giving up of the seats on the busses or giving someone our FP's when we realized we'd rather be doing something else. But you all have inspired me to try to go out of my way on my next trip. I hope I can help brighten someone's day the way you all have brightened mine, just by sharing your stories. Thanks for all of the great ideas!

I just wanted to let everyone know... I'm still amazed and inspired by the responses - and ever since I started reading them I have had the best time planning for our next trip! We've been going to WDW for years and I have never had so much fun before the trip! My DH is even enthusiastic about it. I've been going to the dollar tree store on a regular basis to snag little Disney pick-me-ups to hand out and goodie bag items for the kids traveling with us this year and I started my mental list of nice things to do - rather than rushing to see everything there is to see and trying to be first in line or first on the bus or getting the best seat - my whole outlook has changed - I'll be looking for ways to spread the magic and enjoying every minute of it! Well - I'm off to the store to get some bubbles - great idea! And now the only problem I have is that I now need another suitcase to haul all my pixie dust!
Not sure if I have posted this before here but hey it fits the category...

My wife and I were on day 9 of a 10 day trip, just going back and doing some favorites again and taking it easy. We had gotten a fastpass for splash mountain and went on BTMRR. In line we started chatting with a woman and her young son. They were on the second day of a three day trip. Having had some major problems the first day they were looking down and worse for wear. We gave them some tips and suggestions.

We soon discovered they had fastpasses for Splash too - so we went over to that together. We said we were going on PoTC next. She asked, "oh where's that?" opening her dog eared Birnbaums. We invited them along and we ended up spending a whirlwind afternoon together seeing everything that was on their must see (and like to see, and didn't know about at all) lists.

We ended up getting them included on our Fantasmic Dinner Package that night and spent the next day with them too.

It was great being able to share the Disney magic being personal tourguides. Seeing the park through new eyes was a fun experience in itself. After walking out of the park at the end of both of our last day we asked Ryan (her son) what his favorite thing on the trip was and he responded "MEETING YOU GUYS!"

That is one of my favorite Disney moments of all time :)
Amazing Thread and I have my favorite Disney story to add.

I am a 26 year old rugby player who, somehow, has a soft spot for Disney and whenever I end up down south I convince friends, family etc. to spend a couple days in the Parks with me. I dunno, just recharges me.

I get caught up a lot in the spirit of the place and like to do nice things but being 6 ft, over 200lbs. and sporting a devilish Goatee people, understandably, view me with a little suspicion. I was on a bus on the way to MK and stood up to give my seat to an elderly man so he and his wife could sit down. They seemed a little astonished that a young thuggish looking character would do this. I thought "Well lets change these people's minds about the youth of today" as I was 22 at the time.

I decided that I was going to make these people's mornings with a lively and friendly conversation, maybe pass on some knowledge to them about the parks.

I introduced myself and asked how long they had been at Disney. They were what I like to call Perennials. Yearly visitors. Well as soon as they realised I was not in any position to do them harm or be rude they settled into what became a conversation that would change my attitude rather than their's, I am sure.

They had been visiting since the 1980s, loved the place, and had seen it all come and go. They answered many questions I had about some of the backstage tours, told me stories about earlier disney rides and attractions, gave me hints about when to hit various areas of the World, told me where to see the fireworks best and answered questions about Fantasmic, which I was unsure about whether I should go and see. They were the friendliest and most interesting people I had met in a long time.

Now here's the clinch: After talking anout Fantasmic and Mickey as a sorceror, the elderly gentleman confided in me that he had learned magic tricks since his retirement. I laughed and asked if he was a fan of Harry Houdini? He smiled and said he preferred slight of hand tricks over escaping. I told him I had better watch out for my wallet and he, seriously, told me that he would have a better stab at my watch. We laughed and by that time we were at the TTC. We said our goodbyes and he shook my hand, I offered to help him with their bags down the stairs. He accepted my help and shook my hand again. I waved and they headed off.

Do you see where this is going?

I was making my way into the park in a different direction than where they were going. I reached into my back pocket got out my wallet and grabbed my pass to get in. As I was taking out my pass I realised that my watch felt funny. I looked and there was something tucked undeneath it. It was a $20 bill and I was shocked. My friend that was with me couldn't believe it and shared my incredulity.

The elderly man had, for whatever reason, tried out his slight of hand on me and tucked the bill under my watch strap without me knowing. He could have very easily taken the watch as he was very skilled, but instead left me a little present. Never saw him or his wife again. But if anyone knows a retired magician from North Carolina tell him thanks, and "Wow!"


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