Random things you pack

aym4Him said:
Has anyone found the water bottles with built in filters to be helpful? Does the water/ice from CS places taste funky or is it just the water from the drinking fountains? DH doesn't do the flavor packets b/c of the diet-y aftertaste & prefers just plain water. Thx!

We bought the Brita ones for our trip and they worked awesome! Loved those things. All the water tasted funky to me, so I stuck to drinking out of my bottle. Tasted great.

Though I would advise not using the flavor packets in these bottle because it will take you forever to rinse the flavor out of the filter!

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ziplock bags to put the icky TV remote in!:eek:

Small flash light - I tend to get up before my DH so I will sit and read but I don't want to turn on a light. When we had the big electrical grid outage in 2003 it came in handy when we were vacationing in a hotel with no power for 3 days. We had no light in our room at night so it got a lot of use. DH was greatful that I had packed it.

I take a few piece of funtak and attach a small 8x10 Disney poster to our resort door which makes finding our room easier. Better than playing the guessing game of "are we in room 202 or 204":confused3 The funtak comes off easily and doesn't harm the door.

Oh and some bubble wrap. You never know if you are going to buy something that needs a little more padding before packing in the suitcase.
robinb said:
* Chip clips. They are essential for keeping chips fresh in the FL humidity.
* Duct tape. Fixes just about anything.
* Ziplock bags. Holds snacks, sandwiches, wet swim suits, etc.
* Ziplock containers. Used for cereal, reheating leftovers (we stay in DVC studios a lot)
* kitchen sponge, cut into quarters with dish soap drizzled onto them. Used to clean mugs, cutlery, ziplock containers, etc when not at DVC.
* Sharp knife. Obviously in checked luggage.
* Small cutting board. Used with knife, above.

Duct tape !!!!! Thats hysterical!!!!

We love our collapsable hamper , cannot trip with out this!!!!
My daughter and I were at Disney 9/20 - 9/27. I packed a can of clear/silver glitter which I got at Hobby Lobby. I sprinkled it on my daughter's pillow every night while we were at Disney. My daughter thinks Tinkerbell flew through our room every night sprinkling Pixie Dust. Everyday at the parks she would still have a little in her hair or on her body and was so excited to tell anyone who would listen that Tinkerbell flew through her room.
1. Wet Ones-to wipe little hands before they eat and clean up after the Mickey
ice cream bar
2. Glow sticks
3. Air Freshner for the room
4. Foldable Bin-bought it at the dollar store. It is the size of a shoe box, so it is
great to throw in extra change for the day or my husband's
wallet. We keep it on the tv stand and that way we know were
everything is in the morning.
5. Soft shoe hanger-I hang it in the vanity area in our room and store
toothbrushes, etc. So the vanity area is clear.
6. Nightlights
7. Giant ziploc bags- For extra clothes for the kids at the parks. We still use
a stroller so it fits nicely underneath.
8. Applesauce to go packets-snacks for the kids
- An extra pair of shoe laces (not only usable for shoes!)
- We bring a roll of duct tape as well. Never know!
- Our own "nightime" drinks to enjoy on the balcony...I will NEVER pay Disney hotel prices on this one.
- My own instant coffee (we buy something we like to put in the Disney coffee maker each morning before the trip)
Noise machine, wet wipes and we use our cooler as a carry on bag so when we order beer from Garden Grocer we can keep it cold at the pool :-)
I always have ear plugs in my Disney purse. Other things I bring, depending on who we are going with and where we are staying, are ice cube trays and a drink shaker to ensure we have enough ice. Otherwise, I am quick to start storing up ice in our villa. I also bring a power cord for recharging all our stuff, lots of ziploc bags and extra pin backs.

I love the tip to bring a paper back and rip apart and throw away as you finish reading it. I never would have thought of that, although I have done that with tour books.
These aren't anything major - but last time i came back from Disney I made a list of what I learned, not to forget on the next trip, etc.
Two of the things on my list are:

Bring dental floss to the parks
Trial size bug spray
Self adhesive address labels.

If you have items sent back to your hotel from the shops they always ask for your address; having a label handy speeds up the process immensely. You can also use them on items like cell phones and cameras.

Great idea. I am going to print some labels with name/address/phone number and take with me for this purpose.
I thought of one more thing - next trip, I'll bring my Nook e-reader! So incredibly handy to have so many books in one compact reader. It's small enough to put in my backpack (in a ziploc bag to protect it!) and would be a lifesaver when waiting in long lines.
I always pack a flashlight, you never now.

I also always have a back up camera. In 2010 I dropped my camera on the sidewalk outside of the BC, completely killed my camera, I was so upset & we had 3 days of vacation left. I bought a canon shortly after & use it on vacation. Since I am paranoid that I will drop it, I purchased a cheap digital that I keep in the luggage just in case.
stain stick
imodium ad
id tags for the kids !
travel sewing kit
1st aid kit
zip loc bags
extra duffle
Clothespins - for hanging up swimsuits, to help keep the drapes closed, etc
I always pack a tiny bottle of dishwashing liquid and a sponge to clean our refillable mugs. We drive, so liquid on a plane isn't a problem, but I know people who squeeze soap into little pieces of sponge and let it dry, then pack them in a zip bag to bring along. Just wet them and they're good to go.

I also bring bubble bath. After a long day in the parks, a bubble bath is just what the doctor ordered! :)

Last year I brought multi-colored index cards that I clipped together with a binder clip. When the kids met a character, they got them to sign a card instead of an autograph book. When we got home we put the pic of the kids with that character in a photo album and put the autographed card in the album next to the pic. The kids loved that!

Last year I brought multi-colored index cards that I clipped together with a binder clip. When the kids met a character, they got them to sign a card instead of an autograph book. When we got home we put the pic of the kids with that character in a photo album and put the autographed card in the album next to the pic. The kids loved that!

I'm planning on doing the index card thing, too. DS is going to be just a few weeks shy of turning 4 when we go on his Wish trip (in 18 days!) and I'm afraid he might be too wary of the characters. I don't want to go all out creating a custom autograph book but I don't want to be there empty-handed, either. I figure that, if we don't get siggies, we can use them to journal on later (or while waiting for whatever). I also saw that the Disney Jr Encyclopedia of characters was on sale for $1.75, so I went ahead and ordered that too. If it doesn't get here in time, we'll just take the cards and then he can have the book to look at after the trip :thumbsup2


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