RANT ALERT Park Manners

My biggest one is getting to the front of the line at a CS and having no clue what you/your kids want to eat despite standing in line for the last 15 minutes looking at the big menu board.

Yeah it may only take 2 extra minutes to get the order but if their is 15 people ahead of you 2 minutes per person does add up.
If I got my parade spot and am sitting down with no one in front of me, don't presume I'll be ok with you stepping out in front of me so you can see. That one kills me---I've had to speak up and use my voice several times over on this one. The funny thing is it's more of a problem with people that are older vs younger. One woman actually said too bad I'm not moving to which I said wanna bet? I had a park employee close by and snagged him --he then proceeded to tell this woman to either move it or they would be ejected from the park! Hahahaha.

One time, we sat down to wait for a parade, and a bunch of kids came and sat down on my feet. And, my feet were at the tape line. I guess that's OK if you want my foot up your butt.
Prepare for epic ranting because I'm in the parks twice a month at least and I see quite literally the WORST of people every time:

--A stroller is not a battering ram, a free pass into a line, or an object that gives you the right of way everywhere.

--Do not show up to a parade/fireworks show/any kind of show mere minutes before it starts and expect a front row seat or try to wrestle your way into one.


--The chair next to me with my backpack on it is NOT a jungle gym, your three year old does not need to run twenty feet away with you while you smile and say 'aww', and your eight-year-old does not need a pacifier.

--Elevators, monorails, parking trams, ride vehicles, etc. have occupancy limits FOR A REASON!

--If your kid can push his/her own stroller, it's time to get rid of it.

--If your kid spends more time on an iPhone/iPad than actually enjoying the park, you have failed.

--If a CM tells you to do or not do something, follow what they say. (This one's especially for the lady at Space Mountain a couple of days ago who thought it would be cool to blow smoke rings from an e-cigarette into the faces of everyone around her, including the CM who told her she couldn't smoke inside.)

And finally, one specific one from today at MK:
--If I'm dressed up for Dapper Day and that outfit includes a small parasol which I am using because I am super sensitive to the sun, DO NOT tell me to put it away while waiting for the new parade to start, because I've been waiting on that curb for three hours and you just got here ten minutes before. Plus, you were much taller than me and the stupid thing was sitting on my head, so it was NOT blocking your view. Now I have heat rash on my chest because of you. Thanks, random dude. :mad:
Please do not let your children climb up on the poles on the monorail. There are seats for a reason!! Do not think that you are the only one that would like to leave right before the fireworks start. Pushing me or my children do nothing to help the situation. Do not cut in line! We have been taught not to do this since we were kids-it amazes me that grown adults can cut any child waiting patiently in line
Regarding scooters...
what if your child is not "twirling circles", but hanging onto my hand and moving at a slow speed due to large crowds after Illuminations while people in scooters feel like they can rush through??
Not saying you do this, but this was our situation.

As long as you're keeping your child by your side, and they are not twisting about or swinging their arms and stretching out as far from you as possible, there should be no issue. A child that can't be controlled needs to have a kid restraint on or be in a stroller or in arms or something. I also really have no sympathy for people who let kids too small to be out of a car seat walk the parks either.

If people are walking at their own pace yet holding up traffic, they should expect others to pass them at a reasonable speed. Another thing - if a group is walking five or six abreast, they should expect people to try and go around. There's plenty of walking space in most places. Nobody should be expected to go anyone else's speed.
My rant with #1 is when dad walks into the line right as you do (in front of you), you stand there for a few minutes as a party of two or three, then his whole family of 5+more ppl shows up and barges in front of you. Not okay. Definitely not a situation of someone who had already been in line and had to hurry off to use the bathroom when you saw one person getting in line to begin with.

I actually think we will see a lot less of this with FP+.... No more FP runners!!
There seem to be a lot of people on here who think the children in Walt Disney world should be tiptoeing around like perfect little robots. Let's be realistic now, friends! Everyone is a kid in the world, at least let them act like it.
And kids are in car seats til they're 5 or 6 these days. Let's let them stretch their poor little legs, geeeez
And kids are in car seats til they're 5 or 6 these days. Let's let them stretch their poor little legs, geeeez

I agree!! Here in New York you are in a "car seat" until you are 8. haha my kids have been walking disney world since they were 4! Sometimes they would dance and twirl, but only in open areas where people were not walking. When walking on a pathway with others they stayed by our side and walked to the next attraction. Of course they had little legs so they walked slower then adults in a hurry to get to the next big ride. So walk around us. Dont walk through us.
My rants:

-please do not scream/smack your child in front of me. This happen more than once, each time at MK & the TTC, each time a CM came over to diffuse the situation.

-Do not reach in front of me when I am looking at merchandise on that particular shelf, if you want something that bad, you can say excuse me or wait for me to move.

-If I wanted to hear negative comments about Disney I would have stayed at home, don't ruin my trip because something didn't go your way.
There seem to be a lot of people on here who think the children in Walt Disney world should be tiptoeing around like perfect little robots. Let's be realistic now, friends! Everyone is a kid in the world, at least let them act like it.

Seriously! Dfi jokes that he's going to buy one of those kiddy harnesses for me next time to keep me from darting off after characters lol.

Even though we don't have children yet, two of my fondest memories are chats with a little girl in line for Space Mountain who asked "Did you know this is my first time on this ride?" and the little girl dressed like Snow White in line for Jungle Cruise who struck up a conversation about her experience at BB and the park. Ok, honestly, I initiated that, because I couldn't resist telling her she looked beautiful, but I included the parents in this conversation from the get go, who tried to apologize for her being so chatty.

Either way, I'd much rather hear a parent yelling (while laughing) "Jamie wait!" because little 4 year old Jamie thinks his parents are walking "too slow" to get to Peter Pan's Flight, rather then trying to drag the kids because they can't take their eyes off the IPAD.
I admit, I was one of those people last trip who got annoyed when there were already two busloads waiting for the next bus, we've all been there for 20 minutes, and then a family including a person in a scooter pulls up. I thought that was a little inconsiderate because we were waiting in the hot sun. My attitude was, why couldn't they get here earlier then the rest of us? Still load first when it was their turn, but not skip an entire busload, because the issue is making accommodations to get you to the park safely, not faster than other people.

However, after reading this thread I learned alot, such as the two scooter max, and how it could cause backup but not using every available scooter seat on a bus. So I will look at it a little differently next time.
The problem with the buses is there are not enough buses, especially at park closing time. If it were timed such that when the first bus leaves the next bus would be there the whole "who boards first" would go away.

The second problem is the process of loading anything but ambulatory adults is not efficient with the buses, the way it is with the monorail. So anyplace you find strollers, small children, wheelchairs, people on crutches, etc, it's just going to take longer to load.

I will never stay where I have to depend on buses to get back to my hotel again.
The problem with the buses is there are not enough buses, especially at park closing time. If it were timed such that when the first bus leaves the next bus would be there the whole "who boards first" would go away.

The second problem is the process of loading anything but ambulatory adults is not efficient with the buses, the way it is with the monorail. So anyplace you find strollers, small children, wheelchairs, people on crutches, etc, it's just going to take longer to load.

I will never stay where I have to depend on buses to get back to my hotel again.

You know that there is not s single Disney resort that doesn't have bus service to a few parks, right? Even the monorail resorts have bus service to AK and DS.
You know that there is not s single Disney resort that doesn't have bus service to a few parks, right? Even the monorail resorts have bus service to AK and DS.

If I ever wanted to go back to AK, I'd probably do it on a trip where I was staying off site and have rented a car.

My favorite parks are Epcot and DS, followed by MK. The epcot resorts with boat service work for me. Add in a parkhopper if I need to get to the MK on the Monorail.

And there are taxis for a reason. I found the bus service to be highly inconvenient when staying at AKL, with waits over an hour to get onto a bus after illuminations. For me, thats not a vacation.
For the people with scooters, no I don't judge you for having a scooter but when I have been waiting for over 20 mins to get on the bus and you and your family are the last ones to get there and first to get on, causing us to have to wait another 20 mins for the next bus you bet that's going to annoy me. If you were first in line or even middle of the line then fine but when you come up when the bus is clearly going to be full and you get to go on that is annoying. Same as if the bus let ten people behind u on in front of you.
For the people with scooters, no I don't judge you for having a scooter but when I have been waiting for over 20 mins to get on the bus and you and your family are the last ones to get there and first to get on, causing us to have to wait another 20 mins for the next bus you bet that's going to annoy me. If you were first in line or even middle of the line then fine but when you come up when the bus is clearly going to be full and you get to go on that is annoying. Same as if the bus let ten people behind u on in front of you.

You may find it annoying to have to wait, but I bet anyone in a scooter would love the chance to be in your shoes, instead of on the scooter.
For the people with scooters, no I don't judge you for having a scooter but when I have been waiting for over 20 mins to get on the bus and you and your family are the last ones to get there and first to get on, causing us to have to wait another 20 mins for the next bus you bet that's going to annoy me. If you were first in line or even middle of the line then fine but when you come up when the bus is clearly going to be full and you get to go on that is annoying. Same as if the bus let ten people behind u on in front of you.

So what is the answer for the person in the scooter? Should they not get into the line? Should they only go when there is no line? I am confused on what you would like the scooter people to do. I tell you what, you ask the person in the scooter if they would like to trade shoes with you, I bet that they would much rather be able to wait in line then have to wait in the scooter line.
You may find it annoying to have to wait, but I bet anyone in a scooter would love the chance to be in your shoes, instead of on the scooter.

Actually you have no clue what my life is like. I know if I was in a scooter and the bus was clearly going to be full without us on and we got there last I would wait for the next one that's what is fair. Everyone has difficulties in life and no one knows who is dealing with what (whether you walk or not). If them getting on means I have to stand, no big deal. If it means I have to wait however long for another bus yeah that does annoy me.
Actually you have no clue what my life is like. I know if I was in a scooter and the bus was clearly going to be full without us on and we got there last I would wait for the next one that's what is fair. Everyone has difficulties in life and no one knows who is dealing with what (whether you walk or not). If them getting on means I have to stand, no big deal. If it means I have to wait however long for another bus yeah that does annoy me.

We are not talking about life as a whole. I agree we all have our crosses to bare. But do you honestly think you would be happier scooting though the parks as opposed to walking? Do you not think that those people in scooters already know a ton about how fair life is?

It is not fair that there are only 3 spots at most for a scooter on a bus, and if those spots are already full, or if the lift is broken, they have to wait for another bus. And then maybe another bus. It is not fair that the scooters are always the last off of the bus. I'm sorry but I will always think it beyond ridiculous that someone can stand at a bus stop, and then cry about how unfair it is that someone in a scooter gets to board before them.


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