Re Disney Land, and Eisner-Explosive news from Al Lutz


Just for that I have requested it
Feb 12, 2002
There is an interesting article over at under the heading of Blood, Sweat, and Jeers. It addresses the poor entertainment situation at Disney Land, and mentions that attendance at Disney Studio Paris is worse than that of DCA, Only 20% of DCA. Also about halfway down is the sub-title " Eisner on the way out?"

Very interesting reading!
Okay, so now let's jump back a few paragraphs to the "Tokyo is completely different" statement. Adrian politely, and quickly, reminded us that the Oriental Land Company is privately owned, and, as he put it, "therefore the owners can do whatever they want with their money. If they want to put in a lot of entertainment because it will pay off later, that's great. But here, the Walt Disney Company is a publicly owned company. That means we have to do what the shareholders want to do, and unfortunately, we can't do what we want with all the money."

But what he said next was the kill all statement of the entire meeting: "And so, when we are faced with the decision to do what's right versus what will make money, 9 times out of 10 we have to choose what will make money. I know it's not what we'd like to hear, but that's the reality of it."

Everyone's jaw dropped. But hey, at least he didn't lie or dodge the question... Needless to say, for the rest of the time everyone involved was very subdued with the rest of their conversations and questions...

...and there you have it. All of Disney's problems sumed up. They are no longer concerned with the doing things right with hopes of it paying off in the Future. Which BTW it did all though Walts years and up unitl the mid 90's. It's now all about the money. That should make Car# 3 very crowded.
Wow! That article is depressing! It appears that Disney is running all of their good business properties into the ground in feeble attempts to prop up all their bad divisions. Will there be anything left to save when the current management is removed?
Please let him be fired, Please let him be fired, Please let him be fired, Please let him be fired, Please let him be fired, Please let him be fired, Please let him be fired.........

I'm staying in car 2... ;)
Gee robin, are you saying "please let him be fired?" LOL

Hopefully the board will come around and quickly do it. Unfortunately a lot of damage will have been done by then. It looks like Ann Hamburger is making hamburger out of the entertainment division.

Another thing that will have to happen is Wall Street has to change their thinking to long term. I remember reading about the down fall of Sunbeam. They were compared to Wahl, a competitor. The owner of Wahl was asked why they were making a profit and Sunbeam wasn't. He said because they are privately owned, they don't have to worry about satisfying stockholders short term earnings and concentrate on long term goals. One way to see if this is true is to watch ATA airlines. They just became a privately owned company. That owner said the same thing.
I can only hope that someone still connected with this company can understand exactly that. You're so right! I know there still has to be a chance to bring all this around. The diversity of the company (lots of irons in the fire) can't be helping...but I truly know so little about business, at least large ones like this...

Here's to hoping the board gets it and Eisner get booted...along with everyone he hired to make it Eisnerworld...

JMHO... :D
Hey when Igler (I'm pretty sure it was him...correct me if I'm wrong) came out and said the early 90's films were an "abberation" most folks should have figured out what has happened...

"We don't strive for greatness anymore. We're striving to keep the bottom line up and the costs down....down down."

Anyone else interpert that statement any other way? Car 1?
H2BK no arguments from me at all!!! A very good article showing the depths to which the company has sunk under eisners leadership!!!


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