READ POST 1 & 2 FIRST-Rise of the Resistance Boarding Group Planning and Information-*No Spoilers*

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Left OKW at 7:00. Seemed busier today. All in about 15 minutes to spare. Again decided to camp out on Sunset Blvd. Myself on Samsung S9 Cell, others on Iphone 8 on wifi, and iphone 8 on cell. I was first again and got group 19 for the 4 of us. Called at about 8:30 with a 2 hour window. We are did child swap, and have 3 ppeople heading back. Does anyone know whatthe llast group given out was?
We will have to do child swap also. How did the timing work on that? Did that add any extra time to return? Or was that even specified for those in second group?
We're trying to keep this a first account experience.
Could I respectfully request that very relevant info from other sources be allowed? This morning someone posted that on Twitter people reported the BGs opening early. I then listed my first hand practice experience and you posted your first hand experience in the park. That allows people who are trying to get a BG tomorrow to adjust (or not) their process. It’s really useful to know if BGs are opening early and there may be future glitches or changes that could help everyone here.
Could I respectfully request that very relevant info from other sources be allowed? This morning someone posted that on Twitter people reported the BGs opening early. I then listed my first hand practice experience and you posted your first hand experience in the park. That allows people who are trying to get a BG tomorrow to adjust (or not) their process. It’s really useful to know if BGs are opening early and there may be future glitches or changes that could help everyone here.
Relevant info on bg is fine not if someone thinks people are leaving, arguing, fighting...
I’m pretty sure my post sharing Josh’s experience this morning at DHS was deleted, which is why I had asked.
Im sorry if i did delete something concerning bg and not some additional colorful commentary that he usually does. As long as it's directly associated with bg, it's fine
I left and came back to 4 pages of mostly off topic comments, sitting here reading each post is time consuming, i would love for everyone to just adhere to the guidelines of this thread
do josh's comments appear anywhere else for those of us who missed them and are interested?

It was just a tweet that he got BG 90 something despite (obviously lol) understanding the process.

Nothing we don’t already know and nothing that exciting, but thought more less than ideal experiences might be helpful to share since every so often someone asks if people actually miss out, if at home practice means you’ll be fine in the park, etc. It’s part of his job and it doesn’t always work out perfectly for him either.
It was just a tweet that he got BG 90 something despite (obviously lol) understanding the process.

Nothing we don’t already know and nothing that exciting, but thought more less than ideal experiences might be helpful to share since every so often someone asks if people actually miss out, if at home practice means you’ll be fine in the park, etc. It’s part of his job and it doesn’t always work out perfectly for him either.

that definitely happens both at WDW and Disneyland.
and i agree, it's really important for people to know that even the most nimble fingered amongst us, including those who know the process backwards, forwards and inside out, have had really terrible outcomes.
It's important for people to manage their expectations.

If there are more people in the parks trying to secure BGs than actual BGs available, then not everyone is going to be successful. I do see a lot of people saying relax you will be fine if you read this forum you are assured getting a BG. But maybe the longer it has gone on, the more people figured out what they needed to do and now even if you read this thread, you just have too many competitors to be sure you will get a BG.
The Chart has been updated on Post #2.

- 101 total Boarding Groups were called - 41 Regular Boarding Groups and 60 Backup Boarding Groups (notable or maybe not: this was the exact same result as yesterday... make of that what you will)

- Thrill-Data charts show just how smooth the progression was today - no material downtime at all:

- If we believe the last two days' results represent the total supply of BGs made available on both days, then again, make of what what you will

- This was day 7 of rather uncomfortably fast BG fill timing. It was right before 8:02 today for me, others reported it stopping sooner. I continue to think we are all going to experience subtle variations in our exact timing observations (just like some reported it opening just a bit before 8am this AM, but for me it was 5 seconds after 8am) and it's just part of the deal/system.

that definitely happens both at WDW and Disneyland.
and i agree, it's really important for people to know that even the most nimble fingered amongst us, including those who know the process backwards, forwards and inside out, have had really terrible outcomes.
It's important for people to manage their expectations.

Yep, expectations is what it's all about. I overhyped SDD to my daughter on our trip in Nov 2018 without realizing lines would be 3 hours long all day. Poor kid broke down when we told her we wouldn't wait in the line that long. Lesson learned. Only hype what you can get a Fastpass for, all else is a bonus ride! 😁
that definitely happens both at WDW and Disneyland.
and i agree, it's really important for people to know that even the most nimble fingered amongst us, including those who know the process backwards, forwards and inside out, have had really terrible outcomes.
It's important for people to manage their expectations.


At this point you have to assume everyone in the park now knows how to get a boarding pass. Any technology glitch and you’re screwed.
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