Rebel Alliance Roll call

Barb - I am so sorry to hear about how bad off you are today with the spill that you took at the end of the race. It sounds horrible and you have every right to whine about it a bit. It is never fun to be all bruised and bloody.

It does not sound like the people who are running your race series are very thoughtful or nice. Being new to this whole running thing, I am hoping for a welcoming feeling at the races.

Good for you for sticking it out and doing the last race of the series next month. Really good for you for knowing you will not do this series next year! Do they have some sort of form or something where you can give feedback? I would want them to know about all of the things you mentioned here.

Hope to hear that you are recovering and the bruises are all fading away soon!

:sick:I am home sick in bed today. There will be no running or exercising for me today as my nose is worse then yesterday. I will be taking it easy for a day or two.

Hey everyone. I'm just checking in cause it's been a few days. Everything has been okay with my training. I'm up to running for 16 minutes straight today :thumbsup2 I feel a bit under the weather though, so hopefully I'll be able to make it for the whole interval. Saturday was 15 minutes of running straight so I'm halfway to 30 which the training plan leads to. Today is the first day of week 6 so I only have 3 weeks left :banana:

I don't know what I'm going to do after I finish this plan. Anyone have any suggestions on how much and how often to run while you're not training for anything in particular?
Hey folks! I am still having issues getting logged in and staying logged in from work which makes it hard to keep up with the threads. I just got logged in and am hoping I stay logged in since it is the first time I have been able to log in in a week.

Got out to the Naval Academy for a 10 miler yesterday. Saturday I am off to NOLA for the half marathon.
Katie - Good luck in the half!! :worship:

I was wrong about my run today. I expected it to not go well and it actually went great. I think it went so well because 1) I thought it wasn't going to go well so I was really trying to minimize my form to save energy and 2) it was raining so I had my iphone in my pocket and I wasn't constantly checking the time and pace. I ate a bowl of multigrain cheerios and had a cup of V8 splash about an hour before I went out, so I'm going to try that again before my next run and see if that had anything to do with it. I did 3.39 miles at an 8:57 min/mile pace.

A friend of mine is doing a 10k on 3/27. I'll have finished my plan that gets me to running 30 minutes straight only 2 weeks before that. Would that be too soon to try that kind of distance? I will only have been running for about 10 weeks. Let me know what you guys think.
Andrea - I did not reach my weight goal but that is okay. I keep losing each week and that is all that matters. I know I will make it this week and it will still be wonderful. It is amazing to think of what 20 pounds looks like and how that is almost GONE from my body!

AFM - Ahh, a beautiful run today! The weather was beautiful (20°F), there was no wind and it was snowing big huge fluffy flakes. I was still able to run in my thin leggings with shorts and my wind pants and no it! DH and I ran week 6, day 3 of the C25K so a warm up, 25 minutes of running and a cool down. I was so surprised because it was easy. I set a nice easy pace and ran it without any walking and still felt good at the end. I would love to say what the pace was but I pushed a button on my Nike+ without realizing it and so I have no record of the run. I am ready to either get a new arm band for my iPod (so I don't push any buttons by mistake) or get a watch (like a forerunner or Garmin).

I have to share my biggest excitement though. I have horrible shin splint problems...always have. I have worked with trainers and tried different shoes, I have tried to change my stride and the way I run, I have tried ice and other things but I always have pain. Well, today I tried KT tape and ran for the first time with absolutely no pain. I could not believe it - would would have thought that 4 strips of special tape would make such a difference! It was so wonderful! I am hoping that using the tape for a few weeks will allow me to kick the shin splints once and for all.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Jen, that's great that you're losing every week. Whatever you're doing, keep it up! :thumbsup2

I've always had a mild problem with shin splints, too. It seems to happen randomly, so I never know when they will start up. I've been pondering trying the tape for my hammy, so maybe I'll do the shins at the same time and see if that helps.

Bob and I just finished our 5K-new PR's for both of us!:banana:
Unofficial times Bob 27:10 or close.
Me 33:52 Met my goal to finish under 34 minutes!
Can't wait for the official times to be posted to see where we rank for our age group!
I ate oatmeal and a banana at 10am, 4 hours from the race and an hour before the race I had a small cup of coffee. It made me a little jittery as the race was starting but I think it was the excitement and anxiousness too!
Bob took off at the first turn and ran the whole thing without walking. I walked up the first hill and talked with some other women (we do this!)
One of the women had the dog that beat me last time and I told her I wasn't going to get beat by the dog again! She and I talked for awhile then I took off and we caught up again after I walked the next hill. She and I ended up running the last half of the race together and she was the best coach I ever had! When we got to the end I crossed the finish line just before her and her dog! It was a great race. Then I tripped over the finish line and scrapped up both knees, ripped my $35 running pants and embarrassed myself. I then got up and found my husband met up with my running partner and her dog and introduced myself to her. I am bloodied and sore but what an awesome run! I am very happy!:yay:

Good for you, Barb (and Bob)!:yay: Not only did you make PRs, but you had fun doing it (except for that last part)! So happy for you.

Still happy about my race yesterday but I'm wondering,
do other runners fall or is it just me?
One day last fall, I decided to run off the paved path to a dirt path and I tripped over a tree root and skinned one knee and both palms. That fall seems like nothing after yesterday's graceful finish line trip, fall, and roll!
(warning: whining ahead!)
I hit hard on both knees which are bruised and scraped-I'm keeping them covered but the gauze is blood soaked. I had an awesome running shirt on that covered my palms and has thumb holes which seems to have saved my skin! I have bruises on both palms and somewhat of a straight line cut (no idea how I did that!) I feel like I got hit by a truck! When I got in the shower this morning I noticed bruises on my thigh, inside of one elbow and the outside of the other elbow and a bruise on my wrist. I have no idea how I impacted the ground in so many places so hard! I had a horrible night of sleep and I've been taking Advil/ibruprophen. Now I'm putting ice on my knees for 10 min. alternating, which seems to help-probably should have done that yesterday! I feel like such a clumsy idiot!
The race we did was not my favorite course out of all of the few 5K's we've done. It is a very hilly course, so I was pretty worn out when I fell. The woman I ran with says she uses this route for her hill work to train for a marathon. The finish line is kind of awkward. They have electronic timing so you have to run over this plastic raised mat that they put over the road in this rope lined, two-person wide chute. There are two finish line mats so you have to go over both. I got over the first one and tripped on the second one. I rolled when I landed so when I got up I was on the other side of the rope chute and one of the race guys was yelling at me to stay in the chute! I guess you are supposed to follow through the chute in order so they can tear the bottom part of your bib off and I was slowing down the narrow chute as others came in behind me. :blush:
Oh and a side note, there was a giant pile of bloody vomit at the end of the chute that everyone had to step around. My husband had finished 7 minutes before me and said it was there when he finished. How hard would it have been to at least throw some dirt over it or something!
There is water inside the building at the registration table but that is it-no snacks at all. We live pretty close so I brought water bottles and bananas and left them in the car for the ride home. We left as soon as I could get the electronic timing tag off my shoe. The race folks were hovering waiting for them!
This is a series of three months of races, Jan.-Feb.-Mar. I signed up because it is right here in our town and there is not much going on in the winter. I thought this would keep us running through the winter months and it has! I just wish the course and those who run it were friendlier! Everyone is so competitive and serious. I'll sit this one out next year! Bob and I have to decide if we will do the next one in March. That's when they give out the long-sleeved tech shirts they promised to have at the first race in Jan. :sad2:
I look forward to having more choices in local races as Spring comes. It looks like I could probably find a semi-local 5K to do every weekend after Easter until the fall! ...I mean Autumn. ;)
Thanks for listening!

Barb, that definitely did not sound like a very friendly group. At least you're getting experience at racing and dealing with ifferent personalities and race types.

I also have a problem tripping. Especially towards the end of a long walk, it gets harder and harder to lift my feet high up off the ground, so I tend to trip over things I normally wouldn't. (I also tend to fall down stairs, but that's another issue altogether...)

Hey folks! I am still having issues getting logged in and staying logged in from work which makes it hard to keep up with the threads. I just got logged in and am hoping I stay logged in since it is the first time I have been able to log in in a week.

Got out to the Naval Academy for a 10 miler yesterday. Saturday I am off to NOLA for the half marathon.

Katie, good luck on your race Saturday. :thumbsup2

I was wrong about my run today. I expected it to not go well and it actually went great. I think it went so well because 1) I thought it wasn't going to go well so I was really trying to minimize my form to save energy and 2) it was raining so I had my iphone in my pocket and I wasn't constantly checking the time and pace. I ate a bowl of multigrain cheerios and had a cup of V8 splash about an hour before I went out, so I'm going to try that again before my next run and see if that had anything to do with it. I did 3.39 miles at an 8:57 min/mile pace.

A friend of mine is doing a 10k on 3/27. I'll have finished my plan that gets me to running 30 minutes straight only 2 weeks before that. Would that be too soon to try that kind of distance? I will only have been running for about 10 weeks. Let me know what you guys think.

That's great about your run, j-sun! Especially since you went in not expecting the best. Sounds like you found a great pre-run food choice. I'd stick with it.

I see no reason you shouldn't try out that 10k. Just pay attention to your body. If it starts to feel like too much, just slow down to a walk. It will be fun to do a race with your friend!

I'm having some family issues that I'm having a hard time with, so I've not been focusing on my training like I should. I plan on doing my 10 miles tomorrow, then hopefully I'll be ready for the Princess. At the very least, I am definitely ready for a trip to The World! :rolleyes1

Hope everyone has a superb week, full of fun and movement.
Andrea - Sorry to hear about your family troubles. I hope your run tomorrow takes your mind off things.
Today was just a 30 minute walk for me. I did 2.47 miles, and that put me over 100 miles total since I started training. I also went over 13,000 calories burned since I started. :cool1:
Guess what? It is snowing, we should receive up to 10" and I will be outside at 1:00 pm to use my snowblower :cool1: :lmao:.. I am just happy of my decision to run my long run yesterday. While I wait to go play outside, I will clean the house.
Have a nice day
Thanks Andrea. BTW - I'm a vegetarian too. Have been for 13 years actually.

Did I mention that I was somewhere? I forget! How did you make the change? I tried going vegan about 6 months ago, but I just wasn't dedicated enough to make the switch. I lasted a few weeks. One day I will be better prepared and make the decision to go all the way.

Guess what? It is snowing, we should receive up to 10" and I will be outside at 1:00 pm to use my snowblower :cool1: :lmao:.. I am just happy of my decision to run my long run yesterday. While I wait to go play outside, I will clean the house.
Have a nice day

You are so funny with the snowblower! I wish you many happy hours of snowblowing fun!
Bonsoir l'équipe,
It's been a fun afternoon. Finally I have used my snowblower once in 2010 and I was glad to have it. That snow was heavy: good snow to make snowman. I also did some shoveling as a final touch and played outside with my little dog: she did look like a snowdog after one hour outside.
Tonight, I will be watching the Canadian hockey team beat Russia (at least I hope).

Evening Everyone!

j-sun - WOW! That is great that you hit 100 miles! Your running and pace is awesome!!! I am up to running for 25 minutes straight buy my pace is SLOW! It averages out to 11'42"/mile but that includes my 5 minutes of walking before and 5 minutes of walking after. It is great to see all the calories you burn with all those miles! :thumbsup2

Andrea - I hope that whatever is going on with the family resolves itself soon. :hug: How is your training going? Hopefully you got that 10 mile run in and it helped relieve a bit of the stress. I know that I have huge amounts of stress in my life and the running is such a way for me to let it all go and just be in my own zone. I think that is part of the reason why I am so driven to keep running.

Katie - Good Luck with your half!!! I can't wait to hear how you do!!! I love to hear about other people's races right now as I prepare to run my first real race in March!

Diane - I also laugh when I read your snowblower comments! I am so happy that you get so much joy out of using yours. I know that I will be so happy if I do not have to use mine at all for the remainder of this winter!

AFM - Well, I have been sick with an awful cold and called in sick for 2 days. I did go back to school today and am feeling much better. Yesterday I tried to jog on the treadmill (which I hate) and it did not go great because I still did not feel that great - I was able to do 1.5 miles and had to give up. Today I was feeling better but think the cold is still keeping me down a bit - I did 2 miles on the treadmill tonight and then stopped. My goal will be to do a 5K tomorrow night if I am feeling up to it.

I am signed up to do a 7K on March 20th and am hoping I will be ready for it. I am obsessing over what I am going to wear (of all the silly things). I figure if I LOOK like a runner, no one will notice that I have no clue what I am doing there! :rotfl:

Have a great night everyone!
Wow. Had a lot of catching up to do tonight. Was shocked when I logged on to see how much our group has grown. Have been sick the past week or so and not online much. Not good since the Princess is coming up in just 11 days. Between all the snow, getting sick, and a crazy work schedule, I haven't been able to train nearly enough so plan to just walk this time around. I want to run the DL Half in Sept and earn the Coast to Coast Medal so my goal with the Princess is to just finish and not worry about my time.

Have a couple other Half Marathons coming up: New York (April), Indianapolis (May), and Boston (June). So ready for Spring and warmer temps. The treadmill is getting old.

Wow, it looks like everyone is doing great with sticking to the their training. It's so nice to come here and get inspiration from everyone. Although you guys are so much faster than me. I have been doing a 2:2 run/walk interval. I am trying to push myself to make the runs longer. Yesterday I decided to do the C25K training plan again to get my runs longer. I did Week 4. The 5 min runs were tough but I made it. In the end my time wasn't really that much faster. Maybe Galloway knows what he's talking about afterall. It looks like the big snow storm has missed us this time. The kids are very disappointed, you would think 2 weeks off for snow would be enough for the year. Forecast is for temps in the mid 40s this weekend so hopefully I can get outside. Haven't been outside running in months.
Bonsoir l'équipe,
It's been a fun afternoon. Finally I have used my snowblower once in 2010 and I was glad to have it. That snow was heavy: good snow to make snowman. I also did some shoveling as a final touch and played outside with my little dog: she did look like a snowdog after one hour outside.
Tonight, I will be watching the Canadian hockey team beat Russia (at least I hope).


Diane, I'm so happy that you got to use your snowblower! :yay: Sounds like you had a busy day.

Andrea - I hope that whatever is going on with the family resolves itself soon. :hug: How is your training going? Hopefully you got that 10 mile run in and it helped relieve a bit of the stress. I know that I have huge amounts of stress in my life and the running is such a way for me to let it all go and just be in my own zone. I think that is part of the reason why I am so driven to keep running.

AFM - Well, I have been sick with an awful cold and called in sick for 2 days. I did go back to school today and am feeling much better. Yesterday I tried to jog on the treadmill (which I hate) and it did not go great because I still did not feel that great - I was able to do 1.5 miles and had to give up. Today I was feeling better but think the cold is still keeping me down a bit - I did 2 miles on the treadmill tonight and then stopped. My goal will be to do a 5K tomorrow night if I am feeling up to it.

I am signed up to do a 7K on March 20th and am hoping I will be ready for it. I am obsessing over what I am going to wear (of all the silly things). I figure if I LOOK like a runner, no one will notice that I have no clue what I am doing there! :rotfl:

Have a great night everyone!

Jen, thanks for asking. Some of my issues were resolved, but I still have a few left... Right now I'm very concerned for my dog. He has liver cancer and we are waiting for the vet to call with the biopsy results. We're hoping for lymphoma because that is treatable. Anything else and there's nothing we can do. Unfortunately, when I'm stressed, my first instinct it to sit on my butt and eat chocolate, not get up and excercise. I do think I've put on a few pounds these past 2 weeks. :sad2:

Glad you're feeling better! Remember not to push yourself too far too fast as you're getting better.

So funny about the what to wear comment you made. I am obsessing about what to wear for the Princess next weekend. I still don't know what I'm going to wear. I guess I better get some shopping in this weekend...

Wow. Had a lot of catching up to do tonight. Was shocked when I logged on to see how much our group has grown. Have been sick the past week or so and not online much. Not good since the Princess is coming up in just 11 days. Between all the snow, getting sick, and a crazy work schedule, I haven't been able to train nearly enough so plan to just walk this time around. I want to run the DL Half in Sept and earn the Coast to Coast Medal so my goal with the Princess is to just finish and not worry about my time.

Have a couple other Half Marathons coming up: New York (April), Indianapolis (May), and Boston (June). So ready for Spring and warmer temps. The treadmill is getting old.


Rob, I will also be walking the Princess, and I know lots of other people that will, too. I don't think you will need to worry about this, but my main focus will be on finishing the race!

I would love to do the C2C thing, but California is so far for me to fly (read= too expensive!). Maybe one day...

Wow, it looks like everyone is doing great with sticking to the their training. It's so nice to come here and get inspiration from everyone. Although you guys are so much faster than me. I have been doing a 2:2 run/walk interval. I am trying to push myself to make the runs longer. Yesterday I decided to do the C25K training plan again to get my runs longer. I did Week 4. The 5 min runs were tough but I made it. In the end my time wasn't really that much faster. Maybe Galloway knows what he's talking about afterall. It looks like the big snow storm has missed us this time. The kids are very disappointed, you would think 2 weeks off for snow would be enough for the year. Forecast is for temps in the mid 40s this weekend so hopefully I can get outside. Haven't been outside running in months.

Don't push yourself too far too fast. Slow and steady wins the race! My son would be ecstatic to have 2 weeks off of school. He was excited about the 3days they got off last month. How are your schools going to make up the time? Hope you are able to get outside like you wanted.

It's almost Friday! Does anybody have any exciting plans this weekend?
Swimming 4 days last week really helped my fitness. I could feel a difference this past Monday. Moved to group 2 on Tuesday and it is good. I wish I knew some other swimming strokes because for me it is all freestyle all the time. Tons of swimming in group 2. Tuesday they covered 1400 yards, today 1900 yards. It's a little less for me because he told me to rest whenever I need to, but I am doing my best to keep up and get as many yards in as possible. My arms feel like limp noodles!
Have a couple other Half Marathons coming up: New York (April), Indianapolis (May), and Boston (June). So ready for Spring and warmer temps. The treadmill is getting old.


Rob - I am so impressed! I would love to reach the point where a series of half marathons did not seem totally insane! :rotfl:

Yesterday I decided to do the C25K training plan again to get my runs longer. I did Week 4. The 5 min runs were tough but I made it. In the end my time wasn't really that much faster. Maybe Galloway knows what he's talking about afterall. It looks like the big snow storm has missed us this time. The kids are very disappointed, you would think 2 weeks off for snow would be enough for the year. Forecast is for temps in the mid 40s this weekend so hopefully I can get outside. Haven't been outside running in months.

I think week 4 was one of the hardest weeks in our C25K training. DH and I did day 2, week 7 and it is actually pretty easy...did I just say that! Seriously though, I remember how awful the 5 minute runs were and then when it increased to 8 minutes...I was sure we were done with this running business. Somehow, following the program, I am now doing 25 minutes and am fine. Keep it up!

Jen, thanks for asking. Some of my issues were resolved, but I still have a few left... Right now I'm very concerned for my dog. He has liver cancer and we are waiting for the vet to call with the biopsy results. We're hoping for lymphoma because that is treatable. Anything else and there's nothing we can do. Unfortunately, when I'm stressed, my first instinct it to sit on my butt and eat chocolate, not get up and excercise. I do think I've put on a few pounds these past 2 weeks. :sad2:

So funny about the what to wear comment you made. I am obsessing about what to wear for the Princess next weekend. I still don't know what I'm going to wear. I guess I better get some shopping in this weekend.

Andrea - I am so sorry to hear about your dog. That would be a stressful situation - so very sad. I hope that you hear soon so that you at least know what you have to deal with. Pets are such an important part of the family and it is a big deal when things are not right with your special family member.

I am a stress eater as chocolate to the point where I can't have any in the house or I would eat it all in one sitting. Since dieting, each time I feel the stress getting to be too much I have to start exercising. Works sometimes...not so great at others.

Swimming 4 days last week really helped my fitness. I could feel a difference this past Monday. Moved to group 2 on Tuesday and it is good. I wish I knew some other swimming strokes because for me it is all freestyle all the time. Tons of swimming in group 2. Tuesday they covered 1400 yards, today 1900 yards. It's a little less for me because he told me to rest whenever I need to, but I am doing my best to keep up and get as many yards in as possible. My arms feel like limp noodles!

So glad to hear that group 2 is going well - way to go!!! That is a huge amount of swimming and it is amazing. You are going to be in such good shape after all your classes!

AFM - I am feeling so much better! As I said...ran tonight with DH. We did 5 minutes of warm up, 25 minutes of running and 5 minutes of cool down. We were really surprised at how great the running was tonight and felt we could have gone further but I have made a rule that we will stick exactly to the plan during the week and will run further on Saturdays if we feel up to it. I really do not want to push myself too hard and change the path of success that I feel I am on with this running thing. We ran 2.5 miles. My goal would be to do a "long run" on Saturday as long as we feel good. This is the 3 day of 25 minutes straight running and all of the times I have felt we could have gone longer. We will see.

I have to share the book I am reading because I am literally laughing out loud as I read..."The Non Runner's Marathon Guide For Women...Get Off Your Butt and On With Your Training" by Dawn Dais. Seriously, if you are looking for a super funny running book, this is it. I am not sure if you would find it to be a great read if you have already done a marathon but since I am at the start of my running is hilarious!

Plans for the weekend...:laundy::laundy::laundy:! Seriously, my laundry situation is out of control. We will be working on the house, doing many errands, getting in a run on both Saturday and Sunday, working on report cards for my students...absolutely nothing exciting. It will be one of those weekends where I know I should get it all done, put it off as much as possible, then work like crazy and in the end wonder where my weekend went!

Have a great night everyone!
Well you remember all the good work I did on Wednesday cleaning all the snow that felt, well,it all disappeared Thursday because of the wind and the warm weather (34F).
Right now it is very windy and it is raining.
I went for a run yesterday morning and the road was very slushy and it was very windy: it was one of my worst run of the year.
After work this morning, I will try to sleep a bit and go for a run in the afternoon.
Have a nice day.
After work this morning, I will try to sleep a bit and go for a run in the afternoon.
Have a nice day.

Hi Diane!
Do you work nights or early mornings? I noticed your post was at 4:45am! You must have to be up very early!
I work early morning hours but only part-time, 16-20 hours a week. It messes with my schedule though. Yesterday I didn't get a chance to nap and I pushed myself to stay up until 10pm last night. Didn't get in a run either. Today I was relieved to not have to be at work by 5am and as a bonus, the kids have a snow day! So I went back to bed...blissful. No hope of getting a run in today though, we are having some pretty bad wind gusts and light snow, it is 27° F "Feels Like": 12° F Winds:at 25mph gusting to 41mph. Gee-you'd think it was Canada instead of Southern PA!
Might have to stay at work and hit the fitness center for a couple miles on the dreadmill tomorrow :eek:
Hope everyone has a good weekend of long runs on dry pavement with sunny skies...I can dream can't I?! :cloud9:


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