Regarding buying points now in hopes of CRV.....


DIS Veteran
Feb 9, 2004
I was reading a thread on the planning (I think) board about CRV speculation again. This OP was talking about whether or not to buy into DVC now or not. The OP stated that he or she is going to wait for an announcement of CRV. Now I am a brand new member. (It's not even been a week). PLease bear with my questions.........:rolleyes: It was suggested to the OP that they buy points now b/c the price per point would raise significantly if/when CRV is announced. My "newbie" opinion is that bookings would fill FAST at CRV......maybe faster than at any other DVC? I base this in the fact that many people (including me) have ALWAYS been waiting for DVD to announce a monorail DVC resort. That said, wouldn't one most likely need that 11 mo. window to book there? Besides waitlisting, what good would points bought now do anyone? Am I missing something?
That said, wouldn't one most likely need that 11 mo. window to book there? Besides waitlisting, what good would points bought now do anyone? Am I missing something?
I think it all depends on how bid the resort will be and if you want a specific view. I know that I have been waiting for CRV for years. I have always said that if DVC builds at the Contemporary, I'm buying! In fact, we just sold out OKW contract so we could buy 100 AKV points and save some of the proceeds for CRV. If it does not materialize, then I guess we will use the money for something else.

If you are having "buyers remorse" ... don't! I think that AKV will be one of the most special DVC resorts and I am very happy to own points there :).
Am I missing something?

Well if you are an existing owner usually you get a price break on all new resort sales.

Plus there's the fact that CRV is still just an unconfirmed rumor and DVC doesn't have a great track record in confirming their rumors. There's a great deal of debate whether the CR expansion will even be a DVC or rather a deluxe version of the ASMo family suites. So while a potential member debates joining and holds out hope for something that may never come to be, the buy-in prices go up and membership is denied.

There are a lot of nice places to own and stay in DVC. Those of us who have already bought in get to use that membership now and have paid less than those possible future owners of CRV.

But no, I don't think the general consensus is that there will be plenty of space at 7 mos. for CRV. Members like me have been saving for a specific CRV add-on while enjoying their main stays elsewhere. But I also don't expect to make CRV my week-long destination. I'm aiming for a small 3-4 day add-on.
I think there may be more availability than you think. DVC tends to be going for larger resorts rather than smaller ones. If the pics are correct, it looks like CRV may end up being the "C-shaped" building that we all suspected. If that is the will be a BIG resort.
Additionally, there are many people (myself included) who LOVE the location of the Contemporary, but do not love the theme. Although CRV would still beat out the condo-style resorts for our family, it would not be our first choice of resorts.
I think what others have meant is....if it is a big resort, and if you do not mind having your "home" resort somewhere else, buy now because the points might be cheaper for SSR or AKV than they will be for CRV (speculation is that would be a very expensive resort to buy into). I tend to be a "buy where you want to stay", I would do just that. If I wanted CRV, I would wait and buy there. However, I am not convinced that CRV would be "impossible" to get into if you don't own there. If it is a large resort...I actually think it will be relatively easy. Of course...only time (and more info) will tell......
I don't think there is any reason to buy now (other than buying is a good thing for many people, so you might as well start now). When (and in my mind, it's when) CRV is announced, the price may be a bit higher than the current price for AKV. But the price of resale points won't shoot up. If the CRV price is too high, you can just buy resale.

There will be plenty of CRV points - it won't sell out in an instant.

CRV will be like the other resorts - at times you will need the 11 month window; at others you won't.
I don't think there is any reason to buy now (other than buying is a good thing for many people, so you might as well start now). When (and in my mind, it's when) CRV is announced, the price may be a bit higher than the current price for AKV. But the price of resale points won't shoot up. If the CRV price is too high, you can just buy resale.

There will be plenty of CRV points - it won't sell out in an instant.

CRV will be like the other resorts - at times you will need the 11 month window; at others you won't.

:) No buyers remorse here, robinb! :) Go Cubbies!

BroganMc...Didn't know existing owners usually get a price break on new resort sales. Good news! We're so happy about our new purchase, we're already talking about adding on. I just don't know if we should hold out for a CRV announcement to do that. We would also hope to buy enought pts. at CRV for a 3 night stay or so and use AKV for the balance of our trips.

In general, do any of you DVC vets have any GUESS at all on what the pt. structure might be at CRV (if it happens). I know it's gross speculation but just curious what you all are thinking about that?
I would say that the point structure will be like BWV/AKV with at least two view categories, MK and non-MK views. I would look to the AKV Value and Savanna View point structures. Of course, it's all speculation :) and I am sure that others have discussed it further.
Its all pure speculation for now as to what is really going to happen at the Contemporary. DVC or not DVC, half CRO and half DVC....its going to be a waiting game. I would not expect to hear confirmation either way from Disney for at least a year or more. A tower building, like the one going up now, will take two years to build and furnish.
I would say that the point structure will be like BWV/AKV with at least two view categories, MK and non-MK views. I would look to the AKV Value and Savanna View point structures. Of course, it's all speculation :) and I am sure that others have discussed it further.

OT - great new pic!:thumbsup2

to the OP :cheer2: Welcome Home:banana: don't think anyone mentioned the fact that members have been given "1st shot" on new DVC offerings; so that in it's self is an incentive for you to have purchased.

I've never had the pleasure of visiting AK, too far out from MK for my tastes to commit to a addon; however, we look forward to enjoying a stay sometime in the future-if only to enjoy the savannah.

However, if you do find that AK is not your cuppa tea; you can always purchase/addon elsewhere & sell your original holding; hopefully at a profit.

My thoughts on the CRV:wizard:

*after seeing the small # of units @ GC; i'm more convinced than ever that the building will be multi-use (resort/DVC); perhaps one of the smallest offerings.

*if the above holds true; it will be a hot ticket and they could set the point chart high...especially, if they put in a killer poolscape ala SAB.;) especially since the main CR pool, while spacious, is a bit of a snooze.
okay it is NOT a big building - only 300 to 350 units.

based on the information seem here.

that said hoping for the annoucement next year. the resort probably won't be finished until late 2009 or 2010 (probably 2010).

you can see the area that the building covers now - it is not a huge area.

besides don't think the higher ups have made up their mind. Which is why construction is going so slow.

that say at least a part of it will be DVC pretty sure. the old wing had 287 hotel rooms. So betting on the 300 numbers - probably so the CR won't be over ruin by DVC members. :rolleyes1

I have been waiting on this for 15 years - since I first saw DVC, OKW (DVC then). brought the next year so been a member for 14 years and still love it!!!

It will sell out fast. Probably in less than 2 years, if it last that long. It is the only DVC resort that I see being competition for the BCV. right now the hardest to get. lots of us like to be able to walk to Epcot, not to mention that pool.

that say being a DVC member when it start selling will definitely be an advantage. they generally sell to us a couple of months before selling to the general public. they also sell to us at a discount.

will plan to buy at least enough to stay in a studio 5 nights off season. might buy more. but that is the plan right now.
Well if the Comtemporary is going to be DVC, its only a matter of time that they build at the Poly :yay: :yay: :yay: AND the Grand Floridian :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Now, that's what I'm waiting for. But I would not hesitate to buy at current prices, because when CRV is ready to sell, it's gonna cost :scared1: :scared1:
can't see the Polyn.

however if the new resort that is going up over in the golf resort - might be real competition for the GF. Since it was never a 5 star in the first place.

of course as I pointed out - was way WRONG on the BC - so maybe!!!

but if the CR is a DVC resort - they can say that they kept their promise and we now have ONE monrail resort. They only promised one - not all 3.

the BC has been a DVC resort a while now - nothing has been say (lately) about the YC being one too.
can't see the Polyn.

however if the new resort that is going up over in the golf resort - might be real competition for the GF. Since it was never a 5 star in the first place.

of course as I pointed out - was way WRONG on the BC - so maybe!!!

but if the CR is a DVC resort - they can say that they kept their promise and we now have ONE monrail resort. They only promised one - not all 3.

the BC has been a DVC resort a while now - nothing has been say (lately) about the YC being one too.

How long ago did DVD announce/promise that DVC would have one monorail resort?......interesting.
In 1992 when I first looked at them. the guide say it would definitely one day have a monrail resort.

but that is only one.
The advice you'll come across most often is to buy where you want to stay, for that 11 month booking window.

We've added on 2x - both times at my home resort of the BWV, for a number of reasons. First and foremost - it's our very favorite resort, secondly, points at the time of our add ons were priced lower and I feel we get "more for the money", third - point "costs" per night are lower (same more for the money thing)

I've stayed at HH, OKW & in April of 08 we'll be at AKV for one night of our stay, just to check it out. Where I do believe one should buy where they want to stay the most - I've also never had a problem booking other resorts at the 7 month window. Just my two cents..

Can't wait for April 08!!!
The advice you'll come across most often is to buy where you want to stay, for that 11 month booking window.
Where I do believe one should buy where they want to stay the most - I've also never had a problem booking other resorts at the 7 month window. Just my two cents..
I see by your signature that you also go during quieter "off" times. I go over New Year's Eve and I need the 11-month window! In fact, I call day-by-day at the 11 month window to get exactly what I want.


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