remember that 30 in Literacy?

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Goal! going on this cruise 37lbs less and I will e
Apr 28, 2001
Teacher didnt grade 1/2 the work DS passed in!!
so he got a 0 on 1/2 the work averaged in with a 65 on a major test that we knew about
Said the kids were to make a folder w/12 poems which DS told me he did. He said when he handed it into the teacher she just told him to sit down.
After I spoke w/teacher on phone today I called the school back and told DS to get it out of his locker and hand to his teacher before getting on the school bus. I didnt want her to think he just did this at the last min and to know yes it was done.

This last 1/4 even though we dont get interim reports in Literacy I WILL be calling the school to talk to the teacher. And also a few days before marks close she will be getting a phone call to make sure everything has been passed in/graded.

(good thing DH gave him back all his other priviledges and only had the tv held from DS)
The explanation kind of confuses me. I guess I don't understand why if he handed it to her it's in his locker? Did he try to hand it in after the due date? :confused: :confused:

I think keeping the communication lines open with the teacher this quarter is a very good idea.
am I understanding correclty? he tried to turn the project in during class and she wouldn't accept it? is that why it was still in his locker? was this after the due date?

but didn't he tell you that he turned in all the work?
OK, maybe I'm reading something that isn't there, but it seems to me that you are irritated with the teacher for not grading something that she didn't even know existed.

And IMO, since your son didn't turn in his work, he should have had his privileges revoked.

It seems to me that you are blaming the teacher for your son's screw-up.
I think Brenda has hit it right on. It's confusing but i think it was up to him to turn in the work somehow. Was it past the deadline? If so, it's still not the teacher's fault.
Did this all happen today? And did your husband take away priviledges because of what happend but then gave them back except for the TV because it was done? Or is that a unrelated topic? :confused:
Why did the teacher say she didn't accept the homework? And I take it she accepted it before he got on the bus? :confused:
He would be in big-time trouble if it were my son....having no tv privledges would be the least of it....also, in our middle school, there would be no credit after 2 days late.

I know you are calling the school, but, what did you say to HIM?
I asked again if he handed it in before the deadline and he said twice.
Im really not sure what "side" to take here - Im in the middle and have no idea what really took place
Just gonna call her lots this 4th quarter. Once the report card is handed out the last day of school there is no more getting in touch with the teacher.
Perhaps he didn't not follow the procedure for turning in work. You can't just approach a teacher when and where you please to submit work. There are procedures to follow.

I hope you get this all taken care of. Best of luck.
Im really not sure what "side" to take here - Im in the middle and have no idea what really took place

Didn't you ask the teacher what took place? Sorry, but I think the 65 % on the test (can't blame that on the teacher) would sort of sway me that the boy is blowing it big-time in her class, and make me wonder if he is trying to cover his butt.
OK, now I'm really confused...

I asked again if he handed it in before the deadline and he said twice.

He handed it in twice, or he said twice he handed it in? :confused:

Im really not sure what "side" to take here - Im in the middle and have no idea what really took place

But didn't you already say that it was in his locker, and you called and told him to turn it in right away? It seems to me (and again, I could be completely confused) that you already know he turned it in extremely late.

**edited because I put the wrong quote in!!**
If he handed it in twice, how did it end up back in his locker?:confused:
I have no idea and this is our only child so have never dealt with this before. Looking for advice on how to not have it happen again.
Do I check on all his subjects when the interim reports are sent out? He got all As & Bs on his major subjects. This is the only class he has ever gotten a C (2nd 1/4) & F in.
Yes we knew of the 65. Guess the majority of the class didnt do well either. And yes the teacher told me on the phone today that there was in fact only 2 grades during this quarter.

I did ask him if he was goofing off during class, doing all his work, etc. He said twice he tried to hand the folder in and both times was told to sit down. And no I honestly believe he tried to hand it in before it was too late. I think maybe the teacher was distracted (?) I think the teacher knew DS had the folder but couldnt take it when DS tried to give it to her. He's also never lied to us before, at least that we know of. Maybe there is a procedure to handing it in that was misinterpreted. Hopefully he'll learn before he gets into higher grades. I did call the school back today after I spoke with the teacher. He had mentioned this folder to us before so since he hadnt handed it to me out of his backpack I figured it was still either in his locker or backpack. I wanted the teacher to know he wasnt making it up at the last minute and did in fact have the work done. I know it wont make a difference with this past 1/4.

Never had trouble with him in school before and Im hoping to stop it before anything more happens.
You can take this withg a grain of salt as it is unsolicited advice, but sometimes it is better to let them hang themselves instead of standing there with a net under them. Especially in MS, this is when the lesson is best learned. If I remember correctly, he is 11? It is time for him to be responsible for homwork without the aide of his parents. JMHO, I have been there...the do much better when they learn that they will have to deal with consequences for their actions, rather than someone doing the dealing for them.
If it were my son he would be in a HUGE amount of trouble..
(and my son is also an only child and is ten so I do know what it is like)
In my opinion something other than the truth is going on here. Also this week is vacation in MA. is your child in private school? How did he get it out of his locker when spring break in MA. does not end until this weekend?
How could a teacher not ask a child where is your folder and refuse to accept it? This makes no sence to me.. anyhow like I said if it were my son... he would not be a happy camper right now.
Not sure what I would do, is there a policy for handing in homework? Did everyone else pass it in? Was the teacher busy and he just didn't pursue it again? I would want to know this- as you need to teach him that he can't just try once and give up- he is getting older and with that comes more responsibility for his work.

Ann, the town they are in is not on spring break this week- the schools opened very late and they are trying to make up the days.:D
Well, at least the teacher knows you are an interested parent and will hopefully keep you better informed and ds knows that you are definitely checking up on him, so hopefully both sides will have better open communication this quarter.

You don't think ds knew he was going to get in alot of trouble from your dh for getting a bad grade and maybe tried to turn the situation around a little bit do you? Not a criticism, just a general question.
Originally posted by emmy

Ann, the town they are in is not on spring break this week- the schools opened very late and they are trying to make up the days.:D [/B]

My apologies,, I know here in Western MA all schools are closed for the week, and Monday was a MA holiday so I just assumed that everywhere is MA was like we are out here in Western MA.
I guess that goes to show the old saying about assumptions.. you make an a** out of you an me -sorry
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