Remembering our Loved ones Dec. 21

What a wonderful idea! I'd like to remember my mom. She passed away Nov. 22, 2009 at the young age of 50. I love you so much mom. I'll see you again someday...
This is such a great idea!!!

I want to remember the 2 women that are the most important in any man's life. My wife has been gone for 9 months now and, with her being a big Disney and Christmas fan, it is going to be tough for the first Christmas without her. She would take days to decorate the house! The other one is my mother. She's been gone almost 6 months now. All of us (her 6 sons-that's right, no daughters :sad2:) rallied around her when my father passed away almost 10 years ago.

I miss them all terribly, but family and friends have been great with the invitations to dinner, party's etc.

Let's hope we all get through this time with a smile on our face and the memories of our departed love ones in our hearts.

I love that you do this Safetymom... I will honor my husband Tom who battled Pancreatic Cancer for 5 years...
This is a lovely idea.

I'd like to remember my Dad John and my friend Jack. They both left too soon.
Very nice idea.

I would like to remember my husband, Mat, who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer in July, 2008 at the age of 55.
Thanks Safetymom.

I would like to remember my brother who left this earth in a vehicle accident at the age of 40. My Gram who left 3 yrs ago. my dear friend Leah who left too young from a brain anerysm, leaving her college age daughters and all lose disboards friends and their loved ones.
Thank You Safetymom!

I would like to remember my DD's boyfriend, he died last year on December 14th at the age or 20 after an 18 month battle with Ewing's Sarcoma.
I love this idea, thank you so much Safetymom. I'd like to remember my mom, Ginny, who passed at age 62 in 1998 and my father, Albert who passed at age 73 in 2007. Even though I have small children now, Christmas also isn't the same without them here :(

You are so right Z - Christmas just isn't the same without them here :hug:

I would like to remember my Mom, Ann Carol, who passed away on 8/17/03 at the age of 66 from Cancer.
I have lit my candle.

My dad Milton Manchester passed away 10-4-08
My dog Rhoda, who was my best friend passed away 11-21-09.
Safetymom, just wanted to thank you again for this thoughtful remembrance. All the best in 2010.
My candles are lit - for DH Jim, Thomas (his favorite cat who went to be with him), my cousin Gordon and my mom, and for all of those whom you all have lost. Let winter solstice pass on and bring a brighter tomorrow, but with all the good memories of those we've lost. :grouphug:

Thank you, safetymom, for pulling this all together.
Thank you safetymum for your thoughtfulness.

Thinking of all you all tonight and wishing everyone a peaceful 2010.

Hugs to all.:grouphug:


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