Renting a Scooter, HELP??


DIS Veteran
Mar 7, 2003
I'm visiting WDW in July and am taking my mom. She has been have problems with her knees lately and is having a hard time walking for extended periods of time. She says she will be fine and doesn’t need a scooter (I think she just feels that she will slow the rest of us down) but I want her to be as comfortable as possible.

Are the scooters easy to use? Is it best to rent one at the parks or would it be better to rent from an outside company? I have doing some research and see that there are some places that will deliver them right to the hotel (we are staying at Poly).

Any imput would be helpful. Thanks
I would rent her a scooter they aren't difficult to use. I have knee problems and my scooter is a big help as I can no longer walk the parks like I use to.
She will be thankfull at the end of the day when her pain is a lot less. Having a scooter won't slow her down as she can stay beside you if she was walking and in pain it would slow her down. When the parks are busy a family member stays in front of me and another behind me usually after parades fireworks, Fantasmic and I just go slow. Just have her take her time and she will be fine. It took me along time to give in until one day my daughters rented one at the Parks and brought it to me so I couldn't say no. I couldn't believe how much of a difference it made and I've been using one ever since.

I read your post to my mom and she said she would at least try one out. :cheer2:
I'm glad you mom is willing to give the scooter a try. I think she will be fine and will find going to the Parks a lot easier. Hope you have a great trip let me know how your mom makes out.
I will watch this thread. Two trips ago, I swore I was renting a wheelchair or something. I have nerve damage that effects both arms and recently my left leg. I also have flatback, from back surgery for scoliosis over 20 years ago. Time on my feet can be painful. I have yet needed any assistance, but feel the time is coming.

Thanks for the info.
You might want to read the FAQ which is the 4th item in the disABILITIES index. It has lots of information about scooters.
Back in 2000 we rented a scooter for the entire week from Walker Mobility for my DH. The phone number is on the FAQ thread that was mentioned earlier. We have purchased our own now so we no longer need to rent. But renting from an offsite place is the way to go. We checked in at ASM and the ECV was waiting for us in the checked luggage area. My DH was able to get back and forth to the room without a problem. He was able to get on and off the buses with the scooter. It was always charged! And the best of all, we didn't have to rush to a park to get one! I understand that in busy times they go quickly. And then at the end of the trip we left it in the checked luggage area. The price was only about $170 for the entire week (5 years ago). Definitely worth the price if you plan on using one. Good Luck with everything. :flower:
Can you tell me where the disABILITIES index is? I am not having any success finding it. When I click on FAQ at the top of the screen all I get is a search feature which does not recognize "scooter".
Be advised,.if you rent from WDW you run the risk of being unable to get one since so many people beat you to it.....this happened to me. Also, you are not allowed to "park hop" with them.
msraye said:
Can you tell me where the disABILITIES index is? I am not having any success finding it. When I click on FAQ at the top of the screen all I get is a search feature which does not recognize "scooter".
At the very top of this page it says: " The DIS Discussion Forums > Trip Planning Forums > disABILITIES! Renting a Scooter, HELP?? " Click on where it says "disABILITIES" and that will take you to the disABILITIES Index.

Then you will see all the current threads lists, the 4th one from the top say "diaBILITIES FAQ". Click on that one and you will find almost all the information you need.

Hope this helps.
msraye said:
Can you tell me where the disABILITIES index is? I am not having any success finding it. When I click on FAQ at the top of the screen all I get is a search feature which does not recognize "scooter".
Follow what Cheshire Figment said.
The FAQs at the very top of the board is a link to the FAQs for the boards in general, not the disABILITIES Board. The Search you found only searches that FAQs page (so that's why it won't find "scooter").
Another way to find things is to stay on that same line where you see "User CP", "FAQ", "Member List", etc. One of the choices is "Search". If you click on that "Search", it will let you search all the boards for whatever word you type in.
As a person with knee and hip problems. My first trips to disney were on the painful side. Back then it was the ankles that were most of my problems. I will say, if you have a "rusty" ankle, knee or hip that gets aggrivated when your on it to much. The last thing your going to want to do is be on that leg every day for a week straight. After the first day your going to ache, and probably want to ice that part of your leg down.

Its not fun, even with the wheel chair I tend to ice down my knees.

I really like using a scooter. I've only had one trip with the scooter, before we always did the push wheel chair. The push chair is much cheaper, but I have more independance, and more control over where I"m sitting, which way I'm facing, etc and so for me its so worth it.

It was easy to learn to use the scooter.
A couple tips. When your in a tight area, shop, line for something, lots of people around, turn your speed down. If you have your speed turned all the way up and are stopping and starting, you kind of give yourself whip lash.
Plus, your more likely to whack someone if your starting and stopping with your speed all the way up.

I'm really short. 5'1". The only bad part about the scooter is that to be sitting up straight properly can't happen for me, because I have to lean forward to power the scooter on the handle. (Short arms and legs) I used a cusion behind my back, so that I wasn't having to constantly lean forward with my shoulders hanched over.
I have some back issues, where sitting up properly helps keep my back happy, slouching over to power the scooter isn't very happy.
So, thats a suggestion if your a short person.

My butt likes the cushion seats on the scooters, we used walker for the push and now the scooter. The scooter was far better than the push !
Plus, it wasn't too bad taking the thing apart. The first time was a little rough. We did a dry run in the room, that was well lit room before trying to take it apart and re-assemble it in the evening (when it was kind of dark at DTD). Knowing where everything went together and getting it back together was nice to do it in a well lit area for the first try.

Actually the issues you speak of are exactly why my doctor had me go to a power wheelchair with a controller. Of course I do own my own and no longer rent. I am very short, 4'8" (you are tall compared to me). The hunching over was not only killing my bad which has problem but causing also causing complete numbness in my hands. Can't have that as I am a sign language interpreter. With the controller I no longer need to turn the speed way down as I can control it with my hand. I find my biggest problem is I get tired of looking at people's butts :)


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