Reservations? We don't need no stinking reservations, we do it TODD'S way! COMPLETE


It is pretty darn sad when a valet picks you out a
Sep 22, 2005
Hi everyone! We just returned from a fantastic week at WDW, celebrating Todd's birthday. We checked in at the POFQ on Thurs May 19 and left late Wed the 25th.

This trip was all about the husband...except I was the lucky one that picked the resort :thumbsup2 I was so excited to stay at the POFQ again, especially since it was completely renovated.

So what does one NORMALLY do when one books the room reservation? He or she books the dining reservations right? WRONG! My husband had a different take on this...since it was his trip (where the heck did he get that idea??) we were going to do things his way, Todd's way, he was going to call the shots, he was going to make all the decisions, my life - my trip, was in his hands....and I admit, I was scared, just a bit. :scared1:

Ok fine, I can give up control for one trip right? I mean seriously, what could come out of this? So I assume he is going to pick all the places I need to make a reservation for. WRONG again Nic....he decides (get this) that we are going to WDW reservation-less. Yes I said it, no that wasn't a typo, the boy actually wants to tempt the impossible and go to WDW without one stinking reservation, without one day planned, throw caution to the wind and lets just roll with it.

I asked him if he was sure, I asked him if he felt ok, I asked him if he was sure he was my husband and the answer was yes to it all. Then he had to remind me that back in the stone ages when we first started going to WDW we never had dining reservations and we survived....yeah, I wanted to knock him out just a little bit but being his birthday and all I held back. Not to say that I didnt bother the heck out of him just to make double, triple sure he didnt want any reservations...sadly, the answer was always no.

To cheer myself up I reminded myself, and DH, that our October trip was my birthday trip and it would be all about ME and he will just have to deal with me calling the shots! :rotfl: His reply? "What else is new?" Ok, so he is catching on to me.

If you are wondering why I didnt take the computer with us for a live review well that is 50/50 my fault and DH's fault. Mine because I am just sick to death of spending 10 bucks a day for internet that should be free (that is a whole other subject) and DH's because he hates me clicking away on it at all hours of the day and night ha ha. Seriously, he asked that we leave it at home so I would stop checking my work email and just let this be a 100% detached from our homelife vacation.

So join me won't you? I promise alot of fun and alot of laughs and alot of pictures of food!
Did I make it? Yes, I'm first. :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Now back to read and then edit my response.

***Great start, Nicki. Having talked to you on the phone several times, I know some of what is coming, but the way you tell it will have me glued to the computer as always.

Let the food porn begin. :)
The start of our trip, super duper early Thursday morning. We leave the house around 7:30am and hit Dunkin Donuts for some coffee and, well Donuts :lmao: It was a gorgeous day, nice and breezy, sun shining, no traffic...I figured we would arrive at the POFQ around 10:30am, and of course I thought wrong. DH had other stop off at the Brandon Mall!

I am always up for shopping but come on, I wanted to get to WDW! And I guess I voiced this out loud because out of no where I hear

"Its my birthday trip so you have to do what I say"

Ah crud, the fun begins.

So we shopped for an hour and rolled into the POFQ around noonish. I was so happy to be there, so excited to see the renovations, its going great until the CM that was checking us in said that they over sold king beds and we are going to be upgraded to a deluxe resort!

WOW! I am like this :banana::worship::cool1:

Until he says its the Saratoga Springs

And then I am like this :sad2::headache::sad1:

No way are we going back there, it is not a deluxe but more like a deluxe - lite or ultra - mod. I asked if we could just have a queen room at the POFQ since they would not get us into another deluxe and they said they could and I did receive a credit on my bill for the cost difference.

Our room was in building 5 on the courtyard side and it was just gorgeous! So clean and quiet and just beautiful! Before going to the room we bought our new mugs (sorry to report but over the course of our stay we witnessed a ton of people using old mugs of every variety) and NO you cannot use a TIW discount on them. The resort was so quiet and we hardly saw anyone else for most of our stay.

After dropping our bags I was at a loss...what to do next? Then I remembered it isnt up to me so I turn to the king and say

"What do we do now?"

Todd: Well I am starving (of course you are) so lets go get something to eat

Me: Ok where genius?

Todd: Dont ask, just follow

Me: What are you Yoda now?

Over to the bus stop we go and a DTD bus pulls up and he moves his tush off the bench and I do as I am told and follow :lmao: We get to DTD and I ask again, where are we gonna eat? Turns out WPE is closed, which I knew but I wasnt going to let him know that, and right next door is EoS! Guess where we went? EoS!

The line was very long but it moved very quickly. They do not offer a TIW or AP discount but they do offer a AAA discount, I think 15%.

We decided to share a potato salad but I didnt like it because it had too much vinegar in it but Todd liked it. Sorry for the brightness....


Todd had the Italian cold cut sandwich (sorry, forgot the name) and he liked it but I thought it was sooo salty and I had to spit out the bite I took.


I had the mozzarella, basil, tomato and balsamic dressing. I asked for it cold but it was served hot...I forgot the bread is hot and it just ruined the taste of the sandwich for me. It was also very salty from the dressing.


Dessert was strawberry Jello with fresh fruit on the top. I ate the fruit and he ate the Jello. It was very good.


I dont think we will be running back to EoS anytime soon, at least I wont be, next time we have to go back to WPE.

The weather was so beautiful that we decided to walk the rest of the way through DTD and then go back to the resort and unpack, chill out and plan our night...oh wait? I cant plan our night! :rotfl:

:confused3 My Todd doesn't like a plan either...he cringes when I make ADRs, but who is the first to sit the table......:sad2:
Oh boy Mr Todd is calling ALL the shots. I am with ya on EOS-not a huge fan. Love me some WPE though...Can't wait to read more!!
I didn't know you had gone to Disney again! I'm glad I checked the DIS tonight - I'm not on here nearly enough anymore. Can't wait to read your reviews, though I do miss your live reports.

Todd is really just a big kid isn't he? I don't know whether I want his no-ADR plan to work or fail, because I want you to be able to say I told you so to him, but I also hope you had some good meals, but then that would make him think he's right, and that you don't need to plan as much as you do. ;)
YAY! You're back! Kathy has done a great PR job for you and I'm so excited to hear all about your trip. Will it have an effect on my ADRs for July? Hmm... Now back to read! Ooooo...and I got in on page one!

I don't blame you one bit for choosing a queen room at POFQ over a room at SSR. I would have done the exact same thing. SSR just doesn't seem as nice..granted, I've never been there, but...
Hey Nicki, you're back!:woohoo: I'm assuming Todd is alive since I didn't hear anything on the news...:rolleyes1 I still can't believe you let him call all the dining shots! I don't think I'd allow my DH THAT much freedom!:laughing:

Joining in for the fun.:thumbsup2
I'm in. Can not wait to see where Todd takes you to eat. EOS normally gets rave reviews, sorry to hear you did not care for it.
Can't wait to hear more! I would love to try a 'reservation free' trip, but we always go during free dining and I think we'd never get the chance to eat at a table service;)
Joining in for the fun!!

Sorry to hear you didn't like EoS! I haven't tried either of those sandwiches, but almost got the same as you last time--glad I didn't, that sandwich wouldn't be right warm! :sad2:
I'm in! We have always liked EoS but,I usually get a grilled cheese and tomato soup....unless we happen to be there for the holidays then I get their holiday turkey, cranberry & dressing sandwich.

Looking forward to the rest of the trip!
Did I make it? Yes, I'm first. :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Now back to read and then edit my response.

***Great start, Nicki. Having talked to you on the phone several times, I know some of what is coming, but the way you tell it will have me glued to the computer as always.

Let the food porn begin. :)

Yup you are first again, how do you do that? :confused3

Subscribing! I've been waiting! :flower3:

I'm in! Cannot wait. I love your reviews!

Hi guys! Thanks for reading along!

:confused3 My Todd doesn't like a plan either...he cringes when I make ADRs, but who is the first to sit the table......:sad2:

Must be something with the name huh? :lmao:

Oh boy Mr Todd is calling ALL the shots. I am with ya on EOS-not a huge fan. Love me some WPE though...Can't wait to read more!!

Hi Mary! And dont think Todd being the boss on vacation didnt go right to his head :rotfl2:

I so wish WPE was open but there was a CM guarding the place to tell everyone it was a dark restaurant and locked doors wouldnt do the trick? ;)

I didn't know you had gone to Disney again! I'm glad I checked the DIS tonight - I'm not on here nearly enough anymore. Can't wait to read your reviews, though I do miss your live reports.

Todd is really just a big kid isn't he? I don't know whether I want his no-ADR plan to work or fail, because I want you to be able to say I told you so to him, but I also hope you had some good meals, but then that would make him think he's right, and that you don't need to plan as much as you do. ;)

Hi Carolyn! Yup, Todd is a big kid at heart and yes we did have some really great meals, some big time suprises too!

YAY! You're back! Kathy has done a great PR job for you and I'm so excited to hear all about your trip. Will it have an effect on my ADRs for July? Hmm... Now back to read! Ooooo...and I got in on page one!

I don't blame you one bit for choosing a queen room at POFQ over a room at SSR. I would have done the exact same thing. SSR just doesn't seem as nice..granted, I've never been there, but...

Hi Tina! How are you and the boys? Hope all is well with you guys and you are looking forward to your trip! One word for you, or maybe 2? NAP TIME! You will so need it if the weather is anything like it was for us.

Gotta love my personal cheerleader Kathy! :cheer2:

SSR is just so "not Disney" to us, the queen beds were fine though, I might even change my king bed POFQ Oct ressie to a queen one. Todd said not to, maybe they will oversell then too and put us up at the Yacht Club but I reminded him that we do not have that kind of luck :lmao:

I loved your last review...can't wait for this one!! :banana:

Looking forward to the whole trip in details!!

Curious to see how this turns out...

Hi everyone! Thanks for joining in! So happy to have you here!

Hey Nicki, you're back!:woohoo: I'm assuming Todd is alive since I didn't hear anything on the news...:rolleyes1 I still can't believe you let him call all the dining shots! I don't think I'd allow my DH THAT much freedom!:laughing:

Joining in for the fun.:thumbsup2

Hi hon! Let me tell you, the boy was lucky this time...if things went another way he may have been walking home from Disney! :rotfl:

I'm in. Can not wait to see where Todd takes you to eat. EOS normally gets rave reviews, sorry to hear you did not care for it.

More coming up soon...if I can keep my eyes open! I remember that we enjoyed EoS but maybe I am forgetting in my old age :rotfl2:


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