Resolution In Action (Hopefully, It Keeps the Space)

I've found that when I exercise in the evening, it completely gets rid of that need for an evening snack. So that's killing two birds with one stone.

I've also heard that exercising in the evening speeds up your metabolism, so you actually burn more fat while you sleep. I have no idea if that is an old wive's tale or if there is actual science behind that, but it sounds good if it's true.

Of course, you don't want to exercise too close to bed time, as you'll get yourself all wound up and won't be able to sleep, and that is just counter productive.

What are the temps like in Korea this time of year?

Right around 32F at night and in the morning, and it's been getting up to about 40-45 during the day here in Pohang. In Incheon and Seoul, where I used to live, they've been getting a bit of snow. It was snowing a little bit when I did my run on Tuesday, but not enough to last long...

I just completed a fairly disappointing 30 min workout on EA Sports Active. I broke my resistance bands during the first exercise that used them, so it wasn't as productive as it could have been. I'm attempting the 6-week challenge on it. I'll have to go to the store tomorrow or Saturday and buy a new set (lost its partner when we moved).
Well, I was somewhat able to get up early enough today. Alarm was set for 6, as it has been all week, and got out of bed at 6:30. However, I made the mistake of catching up on here, and the main thread has been too busy :lmao:

So it looks like an after work workout again. I'll be trying day 1 of C25K.
Well, I was somewhat able to get up early enough today. Alarm was set for 6, as it has been all week, and got out of bed at 6:30. However, I made the mistake of catching up on here, and the main thread has been too busy :lmao:

So it looks like an after work workout again. I'll be trying day 1 of C25K.

I find it amusing that you're still trying to use an alarm, I thought an air horn was the only way to wake you up?

I find it amusing that you're still trying to use an alarm, I thought an air horn was the only way to wake you up?


I guess I'm getting old. Alarms usually work for me now. In fact, the alarm that I use (which is on my phone) starts with it talking, saying what time it is. Before this week, I was usually able to get up and turn off the alarm before the music started.
Just chock full o questions this week. On average, how long to do workout each day/week?
Just chock full o questions this week. On average, how long to do workout each day/week?

I think this can be a big trap. You may feel like you are not doing enough and then you push too hard and get injured. I started at 30-40 minutes after my exercise layoff. Now its usually 1hr, maybe a little over depending if it is a day I am lifting weights or not.
I think this can be a big trap. You may feel like you are not doing enough and then you push too hard and get injured. I started at 30-40 minutes after my exercise layoff. Now its usually 1hr, maybe a little over depending if it is a day I am lifting weights or not.

Yeah, so far this week, I've been trying to keep it around a half hour, especially since I'm basically just a beginner. I'm about to head out for my first day of C25K, which looks like is only about 30 minutes or so.
Yeah, so far this week, I've been trying to keep it around a half hour, especially since I'm basically just a beginner. I'm about to head out for my first day of C25K, which looks like is only about 30 minutes or so.

I really like that program :thumbsup2
Just got home from finishing Day 1. I'm really liking it so far. For the most part, it's something I can handle. I say "for the most part" due to my Achilles tendons giving me a little bit of a bother. Not sure if it's due to lack of exercise or if it's due to my shoes (I'm still running with the high tops...and my ankles are mostly bothering me where they rub against the shoes...). I know that WAAAAY back when I was a basketball player my freshman year of high school, I was wearing ankle and knee braces from time to time when I (rarely) played...would ankle braces help? :confused3

I just looked at the route I took on I ran/walked about 2 miles, which is a little farther than what I ran on Tuesday, over the same period of time. My ankles (really, just my left one while doing the C25K Day 1), didn't start bothering me until I got to just over a mile and a half.
Just got home from finishing Day 1. I'm really liking it so far. For the most part, it's something I can handle. I say "for the most part" due to my Achilles tendons giving me a little bit of a bother. Not sure if it's due to lack of exercise or if it's due to my shoes (I'm still running with the high tops...and my ankles are mostly bothering me where they rub against the shoes...). I know that WAAAAY back when I was a basketball player my freshman year of high school, I was wearing ankle and knee braces from time to time when I (rarely) played...would ankle braces help? :confused3

I just looked at the route I took on I ran/walked about 2 miles, which is a little farther than what I ran on Tuesday, over the same period of time. My ankles (really, just my left one while doing the C25K Day 1), didn't start bothering me until I got to just over a mile and a half.

Good job man!

Im going to do Week 2 Day 3 tonight, I will post some of my numbers when I get back home. Im using a treadmill right now, but Im averaging right at 2 miles for each run so far.

Just chock full o questions this week. On average, how long to do workout each day/week?

My daily runs go anywhere from 20 minutes or so to well over an hour, depending on the day, whether or not I have any races coming up, etc. I do some other stuff during the week, but not organized enough that I could put a time to it. I am planning on adding a kettlebell class next week, which is only 45 minutes Tues & Thurs.

But - as others said - don't compare yourself to other people. It's a good way to either get discouraged (because you think that you are not doing enough), or hurt (because you push yourself harder than is wise). If you end each and every workout with a "Boy, that was easy," then yeah, you probably need to exercise longer or harder. Likewise, if you are constantly sore, in pain, and gasping for air/on the verge of blacking out at the end of your workout, it's a sign that you are probably doing too much, and need to back off.

BTW - I recommend having easy workout days and hard days. Today's run, for example, was hard - interval training, which always leaves me winded and sore. Tomorrow will be a fairly short, but definitely easy, run.
I know I'm not the ideal person to give advice, but I overhear stuff from the doctors that come in to the station, and as I understand it, for a more beneficial work out regimen, you want to vary your work out, a day of strength training, a day of cardio, a day of rest. The day of rest is important because you're putting your body through a lot, and you need to give it a chance to relax/repair itself.

My daily runs go anywhere from 20 minutes or so to well over an hour, depending on the day, whether or not I have any races coming up, etc. I do some other stuff during the week, but not organized enough that I could put a time to it. I am planning on adding a kettlebell class next week, which is only 45 minutes Tues & Thurs.

But - as others said - don't compare yourself to other people. It's a good way to either get discouraged (because you think that you are not doing enough), or hurt (because you push yourself harder than is wise). If you end each and every workout with a "Boy, that was easy," then yeah, you probably need to exercise longer or harder. Likewise, if you are constantly sore, in pain, and gasping for air/on the verge of blacking out at the end of your workout, it's a sign that you are probably doing too much, and need to back off.

BTW - I recommend having easy workout days and hard days. Today's run, for example, was hard - interval training, which always leaves me winded and sore. Tomorrow will be a fairly short, but definitely easy, run.

Great advice on alternating intensity :thumbsup2
My daily runs go anywhere from 20 minutes or so to well over an hour, depending on the day, whether or not I have any races coming up, etc. I do some other stuff during the week, but not organized enough that I could put a time to it. I am planning on adding a kettlebell class next week, which is only 45 minutes Tues & Thurs.

But - as others said - don't compare yourself to other people. It's a good way to either get discouraged (because you think that you are not doing enough), or hurt (because you push yourself harder than is wise). If you end each and every workout with a "Boy, that was easy," then yeah, you probably need to exercise longer or harder. Likewise, if you are constantly sore, in pain, and gasping for air/on the verge of blacking out at the end of your workout, it's a sign that you are probably doing too much, and need to back off.

BTW - I recommend having easy workout days and hard days. Today's run, for example, was hard - interval training, which always leaves me winded and sore. Tomorrow will be a fairly short, but definitely easy, run.

I know I'm not the ideal person to give advice, but I overhear stuff from the doctors that come in to the station, and as I understand it, for a more beneficial work out regimen, you want to vary your work out, a day of strength training, a day of cardio, a day of rest. The day of rest is important because you're putting your body through a lot, and you need to give it a chance to relax/repair itself.


Yeah, that's kinda how I've been planning it. Did my first run on Tuesday, WiiFit Wednesday, EA Sports Active Thursday, C25K Day 1 Yesterday. Today is going to be EA Sports Active, focusing on legs. I believe I have tomorrow planned as rest. The EA Sports Active thing is a 6 week challenge, 4-days on, 3-days off kinda thing.

That being said, my thighs have been a bit sore since Tuesday...but not too bad today.
Well, I didnt get my run in tonight, spent the time in the pool with Abigail. Since she's only 6, I had to stay within arm's reach of her at all times. Good time was had by all. Plan on heading to the Y early in the morning to make up for it.

I just completed Day 2 of my EA Sports Active 6-week challenge. It was only about twenty-five minutes or so, and wasn't too difficult. With that said, I think I'm gonna go forward and do Day 2 of C25K tomorrow. My legs aren't bothering me today, nor are my ankles. I think I'll be able to handle it. :thumbsup2
Finished up week 2 day 3 yesterday, little tired, little sore. Might go ahead today and start week 3, not sure if I want to do that or take the DD6 to Y and I will head into the sauna for a little while.

Went ahead and completed week 3 day 1. Little tired, legs are a little sore, but overall I feel pretty good!
Haven't been posting too much this week, but I've been continuing with my workouts. However, not as much as I should be, I think. I've been a bit distracted by a new video game, so I haven't been out as much as I'd like.

On the other hand, I've been getting up at 6am this week (Mon and Tues) and then going for a quick run for about 10-15 minutes each morning. I was using a playing field/ground in front of a school next door. I would run two laps, then walk one. I continued this for about 10 or so total laps. It's challenging enough that I'm pushing myself, but not too challenging. Plus, as I get better, I can easily add more laps as my skill (hopefully) increases.

I'm starting to count the days for my event. 89 days to get ready for a 10K. I'm thinking about doing C25K Day 2 tonight, depends on how long my meeting goes tonight. I might not get a chance to workout...
I know I'm not the ideal person to give advice, but I overhear stuff from the doctors that come in to the station, and as I understand it, for a more beneficial work out regimen, you want to vary your work out, a day of strength training, a day of cardio, a day of rest. The day of rest is important because you're putting your body through a lot, and you need to give it a chance to relax/repair itself.


I'm not a good person to give advice either (but that won't stop me) and it depends what your goal is. If you're just trying to lose weight, diet modification alone is much more effective than diet modification plus exercise (people who exercise more tend to compensate by eating more). But if you're trying to improve your health (which I guess is our goal!), then diet modification plus exercise is the way to go!

When my DD was born, I dropped 70 lbs to get from 276 to 206. Since then, I've yo-yo'd up and down a bit. I like to be closer to 230 (feel better, don't snore), but I'm currently 250 (and my upcoming Disney trip isn't going to help). Carbohydrate restriction works best for me plus light exercise (treadmill or walking)

My DW has lost over 30 lbs in the last 6 months by doing very rigorous exercise plus very rigid diet, but she literally weighs her food and counts grams protein, fat and carbs religiously in a book. I just couldn't do that with my work schedule, but she's been very impressive with her discipline!


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