Riddle me this!

I'm completely psyched about the Big East tourney, Gail! It should be a doozy! We pulled away from Rutgers yesterday, very late in the game. That earned the Orange their first home unbeaten season in the Carrier Dome! I wonder how many Big East temas will make the big dance this year! We're really looking forward to see how the 'cuse fares! :)

Diane - very cold here this morning. It will be climbing into the 30's and 40's this week with snow cattered throughout. It does seem to be moderating a bit. I'm actually beginning to believe that spring is coming! :)

Gina - I figured this one would be good for long solve! Thanks for sharing! :)
I am actually going to have to head out soon too. I have to help DH this morning, but first I have to get allergy shots and get my kennel chores done before I leave.

Have a great day folks!
My Rhody Rams begin the A-10 tourney tonight against Duquesne......keep your fingers crossed!!!

Have a great day everyone....time to wake the daughter!
Morning Riddlers...

Wow, didn't know I'd have to study for today's riddle.
0 = A______ to the R_____ .... LOL

Finally made it into work early enough to post before page 10... LOL
Hope you all had a great weekend.
We didn't have any snow or nasty weather so it made it pretty nice up here actually.
Kasie had her first "school" pic's a week ago...yeah!
Maybe I can scan one in to show you all.
Just don't comment on the outfit I picked out ... lol

1 = A V___ D__ To Y__ A__!

:D :D :D
Good morning everyone! This riddle will keep me busy up to Riddlecon!!!:jester:

Congrats Diane on 9000 great posts!!!:bounce:
Diane - Congratulations on the Big 9K
Good luck with the inspections, won't be long now before
you'll be settled in.

OK - looked like at least 3 would get in, but the Big East often gets more. March Madness...gotta love it.

Good morning... now that is just downright awful... I have enough trouble with just the one word ones... Gina, where are you??? you sent that... grrrrrrrrr..

Happy Monday everyone..
Good morning all! Kind of quiet around here for this time of day. I was expecting many pages of chatter :) I am tired today so even though I've seen the majority of these, that riddle might take me a while. Luis was on call this past week and of cours last night was the night he was up until 1 am doing work... in our bedroom :rolleyes: I wake up at about 5-5:30 :( I hope I make it through the day :)

Congrats on 9K posts Diane!!! And that is too funny about the driveway!!!

Gail, my fingers are crossed for your Rhody Rams!

Off to get more caffeine! Enjoy your day everyone :)
Morning All!:wave:

Thanks for keep our idle mids busy Bernie! and thanks to YOU Gina for YOUR contribution to the cause!

Congrats Diane on your

BIG 9,000!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Have we ever had a day that we ALL went pantless?

Have a good one! Valerie/LTM
Just wanted to stop by and say hi! Thought I would see if I could do the riddle this morning since I got up a bit earlier but no it has to be a looooooong one, LOL!!
I picked the wrong day to give it a try. :) :)
I'm here, Mahsha!!!!

I'm guilty as charged!

LOL! I actually LOVED this puzzle!

Sorry, guys.....tee hee....I'll curb my enthusiasms from here on in!

a good one, Bernie!

Woo Hoo spring is here, 88 yesterday, I trimmed 2 of the Palm Trees, vacumed the carpet on the pool patio, and read outside for a while. And actually made it to page 2 of the riddle. Must be sleepytime for a few of us.

Everyone have a great Monday, I'll check in later, hopefully with all the answers! Hey Bernie, maybe for this one there will be smarty hat, pants and shooes awarded for some of the anwers, please, please, please?
Wow! Only two pages when I got here this morning! Usually it is on page 7 or 9 by now and I am scrambling to catch up! :p

I love this kind of riddle. Guess I will print it off and work on it as I have time. No rush ... seeing as John has already beat us to the coveted first pants already this morning. (He really IS a Smarty Pants! isn't he?!)

Like Bernie - this is a crazy week for me - today particularly.

Congratulations Diane on 9,000 posts!

Have a great Monday everyone!
I can't believe it's 7:30 and only on page 3! Everyone must be puzzling over this one today.

Diane - congrats on 9000!:Pinkbounc

I think I will enjoy working on this riddle. Although, if it's 6:30 at night and I'm only halfway done, I might not be so enthusiastic!

Off to get started...

Have a great day!
Morning Everyone...
Busy day here too!!!! I've printed it off to work on throughout the day.....

Hope everyone has a nice Monday.

Good Morning Riddlers!
Enjoyed my traditional Monday morning sleep in!:D
Actually, I'm off today. My accountant is coming here for a 10:00 appointment. Taxes are done, but need to finish the FASFA forms.

Thanks Gina, I think.:rolleyes:
Diane, Forgot to say, Congrats on 9,000!

Saturday was a beautiful 57 degrees! Was able to get my bike out on the road! We got a little taste of spring, and then some more snow yesterday.:(
Stopping by for a good morning to all, hope everyone has a good week ahead. :wave: My eyes glazed over at the riddle, I doubt any pants for me today or this week on this one, LOL. Stay warm, a new record here today, only 2º. :rolleyes: Take care. :sunny:
Good Morning All!1
Busy day around here also. No school so I was able to sleep in a bit:D I too have printed it out in the hopes of stealing some time to work on it during the day.
I hope that everyone has a great day with the possible exception of Gina ;) :p ;)
Good morning OK and the corral

Thanks for the LPP. They were easy to get Friday. And thanks for pants for DS. He will be thrilled to see them when he gets home from school.

Quiet morning here. Everyone must be working on the riddle. I got 14 of the 31 on my first read through. I am sure there are a few that will have to wait until my brillant DS gets home.

:bounce: Congratulations Diane on 9000 :bounce:

It was sunny and nice and warm here on Saturday. Below freezing this morning. I always check the dogs outside bowl for my weather.

So, Gina, does this mean you have all the answers?? You can set your price for the answers to the difficult ones.


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