Ride photos - do you buy them again and again???


Aug 27, 2001
Hi guys

Just curious really last year we bought every ride photo we went on (eg splash moutain, RnR and ToT) and probably spent about $250!!!! We even bought the ones at Universal where your head is plopped onto a characters body at $30 for 2, must be mad!!!! They were funny though we were pebbles and bambam.

Anyway my point is do you buy them everytime you go back on holiday. I never bothered the first time I went and I always look at the ones we got this time and wondered what everyone else did.

I think I would buy them again and asked martin and he said probably not, so is it me is it a waste of money or does everyone else buy them again and again?

Hugs T ;)
Must admit I usually buy all the photos good or bad - I don't like leaving them behind. At the end of the day though I think they are worth the money as you have always got them to look back on.
Hi Tracy

We bought Splash Mountain & Journey to Atlantis photos on our first visit, which still make us laugh at the look on the kids faces, but we have not bothered since as they can take a large chunk of your spending money, unless its a really good one then we might make an exception. we bought one in Holland at Eifeling of us on a rollercoaster similar to Space Mountain and we only bought it to prove I'd actually been on it, LOL

Nikki :D
No we never buy them anywhere - with on or two exceptions - Nemesis the first time at Alton Towers - always think they are disappointing.
Hi Tracey

I only buy them if they are particularly good or "funny" :)

I have some great ones and it is fun to look back and remember the day and experience :)

I bought my picture in May on Tower of Terror and got a discount coupon to use if I bought the Rock n Roll Coaster picture - which of course I did - so look out for that offer.

We've got quite a few ride photos over the years, both WDW and other places, but really only one of each. Unless it's been disappointing, we tend to just stick with one copy. They still make us laugh now . . especially two:

Journey to Atlantis - it would be physically impossible to recreate my DDs face EVER again:p

Countdown to Extinction - the poor MIL . . . did she look unimpressed, or what;)

Haven't got ANY from MGM, so will be making up for that in October:D
Last time we went we bought around 16 photos - both character ones and on ride ones (Splash Mountain, Atlantis, King kong, Test track etc etc)
We alternate these photos on our 'Disney Wall Unit' in 4 frames.

Probably won't buy so many this time - but hey once we're there who knows !!

we buy a lot of the character photo's, and also those taken when you enter the parks. The entrance photo's are especially good as they are often the only family photo's we have taken on the whole trip.
Not so keen on ride photo's, although we did buy the Splash Mountain one as it was so funny, and also Katie's first big ride.

If you don't like your photos but you see a good photo of another family you could buy that and display it at home when you fall out with your real family.

We only brought one at Blizzard Beach. This was because we didn't like to take our camera to the water park :D

... when we first went, if the photo was reasonable i.e. no-one elses hand in the way, we bought them... after all, it was supposed to be a "trip of a lifetime" ;) ....... after that, we would just look at them for a giggle but not buy them.......... except for a photo of Tower Of Terror when I finally plucked up courage to ride - I needed the proof!
We bought 2 photos last year Journey to Atlantis & one at Blizzard Beach when we' re all in that large family rubber ring.

Wouldn't buy those again but would probably buy another couple on different attractions.

We also bought a couple of different photos from the water park just featuring the kids. We gave these to grandparents as pressies when we got home which went down very well.

I do regret not getting one of those photos when yuou first enter the park again it would be one of us all together. A definate for next time.

:jester: :jester: :jester:
Bein 'born again tight', I take a photy of the ride photo and am happy with that.
I made the mistake of purchasing on-ride photos of my first ever ride on Kumba and later on Hulk, they are so clever locating the on-ride photo shop at the exit since people come off so buzzing, they don't really care how much the photo is. Anyway, let's just say the photos are less than kind to my appearance, but that is what they are all about lol

I also have a hilarious photo of myself on TOT with my dad for the first time (1996), i look truly horrified and he just has a little smile on his face gazing up as though he was sitting on a park bench rather than on an elevator to hell :p
We have amassed quite a collection of these photos from various places, including WDW, Alton Towers, Blackpool etc. We display them in frames on the wall of our downstairs toilet. Much better than reading the paper in there - they always give visitors a chuckle. Very expensive wallpaper though!!

Last year in Seaworld DH wanted a ride photo of us on Kraken so, as it was quiet, we went round once so he could locate the camera and then another 5 times while he got his pose just right. The result is him looking fantastic with a big grin for the cameras while 40 other people are screaming their heads off and I am looking distinctly green!! :rolleyes: The lengths some people will go to for vanity!!

In answer to your question, I do think they are worth buying but only if they are good ones which bring back a special memory. My pics with the Dolphins at Discovery Cove were pricey but they always make me smile.:D

(mind you - now we've got a Digital Camera Dave(SD's) suggestion sounds like a great idea ;)
Originally posted by SpottyDog
Bein 'born again tight', I take a photy of the ride photo and am happy with that.

Great idea Dave, a man after my own heart LOL
I tend never to buy ride photos....I've always got my head buried into my husbands chest.............particularly if its ToT, or Jurassic Park....or any thrill ride really.
I like to buy the park photos of the kids with the characters though.
I have bought so many, these are the ones I bought:


Space Mountain (sat in a funny plastic seat, not on the ride)
Splash Mountain

Test Track
Innovations x 2 (these were free to)

Discovery Cove
Photo as you enter (that was free and I had my eyes shut)!!!
Me and Mart with dolphin

ET (you stand next to a plastic ET)!!!!
Flintstones - Pebbles and Bam Bam (stupid computer one)
Cheerleader me (stupid computer one)
Men in Black


Kennedy Space Centre
Martin in a space suit
Me in a space suit (looking like a butch man)!!!!
Both of us in cockpit

Busch Gardens
Xtreme (martin climbed that tower thingy

Also 2 videos
Discovery Cove - total waste of money
Disney Quest - Cyber Space Mountain - wicked so funny

Funny I thought i had more than that (i guess that was enough). Does anyone else know any ohers for next time!!!!

Also i never saw any of the entrance ones what parks have them?

Cheers hugs T :p


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