Robin - Caitlyn's Mom

I am in tears... this is awful... I dont even know what to say... Now she is with Dan.... :( How terribly sad... :( :( :(

I am gonig to mkae sure I kiss my little bundle tons tonight... you just never know....

she was my age too :( :(

If there is anythign i can do please let me know... I am just shocked
OMG - I am just completely in shock. Why must someone so small have to endure such tragedies. Jennifer, my prayers will be with you and your family, especially little Caitlyn.

My heart goes out to that sweet little girl and her family. I can't imagine losing my mom and I'm 35 yrs old. I just can't comprehend the pain she must be going through right now. It's just so sad.
I'm another one near tears here. My sympathy to the family and my prayers to keep Caitlyn safe from her biological father. That poor little girl.:(
OMG :( :( :( :(

My prayers for her family and Caitlyn.

This is just so sad. We will all miss Robin around here. My sympathy to the family and prayers for Caitlyn that she will remain safe.
I am speechless :(
What awful news. This is just so sad!! So very tragic, That poor little girl, she's lost so much in such a short amount of time.
Prayers going out to Caitlin and her family.....
Oh my. I don't even have words. I am so sorry. Prayers are with her and her family.
Very saddened here...haven't been able to get here in a few days and shocked to see this....I'm relatively new to the community but please add my deepest sympathies to the family and many prayers for Caitlyn.....Robin will be missed.:(
I'm stunned...
How incredibly sad and heart-breaking.

Prayers, and my deepest sympathy for Caitlin and the family.

I just can't imagine how that little girl is doing right now. Please give my condolences to Robin's family.
This is truly heartbreaking. :(

My sincere condolences to Robin's family, especially her little Caitlyn
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Caitlyn and your family. I just had the honor of getting to know your sister better through another message board. I was so awed at her courage and strength to face everything she had at such a young age. She was so excited to have lost weight and some of the things she said still have me laughing. She had a wonderful sense of humor and I will truly miss her!

If there is anything I can do my email is

Please just let me know and please let us know about Caitlyn!

{{{HUGS}}} to you and your family and that baby again!
:( :( :( I just found the boards, and I can't believe what I've read. Too, too sad - such a tragedy. Jennifer, you and Caitlyn, and the rest of Robin's family have my sincere sympathy and prayers. I wish I could be more eloquent, but words fail me. I'm just so sorry. :( :( :(
I have no words...... I just keep staring at my screen feeling like a part of our family has been lost....... wanting desperately for it to be returned so we can go on like normal.......... realizing it will never be the same........ it doesn't matter how well you knew her, if she was one of your DISbuddies or not, whether you always agreed or never did........ one of our friends, an opinion, a viewpoint, some experience, a lot of laughs and an occassional reason to grieve is gone, and the DIS will never be the same. Another chair is empty, and will remain so.........

My prayers and deepest sympathy for Caitlyn, Jennifer and Robin's entire family for their loss. Hang on Lil' Caitlyn..... you have a lot of people praying for you and caring about you.

Please let us know what we can do.
I am just so saddened by this. I can't believe how tragic this story is. Just sitting here in tears....:( Sending prayers to everyone hurting right now, especially Caitlyn.
Jennifer- My deepest condolences go out to you and your family.
Sending hugs and prayers to help comfort you and Caitlyn in your time of sorrow.


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