Roll call 10/26/03 Wonder..anyone there?

We are staying at the Hilton. I kind of wish we were staying at the Radison, because it looks great, but we are in the hotel so short a time that I did a cheapie Priceline bid and ended up with the Hilton, which I've heard is kind of so-so, not your usual Hilton standard but don't think it'll matter for us. We probably won't arrive til after midnight Saturday.

I'm also trying to stay focused on the essentials, like documents, but I'm feeling like this right now. :crazy:

Guess I better look into getting the docs filled out too. Don't want to be one of those people holding up the boarding line!

::MickeyMo OMG Not much longer now! I too have nightmares of not having my Birth Certs and stuff. I have everything in a folder and I have pretty much packed my large suit case.;) We have waited so long and now it is here!!!!! Now the scramble.....:hyper:

Ok WEATHER UPDATE!!:sunny: Looks so wonderful!! I tell you the forcast is darn near perfect!!!! It has to hold!!!:sunny:

I am not sure what to wear to the sail away party?? I got a really cute linen white dress from the Gap this weekend for $7 and I may wear that!! DD has a white cotton dress too and so we are thinking it would be cool and comfy...:cool:

I can not even concentrate on work!!UGH!:eek:

Bye girls!:wave2: this time next Monday morning, we'll be waking up in Nassau, with the sun refllecting off that gorgeous blue water!

Thanks for all the wishes for the wedding, I'm sure that once the ceremony is done the only thing I will be thinking about is the cruise. It's all I can think about now! I've got to get my documents together..for the past 6 months I've been so careful with my drivers license-I have a bad habit of losing it- and now, don't you know the week before the trip I lose the dumb thing! Same with my sunglasses.

See you real soon!

We are going to do Palo on the first night with my Aunt at around 7:30.:teeth: We have early dining and so I am going to go ahead and take DD to dinner at that time with the rest of our party so we can meet our servers. My best friend and her DS will also be on the cruise and this is their first trip. So I promised her I would come to dinner that night. I am just NOT going to eat till I get to Palo. I am checking Jo in at the Kids club after she is done eating.:cool: Atleast this is the plan??

I am also going to make a spa ressie for the Nassau day. Last year I did the Aroma spa ocean wrap and it was Heavely!:angel:

I can not wait to do it again!! I was so relaxed afterwards!! I need it...:teeth:

I love accu weather's forcast,but other forcast like Yahoo say a chance for showers on Sat and Sun in Cocoa beach??? Only a slight chance!! :( I just want the sail a way party to happen bad..... That is so fun.

Ok I rambled enough....gotta get some work daone. hee hee:crazy:

THE SAILAWAY PARTY WILL HAPPEN. lol Nothing is allowed to touch those ships except sunshine, its a rule or something. Wouldn't it be awesome if that were true?! No seriously, I wouldn't worry about the rain..when we sailed last year there was 2 hurricanes off the coast of Florida, Isador and Lilly. the night we got to Cocoa Beach was absolutely horrible, big black clouds and buckets of rain. the next morning, the day we sailed, it was still pretty yucky, overcast and stuff. When we got to the top deck it sprinkled a bit and then the sun came out, that was the last time we saw any rain. So no worries, we'll be fine!!

BTW, for those of you staying at Radisson and catching the transfers at 10:30- go outside to catch the shuttle early. we had a 10:30 shuttle and went out there by 9:45- there was already one family waiting. the shuttle came early and took us right over (I swear our driver was Joey Fatone from NSync!) and we were in the terminal by 10:20. Just a little FYI.

See you real soon!!
I have a meeting tomorrow night - but Wednesday - I've got plans to finish up the packing.

Didn't think to pick up anything for the sail-away I'll just be in normal street clothes. There is nothing in the Wisconsin stores right now that resembles a summer wardrobe.

I have to laugh a little bit though. DH is taking Friday 10/24 off from work. He thinks it is going to be a relaxing day. The honey-do list is huge. Pick up the drycleaning, pick up the schoolwork DD needs to complete on the trip, pick up breakfast to eat on the plane, plus everything else I will think up before then.

See you all soon!
The honey-do list thats cute! He will be in for a rude awakening...there is always soooo much to do! :hyper:

Can't wait! So excited!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Well I am packed and ready to go, just need my toiletry<sp> bag packed and thats it!

I shipped my halloween costumes to WDW so I didn't have to carry them. I have a second costume I will bring on the ship for my son just in case. It is a small costume, no bulk. The fireman costune has a big helmet and big boots and mine has boots and a big witch hat it just wouldn't all fit in my suitcase.

Well just wanted to check-in with ya'll!

Happy cruising!:wave2: :wave2:
DD is packed - it really helped she had a class tonight as I was able to concentrate and just get it done.

1 down - 2 to go!

EDIT: Now we are all packed excpet for the slacks that are at the cleaners - and our shaving/make-up bags.

The Wisc. weather report - it was hailing at our house tonight.

This is so exciting.

:Pinkbounc I want to be there. NOW.:Pinkbounc
FH and I finished up our packing today, too. The only thing(s) we have left are his dress shoes (need those for rehersal Friday night) and my makeup bag. Everything else is ready to go!

Don't forget your hand's Norwalk season!
:hyper: I can not stand it any longer! I think I am ready!


Good luck with you wedding. Hope we get to meet you two newlyweds on board:bride:
Hope it goes WONDERful for you!!

Have a safe trip everyone!:wave2:
Good advice Soliel! Will go and get my hand sanitizer right now!

Have a wonderful wedding and a good trip! Will see you soon!:wave2:
thank you all for the wedding wishes..I'm sure this will be my last post until we get back. I'll see you all real soon!!
I hope we make it to the boat.

DW and I spend the last 24 hours taking care of a baby (who's comming with us) who caught the stomic virus. Poor little thing started vomiting as we tried to put him to bed Wednesday night. He's just getting over some sort of a cold/sinus infection that was keeping him from eating, so he soon reached the dry heaves with this stomic virus.

The two questions now are:
1) Can we get him rehydrated (he still don't want to eat or drink very much)?
2) Are we going to come down with it?

We know that Patrick got the stomic virus from MDO program at church Tuesday (first time he's been out and around other kids for over a week), and it was right at 36 hours he got sick. As I write this, DW and I feel ok (other than getting over the colds we caught from Patrick) but we could still easily get sick by this evening.

I figure if neither one of us is sick by tommorrow morning, we'll have missed getting the stomic virus from Patrick and he can start heading for the boat.

Our only other chance of making the cruise is for us both to get sick in the next 12 hours. That will give us until Saturday night to get over it and still have time to get to the boat if we drive through the night.

Hope to be able to see ya'll on the boat.
:hug: You all need a hug! I will be saying a prayer for your family today:angel:

I sure hope today is a turn around and that the rest of you stay well. You still have time! Don't panic...Hopefully it has run its course.

Hope to see you on the ship......:boat:

:jumping1: IT"S ALMOST TIME TO LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
You all need a hug! I will be saying a prayer for your family today

Thanks Michelle, it helps brighten my day to know someone is thinking about us.

If everything goes well, we should be one of the first in line to get on the boat Sunday morning.

You'll know its us if you see a family of three with Daddy with short brown hair (turning gray), Mommy has mid-length red hair, and Patrick is a 14 month old blond.
We are taking the 10:30 shuttle from the Radisson and hope to get in line early too...:hyper: We have a group of 11. I have med
length brown hair and DD is a blond with tons of energy! She will be bouncing around:Pinkbounc Can not miss her!:hyper: princess: BF has black hair....We will be really excited!! Along with everyone else..

Can't wait! I know you guys will make it just fine! Think Positive!


I'm sure all will work out! It is Disney after-all and Disney means magic...right! I will say a little prayer for you and your wife and son. I am Michelles Aunt princess: and we will be on the same cruise...I hope, hope, hope that everything works out for you guys!:wave2: I have short black hair too and will have a wild four-year old boy with me. The day we sail I will be wearing my black horned rim glasses and my black linen overalls with a pink shirt. If you see us say "Hey":grouphug:
I'm sure all will work out! It is Disney after-all and Disney means magic...right! I will say a little prayer for you and your wife and son.

Thanks BabySam99,

I spoke to the Dr's office this morning about Patrick and as long as we get some fluids in him, they can't give us any reason not to go. So since he is at least drinking formula, it looks like Patrick is going to be ready to go.

As of noon today, the good news is that neither of us seems sick yet, but we're not out of the woods yet. If we caught anything from Patrick before he started getting sick, we should either already be getting sick (its been 36 hours, the amount of time from exposure to vomit for Patrick) or get sick in the next several hours.

Once we realized Patrick had a stomic virus, we tried to keep our hands washed and kept things clean to avoid getting sick, but you never know. I'm assuming that worst case is that we might have gotten sick for diarrea dipers from last night. Assuming it takes 48 hours at most to get sick, we won't know for sure until we arrive in Titusville tommorrow night.

But given the fact that neither one of us feels sick yet, that it's been 36 hours since initial exposure, and that the last time I had a stomic virus, I felt ill before the truly sick stage hit, I've got lots of hope. I'm currently expecting to see all of ya at the port Sunday morning.

I think you guys will be fine! You say you washed your hands and thats a good thing.

I hope to see you all in Florida! Jave a good trip and be careful!:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:


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