Rooms, Pins, Furniture - Updated 4/4/07

would u take any thing other then credits or no if not i will try to get the credits

Well, I can do buyables, like the pin that will come out at the end of this week, or the New Year's hat, or whatever like that. That still means you have to earn the credits though.

The only stuff I don't have or have few of are rare items, like stitch, haunted mansion quest or beta items. But, I'm fairly certain those go for more than I am asking.
Hi DaraAllen,

I'm interested in the Invisibility Magic. How much would you like for it? Would you prefer credits, or buyables?


Happy, Pink posted first. If something changes and she wants less than the three, then you are next in line.
No problem Pink, you can have 'em :)

DaraSue, I'm sorry but I haven't had any time to do anything on VMK. I haven't logged on in a long time; I didn't even get the weekened pin! I think I need a break from VMK for a little while, I'm tired of all the pressure of getting every new item and playing fireworks for hours at a time. I'm also sick of the rude players, bay be, taken, and Staff seeming to turn a blind eye to it all; it's too much for one virtual Sparkle_Cherry to handle. I'll try and have your credits by the new year though, maybe I can tough it out and get you the credits before resuming my break :goodvibes Merry belated Christmas DaraSue!

On post #234 you mentioned you still had one teleportation magic for trade. Is it gone now? if it is just disregard my offer but if you still have it let me know. Actually, could you let me know one way or the other? Ty
wondering if you have a musketeer hat or pirate hat for trade :) plmk
Have a great day!

Sorry, dragon, I don't have even one musketeer hat, and I only have one pirate hat (I assume you mean the ones from either the original pirate quest or the one from the in-game quest).

If I stumble across another, I will be sure to let you know!
Hi there! :wave2: I really want to get an AK room and was wondering if we could work a deal like the deals you do with Sparkle Cherry for one? (especially since I'm a little low on the credits :sad2: ) I could buy you January weekend pins in the amount you'd like for the AK room perhaps? Also, I am interested in the 3 safari lifestyle collections. Not sure how much they are worth in credits. I'm horrible when it comes to knowing that stuff.:laughing: So, just let me know what you'd like and we can work something out perhaps too? Thanks for considering.:goodvibes
Hi there! :wave2: I really want to get an AK room and was wondering if we could work a deal like the deals you do with Sparkle Cherry for one? (especially since I'm a little low on the credits :sad2: ) I could buy you January weekend pins in the amount you'd like for the AK room perhaps? Also, I am interested in the 3 safari lifestyle collections. Not sure how much they are worth in credits. I'm horrible when it comes to knowing that stuff.:laughing: So, just let me know what you'd like and we can work something out perhaps too? Thanks for considering.:goodvibes

Vina, yes of course we can work the sparky type deal!

The safari lifestyle collections have been going for 1000 each, but since you are buying more than one, you can have all three for 2500. That sound fair?
Vina, yes of course we can work the sparky type deal!

The safari lifestyle collections have been going for 1000 each, but since you are buying more than one, you can have all three for 2500. That sound fair?

Sweet!:banana: Thank you so much DaraSue!:hug: I truly appreciate this.:goodvibes I've sent you a pm about the trade. Looking forward to hearing from you. :cutie:
Updated with sorcerer mickey hat and mad hatter hats
I am interested in a few of the items that you are trading. Are you only looking for credits? If not, please check out my trade thread. If so, then I will tell you which items in particular so you can tell me how many.
I am interested in a few of the items that you are trading. Are you only looking for credits? If not, please check out my trade thread. If so, then I will tell you which items in particular so you can tell me how many.

Jen, it is so sad of me to have to admit this, but I have about ten of everything on your list, except your well chairs, of which I have over fifty!

What are the items you are interested in? About the only thing that I have any interest in might be the AK room codes for gifting or trading.
Jen, it is so sad of me to have to admit this, but I have about ten of everything on your list, except your well chairs, of which I have over fifty!

What are the items you are interested in? About the only thing that I have any interest in might be the AK room codes for gifting or trading.

Thats ok. Let me look at your list again and see which items I am really interested in and then you could tell me the prices. Does that work?


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