Rosiejo's FTW trip report (November 2005) Completed 03.04.06

Up and out at 8am again today as we knew we’d have to leave IOA at 3pm to go for tux fittings.

Emma’s cold has hit her hard so she decided to stay home in bed today and sleep it off.

In retrospect we should have left DH behind as he really doesn’t like IOA and didn’t enjoy himself at all.

We arrived just as the park opened and headed over to Marvel Island. David and Victoria wanted to ride Hulk. They were still testing it so we went and rode Spiderman first. This ride is FANTASTIC – I love the whole driving round in a car with Spiderman there in 3d thing. It’s odd because last year I hated it :confused: In trips before then we used to ride this thing 3 or 4 times in a day!

After spidey we went back to Hulk – well David and Victoria got in line – the rest of us waited on the bridge with cameras poised to take their pictures. We had a while to wait as they wanted front row seats!

We then had some mad idea to go to Duelling Dragons to beat the queues – well we shouldn’t have bothered with that plan! Once again only David and Victoria were riding – so they got in line while the rest of us went up the FP entrance to take photos… and we waited… and waited for about an hour because the ride kept breaking down! ZZzzzzz Luckily Ian had brought his PSP which kept him and DH entertained for a while.

Next we headed to Jurassic Park – I’m not a fan of log flumes – and this is a big one – so decided I’d rather eat my lunch – DH joined me as he didn’t want to ride – and Dad hates getting wet so he took photos. The others enjoyed it though!

I should add a little story in here – last trip with my parents we went on Bluto’s Bilge rat barges – and LOVED it!! But got drowned! So last trip DH and I put on our wet clothes, packed some dry clothes in our rucksack and paid $10 to stow the rucksack in preparation. Then we opened the map… no BBRB! I asked a staff member and she looked at me funny and said there was no such ride!

I thought it must have closed – but as DH and I walked through the Toon Lagoon there it was – with a sign saying closed for refurbishment! Why can’t universal just be honest about refurbs and publish them like Disney does??

So back to today – we figured it’s November again BBRB is bound to be shut – so no wet clothes today.

SO we head to Toon Lagoon, with everyone fired up for the other log flume – but it’s shut! And guess what? Yep BBRB is open!

So we think about it – do we want to get soaked to the skin with no dry clothes? It’s about 1pm by this time and everyone agrees they’ve seen enough so this would be the last ride, and it is quite hot and sunny… so we get in line…

I’m so glad we did – this was the highlight of the day!

We queued for about 20 minutes, discussing how we could whip our shoes off and stash them in the centre holder before the ride started :rolleyes1:

Now if you like the rapids at AK you have to ride these – they are 10 times better. The opportunities for a soaking are so much more, and the ride is longer. After the first couple of minutes we were all wet and laughing – then I saw a bit waterfall coming so I closed my eyes and ducked – and missed the best part of the ride – apparently as we passed by a tube that was at eye level with my mum a huge blast of water hit her square in the face! Everyone was in hysterics and mum looked like she’d had a bath with her clothes on :rotfl: Trust me to miss it :sad:

By the end of the ride we were all pretty wet – but mum was soaked to the skin – and proceeded to walk through Toon Lagoon getting in every water fountain she could find!!!

David and Victoria decided they wanted to ride Hulk one last time on the way out so we stood on the bridge to dry off.

By now it was about one o’clock so we decided to head back to the villas to change into dry clothes and pick up Emma before going for the tux fittings – it’s not like we could take the boys in the store dripping wet!

DH and I pretty much decided we wouldn’t come back to IOA again – the rides here are either for kids or thrill seekers – and in November half of it’s shut anyway. It’s a pity really as I love the themeing of the place – it’s so well done. If they could take the themeing and Spiderman next door to USF I’d be happy :)

Emma’s feeling much better when we get back to the villa so she comes with us to the Tux Fitting. We booked the tuxes with Carolyn Allens over the internet. We’d sent in the measurements and were going to have them come out to the villa – but then we found they are just next to Sea World so decided we’d rather go to the store – in case the measurements hadn’t been right!

We managed to find the store ok – and I decided I didn’t want to see DH in his tux – he hadn’t seen my dress after all – so I went for a wander around Publix with Victoria.

After about 10 minutes mum tracked us down and asked me if I wanted my dress steamed – I said no it was fine as it was – but mum knew that – so I asked her why she was really here and was there a problem… she just laughed and said Dad’s trousers were three inches too short – and as he was wearing white socks he looked like Michael Jackson!!!! :eek: Luckily they were going to fix it for him…

I was getting a bit worried by this point – especially when I asked what colour the suits were and all four men gave me a different answer! :eek:

I decided to leave it to fate and we piled back in the truck to go to the Florida Mall.

The mall was great as usual – we all split up and went round in pairs and then met up outside a couple of hours later in time for dinner. Shopping in the States is great for us as it’s so much cheaper than back home :)

We decided on Pizza Hut for dinner tonight – and went to one on the 192 – which we very nearly walked straight out of as the air conditioning was on so high we were all freezing! The pizza was alright here – but not as nice as Pizza Hut back home – which is very odd! We couldn’t eat everything so we had a lot of doggy bags to take with us at the end!

Another record day today – we walked 9.8 miles! I think a lot of that had to do with the mall too :)
David was off to do his ATX astronaut experience at Kennedy today – so mum and dad drove him over there and went to Kennedy.

The rest of us? We had a lie in! Well only a small one – then we headed out to Wet n Wild in time for opening.

This was a new park for us – but we’d had tickets for a wedding present so we went to check it out.

We found some chairs to store our stuff on (not hard the place was empty) and hit the slides. We started off with the tame looking ones and worked our way up – my personal favourite was Disco H2O although I had to ride it twice to appreciate it as the first time I had my eyes tight shut! We did the tube slides and then headed over to the “family” raft ride. I have to say I didn’t like this one – it’s a series of slalom type bumps down quite a long drop – and I shared a raft with Emma and Victoria – they went down backward so I was facing the drop the whole way – and my bum didn’t touch the raft the whole way down! I felt like I was flying… :eek:

When we’d had our fill of slides we floated in the lazy river – not so sure about the lazy though, there’s quite a current in there – be careful if you have little ones!

Then into the wave pool – I wasn’t taken with this – the waves were coming from the left and the right making it quite choppy and not like the real ocean… the funniest thing was the guy near us telling his mate that the wave pool at Typhoon Lagoon was 10 times bigger and much better than this one! {I have to agree}

Wet n Wild is worth a trip if you have 4/5 park flex tickets – I don’t think I’d pay the gate price to get in though, Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach are much better – Disney just has that themeing thing down to a T, which really makes a difference. I’m not good with heights so standing in line on top of a flight of stairs when I can see all the way down to the bottom was quite scary for me.


By about midday we’d done all the slides and decided we were ready to hit the mall. We stopped in the van and had a picnic of yesterday’s cold pizza then got on the road… here things went slightly awry…

I was navigating using the directions in a free book from the villa – which sent us off in completely the wrong direction! It took us an hour to find Belz – which involved us driving in a massive circle all the way out to John Young Parkway, past Carolyn Allens and Sea World, back up International drive and past Wet n Wild again… and then 10 minutes up the road to Belz… :rotfl:

The funniest part was that when we left the car park a song was playing on the radio and Ian switched on his PSP – he was so engrossed that he didn’t look up for the whole trip… until we were outside WnW again… and the same song was back on the radio… he looked very :confused: and asked if we’d actually been anywhere :rotfl:

We spent a couple of hours wondering around both malls, I think we all bought a few bits and pieces but soon it was time to head back to the villa to meet the others for dinner.

I don’t actually remember where we ate tonight – it might have been IHOP again but I’m not sure.

ETA – it’s just come back to me! We headed over to TGIs – the food there is always good if a little pricey – although nowhere near as expensive as it is back home! Mum ordered a cocktail – which came out in a glass like a goldfish bowl! Set her back about 7 bucks but she enjoyed it…

David told us all about his trip to ATX which sounded pretty good if you’re interested in being an astronaut – which he is! I should get him to write a trip report really in case anyone else is thinking of doing it.

As the night was still young we drove over to Wintersummerland for a round of mini golf on the winter course. Great fun especially as mum was a bit tipsy from her cocktail!

Disney even takes crazy golf to the next level – the themeing is fantastic – especially when you get squirted with water at random times :rotfl:

DH had a bit of a sulk here as it turned out I beat him… but he managed to changed the scoring so he’d beat me by one point… one day I’ll get him :rotfl:

It was a pretty relaxing day today for a change, we only clocked up 4.3 miles (but then I obviously didn’t wear it to WnW and we walked up a lot of steps!)
fizz13 said:
you seemed to get a lot done today, Cracker Barrel is really nice inside, welcoming and warm, nice report,

Claire xx

Hi Claire - I just checked out your website and am hooked on your pre-trip plans for your "solo" trip this year - I'll keep checking back for updates :goodvibes
Today we all headed out to Sea World – David’s going into the Shark Encounter tank today on another one of his “activities” – he must be mad!!

Sea World is a fantastic park – but long gone are the days that you can do it all in a day, to think we used to go to Sea World on our first day after a welcome meeting as an easy day!

We picked up a park map at the entrance – and then flipped it over to see the times guide. (The Sea World map is great – just an A3 sheet with the map on one side and times for the day on the other – easy to carry around)

Seeing all of the shows we wanted to was going to be a struggle – especially when we wanted to go see David in the shark tank too. We decided that today would be a good day to all split up and see the shows we wanted – and then meet at the exit at 4pm. The park was open until 6 or 7 today but we had to go back to Carolyn Allens to pick up the tuxes and the store closes at 5pm.

Here’s what we saw/did today:

Penguin encounter – they’re the cutest, go check them out!

Clyde and Seamore do Pirate Island – this show is a scream, especially the mime artist at the start, one very good reason not to be late to the show! A guy came in with his wife {partner/girlfriend/whatever} and she was carrying a big rucksack, the mime guy took it from her back and when she turned to ask what on earth he was doing he made the guy carry it! Everyone was in stitches and he was :blush: :rotfl:
I love this show – the animals are so clever, and the actors/handlers are so good at covering over when things don’t quite go to plan :)

Shamu – You gotta love that whale :) Its pure entertainment just watching the people mad enough to sit in the front section getting a soaking! I just love the way they escape to the first level when they finally understand just how wet they’ll get – and they still get soaked! I could never quite understand why the disabled viewing areas are in the splash zone though – not very fair surely :confused:

Blue Horizons – the new dolphin show – I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with this one – I loved the old Key West show that it replaced. I think I liked it – although it was more about birds and men jumping from the rafters than the dolphins! It was very well choreographed – but I’m not sure they haven’t just overcomplicated things. Might have to watch it again to make my mind up!

Dolphin nursery – There was a three day old baby in the tank, which was quite cool to see, the nursery had only reopened that day and you could see the mom and baby swimming around together :love:

Dolphin encounter – It’s always so busy around here but we managed to get a spot on the wall and stroked a couple of dolphins – very cool experience! They’re so funny they swim right up to you and just as you reach out they swim away laughing at you!

I got a bit annoyed here as I tried to do someone a favour and didn’t even get a thanks. Here’s what happened – DH and I had been hanging around by the wall for about 10 minutes – and we were right next to the area they rope off for VIP passholders (not that there was anyone in there so that’s a bit annoying!) Anyway there are a couple of young boys behind me with their mum (about 5 and 7 maybe) the kids were waiting patiently and their dad went and got them some fish. So then an older kid turns up and starts shaking the rope and moaning that he wants to see the dolphins – at this point I was just about to head over to the other side to take photos – I got the attention of one of the younger boys and then had to manoeuvre myself out in such a way that he could get in before the older kid who’d just showed up. He headed to the wall and started dropping his fish in… no thank you… I thought his mum might prompt him but she actually gave me a dirty look! I’m sorry I know we’d been there a while but we have as much right to see the dolphins as anybody – and I’d made a point of making sure he got my place rather than the lad who just turned up?? Anyway rant over… no more good deeds from me!

Went up the hill on the other side and got some good pictures of DH stroking the dolphins while they ate the other kid’s fish!
Shark encounter – Ended up going through the tunnel on the walkway about three times trying to spot David – didn’t get to see him! Turns out the encounter lasted much longer than he thought so he wasn’t in the tank when he thought he would be… poor Emma sat around waiting for him for an hour he was so late… not very good organisation for this one I’m afraid to say. The check in place is on the other side of the park so no one went with him – otherwise they would have found out about the extended time – but of course he had no way of getting a message to anyone. If anyone is thinking of this encounter – and has a scuba licence – I’d recommend the dive quest programme at the living seas at Epcot instead. David can dive and was stuck in a shark cage – later in the week we saw people diving with the sharks and the rays and fish etc at the living seas and it looked much better.

Sting rays – After petting the dolphins DH got brave and actually stuck his hand in with the rays! Well David dared him :rolleyes1: He didn’t have any fish but the rays came over anyway… yuck!

I think that was everything – we didn’t make it over to the far side of the park for the arctic encounter – which is a pity as I like to see the Polar Bear – the only time we were over that side was after Shamu – when every other person from the stadium was heading inside there… didn’t fancy that kind of line!

Like I said – great park, you just can’t do it all in a day, and unfortunately we didn’t have any time in the holiday to go back.

We left at 4pm (so missed the evening Shamu show which I really love) to go and pick up the tuxes, it was a good job we left early as we managed to get totally lost again! We came out of the car park onto a different road than the one we went in on and just couldn’t work out which way to go – we ended up driving around a housing estate where every house looked the same and we thought we’d never escape!

We did manage to get there before the store closed though and picked up the tuxes :)

No idea what happened this evening! Think we went to Walmart then back to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner which was a hit again. Those loaded cheese and bacon fries are DELICIOUS!

Early night tonight as we have an early start in the morning for Busch Gardens…

Miles walked: 5.19
Well today felt like a disaster from start to finish. We’d been to BG once years ago, but every trip since decided it was too far way. When I was planning this trip I went and asked everyone if they fancied giving it a try – so that I could buy 5 park flex tickets instead of 4 park ones. Everyone agreed they’d like to go so I squeezed it into the itinerary and bought the tickets.

So last night Ian mentions to DH that he and Victoria might give it a miss… they’ve had enough of rollercoasters and already seen AK so what’s the point? But they decide they will make the final decision in the morning…

We all get up early so we can leave at 7.15am. At 7.15 on the dot Ian turns up and asks DH for the car keys – they’ve decided to sleep a bit longer and then go shopping instead. At which point Dad announces that we might as well all give it a miss!

Ok I’ve been up since 6am – this has been planned for months and suddenly we’re not going, just like that?? Even though there are 5 people still wanting to go?? So I walk out of the room – Ian goes back to bed – and everyone else piles in the truck.

With hindsight we probably should have just stayed home – but we drive to Tampa, and we wait 25 minutes to be let into the car park (I’m getting more annoyed by the minute) then we get to the bag check and the guy tries to confiscate our packed lunch – apparently we put it in a locker or it goes in the bin… Interestingly you have to go past the bag check to get to the lockers, so the sandwiches stay in my bag!

We head to Rhino Rally, where David and I have a brother sister scrap in the line! You get to the front of the line and there are numbered dots to stand on – but no one directing you – so I work out that because David stood to the side someone else is on his dot, and he won’t be riding – but he won’t listen and Dad starts telling us to stop behaving like children… so we do… behave like children!! I’m tired, this holiday’s starting to get to me! I can’t cope with trying to please this many people!

Anyway – we finally get on the ride – and to be honest it was a BIG let down… I was expecting it to be like the AK safari but it wasn’t…

Next we decide to go for a wander round and head to the coasters for David and Emma to ride – which somehow starts another argument - at this point I decide I really don’t want to be here and start crying! Everyone decides it’s best we split up and meet at the exit at 3pm…

So mum and dad go there own way and me, DH, David and Emma head to the water rides… yep you read that right, we can act like adults perfectly well when there are no parents around… go figure! :rotfl:

I get bullied into riding the log flume – as apparently the drop is tiny compared to at MK… not sure I want to do this but I find the bag stashed in a locker and me in the car for the log flume… it was alright – I just hate the feeling when you go over the top of the drop and your stomach goes up in the air! It was fun though.

As we were already wet we decided to go on Tidal Wave – I was a bit worried after the flume but the drop isn’t have as big – we took a waterproof disposable camera on with us and got some hysterical shots!
There was no line and a boat had just pulled in so we jumped in the back row – the people who had just got out were bone dry – see David said – you sit in the back as the ones in the front get wetter… famous last words…

For some reason you go petering round a moat through trees for about 5 minutes – obviously to get you round to the flume but soooo boring! Come on take a leaf from Disney put some story to it!!! But before long we’re going up the slope – and then down the other side… and I’m screaming… and then I’m drowning! Literally, the largest amount of water just dumped on my head and I’m soaked to the skin… :confused: but we sat at the back?? We should be dry?? :rotfl:

DH decides that as he is already wet he’s going to go and stand on the bridge when the next tidal wave hits… he reckons that was as good as the ride – the second wave nearly knocked him right off his feet!

Back to the locker to rescue the dry clothes… I am so glad we brought them as I could wring the water out of the clothes I was wearing! Oh and for those of you yet to travel – when I say dry clothes I mean right down to pant(ie)s and socks – in fact if you decide you’ll brave the water rides and stay in your wet clothes then just take dry pant(ie)s and socks with you – you’ll appreciate it! Nothing worse than walking around in wet knickers!

Time for a spot of lunch now – so we find a bench and get the sarnies out.

We then head over to the train for a ride around the park – and then go and do some of the animal trails.

Before too long it’s time to go and meet mum and dad – we didn’t get to see RL Steine but we’re ready to head home.

I don’t think we’ll be going back to BG – when I arranged the plan I made sure we did AK first as I thought it would be a let down in comparison… boy was I wrong! BG is not a patch on AK – yeah it’s bigger and has more coasters but the animals just look bored and unhappy :sad:

Back in the truck we get back on the road back to Kissimmee – we decide to head to Old Town as its Saturday night and David and dad want to see the cars. We got stuck in a bit of traffic on the I4 but made it to Old Town by about 6pm.

By now we’re all tired and very hungry so we call Ian and Victoria back at the villa and tell them to meet us at the Denny’s across the road from Old Town at 6.30. David was a bit upset that he couldn’t look at the cars for longer but like I said we were all hungry!

We get to Denny’s to find Ian and Victoria sitting outside – see they’re not always late!

Inside things don’t quite go according to plan…

We order drinks and a main course each…

15 minutes later the food arrives… for everyone but me and Emma… the waiter says ours is just coming out of the oven…

DH realises his cheeseburger has no cheese in it… the manager comes over and asks what kind of cheese he wants – takes the burger to the counter, puts a piece of cheese in and brings it back.

Emma asks where our food is and is told it’s just on the counter and will be out I a minute…

DH finds a hair in his burger :eek: The waiter comes back and takes his plate away – Emma asks where our food is – and is told it’s on the counter…

The waiter brings a new burger and fresh fries for DH…

Emma asks where our food is and is told it’s on the counter…

By this time everyone else has finished – the manager finally brings Emma’s food and hands me a bowl of chicken strips… I’d ordered the main with a double side of fries not an appetizer so I ask where my chips are… the manager looks at me like I’m funny and says “you didn’t order any”!!! By this point I’m mad but Emma’s madder – she demands an apology and some fries… the manager gets in a huff and goes and gets the fries.

By this point I’m past hungry and my food tastes like cardboard so we ask for the bill. Emma makes sure that we are not charged for our food or DH’s burger – go girl! The manager tells us it’s not always like this in here and please come back… yeah right! No tip, no return business from us!

So we head back to the villa for some much needed sleep and a bowl of rice crispies!

Miles walked today:7.84
Enjoying reading your trippies! Could you ask David for some info about the ATX experience at KSC as we've been thinking about doing it? Thanks.
Really enjoying your reports, rosiejo. Thanks for sharing with us.

ArielJasmine princess:
Today is my birthday! I planned the trip to ensure I would be at MK today – need some Disney magic on my birthday and what better place to go than the Magic Kingdom?

We’re up early again and arrive just as the park opens. We head over to get FPs for Space mountain and then ride Buzz. We ride this a couple of times (it’s not as good as MIB IMHO but still fun) and there was no line at all.

Having read TGM religiously before the trip – and printing out detailed touring plans – I realise that I’m not picked up the plan for MK! :eek: I have a slight panic – but DH assures me that it’s a quiet day and we should just do what we want to. As our SP fastpass time had still not arrived we headed to Mickey’s Philarmagic. Once again our party got split up as David and Emma and Mum and Dad lagged behind for photos… I’m all for photo stops but can we get the rides out of the way first so we don’t spend all day standing in a line please???

I love this 3d show – it has my favourite movies in and I sing along to my heart’s content. While in the theatre I notice the woman in front has a TGM page printed out so say to DH – hey looks like we’re on track after all!!!

After philarmagic it’s time to head back to ride Space Moutain. Dad decides he doesn’t want to ride, and DH announces he doesn’t feel well and SP makes him motion sick – so we give them our tickets and send them to get FPs for Big Thunder Railroad.
On our way to Space we see a crowd of people standing around… and hear a high pitched voice… and then we get to see a celebrity – none other than the talking trashcan!!! I’ve read about him on the DIS but never seen him before. As we walk by he stops right in front of me and tells the crowd it’s my birthday (I’m wearing a birthday design on my t-shirt) and gets everyone to sing happy birthday :blush: he stops to get my name in the middle and then at the end tells everyone he knows I’m from England because of the way I’m dressed! It made my day and everyone in my family thought it was hysterical that a trash can was singing to me :)

Ian and David were trying to work out the secret behind the trashcan, Ian thought it must be a dwarf inside :rotfl: then Emma spotted a man with a mic to his mouth and a big messenger bag with the remote control in. He looked so conspicuous when you actually realised where he was!

I sat at the front of the car in space – OMG how scary is that?? I’ve ridden it so many times before but the front of the car is like a whole different ride! I still can’t decide if I actually enjoy the experience or not :rolleyes1:

David managed to lose his sunglasses on the ride as he was trying to hold onto them instead of putting them in the net bag – so beware make sure you stash your valuables.

We finally made it to BTMR just in time for our FP window – DH and Dad wanted to know where on earth we’d been so I told them all about the singing trashcan!

DH told me he still wasn’t well so we left him with the bags while the rest of us piled on BTMR – this is my favourite coaster in WDW I could ride it all day :)

Next we headed over to Pirates – like this ride but it would be better with a Johnny Depp animatronic :rolleyes:

By now it was about 11.30 (wow we got a lot done this morning) I wanted to see the new Cinderellabration show so we headed to the castle. This is a cute show and draws the crowds – it was nice to see all of the princesses :princess:

When the show was over we decided that we’d seen everything we wanted to – and that we’d like to head to Typhoon Lagoon for a few hours.

We went back to the villa to grab our swim suits and then headed over to TL to hit the slides. It had clouded over so it wasn’t very busy and we hardly had to queue for any of the slides. We were all keen to show David Crush n Gusher as he’d not been with us on the first day. This time I went on a double tube instead of a triple and boy did it make a difference, it wasn’t half as scary. Obviously the extra weight of the third person really increases the speed of the tube!

We had an underwater camera with us today so we messed around in the wave pool taking pictures while trying to ride the waves – it was great fun and the pictures turned out good too :)

We headed back to the villa just before 5 and had a quick shower stop before heading to IHOP for dinner – yes it’s my birthday and yes that’s where I wanted to eat – I :love: this diner!

Then it was over to Epcot to see Illuminations. We didn’t go near any rides this evening as we were all too full from too many pancakes – instead we found a good spot for the fireworks and had a nice sit down :)
Illuminations is a great show – in true Disney style the choreographing of the music and the fireworks is just awesome :love:

It was also a fantastic way to end my birthday… and I have to say becoming a bit of a tradition… when we were over in 2003 we did exactly the same thing… MK/TL/Epcot… now I just have to convince DH that we should do the same birthday treat this year :rolleyes1:
Sounds like a great day, Clare :teeth: Thanks for the update. :goodvibes I agree with you about MIB. :thumbsup2
Sounds like you had a great birthday, RosieJo. And the singing trash can sounds hilarious!! :rotfl2:

ArielJasmine princess:
Really enjoying your report - more soon please!
Really enjoying your reports ~ Can't wait to read more.
Thanks for all the encouragement guys :goodvibes Here's the next installment...

** ** ** **

Today we all went our different ways…

Mum, Dad, David and Emma went off to IOA and USF and then up to Belz for some shopping.

DH and I drove to Epcot with Ian and Victoria. They were booked in for the Dolphins in the Depth tour, and DH and I were on a search for ::MickeyMo and ::MinnieMo in their wedding outfits.

We got on the monorail and headed to the Poly – where we wanted to check out the hotel before the ceremony tomorrow. We had a wander around the shop (no wedding M&M here), checked out the spot where the wedding co-ordinator would wait for DH and then jumped back on the monorail to the Grand Floridian.

Wow – it sure is a posh hotel! We wandered into all of the shops here and were disappointed that despite it being home of the wedding chapel there were no wedding mice to be found! We saw the princess tea party with all the little girls in their pretty dresses, and the foundations of the gingerbread house were being built too.

We left empty handed and headed over to the Magic Kingdom.

As we only had a couple of hours to spare we just wandered around the park and looked in the shops, it was a nice relaxing visit. I convinced DH that he needed to ride BTMR (his first time) – and luckily he liked it so much we rode it twice (once on a FP and once in the standby line).

On the way back to the monorail we went around the castle, and DH re-proposed and gave me back my engagement ring :love: {I had taken it off the month before to have it cleaned at the jewellers and had been wearing my “temporary” ring ever since as I wanted it to be as shiny as my wedding ring!}

We left the MK without any wedding mice and decided we’d pick some up from Mouse Gear. We managed to find the mice in there (they were smaller than the ones we had wanted to find but we decided they would have to do the job)

Before we knew it, it was time to head back to the car to meet the others. The weather today was really grey and cloudy and as we walked back to the car it started to spot with rain. As we made it out on to the parking lot it suddenly started pouring down with rain – we had to hide out in the wheelchair shelter! When it eased off a bit we ran back to the car. By this point I was soggy and morose… what if the weather was like this tomorrow? I don’t want to get married indoors at the Poly :sad:

When Ian and Victoria arrived back we headed over to Downtown Disney. DH and Ian went off on a secret mission to World of Disney and Victoria and I went and oohed and aahed at the decorations in the Christmas shop :love:

They then went over to Disney Quest to meet the rest of my family while DH and I drove back to the villa to finish packing the cases and move our things over to the Animal Kingdom Lodge.

I’d had a cold brewing for the last couple of days, and by the time we got back to the villa I was starting to feel pretty rough, and as I’m a fair weather person the wet weather was not helping my mood! :sick:

The plan was to pack and check in as quickly as possible and then meet the others at Disney Quest, however as tomorrow was our wedding day and I didn’t want to be ill we decided that we should skip DQ, check in and have a nap.

We packed our cases, loaded the car and headed over to the AKL.

I think we arrived there at about 4pm so there was no line for check in. It was pretty quick and easy, although we didn’t get an upgrade despite it being our honeymoon :sad:

We had booked a standard room, and DH and I had discussed paying to upgrade, we had set a figure that we would pay… but when we asked it was three times the amount we’d agreed on :eek: Ok it would be nice to wake up to giraffe but not that nice :rolleyes1:

It took us a while to find our room as the CM had circled the wrong wing on the map! I thought maybe we were getting a surprise upgrade after all but no such luck… :)

The room was great and I cheered up a bit as I ran round investigating and getting completely excited by the fact that not only was there a picture of :Mickey: on the soap wrapper… but he was imprinted in the soap too! :love:

We both took a nap and then I had a shower and washed my hair (I had been told I couldn’t wash it in the morning before the hairdresser arrived) then at 7pm we drove over to Old Town to meet the others.

Now here’s where things took a bit of a turn for the worse…

I had decided that having planned the holiday down to the last detail to make sure everyone had a great time the one thing I wanted to do was have a manicure for the wedding. When we were at Old Town last week we’d seen a salon advertising manicures in the window. So Victoria and I were all lined up for having a finger nails pampered.

We walked into the shop and asked the guy behind the counter if we could have our nails done, at which point he says, oh we do massages not manicures… ok I say, but it says you do manicures on the price list in the window… yes he says, but we don’t do them anymore! :earseek:

He tells me that he knows a manicurist on the 192 but that they won’t be open this late, and then tells me that as I’m a stressed bride Victoria should buy me a massage… I wasn’t actually stressed until this point but now I’m getting upset…

I manage to extract us from the shop… as the guy is now trying to sell me some hand cream to make my hands look nice for the wedding… and we go outside to tell the others.

So I’m tired and I have a stinking cold and it’s the day before my wedding and I can’t get a manicure from a shop clearly advertising manicures in the window… and my dear mother says… well it’s your own fault you should have checked they actually did manicures and not left it until the last minute :eek:

Ok now I’m getting seriously upset…

My brother then announces that after dinner we’re going to have our photos taken dressed up as cowboys… ok let me just check we’re all on the same page here… it’s 8pm… we’re about to go to dinner and after that my dear family want us to dress up as cowboys… but this is the night before my wedding… I have a stinking cold… and would really appreciate an early night so the day tomorrow isn’t ruined…

At this point I lose the plot, DB agrees we can do the photos another day and that we should just head to Chillis for dinner… :rolleyes1:

DH and I head back to the car where I spend a good 5 minutes sobbing before we can finally catch the others up at the restaurant… gee I’m such a drama queen!

Dinner at Chillis is good, we’ve never eaten there before. Although the fries were WAY to salty and we had to ask the waitress to bring us a fresh bowl of them. They also serve the best chocolate cake… we almost went back again later in the trip just for desert!

After dinner we all drive back to the villa, we’d left the food behind earlier so we need to raid the fridge and I needed to pick up my dress.

My mum decides to get her knickers in a twist again and tell me that I’m not being very fair not telling everyone what it expected of them tomorrow… I thought I’d done this ten times already but hey you can’t please everyone…

DH extracts me from the villa before World War Three kicks off and drives me back to the AKL. I finally head to bed at 11pm (so much for that early night) and DH drives back to the villa (it’s unlucky for the groom to see the bride on the day of the wedding).

I hope tomorrow turns out to be better than today… and keep your fingers crossed that it doesn’t rain again…
I hope you're all sitting very comfortably - this is a long one!

** ** ** **

Considering the awful evening and the fact that I’m alone in a strange hotel room I actually slept really well last night – the AKL has these amazing black out curtains that don’t let in a drop of light (even in the middle of a sunny day).

I do however still have a cold… my nose is running and my head feels like it’s full of cotton wool… best stock up on the ibruprofen!

I’d set my alarm for 9am but woke at about 8. I called the AKL spa on the off chance that they did manicures but no luck… seems I’m destined to get wed with no polish on my nails…

I switched on my mobile and picked up the text that DH had sent when he got back to the villa last night – so I’d know he’s made it in one piece. It was a lovely message saying how much he was looking forward to today.

I also got a text from my boss at work wishing me luck – which I thought was really sweet.

As I was thinking about eating breakfast the phone rang – it was Matthew by Disney wedding co-ordinator. He wished me a Happy Wedding Day and confirmed the times for this afternoon – when I hung up the phone I was beaming, and starting to feel very excited :bounce:

I switched on the tv while eating my cornflakes and flicked through until I reached the Weather Channel… I was pretty impressed that they had a section especially for the weather at WDW… and even happier when it said NO RAIN was forecast! Warm and sunny with a few clouds will suit me fine thank you very much :)

The phone rang again and it was Yvonne, my Virgin wedding co-ordinator wishing me luck for later – wow a girl can be very popular in her wedding day! :bride:

As time was pressing on I decided I’d better take a shower… hmm except I can’t get my hair wet… I hate showering without washing my hair :mad:

I got a box full of Kirby grips and spent a good 10 minutes pinning my hair up on top of my head… not a bad look actually… and then I donned the Mickey Mouse shower cap {glad I’m here alone :rolleyes1:} and headed for the shower.

By the time I was done it was time to throw on some clothes and head down to reception to meet the others.

The others being:
David – to take photos of the preparations
Emma – to keep him company
Victoria – to have her hair done

Mum and Dad were there too but they had a look around the hotel and then went back to the villa to get ready – the rooms at AKL are generous but not big enough for six people to be milling around in!

David and Emma went off to take photographs of the animals while Victoria and I scoured some magazines looking for hairstyles… yup it’s hours before the wedding and neither of us have decided on our hair :rolleyes1:

When they got back I had David making a cd for me to give to the photographer. Last week when Yvonne gave us the music selection for our video we couldn’t decide on what “common love song” to choose – they were all so mainstream. Then last night I’d noticed a tiny piece of small print at the bottom saying we could pick our own! Typical… I had a couple of cds with me but luckily David had a whole host of MP3s on his laptop. I picked out the Tim McGraw track I know how to love you well, I wanted us to have as our first dance at our at home reception, a track by Live called I want to Dance with you, and Richard Manuel is Dead (If I could give all my love to you) by the Counting Crows. I was keeping my fingers crossed that DH would like them all as I was making the decision without him!

About 15 minutes before the hairdresser was due Victoria started working on my make up. {She sells Virgin Vie make up back home and had gone on a wedding course so that she’d be able to do my make up – she’s such a star} We’d been told to have the base in place before I had my hair done so that it wouldn’t mess up my hair do.

The hairdresser turned up bang on time {I have to confess to not knowing her name! I was in the bathroom when she arrived and she must have introduced herself to the others but they can’t remember – I have a feeling it was Jane but I’m not really sure…}

She asked us who was going to have their hair done first… now Victoria has really long, thick wavy hair, and she had said she wanted it curled… takes a long time… so I had wanted to go first… can’t have the hairdresser running out of time and the bride turning up with only half a hairdo now can we? However just as I’m about to sit in the chair I mention that my head feels horrible form having “yesterday” hair – hence the Kirby grips… at which point “Jane” says: why haven’t you washed it then? Hey? I explain that Yvonne told me it couldn’t be clean, and Jane said different hairdressers liked to work with hair in different ways, and she liked it to be clean!

So now I’m in a dilemma – do I have my hair done dirty – or go wash it… bearing in mind that I’d love to jump in the shower but Victoria has painstakingly done my base make-up already…

Well it’s only 11am and I already feel grubby so clean hair it has to be… but the shower option is out, so I lean over the bath and have David wash my hair for me!

We manage to get it shampooed without damaging my make up and I concentrate on painting my toenails and buffing my fingernails while Victoria has her hair curled.

While she’s working with the curling tongs Jane asks me whether I’m having my hair up or down… now I’d been advised to have it up because of my veil – but I’d had my hair cut to above shoulder length the week before we left home… and Jane thinks it’s now too short for her to do a decent “up-style”.

At this point I grab some clips and my veil and do a parade around the room with my hair up / down / and in between :goofy:

Everyone agrees on half up half down… phew – a decision!

It doesn’t seem to take Jane any time at all to curl Victoria’s hair – and she does a fantastic job, Victoria looks stunning when she’s finished.

So now it’s my turn in the hot seat…

Jane does a great job – she flicks my hair out at the bottom (very Sandra Dee) and then curls the ends of the half she’s pinned up to give it some height so that my veil fits properly. Great job – I love it :love:

David goes out to get lunch while Jane is finishing my hair – and takes the 10 dollars DH gave me for my lunch money… of course this means that Jane finishes up and I realise I have no money for a tip! Oh how embarrassing, and she did such a great job… All you brides-to-be out there take note – keep some money aside for the hairdresser!
Lunch consists of chicken strips and fries… although I didn’t eat much as my stomach was churning – ok maybe I’m a little nervous after all. I’m also wearing my veil already and paranoid about it falling in the ketchup!

Before I know it mum and dad are back in their wedding outfits and it’s time for Victoria to finish my make-up.

I’m so glad we didn’t have the 1pm slot – we’d have never been ready!

Just after 1pm mum suddenly gets a funny look on her face and tells David to not let me look out of the window… so obviously I do… and OMG it’s RAINING! :faint:

I start to panic… the weather forecast said no rain… what’s going on?… then I think of the other DIS bride I know who is getting married at 1pm at Sunset Pointe, oh no she’ll have to get married inside… and the day was going so well…

Everyone convinces me not to worry too much about it – I can’t do anything about the weather so I shouldn’t worry about it… besides we have more pressing things to deal with, like doing up my bodice…

It is pulled together at the back by an 8 foot piece of satin and at this moment we realise that it’s only ever been done up by Pat in the bridal shop :eek:

I could write a new joke here, how many people does it take to do up a wedding dress? Four, one to hold each end, one to thread and one to supervise! :rotfl:

In the end David comes to the rescue and does it up perfectly – if not a little tight – but then who needs to breathe anyway? :rolleyes1:

It takes about 20 minutes but I’m in… all that’s left now is the skirt, which is easy enough… and voila I’m a bride! Wow :blush:

By now it’s quarter to two and time for David and Emma to go and meet the limo to take them over to Sunset Pointe. It’s at this point I realise that I still haven’t asked my mum to give me away – I’ve tried to all holiday but never found the right moment {in my head I always thought she’d say no as it would be too much of a break from tradition} so she looks at me and says – am I going in the limo with these two then? So I ask her if she’ll give me away with dad and she says yes! All that worry over nothing… :)

So David and Emma are off, Victoria touches up my make up {my nose is still running and starting to look a bit red :eek:} and adds my mascara {I hate wearing the stuff so we left it as long as possible} I put on my jewellery… and that’s it… I’m all ready…

I wouldn’t say I feel nervous… but I do worry that I’ve forgotten to do something… I wish I’d written a list so I could tick it off before we left the room… just another tip for you brides-to-be :bride:

As there’s nothing else we can do here Dad takes us outside to take some photos and then we go and wait for the limo.

It turns up on time and DC – our driver – is shocked that we’re out here waiting and not running around inside trying to get ready… at least something is going to plan, we’re on time… hooray!
We have great fun in the limo posing for pictures and before you know it we’re at the Poly.

DC tells me that the photographer will be waiting for me to get out of the limo – great I think this is where I fall on my butt!

I manage to get out as gracefully as possible and smile for the camera :)

The Disney photographer, Mike, introduces himself and tells us he’s going to take some arrival shots and then the Virgin photographer Ryan will take over for the ceremony.

At this point David comes round the corner with his camera and DC rushes over and moves him away… I didn’t think much of it at the time but here’s what happened…


Flashback: David and Emma are picked up in the limo from the AKL, on the way to the Poly the limo driver, DC, asks David if he’s nervous. David just complains that he’s hot in his suit and DC tells them where the secret stash of water is in the limo.

Fast forward to current time: DC rushes over to David and tells him that the groom can’t see the bride before the ceremony… “but I’m not the groom”, David says, “I’m her brother” :lmao: OMG what kind of groom did he think he was taking pictures of the bride?? :lmao:


So we have our arrival shots, and fool around a little for David who is now allowed to take photos!

Then Karen the Disney co-ordinator comes over to introduce herself, she tells me that DH is here, hidden around the back of the waterfall. She explains that he and Ian will go up to the Pointe, and that she will then take us up behind them.

As I’m still worried at this point about the other DIS bride I ask Karen if she was here for the 1pm wedding and whether it rained, she says she was, that the wedding was beautiful, and that there had been no rain at the Poly all day! Now I’m happy :sun:

She goes to collect my bouquet at this point. :flower2:

Now I should tell you here that I’ve never been a real girly girl, and flowers are not the be all and end all. I have read so many threads on the DIS about brides paying to have their bouquets preserved and always laughed at the expense… until I laid eyes on that bouquet… it really was the most beautiful thing… just a huge ball of gorgeous red roses, and boy was it heavy!

Ok my outfit is complete – I am ready to marry my DH…

Karen brings Jimmy round to meet me before we go outside, he’s a lovely chap, and we picked him following a recommendation from another DIS bride. He chats to Victoria about being bridesmaid – and also to mum and dad about them both giving me away.

Then we head outside… to a golf buggy :eek:

Karen explains that as it’s quite a walk to the Pointe we’re going to drive, so Karen and Jimmy get in the front seats, mum and Victoria get in the back seats, and dad and I perch on the seat in the back, facing backwards! I love it! Much more original than Cinderella’s coach and no one back home will believe me when I tell them that I arrived for the ceremony on the back of a golf buggy :rotfl:

When we reach the bottom of the path leading up to the Pointe we pile out of the buggy. Karen introduces me to the violinist while Jimmy heads up to the top of the path. I can see DH standing in the distance, facing out across the water towards Cinderella’s Castle, and I start to feel a bit teary. Karen explains that he’s been told to stand like that so he can’t see me.

And now it’s time to go…


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