Rude guests

I'm not a parent, not even an aunt. And while I find children endearing and fun to watch at Disney, I'm not sure I would be able to endure a flight with a wailing child. (Note...that's different from a just crying baby as opposed to a wailing, screeching child.)

As much as moms and dads don't think it's appropriate to be glared at when their child wails and screeches, it's not appropriate for them to think that others *must* endure it. People may understand and they may empathize but they don't have to like it. Human nature takes over and you're gonna get the glares and the stares. Hopefully, it's just the silent glares and stares and you don't get the morons who actually feel a need to say something (like the jerk in the theatre.)

There was a time we were flying and there was a baby 3 rows ahead of us. My brother and I thought, oh no....there's a baby so close to us...all we'll hear is crying and wailing. Ha! The baby was quiet and happily gurgling away...not a problem at all...UNTIL her dad starts playing with her and throwing her in the air...and she hit her head on the ceiling. That's when the waterworks started...and who could blame her then!!!!??? Uh...I think her dad's still hearing about it from her mommy. LOL
GoofieRuthie said:
:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Good one!!!

Definitely a rude thing to say. If I were that mom and had heard him say that. I would have sat right back down. I wouldn't want to ruin it for everyone else, but I would have waited at least a few more minutes and made him stew just a little longer.

That would have been great to do in fact. That Jerk!!! I would have said something to him. Being a rude Californian my self, I would have put him in his place. I am not necesarly rude, but I don't put up with peoples bad manners. Especially when people cut in line. I always speak my mind when someone cuts, my hubby gets so poed at me. But too bad, someone needs to say something. Or else people will keep doing it. All it takes is one person to say something, to embarrass the other party to knock it off. I hate rude people!!! And for some reason it happens way more in California then it does in Florida. What is wrong with us here? Sometimes I just want to knock them right over their heads with my lolli pop. :sad2:
My kids are just-turned-five and almost three. The oldest has always had a problem sleeping. He is a calm kid but just won't "let go" and actually sleep. At one point when he was 2 weeks old he was awake for 16 straight hours...seriously, I almost lost it. :rolleyes1
We had a 5+ hour flight when he was 15 months old. He never cried the whole flight and here is why: we kept him up and walking the aisles the WHOLE time. It was exhausting but it was the only thing we could figure out to keep him calm. I could tell it was bothering people to have us circle the plane continually but I just kept telling myself they would be bothered more if he had a tantrum. My DH and I laugh about how the day after a flight with our children we both wake up with sore muscles from working so hard and being so uptight while trying to keep our kids from bothering others. :rotfl2:

Here is something fun to try if you have a baby on a plane. Wait to board since it means you'll be stuck in your seat for less time that way and then when you do board, make eye contact with the people who look the most concerned about you sitting next to them. This will make them fear that you are heading their way because you are going to be seated next to them! I've even gone as far and to stop at the row of particularly twitchy people and look at my ticket like "hmmm this might be my seat".....It is really very fun. :thumbsup2
eargal said:
My kids are just-turned-five and almost three. The oldest has always had a problem sleeping. He is a calm kid but just won't "let go" and actually sleep. At one point when he was 2 weeks old he was awake for 16 straight hours...seriously, I almost lost it. :rolleyes1
We had a 5+ hour flight when he was 15 months old. He never cried the whole flight and here is why: we kept him up and walking the aisles the WHOLE time. It was exhausting but it was the only thing we could figure out to keep him calm. I could tell it was bothering people to have us circle the plane continually but I just kept telling myself they would be bothered more if he had a tantrum. My DH and I laugh about how the day after a flight with our children we both wake up with sore muscles from working so hard and being so uptight while trying to keep our kids from bothering others. :rotfl2:

Here is something fun to try if you have a baby on a plane. Wait to board since it means you'll be stuck in your seat for less time that way and then when you do board, make eye contact with the people who look the most concerned about you sitting next to them. This will make them fear that you are heading their way because you are going to be seated next to them! I've even gone as far and to stop at the row of particularly twitchy people and look at my ticket like "hmmm this might be my seat".....It is really very fun. :thumbsup2

I can't wait for my trip now. Cuz I know my son is going to have a cow on that plane. Although he may be better by then, since he will be 4. But sounds, like an excellent idea going down the aisles. Too bad for those people, thats right at least your child is calm.
Do you think I will have a problem flying at night though? :banana:
I don't want to hijack the thread, PM me if you want a story about flying at night. If you mean a "red-eye" flight, I have experience with that and it is nothing like I would have expected.
Alex2kMommy said:
This made me laugh! But how convenient that must have been for you to have extra room. :)

I think I was on a plane next to your DH. ;) DS2 began to cry when we got stuck on the taxiway for some reason. The guy got real antsy, just kept sighing loudly and glaring at DS, and I was doing everything I could think of to keep DS quiet, but nothing worked. Finally the glaring got to me, so I turned to him and glared back, daring him to say a word. He shut up and settled down, thank goodness. And once the plane began to move again, DS2 was an angel for the 6 hour flight.

I will say that even though my dh doesn't like crying, he handles it excellent because with twins, he has experienced those same mean looks from people. He never glares or gives mean looks and tries to focus on sometime else and even smiles at them (while being so so grateful that it is not he having to hold that crying baby). He even has tried helping people by tring to makes faces or talk to their child and is great with kids so many times it helps, at lease for a few minutes. We had 3 children in 4 years so we know what it is like, but are glad that our kiddos are abit older now.


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